One Night With The Billionaire

Chapter 28: Except You and I

Richard exchanged glances with Genesis and the latter shook her head in disapproval. Arianna has no family who is interested in being by her side in times like this.

“I just told you she’s more of a family to me. Do you still have to ask after some other relative?” Richard asked and the nurse apologised.

When the nurse stepped out, Richard asked “You know her family, right?” Glancing at Genesis. He really doesn’t know much about Arianna except that he was attracted to her and seemed as if her well being is his responsibility.

He doesn’t know why, but from the moment he sets his eyes on her in X-City, he has this pull towards her that he cannot explain. There’s something about her that he’s yet to find out.

“Yes, I do. But she’d not be in close contact with them for years. Her mom is dead and her father is glued to his wife and daughter that Arianna appears like an intruder to them” Genesis explained.

“Invariably, she doesn’t have anyone besides herself and her son” Richard asked further. No wonder, she looked lonely and abandoned.

“Yes, except you and I. We are the only family she’s got now” Genesis declared. She would be Arianna’s sister and Richard can choose to be her brother. They would make a family for her, right?

“Yeah, we are her family now,” Richard nodded. A feeling of gladness swept through his subconscious mind. He felt happy with his decision and intended from that moment on to look after her.

Richard glanced at Genesis and their eyes met. They smiled at each other and Richard said, “we need to talk” and held her, walking out of the ward.

He instructed the nurses to look after his patient until he’s back. If there’s anything they could call him immediately and also inform any of the doctors around.

He brought Genesis into his car and as soon as they got in, he held her wrist and said “Do you have feelings for me?” Smiling broadly.

“I should be asking you why you find it difficult to express how much you’ve been crushing on me.” Genesis asked.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Richard chuckled loudly. “I was going to express my feelings that evening when Eli was taken away by Jace’s men. So I decided to let this whole issue on ground be cleared. But now I guess I don’t need to say it again?” He teased.

“You still have to say it, it’s important to me” Genesis declared, smiling and turning herself slightly to glance at him.

Richard smiled and said “Alright. I’m in love with you. I love you Genesis” he said and chuckled before adding “that’s how you want it right?”

“Yes, that’s what I want to hear. But tell me, are you dating someone else?” She asked. She had learnt her lesson about falling in love with a man that has a place for another woman in his heart.

“No. We broke up” Richard declared. Genesis shrugged and before she could say jack, Richard’s lips were on hers. He kissed her sweetly and they remained in that position for a while, just kissing each other.

Richard’s phone chirped and he paused, withdrawing from the kiss and knew from the ring tone that the caller was his mom. He answered the phone.

“Hello Mom” he said, adjusting himself and starting the ignition. He glanced at Genesis with a smile and placed the phone on speaker.

“You are unusually late today. So I’m just checking on you” Luciana Delmark said. Richard is her only child and she cares so much about him, more than her own life, she loves him.

“I’m fine mom. My friend got into a terrible state and I’m with her in the hospital. I will be a little late tonight. But don’t worry, everything is in shape now..” he replied.

He drove out of the hospital premises and headed towards the path leading to the restaurant where Genesis and Eli had waited for him that night. He was feeling famished.

“Do I need to inform the servants to bring you dinner?” Luciana asked. “No, I’m having dinner with my girlfriend,” Richard replied.

“You have a girlfriend now?” Luciana asked. Her son had broken up with Tessa. She was worried because she thought they were meant for each other and despite asking Richard, he never told her exactly what led to their break up.

“Yes,” Richard answered. “I want to meet her, bring her home, okay. And I wish your friend a quick recovery. Your dad sends his best regards to your friend as well..” Luciana declared and soon hung up.

“Your mom treats you like a baby” Genesis asked. She heard her tone and the way she talked to Richard as if he couldn’t make his choice of girlfriend.

“Yes. When Tessa and I broke up, she was worried about it. She hasn’t seen me with any girl after that. It’s been six months now and we’ve not been in touch with each other.

She’s definitely happy that I found another woman that I love. Recovering from the break up was not easy for me. But I survived and now, I’m happy again” Richard explained.

“Why did you break up with her?” Genesis asked, as Richard drove into the parking lot of the restaurant. The latter paused and glanced at her briefly before saying “She’s not in love with me”

He unbuckled his seat belt and continued “She loves someone else but I love her. I knew she was seeing another guy but I was ready to let it go if she stays with me.

But I couldn’t take it when I caught her with a doctor friend of mine, having sex in my office lounge. That was too much for me to accept. I almost had a heart attack from the scene of it.

But worse, she was not remorseful about it. She told me I wasn’t married to her yet and so, she’s not obliged to be faithful to me…”Richard paused.

He stepped out and came over to hold the door for Genesis. His eyes had gone reddened and Genesis knew talking about it hurts him again.

That’s how it is. Whenever she thinks about Analdo, she feels hurt as well. It usually pained her heart as if it just happened and the memory was still fresh in her heart.

She stepped out of the car and he shut the door. Richard was avoiding meeting her gaze and Genesis knew it. She paused in her track and held his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

“I’m sorry Richard. I didn’t mean to bring back unpleasant memory” she said and the latter forced a smile. “It’s alright, I’ve survived and it’s in the past now”

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