Ruthless Mafia Daddy (Alpha Mafia Daddies)

Ruthless Mafia Daddy: Chapter 33

How is this my life now?

Three months ago, only darkness surrounded me. I had to get up and put on a brave face for my siblings and my men, but all I really wanted to do was disappear, embrace oblivion.

Then, one of my darkest nights brought me the brightest light.

Life isn’t perfect, not even close, but it is fucking worth it for once.

When I asked my brother to kidnap Lila, I knew I was buying a fight I would struggle to win.

Those days when she was hurting, mad at me, crushed me harder than I thought possible.

Last week was my breaking point. I couldn’t bear stay away from her for a second longer. I rather her throw more furniture at me but have my eyes on her, than to go another minute without breathing the same air as her.

And now, as I stand in the doorway to the kitchen, life gets even better as I watch Lila and Rosa talk over breakfast together.

They’re both in their pajamas, their legs tucked underneath them as they chat away.

The sight makes my chest swell. Not only does Rosa have a huge smile on her face but color has returned to Lila’s cheeks, and she’s eating well.

I hate that I had to do this to her, lock her up like a prisoner. But it was the only way to ensure her safety, and I will do anything I need to make sure she’ll forgive me.

Clearing my throat, I walk into the kitchen.

Lila looks up at me, and her eyes turn molten.

I smirk, letting my eyes fall to her pouty lips.

Every night for the past week I’ve crawled into bed with her, taking her in every way I can until we both pass out from exhaustion. It’s been heaven, but I have to keep reminding myself that the only reason Lila is even here is because of Lorenzo.

Who has gone silent over the past few days.

I had Dez and Sloan try to track the Range Rover that was following me, but they came up empty. There’s also been nothing regarding the man we left with a message carved into his chest at The Vault.

It’s unnerving.

Lorenzo will be planning something, but until that happens, Lila and Rosa will stay in this house where I can see them. Where I can keep them safe.

Rosa smiles. “Morning. There’s fresh coffee.”

I smile at my sister and stroll over to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup.

“What are you two talking about?” I lean against the counter.

“Lila was giving me some book recommendations.” Rosa grins.

“Oh, yeah?” I look at Lila who offers me a shy smile. “Like what?”

“Nothing you’d like.” She glances at Rosa who bursts out laughing.

“They’re all smutty romances, not your taste at all.” Rosa giggles.

“They shouldn’t be your taste either,” I warn her. “You’re fifteen.”

“Lila says she was reading them at thirteen.”

I glare at Lila, but she only laughs at my expression.

“You left me alone with her.” Lila holds up her hands. “You can’t blame me.”

“She was also telling me all about her college days at NYU.” Rosa laughs. “College sounds fun.”

“You’re not going to college. You can take online classes here.”

Rosa rolls her eyes and nudges Lila with her elbow.

“See what I mean?”

“Ok, enough. I don’t want to have to separate you two.”

“Spoil sport,” Lila mutters, taking a sip of her tea.

I catch the gleam in her eye, and my cock twitches in my pants. “Do you need reminding who’s in charge here?”

Her tongue darts out to moisten her lower lip, and she dips her head.

My hands itch to touch Lila. Teach her a lesson. “Rosa, go to your room.”

“Hey! What did I do?”

“We’ll chat later.” Lila places a comforting hand on my sister’s shoulder.

I watch in silence as Rosa gets to her feet, taking her cup of coffee with her, and leaves the kitchen.

Lila watches her go. “I like your sister. She’s more fun than you.”

“Is that so?” I chuckle, moving around the table and perching beside her.

She rests her chin on my thigh, gazing up at me with those ocean blue eyes.

I trace her lower lip with my thumb, letting myself get lost in her gaze for a moment. “I have a surprise for you.”

She blinks, lifting her head. “Oh yeah?”

“It’s to say thank you for putting up with…all of this.”

Lila dips her chin.

“I know you meant well, Andre. Even if it took me a while to realize.”

“Today is me making it up to you.” I smile. “So, why don’t you get dressed and meet me at the front door in twenty minutes.”

It’s the perfect day to walk over to the secluded park that backs onto my family’s estate. The sky is clear and the sun casts a warm veil over Lila and I as we stroll hand in hand.

Her eyes take it all in. “Where are we going?”

“There’s a clearing about twenty minutes away with a river and a waterfall.” I look down at her.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

She’s wearing a white sundress, her hair loose around her shoulders, strands of red and gold glistening in the sunlight.

She’s breathtaking. And she’s all mine.

“That sounds wonderful.” She sighs.

I glance over my shoulder to make sure the blacked-out Hummer is close by. Two of my security guys are inside, following at a distance.

Even though my family’s estate is private and far from anything that poses a threat, I wouldn’t put it past Lorenzo to have his men try to infiltrate the neighboring land. I’m nervous to take Lila outside of the house, but I want to meet her halfway.

She’s done as she’s told, even if somewhat reluctantly, and I want to offer her something in return.

We chat mostly about my family as we walk, with Lila asking lots of questions about Rosa in particular.

“My sister seems very taken with you.”

“I like her. She’s like…a breath of fresh air.”

I laugh, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“Trust me, after you’ve spent fifteen years with her, you won’t be saying that.”

“Does she know?” Lila looks at me, then away into the horizon. “About us? About the baby?”

I suck in a breath.

“No. I mean, I think she’s worked out that there’s something between us, but she doesn’t know about the baby. I want to keep that knowledge a secret, even from her, for as long as we can. The less people who know… Well, it will be safer if we keep it quiet.”

Lila nods, glancing around the wooded area that we’ve ventured into.

I squeeze her shoulder. “It’s not much further.”

We walk for ten more minutes through the trees, enjoying the shade they provide from the beating sun.

Lila’s skin has a soft flush from the heat, and I want nothing more than to press her up against a tree and explore every inch of that delicious skin with my tongue.

The engine of the Hummer cuts, the security will have to go one foot from here, but they’re armed and ready should anything happen.

She looks at me wide-eyed. “I can hear water.”

I squeeze her shoulder again and smile at the look of wonder on her face.

Has it really been that terrible being locked up in the house?

I ignore the churning in my gut as Lila walks ahead, following the sounds of the river.

I thought perhaps she would enjoy some time away from work. I put in a last-minute annual leave request for her, and I’ve been working from my home office so no one at Mason’s International suspects anything.

I don’t want to risk Lorenzo looking there too, so I have Dez monitoring the security cameras along with the ones at Lila’s apartment.

“Oh, Andre, it’s beautiful.” Lila sighs as we walk into the small clearing at the edge of the woods, the trees parting to reveal a waterfall that cascades over the rocks into the river.

The lush grass on the bank has been donned with a picnic blanket as well as a basket filled with food and a bottle of sparkling cider.

“I’m glad you like it.” I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

It is amazing being here with her, being free to touch her, to just enjoy her without having to worry about who will walk in on us or having to restrain from just enjoying her company.

“The water looks inviting.” Lila wiggles against me.

I hiss as she rubs against my hardening cock.

“Lila, we have an audience.” I spin her around so she can see my guards behind us.

A sly smile creeps across her lips.

“You don’t strike me as the shy type…”

She steps back and reaches for the ties of her sundress.

Lord help me.

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