Pucking Sweet: An MMF Workplace Hockey Romance (Jacksonville Rays Book 3)

Pucking Sweet: Chapter 58

We need to talk.” Lukas appears at the shower door like he fucking teleported there. I must not have heard him come in over the sound of my music.

“Jesus—fuck—” Dropping my hands away from my dick, I turn and hit the wall with my elbow. “Ow—”

“Did you see the screenshots I sent you this morning?”

I groan. The nice little vision I had of Poppy in here with me, her slick body rubbing up on me, fizzles. “Nov, I’m in the shower. Will you get the fuck out?”

“You think I care that you’re stroking your dick in there? Want me to get in and finish you off?”

“How did you get in?” I growl, keeping my back turned as I wait for my dick to go down. We’re in Poppy’s fucking apartment, and the last I checked he didn’t—

“I have a key.”

I glare over my shoulder through the steam-coated glass. “How the hell did you get a key?”

“I took her key and duplicated it,” he replies with a shrug. “Hey, if you think I’m gonna let you have access to her without me, you’re fucking dreaming. I’m not going anywhere, Cole.”

I turn fully around, not caring that my dick is still half-hard. “If you care so much about access, where were you last night—”

He waves his hand. “Not important. We’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

“Fine. Get out so I can finish.”

“Sure, and by ‘finish’ you mean you’ll come into her loofa, right? I bet you used her body wash on your dick too. Anything to get a little hit—”

“What the fuck is your problem?”

He smirks, glancing down at my dick. “Looks like this angry foreplay is working for you there, bud. Want me to keep slinging insults, and you can just unload right here on her shower glass?”

I raise a brow, heat coiling in my gut. “You want to watch me jerk myself off onto the glass?”

“If it gets you out of there faster,” he teases.

Well, I’m in no mood to be fucking teased. Poppy left me alone in bed this morning, meaning I didn’t get to start my day inside her. I’m on edge, and I’m calling his bluff. I wrap my hand around my dick and give it a slow pull. Blood rushes back to it, leaving me breathless. I reach out, bracing my hand palm-flat against the steamy glass.noveldrama

Novy’s eyes are wide, his lips parted with the joke he’s not telling. Yeah, if he keeps teasing me, I’ll shut him up with my dick in his mouth—

Fuck, that just made my balls twitch. Am I into this? Do I like him watching me like this, even without Poppy here? He’s not leaving, and he’s not telling any more jokes. Does he like watching me? I groan, the sound deep in my throat as I rub my soapy thumb all around my thick head. “Fuuuck.”

“Don’t stop,” he says.

I keep stroking myself, luxuriating in the silky wetness, the heat of my hand. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always prefer Poppy’s hands on my dick, but there’s no shame in self-pleasure either. I know what I like, and I know what makes me come hard and fast.

Lukas steps away, and I pause. “What are you—”

“I said, don’t fucking stop.”

I watch him walk over to the sink, taking his shirt off as he goes. He tosses it to the floor and pumps some of Poppy’s lotion into his hand. Then he returns to stand in front of me. Slipping his shorts down with his other hand, they drop to his ankles, exposing his dick. He stands there naked and wraps his lotioned-up hand around his hard length, giving it a stroke.

My dick twitches at the sound of his desperate groan. I fist myself tighter, matching his rhythm as he fucks into his hand. My senses fill with the smell of Poppy’s body wash as I add more, lathering myself with it.

“I’m close,” he mutters, his breathing labored.

“Put your hand on the glass.”

He reaches out with his free hand, pressing it palm-flat against mine, aligning our splayed fingers. Fuck, why is this so hot?

“I’m right there,” I grunt.

“Me too. Don’t fucking stop. Come on the glass. I wanna see it.”

I groan, moving my hand faster over my dick, squeezing at the base as I roll my palm over my tip.

“Look at me, Cole.”

I blink, lifting my gaze away from our hands to meet his eyes through the glass.

“Don’t stop,” he pants.

“I’m coming—”

“Fuck,” he shouts, stepping closer to the glass as he comes too.

I lean in, the heat of release building inside me until I’m roaring out my climax. My cum shoots from my tip, hitting the glass. I keep stroking my dick, gliding with my thumb on the underside of my shaft until I spurt again.

“Oh, fuck,” Lukas cries. “Col—I’m coming so fucking hard.”

“I know,” I say on a low hum. “Me too.”

I give my dick one more long, slow pull. Then I drop my hand away, leaving my dick twitching as the warm shower washes it clean. I look at Lukas through the glass just as the asshole dares to say, “Next time, I’m catching it in my mouth.”

Twenty minutes later, we’re dressed, Poppy’s shower glass is clean, and we’re rolling into the parking garage of the practice arena. Lukas parks his truck in his assigned spot.

Grabbing the bag of granola we’ve been munching on, I get out. “So, how do you wanna do this?”

“We just need to be straight with them,” he replies. Pausing in his steps he grins and adds, “Well…you know what I mean.”

I know he’s joking again, but it is an interesting conundrum. I’ve always considered myself to be a straight man. I’ve only ever been attracted to women. I’ve only dated women. I’ve only fucked women. That means I’m straight…right?

Well, now I feel like I’m straight plus Novy.

Is that a thing?

Sharing Poppy like we do, I can’t help but also be interested in sharing more with him. When the three of us are together, it’s hard not to let hands and mouths wander. I’d like to know it’s not a problem if occasionally my hands touch him…maybe they wrap around his dick…maybe my mouth does too…maybe I lick her climax off his shaft when he’s done with her—


I have to stop, or I’ll get hard again, and you can see everything in these damn workout shorts.

We all saw the little jersey-swapping game Rachel and Sanny played last night, first during the actual game, then again at the press conference. Jake was practically squirming in his chair over it. The big reveal was Sanford wearing Jake’s jersey like he was a goddamn WAG.

Now the gossip is everywhere. When I got out of the shower, that’s what Nov showed me on his phone. He’s still in a couple group chats with some of the guys on the Pens and the Bruins, and they were asking him to confirm whether Jake and Sanny are finally out as gay.

But they don’t know what Novy and I know. It’s possible no one else does. Jake and Sanny are sharing our team doctor. They’re together. The three of them. They’re in the same goddamn position as us…and now they’re getting dragged for it. That’s what pulled Poppy out of my bed at 5 a.m. She’s been over here dealing with the PR “crisis” that is three consenting adults choosing to be together.

It’s a fucking mind trip, like we’re getting to watch the world’s craziest game of “What if” happen before our eyes:

What if Lukas and I came out as dating Poppy?

What if we came out saying we want to live together, share our girl, and grow fucking old together?

Would the League accept us? Would our teammates? Would the fans?

We get inside the practice arena and head up to the gym floor looking for Jake or Sanny. We step into the gym and Novy sticks out his arm, stopping me in my tracks.

Mars Kinnunen is standing in the middle of the floor in a fucking rage, yelling at DJ Perry. “And what gives you the right to think you get to have an opinion?”

“Jeez, Mars. I only said—”

“What Compton and Sanford do outside this gym is no business of yours or any other person on this team!”

Shit, looks like we’re too late.

Novy grabs my arms and pulls me into the gym, going over to where Langers is watching, eyes wide. “What the fuck happened?”

“Avery started chirping about Jake and Sanford being gay,” he explains, pointing over to where our head of PT stands, arms folded, smirking. I fucking hate him. “And that got Dave-O going, and then Perry joined in,” Langers goes on. “I guess some of the guys got pings to their group chats about it all. The Pens, the Kings…”

“Fuck.” Nov glances warily over to me.

Mars is still on a fucking tear. “—and I will not stand silently by as members of my team are derided by the likes of a no-talent fourth line forward who doesn’t know his ass from his goddamn elbow!” We all lean away as he switches to Finnish. He strides forward, all six-foot-five of him. Towering over Perry, he pounds his fist into his hand as he continues to shout.

“DJ’s gonna piss himself,” Langers says, clearly in awe of the goalie.

“Come on.” Novy pulls on my arm, dragging me out of the gym.

“You don’t want to see how that ends?”

“Perry’s already crying. You wanna stick around? Come on, we gotta go find Compton. This is fucking bad.”

“Well, what do you want us to say?”

“I don’t know. What would you wanna hear?” He pauses, glancing over his shoulder at me.

I shrug. “I don’t know, Nov. I’m not in the hot seat.”


I nod. It’s only a matter of time, really…if we keep doing what we’re doing. I hold his gaze. “Are we fucking crazy here?”

It’s his turn to shrug. “Does it matter at this point?”

No. It really doesn’t.

We finally find Sanford lurking in the laundry room. “Hey, Sanny,” Novy calls, stepping into the room first.

“Aww, what happened to Snuffy?” I tease. Some of the guys still call him that from when Doc Price thrashed that blonde bunny at the club. “I liked that nickname,” I add.

Sanford just rolls his eyes. He’s standing behind a large folding table, ironing jerseys for tomorrow’s game. “What do you need, Nov?”

“Not a thing,” Novy replies, taking a handful of the granola and popping it in his mouth. “Compton still around?”

“How should I know?”

“Uh…maybe because you live together,” Novy says with a laugh.

“And you carpool into work all the time,” I add. Novy flashes me another and I just shake my head. Yeah, we’ve started carpooling too.

“And you’ve got your weird DLP-ESP,” he adds.

Sanny just chuckles, flipping over the jersey he’s ironing. “That hasn’t been officially diagnosed yet. We’re still on the waitlist for that study at Mayo.”

While Novy laughs, I snag the bag of granola from his hand. This is my favorite batch we’ve made so far. Poppy added a little honey water drizzle over the oat and pistachio clusters after the bake. I move around the side of the table as he mutters a curse at me.

“Give it back,” he growls.

There’s nothing worse than a hangry Lukas, so I seal the bag shut and toss it back to him.

Sanny just shakes his head at our antics. “I’ve been down here since I got in,” he says, moving the iron slowly back and forth over Sully’s jersey. “I don’t know anything happening outside this room.”

Nov and I exchange another look. There are so many ways this could be done. Ways this probably should be done. But we can’t wait around and watch as this blows up further. We have to be ready to act, ready to protect them the way Mars seems so prepared to do. It’s what we hope they’ll all do for us too.

He narrows his eyes at us. “What is it?”

Novy takes another handful of granola, shoving it in his mouth, and I know that’s his fucking cue to make me talk first.

“What?” Sanny says again. “Come on, guys. I got a shit ton to do, so if you’re not gonna—

“Are you with him?” I ask.

Across the table, Novy groans. “Dude, come on. You’re not supposed to just ask a guy if he’s gay like that. That’s like, breaking the rules. Right?” He looks to Sanny too.

Sanford is annoyed. “What are you assholes talking about?”

“You haven’t seen it then?” asks Nov.

“You haven’t heard?” I add, one brow raised.

He groans, dragging both his hands through his hair. “Fuck, guys. Drop the suspense, before I go looking for Colonel Mustard holding a candlestick. Now, what the hell are you talking about?”

Novy sighs. “Aw, shit. It’s everywhere, man. The guys are all chirping with it online.”

“Chirping with what?”

“That you and Compton are together,” I explain. “You know, like…together. Like a gay thing.”

He glares at me. “Yeah, I get what ‘together’ means.”

Diving in with both feet, we explain everything that’s happened in the last twelve hours, first with all the footage going viral from last night, which spilled over to the team chats. Neither Sanny nor Rachel has any social media, so I’m not surprised they’re in the dark.

Sanny acts totally surprised by the news that the team is chirping them too. We tell him about Asshole Avery and Mars coming to the rescue.

“He needs to learn his place, or the guys are gonna turn on him,” I say about Avery. “I don’t want my head of PT ribbing my teammates in front of me. That’s not gonna fly.”

“And hey, Sanford…” Novy steps around the table, going to stand at his side. “The point here is that if you ever do want to tell us anything, you can. You or Compton. Because this is a team. It might be a new team, but the way we see it, we’d like to stick around a while.” I don’t miss the way he covertly looks to me as he’s speaking.

“Yeah, totally,” I hear myself say. “Team means family.”

Novy smiles. “We want a good atmosphere here. We don’t want bullshit and drama. Jokes are one thing. We all love jokes. Chirping on a guy for being gay is another.” He looks back to Sanny. “You just tell us which end is up, and we’ll make sure the next guy who chirps you is the last guy.

Slowly, Sanny nods. He’s always been a man of few words.

“So…you telling us anything right now?” Novy asks.

Come on, man. Just tell us.

“No,” he says. “There’s nothing. Jake and I are just friends.” I can actually hear the disappointment in his tone. Hiding their relationship is fucking killing him.

I glance over at Nov, my heart twisting as I think of our sweet Poppy in the middle of a shitstorm like this. I want to protect them at all costs. I’ll stay silent as long as they need…but hiding our relationship is killing me too.

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