Revenge After Divorce Novel by Black Rose

Chapter 24


Silence followed the shuttered cup. The helper came rushing and cleaned up the mess. Even after she was gone, my parents still did not say a word. They must have been very shocked by the news.” Nick, what are you telling us, what makes you think Olivia had a baby in prison?”

I sighed then narrated the story to them. Of how I saw Ethan and the boy. How he looked like me and even had my birthmark. Everything, by the time I was done, my mother was in tears. I didn’t want to hurt her again.

“You are telling me that we might be grandparents and we don’t even know about it?” I nodded making my mother cry even more. Oh, Nick. Do you see now why it was a bad idea for you to send her to prison? You would have been raising that child together now instead of looking for him.” my heart sank.

If that boy was mine, then it would mean that she was pregnant when I sent her to jail. It would mean she had my son in that place. Oh, dear God, what have I done? I lowered my head, and I could not help the tear that dropped out of my eye.

I couldn’t bare the thought that I might have let my son be born in prison, how was I ever going to make up for that, for missing everything. Oh, God! “Son, we will get to the bottom of this. If this boy is yours then we will find him and bring him home to his family. Olivia had no right not to tell you or us about him.”

Father said patting me on the back. “What are you saying? I might want to know my grandson but don’t say Olivia had no right to hide him from us. Our son sent her to jail, you saw how she was when we

got her out from there. She was abused in there would have done

were on her shoes. What was the point of telling a man

who sent her to jail about her pregnancy**

Mom was right, I did wrong by Olivia and if that boy was mine then I wouldn’t blame her for not telling me. “I get she was hurt by what Nick did but to hide his child? That is wrong and I won’t tolerate it.” Dad said standing up m

“Don’t you dare do what I think you are going to do, James Jones.” Mother warned and that made me think that they had a way to find out the truth. “Mom am begging you, if you know something about this or have a way or finding out. Please help me out. I know I

disappointed you, but this is a step in the right direction. Please, helpnoveldrama


“We will help you son,” my mother glared at him. I didn’t know why my mother didn’t want to help me with this. I knew it was my fault that all this happened, and I understood why Olivia would want to punish me, why did she?

“Mom please,” she just walked away, and I sighed sitting back down. not knowing what to do. “I will talk to your mother; no Jones will be raised by strangers while we are alive. You have done your wife wrong, and I am angry with you for that. But we are talking about my grandson here, a Jones and I will do everything in my power to get

him home.”

I appreciated his support, but I didn’t want him and mom to fighter over this. “Dad, please don’t do anything if mom doesn’t want you to. I will find another way; I just don’t want you fighting because of this.”

He ignored me and went to stand by the window looking out. Het was a stubborn old man, and I knew when he s his mind on something. He never stops until he got what he is looking for. We

+25 BON

were the same in that way.

I left him going to find my mother. I found her in her rose garden tending to her flowers. “Mom?” she didn’t even glance at me continued what she was doing. “Mom, I am trying to find your grandson here. Why won’t you help me?”

She snapped her head my way looking angry. “I will help you by talking to Olivia, but I will not allow your father to do what he wants to do. We promised that girl that we will respect her privacy and I plan on honouring that promise.”

What was she talking about? “Mom…”

“No, Nick. No! you have caused that girl enough pain. Don’t make us hurt her even more. She is your wife and might be the mother of your son. Do you want to ruin any chance of ever getting back together with her? because what your father wants to do will do just


I ran my hand through my hair frustrated, I wanted my wife back and. our son. If we had one. I didn’t want to ruin’my chance with her. But how was I supposed to go on without knowing the truth? Ethan won’t tell me anything and my connections have been useless.

“Fine mom don’t do it. I will find another way.” I told her then left. I didn’t know what else to do. When I got to the car, I just sat there thinking about everything I did wrong. How I got to where I was and if it was worth it.

“Boss, where to?” asked Given. “Take me to my wife.” He hesitated and I glared at him. He said nothing just started the car and drove. I just wanted to see her, even if it was from a distance. I hadn’t seen her the past month.

We stopped across the street from her office. “We are here, boss.”

“I have eyes Given; I can see that.” he was pissing me off. “Ms Sandra called while you were inside the house, and she asked me to …” I cut him short. “Say her name one more time Given, I dare you!“

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