Ouch, My CEO Fiance Fell For His Maid

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid By Lisa Salman Chapter 134

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid By Lisa Salman Chapter 134

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid by Lisa Salman Chapter 134

14- Life Is Too Short! (Book 2)

As we sat on the couch, my hand was in his, and my frustration was pouring out. “We advertised everywhere that we are going on appointments, hundred percent. Still, I keep getting these stubborn customers who whine and complain that they didn’t know about the change. In the end, after a lot of arguments, we usually take them because well… they are our clients.”

He listened patiently while his rough thumb pad circled patterns on my palm. “That sounds so frustrating. It’s hard when you do everything you can to communicate a change and still have people complain.”

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. Exactly! But then we end up taking them anyways because they’re our clients and we don’t want to lose business.”

He agreed, “I know what you mean. I have clients who want to get drunk on someone else’s money. And if someone else isn’t available, they expect the club to tolerate the shit. Then there’s always the risk of a pervert who might be bullying a beautiful girl like you.”

He squeezed my hand mischievously. “But I think I have one advantage in my business.”

Curious, I turned my head to look at him. ”

What’s that?”

“We have trained bodyguards who can take care of those perverts. We take the safety of our clients very seriously.”

I smiled at the thought, “That’s good to know. But you’re the one who saved me from one, remember?” I teased him.

He chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “Because you’re special, Eve.”

I blushed at the compliment.

“Thanks for listening to my silly problems. I hope I am not causing you this boredom…,” I said, leaning my cheek on the headrest.

“Shut up, Eve,” he replied, leaning forward, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him, “That’s what friends are for.”

Friends? We might not be lovers, but we were definitely more than friends.

I looked up at him and tried to take my mind off this useless thought, “Umm. Do you ever worry about losing clients?”

He furrowed his brows, looking thoughtful. “Well, long legs, I do strive to provide the best service possible. But always remember that in your business you can’t please everyone. There will always be difficult clients and those as well who will decide to go elsewhere for various reasons.”

I nodded, understanding his point. “I guess you’re right. It’s just hard when you feel like you’re doing everything you can and still have people complaining.”

He kissed my forehead, “I know it can be tough. But you’re doing a great job, Eve. Your clients are lucky to have you.”

I smiled feeling a sudden rush of excitement, “Thanks, that means a lot.”

“Anytime,” he said, pressing a kiss again to my forehead. “Now, let’s forget about work for a bit and just enjoy each other’s company.” He whispered making my heart go crazy.

His touch did not feel imposing.

I leaned into him more and closed my eyes. Right now, it felt nice to just forget about work and focus on him.

“Someone is feeling sleepy.” I smiled when I heard his teasing voice and tried to snuggle against him.

“Yeah. Maybe a little.” I was here just for dinner and for his company. Not for spending the night.

“Do you want to go inside and use my bed?”

He shook his head when he saw me raising my eyes, “I won’t sleep beside you, Eve. I won’t even enter the room.” There was solemness on his face.

“Or maybe it’s time to leave?” I didn’t make a move to stand and just kept staring at his face.

He held my hands and kissed them one by one, “Then I will happily drop you to your place.”

I was still looking into his eyes maybe trying to assess his intentions.



“I want you,” I muttered making his eyes go wide.


“Please…” Crap! Was I begging him?

He cupped my face in his palms and gave a quick peck on my lips, “On one condition then.”

“And that is?”

“Don’t leave my place without waking me up.” I wanted to laugh but felt my heart being squeezed in my chest. He was hurt.

Because of me!

“I… I am sorry. I won’t. I promise.”

He smiled and nodded at me, bringing his mouth closer, “The couch or the bed?”

My face broke into a grin, “Here! Now?”


We both were breathless, lying on the couch.

His finger circled my back as a telltale sign that he was not much sleepy. Like me. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“What are you thinking?” I heard his whisper near my ear and turned my face to him only to find his lips very close to mine.

“Nothing,” I said kissing him and he was quick to respond to me. I at once felt his hand behind my head to deepen the kiss.

I moaned into his mouth before clutching his still naked body to me. What was the problem with my body? Why was it acting as if it didn’t get the climax for a very long time?

He must be feeling the same because his mouth started opening on mine, tasting me, exploring me.

“Evelyne!” he murmured my name in a painfully softest voice.

“Hmm.” I didn’t want him to detach his mouth.

“Don’t leave tonight!” he didn’t give the time to respond to it. In a way, I was happy that he requested it.

“I won’t.” I wrapped my legs around his body and entered my tongue in his mouth.

Though I couldn’t smile when I heard his moan.

I didn’t want to leave his side.

Not for the night at least.

“Adonis!” I screamed his name when I couldn’t take it anymore and came. He fell on my body limply and then I felt his lips against my wet temple.

“Evelyne.” He called my name breathlessly.

“Hmm?” I closed my eyes in pure bliss and smiled, “What is it, Adonis?” I asked trying to hold a yawn.

“I love you!” My eyes went wide. 1

“What?” I chuckled, not sure what to say. “I said, I love you.” I looked at his face which had an alien expression.


I had gone still under him.

“Umm. Adonis.” I cleared my throat, “Move away, please.”


“Please, Adonis. Move.” I asked him softly.

He kept looking at my face and then at last giving up he moved off my body. I stood up and started looking for my things.

Here! My panties!

“Eve. Can we talk? Look I know we needed to go slow, and I think I messed up. But life is too short, Eve.”

I didn’t say anything and kept myself busy wearing my clothes.

“Honey. Talk to me.” I didn’t even bother to turn to him. After putting on my clothes, I fixed my hair with my hands and turned to him, “Thanks for the wonderful dinner, Adonis. I really enjoyed it.” He had a sheet wrapped around his waist, “And see? I am not leaving in your sleep this time.”

Before he could say anything, I picked up my purse and left his apartment.


It had been two weeks since I left Adonis’

apartment, and things had been quiet. I didn’t hear from him, nor did he make any attempt to reach out to me. But he did call Ashley after I left to make sure I had arrived home safely, which I appreciated.

My friends could tell that something was off when they saw me, but they didn’t push for an explanation this time, which I was grateful for. I had started going to counseling sessions again, and while the topics we discussed were similar to last time, I found myself talking more about Adonis than Elijah.

My therapist thought that this was a positive sign that I was moving on from my past relationship, but I knew deep down that I couldn’t move on from my first love.

“Girls, movie, or a series on Netflix?” Ashley asked, interrupting my thoughts as she munched on some potato chips.

“No movie, please,” I said, clasping my hands together. “Maybe a thriller?”

“I agree with Eve,” Aniya chimed in as she emerged from the kitchen. “Oh, and by the way, I can’t find any pack of tacos in there,”

she said, placing her hand on her hip.

“I’ll go get some from the store,” I offered, at once grabbing my jacket. “It’s just one block away.”

As I put on my jacket, I couldn’t help but think about Adonis.

Why did he have to say those words? Why did he have to mess everything up? I shook head and tried to push those thoughts aside as I grabbed my wallet.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Ashley asked, concern etched on her face.

I shook my head, “No, it’s okay. I just need some fresh air.” I said with a fake smile.

As I walked down the street towards the store, my thoughts kept drifting back to Adonis. I had no idea what to do about him.

I couldn’t deny that I had feelings for him, but I was scared of getting hurt again. As I reached the store, I pushed those thoughts. aside and focused on getting the tacos.

I grabbed a few packs and paid for them before making my way back to the apartment.

When I walked in, Aniya and Ashley were already settled on the couch, ready to start the series they had selected.

Two big bowls of steaming hot popcorn were placed on the coffee table. Without looking at them I could tell that they were cheese and caramel flavored, “Here are your tacos,” I said, handing Eve the pack. ” Thanks, Eve. You’re the best.”

Aniya said, taking the packs and dug into it. I sat down next to Ashley and tried to focus on the movie, but my mind kept drifting back to Adonis.

What was I going to do about him?

Oh, Adonis! Why you had to ruin everything? Why couldn’t I get you without any commitment? But no matter how many excuses I would give myself. I knew he was a man who would not want to go for one- night stands.Top of Form I stood up drawing my friends’ attention.

“What?” Ashley paused the series that I found utterly boring.

“Nothing. Don’t stop it. I need to go to the bathroom. It might take time.” I muttered. and left the living room. I didn’t want to join them. All I wanted was him.

He had said that life was too short. And I was missing him. He was giving me space. He didn’t want to touch me without my consent.

He was proving to be a great company and a very good friend. Sitting on the bathroom seat, I covered my face with my palms.

What should I do? Should I let go of my ego and call him?

I knew I couldn’t avoid Adonis forever. The constant push and pull between us was taking a toll on me.

I stood up, splashed some water on my face, and took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom. As I walked back into the living room, Ashley paused the series again, “Hey, is everything okay?”

Aniya was already half asleep on the couch. I forced a smile, “Yeah, just had a headache. Can we switch to something else?”

“Sure,” Ashley said and started browsing through the options. “How about a rom com?” she suggested. I shook my head, “No, let’s watch something intense. I need to keep my mind off things.”

Again, my dear friend didn’t ask me anything personal. We settled on another crime thriller, but my mind kept drifting back to Adonis.

I couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing at that moment. Was he thinking about me? Did he regret saying those words?

Was he serious? I tried to focus on the movie, but my thoughts were overpowering.

I again excused myself, “I need some air, Ash. I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Eve!” She tried to say something, but I raised my hand to stop, “I am fine. Just need some time.” I walked away and stepped out into the cool night air, taking deep breaths.

The small city was alive with sounds and lights, but all I could think about was him.

His words. His misty eyes.

Hell. I had fallen for him. No? How could I have been so stupid to fall for someone other than Elijah?

“Give your life a chance, Eve. Everything will fall into place. Stop being afraid of love. Elijah is no more there. You are still alive.” My counselor’s voice echoed in my head.

I leaned against a wall, closing my eyes as I tried to fight back tears. Just then, my phone buzzed, and I saw Adonis’s name on the screen. It was a message from him.

My heart skipped a beat as I read the text, Evelyne. I am missing you! Yours Adonis.”

I laughed through the tears and closed my eyes. I stayed like this for a few minutes.

I needed to give him a chance. If he shared the same name that didn’t mean he deserved my negligence. Taking a deep breath, I smiled and held my phone to type a message to him. I wanted to tell him that I miss him too.

I didn’t know for how long I kept standing there and kept thinking. I was about to type the message when I heard a scream from inside. And then a little chaos.

Forgetting about Adonis, I rushed inside. only to find Ash looking at the TV screen.

She was crying silently, and her palm was placed on her chest. A sleepy Aniya was now awake rubbing her eye with her fist.

I frowned, “What? What is it?” I asked walking closer to them and then stopped dead. The news headline on TV read: BLAST IN COCKTAIL CRUSADERS CLUB.

I slowly turned to Ashley and Aniya who were now looking at me. Fear and worry crept into my heart. This was the same club that was owned by Adonis.

The same one where we first met. There was a blast, and now the channel was telling about the number of casualties. The injured ones and dead ones.

Oh my God! Where was Adonis?

I swallowed hard.

“Eve. Can we talk? Look I know we needed to go slow, and I think I messed up. But life is too short, Eve.”

Like Elijah… Adonis was also … No!

He tried to warn me … that life was too short.

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