Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2


Jasmine Pov

Xavier’s colleagues came and got him for some pack business which had just left me and Sabrina. We ended up going back to her house. Sabrina went to help her mom with some stuff while I went out to train with Adam. Sabrina and Lori could still see us. Adam and I started training for a while. Sabrina joined us.

“You are getting better,” Adam tells us. He is beaming at Sabrina as he does.

” No thanks to you, old man,” Sabrina says, and we all laugh. We all headed back inside and heard a knock on the door. Adam opens the door, and we see John, Leena, Darnell, and Oliver standing there. I felt terrified, as I had not seen any of them since I rejected Oliver. Oliver’s face was directly on me. His eyes held anger, but he was smiling strangely. Not good.

They push past Adam and just come in.

Oliver then turns to Adam, who bows in respect.

” Adam, as alpha, I have to go over reports that come to my office, and one has recently come to mine,” he says. He pauses and we wait for him to continue.

” It has been reported that your daughter has been hooking up with a mated male in our pack. As you know, according to wolf law, it is one of our forbidden rules to do so with a mated male,” Oliver states.

I look at Sabrina. There is no way that’s true.

I’m sorry, alpha, but whoever told you this has told you lies. Our Sabrina is not like that. She remains pure both body and soul”, Lori says, standing up.

” I have to agree with my wife. She has never smelled like another male, and we would know if she did”, Adam states.

“I understand Adam, but we have witnesses who state otherwise. A trial will be held in an hour to dispute her claims. Until then, arrest her” he commanded.

“NOO” I shouted, and I stood in front of Sabrina protectively. So do Lori and Adam.

“STAND DOWN,” Oliver says in his alpha voice, forcing Adam and Lori to step away forcefully, but not me. I don’t need to listen to them. He steps in front of me and looks me in my eye, smiling. Leena has the same smirk and John looks surprised at my defiance.

“I said… STAND DOWN”, Oliver demands, putting all his power in his Alpha voice, but it doesn’t do anything.

” You will not touch her,” I said, and I know my eyes are glowing purple and don’t care. They are trying to take Sabrina. Over my fucking dead body. I am taking a step forward. They all take a step back. Oliver’s eyes widened.

“What the fuck are you?” Leena says with a hint of fear in her voice. I like how it sounds there.

“You’re the worst fucking nightmare if you think you are about to take her,” I told them with a small smile. I trained. I prepared for this. I was ready to fight them.

“She’s a witch,” Darnell says with malice lacing his voice. Oliver pauses and examines my face before smiling again. His eyes clouded over. Seconds later, 5 warriors come busting through the door.

“I agree. Take them. Take them both”, Oliver commands, and his soldiers rush to me. Sabrina was Alpha commanded, so she couldn’t stand up.

“Get Up” I commanded her. I can hear Lunar mixed in my voice. Sabrina gets up immediately. Weird.

” YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME”, Oliver yells in his alpha voice and she bears her neck.

” No Sabrina. You will not listen to him. From now on. you will listen to me”, I command her, and she stops showing her neck at once.

“SUBMIT,” Oliver tells her, but she only smiles and gets in a defensive position. His commands no longer worked on her. Leena gasps and John just backs away slowly with a knowing smile on his face. What the hell? Oliver and Darnell both looked afraid.

” SEIZE THEM”, Oliver orders, and they attack. Oliver and Darnell both rush out of the house.

Sabrina and I were ready since we had fought side by side against her parents. We dodged their attacks and ran out of the door together to give us more space. By then, pack members were gathering around.

Sabrina and I delivered hard blows, not killing them, but enough to knock them out. They were all almost on the ground when we heard Oliver’s Alpha command.

“ENOUGH”, Oliver commanded, and we turned to him. Two-pack members both had Lori and Adam with knives to their throats. Sabrina and I both stopped fighting, breaking concentration, which was the worst thing to do because I saw Sabrina fall to the ground. By the time I realized she had been knocked out from behind, it was too late because the same happened to me.

Xavier Pov

Something is wrong. I didn’t know what it was, but I felt like something was happening. Why do I feel like this? Currently, I’m in a meeting with some of the alphas who are going over their expansion plans.

“What is wrong with you?” Lamar links me.

” I don’t know, I feel like something is wrong with me. I feel fear and anger”. I link him back.

” I don’t think you’re feeling your feelings. You are feeling hers” he says, and immediately I stand up and leave. Why is she scared? Why is she afraid? What is happening?

Jasmine Pov

I woke up in what seemed to be a cell. I am chained and so is Sabrina, who is already awake. They have covered our mouths to keep from speaking but they don’t know I can mind-link.

“Sabrina, are you okay?” I linked her.

“Yes, I am fine. I know this is Jassy Jas. They are using me to get back at you for rejecting Oliver.” She links back. I growled inwardly.

” It will be okay Sabrina. I will get us out of this”, I tell her, though I don’t know how, and she knows it.

“No, I won’t. They have photographs and it is photoshopped to look like I am kissing another man, no doubt the work of the bitch twins. Just promise me something Jasmine: She says

“NO. Don’t say that, because it sounds like to me you are losing hope already. I can’t lose you too, I just can’t”, I told her. Now it’s her turn to growl at me.

” Listen. I will do all I can to prove my innocence, but we both know they will not listen. I have accepted my fate already, so fucking listen to what I’m about to tell you. I love you, Jasmine. You’re my sister above anything else. You’re strong. You are so fucking strong, and if by chance I die, I need you to promise me three things. The first is that if I die and you survive, you will leave with Xavier. ” She says.

“Why would I leave with Xavier?” I asked, but she rolled her eyes.

” Just promise me,” she says impatiently.

“Fine, I promise. What else” I asked.

” The second is that when you leave with Xavier, take my parents with you. No doubt they will be in pain, but I need you to protect them. You are the only one that can”, she says. She knows I will. I love Lori and Adam as if they were parents of my own.

” I promise,” I tell her.

” And last, there are two letters on my dresser underneath my pants drawer in my room. Take them with you. They are for your eyes only, unless you choose to share them.” She demands. Tears are in my eyes, but I promise. Tears are filling up hers too. We hear warriors coming in.

“Stay Strong” She links me before bags are placed over both our heads, and we are taken to our trial.

Xavier Pov

I rush to her hut, but she is not there. I rushed to Sabrina’s house. She had given me her location last night in case I needed her for something. She isn’t there, but a man and woman who look like her are. It must be her parents. The woman is crying, and the man looks like he is in pain.

” My name is Xavier, Alpha King, or The United States. I am looking for Jasmine, who I assume is with Sabrina. Have you seen her?” I asked them and the woman stopped crying. They both look at me and nod respectfully.

“My name is Adam. They were just taken, your highness, by the alpha to the dungeons. A trial is to be held for them”. The man named Adam states.

“On what charges?” I asked. I am going to kill this fucking Alpha.

” Our daughter was charged with Adultery, your grace. It is a lie. She is not that kind of girl. Jasmine stood in front of her and protected her. The alpha commanded them both to stand down, but Jasmine has never submitted to commands. We do not know why. Jasmine commanded our daughter to refuse the alpha commands through her wolf, and our daughter was able to. They accuse Jasmine of being a witch. The alpha called warriors to arrest them, but they were able to knock them out until the alpha commanded the pack members to hold us at knifepoint. Once they saw us, they stopped fighting out of concern and some pack members knocked them out from behind. They are in the dungeons now, awaiting the trial that is to take place in a few minutes. ” The mother explains.

“FUCK” I growled. I tried to channel my anger as I ran to the packhouse. I can hear the parents behind me. My Cartise saw me coming and ran up to me. They know when I’m out for blood.

“Calm down Xavier. What is happening?” Raymond and Lamar asked, holding both sides of me.

“I’m going to kill that fucking alpha,” I tell them, and they hold me back. I stop struggling and try to collect myself. I know my anger is getting the best of me.

“Tell us what happened,” Lamar says, and I tell him what the woman told me. They are both equally pissed off when I’m done.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“The trial is starting,” Sabrina’s mom says, and we all head in the direction of it. They had better pray to the Goddess I can keep my restraint, or they will all suffer my wrath.

Sabrina Pov

They took me inside one of the halls. All of the pack members are here. There is a rope in the shape of a square that they have put me in. I have my hands cuffed behind my back. My judges, apparently, are John, Oliver, Darnell, and Leena. The bitch twins sit beside Oliver and Darnell. They sneer at me, and I roll my eyes.

I turned my head and I saw Jasmine. They have chains pinned on her to keep her bound in a separate square beside mine. I can tell she is scared, but I know her biggest fear is losing me. I knew they would use me against her one day, which is why I trained her to fight. Now that I know what she is, or rather who she is, I have every faith that she will be the one to make it out of here, even if I cannot.

I looked to the other side and saw my parents along with Xavier approaching. Mom was crying, and dad had a somber look on his face. Xavier just looked at me. I could tell he was thinking about our conversation last night. He nodded my way and used his eyes to look for Jasmine. Once his eyes landed on her, he let out a growl but remained silent. Her eyes widened as she looked at him.

“LET THE TRIAL START”, Oliver’s voice boomed. At once, all the chatter stopped.

” As you know by wolf laws, it is forbidden to have sexual contact of any kind with a mated male. To do so is punishable by death. How do you plead? ” He demanded, looking at me.

“Not Guilty” I growled.

“The first witness will speak,” he says. The bitch twin Tia stands up from where she is.

” Ever since we were kids, I knew she was a slut”, She starts, which earned a growl from me. ” She would always hang around nobody but boys and the other slut. Last night, my sister and I were walking, and we saw her kissing a boy we know is mated to a girl in another pack” she says and smirks at me. ” Bet you thought no one was looking, did you bitch” She taunts and Flora growls at her as she sits back down.

“You’re a fucking Liar Tia. If anyone here is a whore, it’s you and your skanky ass twin sister, fucking your way to the top… Pathetic”, I spit out, which earns me a growl from Oliver.

“Ah, shut up, you wanna be Alpha. We all know why I’m here. You’re trying to get back at my best friend for REJECTING YOU. If anything, you don’t fucking deserve her”, I tell him, and I look at Jasmine, who has tears in her eyes. Her mouth is still covered so she is unable to speak.

“SILENCE” Oliver demands, but his demands are pointless. I only listen to one Alpha now.

“Yea yea yea call your next witness” I smirk, and everyone gasps, wondering how I can defy the Alpha’s commands.

“Next witness”, he commands, and Darnell stands up. He is smirking at me, but I can see the sadness in his eyes,

” As you all know, she rejected me some time ago. It never made sense. She is an omega. I am beta. We all know it is unheard of for an omega to reject a beta and yet she did. It wasn’t until recently that I found out she was sleeping with a mated male”, He says before sitting down, and I can hear the murmurs of the crowd agreeing with him. I rolled my eyes.

” I am not fucking another wolf. I haven’t even lost my virginity. If you need proof of that, my parents are doctors, they can easily prove it for you”, I yelled, and the pack started murmuring, agreeing with me. Oliver must have sensed it.

“Your parents are the only doctors we have in the pack. They could easily lie for you. Your excuse is void” he says, and I hear the pack switch back to his side. I rolled my eyes again.

“The last witness” he states, and a scrawny male stands up. He barely looks older than 17.

” She seduced me. She told me she wanted me. I told her that my mate was on vacation with her family in another pack. She slipped something into my drink and made me have sex with her. I didn’t realize it until after I woke up on the ground. I am sorry for being weak”, The Wolf says, and Flora is furious.

” As if I would sleep with you. I wonder which of these judges forced you to say that hunh,” asked him, and he looked down guilty before sitting back down.

“Are you accusing us of tampering with the testimony” Leena screeched?

“YES, I AM” answered her back. The venom in my voice did not go missing.

” We have all heard enough. It’s clear of the verdict, but all in favor of Guilty”, Alpha John said, and everyone raised their hands. Jasmine started to struggle against her ropes more and more as she panicked, trying to get me. As I’ve said, I already knew what the verdict would be.

“Goodbye Sister” I link her, and she struggles even more. A tear rolled down my cheek.

“Do you have any last words?” Oliver says grinning. He enjoys watching Jasmine suffer. So is Leena. John’s face is plain. Darnell looks conflicted and the bitch twins have huge grins on their faces.

“Yes, I do. This whole pack is pure hell. You all took an innocent girl and beat her, cut her, burned her, hit her, and abused her. None of you are innocent, because I’ve seen every single one of you do it. You are no different Alpha” I say, and I see the hurt flash in his eyes, but he covers it with a smirk. ” You all deserve a fate worse than death.” I look at my ex-mate. ” You accused your sister of your parents being killed and almost beat her to death when it was not her fucking fault, and YOU FUCKING KNOW IT! ” I scream at him. I see a little pain in his eyes too as he looks at Jasmine. I can feel Flora fusing with me.


I look to Xavier to get her out of here when it’s done. He nods. I look at my parents.

” I love you guys. Take care of Jasmine for me”. I linked them and mom nodded sobbing. I look at my dad.

” Dad,” I told him.

” I will keep her safe too, I promise,” he says and starts to cry as I tear up.

“Don’t cry dad. You must understand. Our family has responsibilities”, I tell him, quoting our favorite movie duo line while tears stream down my face. He nodded, tears still coming down his face.

“Jobs to do”

Jasmine’s screams were the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

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