Pregnant For My Bully

Tell me it’s not true

Looking towards dad, I wiped my sweaty palms on my hoodie.

“This girl who keeps disturbing our peace and knocking like a mad woman claims she’s here to see you. So?” He gestured to Dani. “Do you know her?”

“I d-don’t recognize-”

“You fucking asshole!” Dani screamed so loud the servants had to hold her back. “You monster!” She continued, seemingly oblivious to the tight hold on her shoulders. “I’ll strangle you with my bare hands when I get my hands on you, you fucking piece of shit!”

Dad’s face reddened. You come into my house, disturb our peace, and threaten my son?!” He bellowed. Ashley gently placed her hand on his, tapping on it in a distracting motion.

Dani stood, unfazed. “Why don’t you ask ‘your son’ what he did to my friend!” She spat, anger visible on her features. She met my eyes, anger and pain dancing in them. “Why don’t you tell them? Tell them how you singlehandedly ruined Amelia’s life.”

Dad’s eyebrows furrowed. He questioningly looked from Dani to me. “What is she talking about?”

His voice was calm. Collected. Maybe if I tread carefully I could… Maybe I could explain…

My hands shook in fear.

“Go on, Jason. Tell them.” Dani continued. Everyone’s eyes were on her now. “Tell them how you took advantage of a defenceless girl. How you raped her.”

Ashley’s sharp gasp was the only sound that could be heard in the room.

“Your accusations are absurd, young lady!” Dad lashed out. “One more warning and you’ll end up in a cell,” He growled.

Dani only gestured to me. “Ask him yourself then. Let’s see him deny it.”

For a few moments there wasn’t a sound. Dad slowly turned to face me, unsure. “What is this about?”

This time his voice was cold, disbelieving. There was a tiny hint of distrustfulness in his eyes, almost like he was willing me to deny everything so we could move on.

But I couldn’t.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

In fear, I hung my head, waiting for time to pass.

As I raised to head to look back up, a sharp pain spread over my cheeks and it took me a few seconds to realise that Dad had slapped me.

“What is this about?!” He boomed. I kept my head low wishing for everything to pass.

A sound by the door distracted everyone as we all looked up to see Adrian. Dad’s eyes widened as Adrian walked up to Dani and extricated her from the hold of the servants.

“Adrian, you-you know this girl?” Dad stammered, looking from Adrian to me in disbelief.

The first tear dropped from my eyes just as Adrian pulled Dani safely behind him.

Jason Davenport

“Deny it,” Dad said. His voice was low, cold.

My shoulders shook with fear. I stared at h wide-eyed, my breath coming out as shallow sounds.

“I said, deny it,” This time his voice was louder.

Adrian gave me a disappointed stare as he shook his head and pulled Dani to the door. “Let’s go.”

She shook her head vehemently. “He’s gonna pay, Adrian. He… he has to.” Her voice broke. “She was already going through a lot, Adrian. And now this?!”

Adrian pulled her toward him in a hug as a reply and together they began to walk away.

“Adrian!” I heard Dad call out. Beside him Ashley held onto him even tighter reassuringly.

Adrian paused but didn’t look back.

“Why did you stop coming over?” Dad managed to croak out. I could hear the desperation in his voice.

“I’d rather be dead than be friends with a rapist,” Adrian replied simply. And like that he was gone.

The servants were quiet. Ashley was quiet. Dad was quiet.

I wasn’t expecting a second slap, but it came.

Dad growled, grabbing me roughly by the shoulders. “Whose son are you?!” He screamed.

A tear fell from my eyes as a response. “D-dad, I… I’m sorry,” I managed to whimper. “I wasn’t thinking-”

The third slap came.

Tears filled my eyes. Dad never hit before.

“Babe!” Ashley screamed. “That’s enough!”

No one paid any attention to her.

I could see the disappointment in dad’s eyes as he let me fall to the floor. “Your mother would be so disappointed in you,” He whispered coldly. “I’d rather not have a child that have one like you!”

It hurt. The words hurt. Then I started to wish he was hitting me than saying these things.

Straightening up, he boomed. “Get out!”

I looked up at him and didn’t speak. Slowly I scrambled to my feet and began to make my way toward my room. Dad grabbed my arm and shoved me to the door.

“I said, get out! You’re a man now. You can disrespect everyone and manhandle people. So it’s obvious you’re trying to assert your authority, right?”

“So get out! You’re a bloody criminal. The only reason the cops aren’t is for your mother’s sake.”

I stared in disbelief. “What?” My voice came out as a croak. “Dad, please I-”

Without letting me finish, he shoved me to the door and out the gate. And he was gone.

My breath caught in my throat. Dad couldn’t possibly, he wouldn’t kick me out.

No. He can’t.

My fingers tore at my hair as I tried to keep myself from crying.

He’d let me in.

He’s just angry right now.

He wouldn’t.

Those thoughts warming up my head, I slumped to the floor and let sadness, remorse, guilt, wash over me.

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