Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


Adia felt as if her whole world had come crashing in a second, as she tried registering what Kate just said, what did she mean by, she had less than three months to live, Kate must have really gone mad, though vampires don’t get sick, her’s is different.

“You’re mad, I’m outta here…” adia said, making her way to leave.

“I know you don’t believe me, but it’s truth Adia, you’re dying, Sebastian has just been using you for his selfish gains, so sad..” Kate pouted sadly, and the next minute her lips pulled up into a wide smile.

“Honestly Adia, I feel bad for you..” she began, as she signed deeply

“But no, I shouldn’t feel bad, you deserve all of this and just so you know.. I’m not hurting you any more, I mean why would I..” she scoffed, shrugging her shoulders.

“You’re as good as dead, so I’ll just let you enjoy your last days, and when you finally die Sebastian can finally be mine ” she said happily, her face beaming with smiles.

“No worries though, I promise to take care of your kids, as though they are mine, I’ll be the perfect mother ” she uttered in a coaxing tone smiling wickedly at Adia, she will never know what hit her.

“You …you’re lying rig…ht..”Adia stuttered pointing accusingly at Kate, she felt suffocated, as if her heart was being shattered into a million pieces, marveling if what Kate just said is true.

I’m not lying, Adia Sebastian Moreau, ha ha ha” Kate drawled out in a mocking tone, resuming her annoying laughter.

“Wait, did you really think that Sebastian loves you?” She pointed out mockingly.

“Let me tell you something, let me clarify something to you, Mrs Adia Sebastian Moreau..” she laughed out, seeing Adia like this filled her with so much joy, it turned out the poor girl had no idea about her death, now she’s going to use this situation to her advantage, and make Adia pay, for ever thinking she can carry Sebastian babies.

“You’re human, Sebastian’s vampire..” she began, pointing out the facts.

“Can’t you see the logic there, you’re both different, from different worlds, humans are never supposed to know about the existence of us vampires, never…” she emphasized,

“But then, our dear Sebastian went ahead to get you pregnant, why??” She paused, as if searching for the answer.

“Oh I get it now..” she chimed sarcastically,

“That’s because he wants power, real power, you see Adia, what you’re carrying in that womb of yours are hybrid babies, do you know how much power they hold, they’re so powerful, with those things you’re carrying, Sebastian can become the most feared vampire, because he fathers hybrid Children, but you see..” she paused looking up at Adia in mischief.

“Nothing goes for nothing..” she smacked her lips shaking her head.

“There’s always a price for everything, and the price for Sebastian getting that much power is your life. What I’m trying to say is, a human can never survive a vampire’s pregnancy..” she concluded, resting back on the chair she was sitting on.

“You’re lying aren’t you..” Adia choked, not fighting back the tears that flowed freely from her eyes down her cheeks.

“I’m not lying dear, in fact there’s more to the story..” she clicked her tongue,

“Do you know that Cora, you know Cora right,?, your supposedly best friend, you know, I and Cora have known each other way back…” she said, as if reminiscing on lovely past memories.

“I remember how Cora used to run after Arion..” she laughed out,

“But then Arion never gave a damn about her, then she jumped over to my brother, you know him right?” She questioned Adia, giving her a knowing look.

“You should know him, Evans Montenero, she started hooking up with him, that was like, hm…. wasn’t that about fifteen years, ago.. wait let me try remembering, you know this old brain of mine, has too much things to handle, so I usually forget unnecessary things..” she chuckled,

“Ha ha!!” She exclaimed as if she just remembered a vital information,

“Cora was born 1900, and was turned 1920 into a vampire, by my father.. ” she confirmed, waiting for Adia to get the shock of her life.

“What are you trying to say?” Adia stammered crying profusely, why are all these happening to her.

“That Cora is a vampire, she knows about your pending death, and has been deceiving you, she’s not your friend, no one loves you, what don’t you get..” she listed out.

“The thing is that I’m your only friend right now, why?, Because I wasted my precious time to tell you about your pending death, how can Sebastian do something like that, even Cora, I guess you really mean nothing to them.. sorry Adia,..” she pouted,

“Don’t worry I promise to take care of your babies when you’re gone…I’ll…”

“Shut up!!!” Adia yelled covering her ears with her hands, she has heard too much already, Kate’s has said too much already, it’s obvious she’s not lying, so she was just a pawn after all, a tool, and Cora, how can she…

“Just shut that mouth of yours,…” She spat angrily,

“And just so you know, even if I die, Sebastian will never spare a glance at you, now go to hell, you motherfucker..” she cursed storming out of the restaurant, Kate sat leisurely, with a triumphant smile on her face.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“You’re just getting surprised Adia, there,’re more surprises to come,” she uttered, as she burst out into a roaring laughter.




Adia walked weakly along the roads, crying hard, she didn’t even care about the glances people spared her, she just found out that she’s dying soon and the people she has grown to love, turned out to be nothing but liars.

Even her best friend, Cora , has been a vampire all along. Placing her hands on her swollen tummy. She rubbed on it softly, so she’s not going to live to see her little angels.

“Watch out!!”

“Miss, watch out,!!” These voices screamed after Adia as a fast moving vehicle was approaching her, but Adia seemed to be in her whole world, she wasn’t even aware that her life could end soon, she just walked lifelessly.

“Adia..” an alerted voice called, and before the vehicle could hit her, someone have already swept Adai away,

“Have you gone mad??” His voice thundered in her ears as he shook her violently.

“Uhhh..” Adia stammered absent mindedly, as she lifted up her gaze to meet two damn worried gray orbs,

‘ What’s he doing here?’ her brows furrowed,

‘ and why are we here,?’ she noticed they were at the other side of the road, she was not walking here before, and how did he get here.

“Logan…” she mumbled his name, he just disappeared, after saving her from Kate the other time, now he’s saving her outta nowhere.

“Have you gone mad?, You could have died?” His voice thundered,

“What’s the difference, I’m dying anyway..” she scoffed in frustration, as Logan froze.

“What ..” Adia’s voice trailed off as it occurred to her that Logan was a vampire.

“You knew right?” She pointed accusingly at him.

“Knew what? Have you been crying” Logan asked, alerted by her sudden strange behavior.

“Just shut up and stop acting up, you know I’m dying right!” She queried as time stopped counting for Logan.

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