Ouch, My CEO Fiance Fell For His Maid

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid Chapter 123

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid Chapter 123

Ouch! My CEO Fiancé Fell For His Maid Chapter 123

3-Still An Adonis (Book 2)

I felt a mix of shock and excitement as Adonis leaned in and whispered in my ear calling me long legs. My staff was still watching us, and I could feel their eyes on me as I tried to compose myself.

I took a step back from him and looked up, trying to gauge his intentions. Was he just playing with me, or did he really like me?

He must have sensed my hesitation because he took a step forward and reached out to touch my arm, “This was the first thing I noticed about you when we met in that club. Your legs.”

I could sense my cheeks heating up to his gaze. Thankfully his low whispers were not audible to others… except that man sitting on the stylist’s seat.

I nodded, still feeling a little dazed, I managed to say. “I appreciate your honesty… Adonis!”

He smiled, “I don’t like playing games, long legs. Life’s too short for that, you know?”

I nodded again, feeling a surge of admiration for him. How right he was! Who would know about this bitter truth of life better than me? Life was too short indeed.

He was so different from the other guys I had dated for the past two years, who always seemed to be playing some kind of game or trying to impress me with their wealth or status or fake cockiness.

Adonis seemed genuine, down-to-earth, and refreshingly honest. I couldn’t wait to get to know him better, and I hoped that our coffee date the next morning would just be the beginning of something special.

“Earth to, Evelyne. He has left!” I heard Mrs. Margret bellowing, followed by laughter from the people around me.

“Uh, oh. Where is this customer?” I asked about the man who was waiting for the haircut trying to wipe that embarrassing drool off my face.

“He already left with your man,” June said teasingly and got busy with her business. That man had paid but left without getting my services.

I needed to return his money. But how? Tomorrow I will ask Adonis to share his details. They both seemed to know each other quite well.

I just could not wait for the day to get over.

Tomorrow morning, we were meeting for coffee! Yayy! This time I gave a fu *ck if my staff was looking at me. It was hard to control that silly smile quickly spreading on my lips.


“What the hell is going on here?” Aniya came inside my room and ran a gaze. A surprised gasp left her mouth as expected. The true crisp and proper Evelyne had her clothes all over the room.

“I just can’t seem to decide what to wear for our tomorrow’s coffee meet up.” I kept throwing my t-shirts on the floor.

“Ok. B…But can’t you just wear your work clothes?” She rolled her eyes, trying to knock some sense into me.

“No!” I complained, “I want to wear a skirt.” I usually preferred denim pants to work. But that day, when I met Adonis, I was wearing a short skirt that showed off my long legs.

He was not the first one who complimented them.

“He called me, long legs. He liked my legs!” I pouted and placed my hands on my hips.

“He called you what?” Aniya’s mouth was hung open at that.

She shook her head and walked over to where I was standing, picking up one of the shirts from the floor. “Eve, you can’t do this. You can’t change yourself for some guy. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

I rolled my eyes. “I know. I’m not changing myself, Aniya. I’m just having fun with my style. Is that so wrong?” “But you’re not having fun. You’re stressing yourself out over what to wear for a guy. You don’t need to impress anyone, especially not some guy who only likes you for your legs.”

I huffed. “You don’t understand, Aniya. He seems different. He’s not like those other guys out there who wanted to get laid right after the first meetup.” “Come on, Eve. There is no warning written on their faces. You need to keep your heart intact and safe. They’re all the same. They only want one thing.”

I glared at her. “You sound bitter, Aniya.” I even managed to stick my tongue out.

Aniya’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not bitter, silly. I just don’t want you to make any mistakes. I don’t want you to get hurt in all this. You deserve someone who likes you for who you are, not just your legs.”

I crossed my arms. “Adonis does like me for who I am. He’s interested in what I have to say, not just how I look.” “Then why do you feel the need to dress up for him? Why can’t you just wear what makes you comfortable?” “Because I want to feel confident, Aniya. Is that too much to ask?”

Aniya sighed. “No, it’s not too much to ask. But you don’t need to dress a certain way to feel confident. You should feel confident in whatever you wear.”

I looked down at the pile of clothes on the floor and sighed. “I guess, I give up. Help me!”

Aniya smiled. “Of course. For now, let’s go and eat something and forget about Adonis.”

I chuckled. “Thanks, girl.”

Aniya grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. “That’s what friends are for.”

She didn’t prepare coffee for me due to my coffee meetup as I couldn’t afford more than one cup in the morning.

I just munched a small piece of butter croissant.

After breakfast, as we walked back to my room, Aniya said, “Let’s find you something comfortable to wear. You don’t need to dress up to impress anyone.”

I nodded in agreement. “You’re right.” But what to do with my disturbing heartbeat?

“And you will feel confident, Eve. You always do. Let’s look for something that shows off your personality.”

We rummaged through my closet, pulling out different pieces of clothing.

Aniya held up a blue sundress and said, “What about this?”

I shook my head. “I wore that when I met him at the club.”

Aniya nodded in understanding and kept searching. She pulled out a yellow flowy top and a pair of ripped jeans. “What about this?” “That’s perfect. It’s casual but still stylish.”

Aniya handed me the clothes, “Now, let’s not do anything with your hair.”

I raised a brow. “What do you mean?” how this brat knew that I was planning to curl them?

“Your hair looks beautiful just the way it is, Eve. You don’t need to curl it or style it in any way. Just let it be natural. You have beautiful jet black hair and I wish I could steal them. God straightened them naturally for you. Don’t you dare ruin them.”

I hesitated for a moment before agreeing. “Okay, I trust you.”

Aniya showed me a thumbs up, “Good. Now go and enjoy your coffee with Adonis.”

As I walked out of my apartment, I felt good. I realized that I didn’t need to change who I was or dress a certain way to impress someone. I just needed to be myself, and the right person would appreciate me for who I am.

***Top of Form

I parked my car near the Salon and saw a black Mercedes Benz parked there. I never witnessed this classic beauty in our neighborhood. Who did it belong to?

Thinking to myself, I started walking to the cafe that was just five minutes away from the Salon. With a speeding heartbeat, I entered there and looked around. I was ten minutes early. I hoped he would not think of me as a desperate woman.

Fixing the strap of my purse on my shoulder, I stepped ahead and found him sitting on a round table in the farthest corner of the room.

No way! H…he was earlier than me. Fu*ck!

He was busy on his phone and seemed to be engrossed in it. There were crease lines on his forehead and he looked so … so good in that black shirt and black dress pants. Like me, he was supposed to go to work after having coffee with me.

I took a deep breath and walked towards him. As I got closer, he looked up from his phone and our eyes met. A smile spread across his face, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement.

“Hey,” he said, standing up from his chair.

“Hey,” I replied, my heart racing.

He rounded the table and pulled out a chair for me like a gentleman. I couldn’t help but notice how good he smelled. It was a mix of his cologne and something else that was uniquely him.

“Thanks.” As we sat down, he ordered coffee and sandwiches.

After taking our order, when the waitress left, he asked me casually about my morning schedule, and I told him about my daily morning rush to get ready for work. He listened intently, and I found myself getting lost in his deep green eyes.

Before coming here, I was literally panicking that how would I carry on a decent conversation.

“How about you?” I asked, trying to compose myself.

He shrugged. “Just the usual. Meetings, emails, the daily grind.’

I nodded in understanding. “I know the feeling. Sometimes it takes away all my energy.”

We sipped our coffee and made small talk while eating, but there was an underlying tension between us. I could feel it, and I knew he could too.

Suddenly, he leaned in closer, and I could feel his breath on my cheek. “I hope it’s not too soon,” he whispered, “I’ve been thinking about you this whole damn week.

I couldn’t help but feel a rush of desire. “Oh really?” I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

He nodded, his eyes locked with mine. “Yeah. I couldn’t get you out of my head. You’re just so… I don’t know…”

I bit my lip, feeling the sexual tension but then quickly shrugged it off.

No way! I must be imagining it. Well, I could say the same about you, hottie. So, I came up with a lame, “Thanks.”

He leaned back, “Are you done with your coffee? Should I order something else for you?” “I’m actually still sipping on it,” I said, trying to sound composed. “But thank you.”

His eyes crinkled at the corners. “No problem. Take your time, long legs!”

We fell into a comfortable silence, and I found myself stealing glances at him. He was handsome, with strong features and a hint of stubble on his jawline. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to run my fingers over it.

“So, what are your hobbies?” he asked, breaking the silence. I shrugged and didn’t know what to tell him. For the last two years, there were no hobbies for me.

I felt a twinge of embarrassment as I realized I didn’t have much to share about my hobbies. “Honestly, I haven’t really had much time for hobbies lately,” I admitted.

He looked at me with genuine interest. “What do you do for fun, then?”

I thought for a moment before replying, “I like to read and go for walks. And sometimes I’ll binge-watch a show on Net***flix.” I said with a faint smile while I used to do all these things way before Elijah died.

Recently it was just the work, eat, and sleep cycle.

He grinned. “Sounds like great ways to relax. What are you currently reading?”

I smiled, feeling more at ease. “I haven’t read anything recently as my work takes a lot of time.” I tried to be a little bit honest with him.

He nodded. “I can relate!”

We chatted for a while longer about meaningless things. As we finished our coffee and stood up to leave.Top of Form

He held my hand and led me out of the cafe. Not leaving my hand, he started walking me back to the salon just a little distance away.

“So, what else do you do in that salon except giving those amazing haircuts.” He asked me casually. Too conscious of his touch on my hand I managed a smirk.

“I own it.” My comment took him by surprise and made him stop.

“Crap! This… this is… I mean … wow!” he chuckled.

“So, what brings you here to this town?’ I asked him, trying to keep the conversation light.

“Just for business purposes. I am not new in this town and planning to settle here,” he replied, a sly smile gracing the corners of his mouth. “But I never had this idea that I will be meeting someone. I guess I need to make it quick if I want to start it here.”

I felt a flush rise to my cheeks, but I tried to play it cool. “Well, I’m glad you came here.”

We arrived at the salon, and I unlocked the door and opened it for him, letting him in first. As he walked in, I couldn’t help but notice the way his broad shoulders filled out his shirt.

Thankfully my staff had not arrived yet.

“So, what do you think of the place?” I asked, gesturing around the salon.

“It’s nice. I don’t know much about you, long legs,” he replied, his eyes lingering on me again. “But I’m more interested in you.”

I swallowed hard, “So,” I smiled at him playfully, “what can I do for you today, Mr. Adonis? Do you need a haircut?” I asked, trying to steer the conversation to a lighter side. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

He grinned looking into my eyes, “Just looking for a trim, Ms. Long legs, I guess. Maybe a little bit of a change? Can you do it for free?” he fluttered his lashes making me chew my lower lip to keep myself from laughing.

I needed to do something with my hands. Not knowing much about what to do, I started arranging products on the already cleaned dresser.

He sat down on the stylist’s chair, I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes were locked on my face, watching my every move through the mirror. I tried to focus on the haircutting tools, but I couldn’t shake that delicious feeling that his eyes were on me.

“So, do you like going out?” he asked, trying to make conversation.

“Not much, actually” I replied, my hands moving expertly putting the pedicure stuff in an electric sterilizer. “Just sometimes going out with friends, trying new restaurants, that sort of thing.” I used to try new clubs with Elijah and Sam, so I tried to shrug off the nostalgic feeling.

“I think … I should probably take my leave, long legs.” He gracefully hopped out of the chair, “If any of your salon gang walk in, they might think I am stalking you.” I shook my head at that.

“No, no. don’t worry about them. They all are sweethearts.” I got quiet and found him looking at me with that seriousness. The aqua-green color of his eyes seemed to darken.

He gave me a tight-lipped smile and started moving backward, his eyes still locked with mine. At last, he turned around and went out.

I followed him just to say goodbye.

As we stood outside the salon, he turned to face me, “Interested in a quick lunch tomorrow?” he asked me, “If it’s not too soon for you. I know I sound stupid but…”

I felt that familiar flutter in my chest at the thought that he wanted to spend more time with me, but I tried to keep my voice steady. ‘Hey. Please don’t. You don’t sound stupid. I will love to have lunch with you, Mister Adonis.’ I replied and winked.

He smiled and cupped my cheek gently. The moment his hand touched my face, I felt my skin burning under the touch. “Great. I’ll meet you tomorrow at that little Chinese place on 3rd Street at 2.”

I nodded, and he started to walk away. But before he was out of earshot, he turned back to me and said, “By the way, I had a great time this morning after such a long time. It is said when you look at a beautiful face then your day is going to be all good. Guaranteed!” he showed me a thumbs up,” Thanks for coming out with me, Ms. Log legs.”

I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me. “I enjoyed it too, Mr. Adonis, ” I replied.

I didn’t know what got into him. He walked back to me, leaned in, and gently kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and then felt him pull back and gave me one last smile before turning and walking away.

As I watched him go, I felt a flush rise to my cheeks. The kiss was so gentle, but it spoke volumes about that unexplainable connection between us. I knew that I was in for a slow burn with this man, but I was willing to wait for the flames to ignite. For now, I was content to savor the memory of his touch and the promise of more to come.

No way. The man walked to the Mercedes Benz parked there and climbed into it. Who was he?

“Shit!” I facepalmed, “I again forgot to ask his name. He was still an Adonis to me.

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