Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara)

Chapter 0005


I hadn't expected to reject Cara so suddenly. Everything with Lilia unfolded so fast, and I needed to do something to call a truce between the two she-wolves before things got really ugly.

I didn't know it would hurt so damn bad. My chest feels like it's both caving in and exploding out at the same time. A mixture of fire and ice seems to flow through my veins, stabbing and burning. Grey's a wreck. I've never heard him like this. It's so loud in my head from his bellowing that I can barely think.

I'm doing my best to ignore him, but if I'm totally honest, I'm not sure I'm doing too well either. I clap my hands, keeping myself calm amidst the pain.

I remind myself that it's for the good of the pack. An Alpha King must always act for the good of the pack. Grey will understand that one day.

Judging by his furious roaring, that day probably isn't coming soon.

"Please, just... allow me to leave the pack." That was all Cara had said.

She didn't even have the decency to look me in the eye as she begged to defect. Begged to abandon the pack.

To abandon me.

A fresh burning sensation ripples through my chest at the thought.

"Alpha King," Lilia's sweet high-pitched voice calls to me, drawing me away from the pain.

I look at her harsher than I mean to, the hurt inside me causing my muscles to tense.

Lilia's eyes widened a bit before continuing in an even softer tone, "Of course this is your decision, my Alpha King. But if I may..."

She looks to me for permission and I nod, encouraging her to continue.

"I was raised to believe that every wolf has some good in them." She smiles at me and runs a hand over her deep red hair. "Your Beta is useful, and she did plan an excellent proposal."

Even after Cara's disrespectful behavior, Lilia still chooses to see the good inside of the she-wolf who used to share my bed. Such compassion.

She's going to make an excellent Luna for the pack.

"As a wedding gift to me, my Alpha King," Lilia says, "Please have Cara plan the wedding. I'll be there to watch over her shoulder. But it's going to be such a special day for the pack, I'd hate to see Cara's talents go to waste..."

I consider the idea. Of all my staff, Cara is easily the most organized and best at managing complicated projects. It's one of the reasons my father entrusted her with the new Agent Luna position, keeping pack affairs in order while I searched for a bride. She'd be able to plan this wedding easily with barely any effort.

It's the least she could do after asking to leave the pack. After all the kindness Pack DarkWood has shown her since she was an orphaned pup, one last assignment should be no trouble at all.

That settles it.

"Cara, assist with planning the wedding then I will permit you to leave Pack DarkWood. You have my word as Alpha King."

I look down to see Cara staring not at me, but through me. Her face is blank and expressionless.

I order her to leave to get started at once.

As soon as she's gone from my sight, the bubbling burning forcefully returns to my chest.

"Don't forget our check-up at the hospital this afternoon. All this stress can't be good for getting pregnant, but I know we'll have a healthy little wolf soon enough." Lilia smiles down at her belly.

"I'll be there," I say as I rub the top of her back. "You just focus on relaxing, let me handle the rest."

My thoughts are only of Cara's blank stare as I say goodbye to Lilia.

When I return to my desk, my Gamma, George, is waiting for me.

Whatever he was going to say falls away with one look at my face.

"What's got you so unhappy, Alpha King?" George asks.

I merely grunt back at him before diving into paperwork, hoping this damn pain in my chest goes away soon.

As I shuffle through tasks, I recount all the good things that have happened in the last few days. I found a wonderful, beautiful she-wolf to settle down with, I proposed, and she said yes! I should be on top of the world!

But a single question keeps popping into my mind. Why don't I feel happy?


"Good news, Sweetheart! The baby is absolutely healthy!"

Ruby removes her gloves after the exam.

I didn't expect that having an obstetrician for a best friend would come in handy. After the showdown at the office, I came to the hospital to see Ruby right away. The pain of severing the mate bond was so overwhelming, I had to check on the baby. Seeing my best friend, my Honey as I like to call her, was just an added bonus.

I had to disclose the secret pregnancy to Ruby, but I trust her with my life. No, more than that. I trust her with my child's life.

"I still know a few curses, you know. I could always slip something into his tea..." Ruby offers, half-joking, half-serious.

While the idea gives my imagination lots of fun ideas, I can't risk anything happening to her, too.

"What do you know about this Lilia?" Ruby asks me, double checking that the exam room door is locked.

"Nothing at all. I've never even heard of her before the proposal. But between us, I've got a really bad feeling about her..." I'm probably overstepping by saying this much, but I'll be gone from the pack soon enough.

"Well I have some connections at Pack Bloody Moon, and she's basically famous there."Ruby says.

"She was the only princess in an Alpha family of six brothers. Apparently, she and our Alpha King met as pups and almost died together, but she saved him. They haven't seen each other since......I've heard taht her brothers will also be coming here recently." I says, "......It's an incredible story, Honey."

It's all I can think to say. Maybe they are meant to be together, then.

Maybe goddess made a mistake, and Alaric and I were never meant to be mates.noveldrama

I just got in the way of Lilia and Alaric's fairytale.

Fresh grief washed over me, which Ruby senses almost immediately.

She brushes a finger under my face.

"Chin up, Sweetheart. Perhaps you might find more red-haired wolves out there, and who knows, maybe among them you'll find your real family? I'm sure there's a whole pack of red heads out there just waiting for you." She winks at me playfully.

"At least things can't get any worse," I force myself to lighten up and laugh for the first time in far too long.

I leave Ruby's exam room feeling better, like a little seed of hope had been planted.

I turn to leave and nearly walk face-first into a very tall male. Neither of us must have been looking where we were walking.

"Excuse me do you know where I can find Lilia Auburn?"

I look up to get a look at him and see his hair. His bright red hair. It's fiery and bold, not like Lilia's at all.

It's just like mine.

We both seem to notice it at the exact same time.

He reaches for my hand, pulling me closer and eyes examining my features. "Who are you?" I'm drawn closer.

The slope of his nose, the curve of his jaw, he looks so familiar. He asked for Lilia. One of her brothers, maybe?

I feel the unspoken invisible power radiating off of him. Like an Alpha.

Oh! This IS Lilia's brother! The Alpha King of Pack BloodyMoon!

Something about me has captivated him, because he's leaning closer and closer to my face. Searching my eyes. He's still holding my hand.

If someone sees us in this position, they will definitely misunderstand that we have an ambiguous relationship!

""What's this?!"

I'd know that deep, rumbling voice anywhere.

I turn around and see behind me Alpha King Alaric, my former Fate Mate, Alaric looking angry like a man possessed. Like a demon who just broke out of hell. And he's staring daggers at our clasped hands. ......Oh shit.


Alaric repeated.


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