Rejected and claimed by the alpha beast Novel by Paige T

Chapter 21

Vienna was once again proven right by how dangerous the training had gotten and how many wolves were getting injured during the fight.

It was a lot easier to help with apprentices and Elise, who did her best to learn quickly. Even helping until three days later, when the training finally eniled.noveldrama

Elise saw it as a perfect opportunity to avoid someone, and this was a better distraction.

Elise got the hang of it during the third day. There was a more serious accident that shook the arena on the last day: a young female who was fatally wounded and had broken her wrist. She cried out in pain as Vienna ushered her quickly into the back room of the arena.

“Elise, you have to start with cleaning her wounds because I’ll be gone for a few minutes; I have to get another bandage for her arm, Vienna tells her quickly before she bolts out of the room.

The doct was shut with both Elise and the wounded female in the room. Elise was anxious at first, but she knew to calm her anxiety and help the female who was whimpering in pain; she was almost out of it.

Her eyes looked glossy and drowsy, probably from the numbing medicine that Vienna had quickly shared with her before she left her in Elise’s care.

Elise then gained closer, bending down to meet the gaze of the girl who was sitting in the corner of the room. “Hello,” she started quietly, but the young she-wolf’s gaze was more glaring and unfriendly.

“You’re the girl who can get back with our alpha; people are weary of you; we don’t know who or what you are or if we can trust you,” she says abruptly.

That was when Elise understood that the girl was afraid and didn’t trust her; she couldn’t blame her weariness on a stranger) trying to help her. It was only recently that she began going into the packed town, so they were all still weary about the mysterious girl staying in their alpha estate.

“It’s going to be okay; we’re going to get you fixed up before the Lunar run,” Elise assured instead. She made sure her voice was kind and unthreatening, as she could immediately see the relief on the female’s face, and her guard dropped a bit.

*You don’t get it; if I don’t run, then everything I’ve worked for will be in vain. I need to shift to my wolf this time; I didn’t turn last year; I need to prove I’m stronger than they think, and I’m not some weakling because of my small stature,” she- wolf hissed.

And Elise couldn’t help but admire her, admire her determination to not be afraid, and ask, “What is your name?” Elise softly.

“Bellamy,” she answered.

“I think I can help, but you need to trust me, ok?” Elise whispered and then reached to hold her swollen wrist. She didn’t know what made her do it; maybe it was to let her touch assure Bellamy or something else.

But Bellamy’s eyes had closed as she became sleepy. Elise felt her blood warm around the small, cool room; she felt like even the air had paused for her breath, and then everything began moving again. And she could breathe again.

She looked down to see that the girl’s hands looked less crooked and her skin was sealed and healed. Elise was so confused about what the hell just happened as she backed away from the girl, staring at her hand. Had she just done that? She just healed the girl!?

Her thoughts were knocked down when Vienna was pushed into the room with a bandage and a small surgical tool. She might have diagnosed the problem as bad and wanted to usher in a quick operation on it before moving her.

“Why are you hisling at that edge when you’re supposed to be with the patient? Why are you acting like you’ve seen a ghost?” Vienna asked as she reached for Bellamy up to inspect it.

Elise felt like she couldn’t breathe, especially from how quiet it got the minute Vienna took Bellamy’s hand up

“What the hell?” she whispered. “This isn’t even possible in any way; I was sure her hand was in ruins. I was going to tell the girl she couldn’t even rum in the lunar race. How?” Vienna whispered with

Tror and confusion in her voice.

She then slowly turned to Elise, who felt like the room was closing in on her. Great, now was Vienna going to see her as a freak too? Was he going to be outed to the pack as a witch? She couldn’t bear the thought of Rygan looking at her like she was some freak show. She needed to explain.

A hard knock on the door sp**ked Elise so much that she flinched and backed away from it to the far corner. “Vienna? We are with the stretcher to take her. Is Bellamy ready?” A male from outside spoke.

“Vienna.. Elise started.

“You don’t say another word; don’t act like anything is out of place too,” she snarled to Elise. “Come in,” she called as the door opened, and two delta males rushed in with a stretcher to take Bellamy back to the clinic, but Vienna’s gaze never left Elise.

“We will talk about what happened when I’m done with Bellamy and see what you did to her,” she called as she rushed out of the room, following the males out of the arena.

Elise didn’t come out of that room till the whole arena was cleared and empty; she hated With this feeling, she had no idea who she was or why things were happening to her, but he needed a way to channel out all her anger and frustration. She pulled herself out of the back room and into the large space.

The sparring dummies were the first thing in Elise’s line of sight as she walked to them.

“I think you should spar with a living, breathing, healthy male, don’t you think?” Kaide’s voice echoed.

Elise couldn’t help reacting to the cheeky smirk on Kaide’s face with an eye roll. “Aren’t you supposed to take the results of your wolf training or something?” She asked Kaide, who chuckled.

“The test was finished a long time ago, and you were only on care duty; you didn’t need to help, but you did. Thank you,” he called to Elise, who walked to the ring.

She wondered if Kaide would still be thanking her if she found out what happened earlier, but she withheld it. “Well, since you offered, I have been looking for something to punch,” she called as Kaide stretched a hand for her to get in the ring.

Thankfully, she was wearing pants and not a gown that would slow her form down. And then they began. Elise went head- first for an attack, but Kaide easily dodged it.

“Why only on offense? Are you scared I’d land a hit?” She teased, but was only met with Kaide’s laughter.

She pulled herself up to see him smiling at her, and she attacked again. His moves were like a symphony of an elegant rhythm, with Kaide taking one of her hands and bringing it behind her back. Elise hissed, but she elbowed him enough to release her.

The sparring kept on till their breaths were heated, sweat coated Elise’s forehead, and her red hair clung loosely to her face. An idea popped into her head as she slid under his open legs. “F**k!” He cursed, knowing that she was going for an attack, but it was too late to counter her.

Taking him into a curved pull on his thighs to drag him down, she saw a road to victory the moment one of his knees hit the ground, but Kaide was fast enough to stop the finishing move, pinning her to the ground instead. “Nice try, Elise. Now yield,” he said to Elise, whose hands were now trapped under him.

Elise had tried to shake herself from under him, but he wouldn’t budge. His large body was on top of her, his legs straddling her waist so tight she could barely move, and he had both her hands trapped above Elise’s head.

There was something about how softly he called her name that made her think back to the conversation where he offered himself to her, offering to be a distraction.

The tension in the ring grew as Elise caught a glimpse of Kaides gaze move to her lips. He lowered her head slowly as she could feel the fan of his heated breath on her lips, but even at that moment, Elise couldn’t stop thinking about something else with a more roguish smile and longer hair.

“Well, well, well!” T**’s voice rang, both their necks whipping in unison as they turned to see the beta with a smug look on his face. “If I had known you’d want to f**k on the ring. I wouldn’t have invited the others, Kaide,” Tazmin says as Kaide releases her hands.

Just then two other figures entered the sparring space, and Elise’s eyes widened to see Rygan right behind him, with Alvira’s arm linked with his and a satisfied look on her face as she stared at them with a smirk.

“Hm, it seems we have a new couple!” She adds with a mocking delight in her tone.

“Good thing I brought wine; let’s go wild on the feast I prepared for the successful conclusion of the training season,” Taz added, but Elise’s gaze had not left Rygens’ unmoving stare on her.

She felt a shudder as his gaze turned cold as he turned away from her. “Let’s go,” he called shortly. But the sharp gaze he gave Elise made her stomach churn as she wanted to scream for him to stop, and what he saw wasn’t true.

But Rygan had already left.

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