Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


“What have I done?” She asked shakily with shuddering breaths,

“We need to get you out of here..” Sebastian whispered, carrying Adia up on his arms.

“Monica, tell the maids to take care of this mess” he ordered carrying Adia out of the room, the noise of breaking glasses heard, as he left.




“What happened Sebastian?” Adia asked Sebastian who was busy trying her hair, she just had her bath, and Sebastian had cleaned up all her wounds, and now he’s drying her hair, which was a surprise to her, but now wasn’t the time for any of that, as nothing but anger was evident in his face, he hasn’t even said a word to her since, so she decided to ask about what happened.

“You lost it…you just began screaming don’t kill me all of a sudden, what did you see Adia?” He asked her in a dangerously low voice, he’ll need to get the details of what she saw or what ever triggered her to act that way, before doing anything, but he just hoped it wasn’t what he suspected it to be.

“I don’t know…” Adia signed loudly, she basically had no idea what she acted that way, or how she even acted. The only thing she could point her finger to was that she was really frightened to her bones and it was as if she would die soon.

“My memory is vague about that, no matter how hard I try to put the pieces together, I only get welcomed by a splitting headache, nothing else, but there is this feeling….” She said trying to fathom how she feels now.

” What feeling?” Sebastian inquired, dropping the hair dryer on the table.

” I feel fear, and that fear is still lingering Inside of me, I’m scared Sebastian” Adia confessed,

” You don’t need to be, hmm” he said patting her shoulders,

” Get some rest, I’ll be out for a few hours, if you need anything, Ace, Arion, Mickelson, Malcom and Monica will be around to help, just call any of them you feel more comfortable with,” he added, as Adia nodded slowly.

” Ok thanks”

” And feel free to call me” Sebastian said heading to his room, he needed a change of clothes, he was already dressed for the office when this happened, picking his phone from his pocket, he called to inform Rowan that he’ll not be at work.

” Sebastian, where are you?” Rowan asked immediately he picked up the call, it’s so unusual for Sebastian to be late or even miss work, Sebastian feels work is the only way to get his head off things.

” An important issue came up, I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it today, just take care of everything..” Sebastian said,

” Does it have anything to do with Adia?” Rowan inquired, so far, Adia’s issues are the only things that have been able to keep Sebastian away from work, it’s either one thing or the other.

” Sadly yes” Sebastian replied, taking in a deep breath.

“What’s wrong this time around?”

“She’s behaving strange…as if she’s having hallucinations, I’ve got this covered, just take care of this over there”

” That wouldn’t be a problem, call me if there’s anything else you need”

” Ok man…” Sebastian said, disconnecting the call.

” What’s wrong with Adia?” Laura asked Rowan immediately he disconnected the call, she’s been with him in the office all along and heard his conversation with Sebastian, it seems as if something’s wrong with Adia.

“Nothing serious, Sebastian has everything under control..” he replied drawing Laura closer to himself holding her by a waist as he planted a kiss on the lips.

” I really feel bad for Adia..” Laura said, breaking away from the kiss as she rested her head on his chest.

“Hmmm” Rowan responded nodding his head in agreement, anyone would.

“How do you think she would react if she comes to find out about her impending death, Sebastian can’t hide it forever you know…. nothing stays hidden under the sun” she reasoned, wrapping her hand around Rowan’s waist, she really misses being with him, if only they can have more time for each other.

“I don’t know, but no one will take that lightly,” Rowan phrased out, anybody in this situation will literally lose their mind if they come to find out about something like this.

“Sooner or later Adia will come to find out, it’s better if Sebastian just tells her about it…” Laura said, signing deeply.

” I find it skeptical to believe that Adia will die soon, it breaks my heart and the fact she’s been deceived makes everything worse..”

” Don’t worry, I’m sure Sebastian will find a solution for this, he won’t let Adia die, ” Rowan said, assuring Laura.

” Has he found a solution yet?”

“No, but there’s hope..” Rowan replied, they’ve been trying to find a witch for God knows how long, and they’ve not even caught sight of one, not even a clue.

“I just hope everything will fall out well..” Laura prayed.

” What about our vacation, have you informed Sebastian that you’ll be living for some time?” Laura asked, after a heated argument between the two of them, Rowan finally decided to accept her terms, thanks to Adia plans.

“I planned on telling him today, but it looks like that’s gonna have to wait…”

” Don’t worry I will keep to my words…” he quickly added.

” Great, I can’t wait to visit Britaris…” Laura squealed happily, after taking it into a long consideration, they’ve decided to visit Britaris, Laura has never been there before and would be honored to visit where all these persky vampire males grew up.

“I have to get back to work, I’ll pick you after work..” Rowan stated pecking her lips, releasing himself from her hold.

“Alright, see ya.. I’ll be in my office..” Laura pouts walking away, he always uses work as an excuse and never has time for her, she just hopes their trip to Britaris will be a success, so she can have Rowan to herself for a whole month, it’s high time, they start behaving like real couples.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.





Hey lovelies, hope you’re enjoying this beautiful story so far….

So Laura and Rowan are a couple, and want time for each other….

Thankfully, we are going to grant them that opportunity.

So there will be a book exclusively for Laura and Rowan, coming soon.


Synopsis will be dropping soon, so sit tight and enjoy the story of Adia and Sebastian ().



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