Romantic Feelings

Bryce watched Hera pray that morning as different thoughts wandered through his mind. Usually he would say the occasional ‘amen’ like he usually does every morning but now, it’s like he wasn’t even interested. She was going on a godamn date with that man. He doesn’t care if he’s a good person but the fact remains that whoever she was going out with, was not him and that’s a problem.

The way she had casually said it didn’t sit well with him. He knows that she’s not used to the workings of this world and that’s another problem. A date to her might sound more like a friendly outing, a trip to church or something like that. What if the idiot is planning something? And why has he been thinking about this shit since last night? Why does he feel the increasing urge to murder someone? What is the meaning of these emotions?

“Good morning Bryce.” Hera jolted him out of his thoughts. “Did you sleep well?”

No, he didn’t. He did everything but sleep well last night. He had crawled to her side of the room like his routine even before she started her morning devotions but he didn’t tell her that otherwise, she’d start with the million and one questions which he might not be able to answer.

“Are you still going out today?” He asked the particular question that has been lingering in his mind up until now. “With Ben, I mean.” Godammit! Even his name on his tongue doesn’t feel right.

“Yes Bryce. We already talked about it last night and you said I could go.” Came her earnest reply. He would give anything to have her cancel or take back his words but it seems like her mind was already made up and plus, he didn’t want to make her unhappy.

“When will you be back home?” He asked instead.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

She pondered on the question. “I don’t know but it would take a while. You might get back home from work before me.”

“Alright then.” He stood up from his bed and took steady strides towards the door that separated both their rooms but stopped halfway as though he had almost forgotten something crucial.

“Be careful Cara. And should in case anything happens or you feel uncomfortable at any point during the date, then call me right away, okay?” He imposed and with a smile on her face, she nodded at his request.

Bryce had always thought that he was immune to all kinds of pain but the pain of watching Hera leave with Ben that morning was different. It felt unusual. He felt angry and the worst part of everything was that he couldn’t show it. He didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t like the fact that she smiled at him when he opened up the car door for her. He also didn’t like that she had hugged him. He watched their silent banter in pretext that everything was fine but deep down, he wanted to burn himself and drown in the sea of jealousy.

They drove out after she bid him goodbye and for a while, he remained frozen at the spot, contemplating if he should leave or follow them closely. Hera wouldn’t like it if she found out that she was being followed so he dropped the idea. Since when did he become a stalker anyway?

“Are you okay sir?” Mariam asked from behind him. She had been watching the whole scenario for a while and she was starting to get worried because for some reason, her boss had taken the form of a statue.

“It’s nothing Mariam. I’ll be going now.” He answered politely before making his way to his car. He got in and drove out almost immediately leaving the poor woman speechless and at a loss for words.

Bryce was reluctant to leave for work but he didn’t have that much of a choice. At least Hera had promised to give him a call should in case things gets ugly. He would hold onto that. And if things spiral out of control then he knows where to find the bastard and for his sake, he certainly hopes that things doesn’t because he won’t take it sitting down.

He arrived at work shortly after and all through the day, he was in a foul mood. He couldn’t concentrate and had even opted to call Max but decided against them. The idiot would only use his current predicament against him and he won’t hear he end of it for as long as he lived.

The day kept on dragging and he was literally counting the hours before he knocks out from work and go home. To make it worse, Hera hasn’t called him yet. He had been checking his phone at intervals like someone who was almost on the verge of going crazy waiting for an important call for a major business deal.

“Sir?” Doris called for the umpteenth time that afternoon. She had noticed that her boss wasn’t his usual self and had been zoning out all through the day. It had something to do with that woman because she noticed how upset he looked whenever he checked his phone and saw nothing.

“You haven’t said anything about your scheduled meeting with the team. Should I cancel or-” She paused in order to chose her words carefully because if he snaps, she might be kissing her job goodbye today.

“Just leave for now Doris.” He waved her off. “We’ll pick it up later.” He added and with a curt nod, she exited his office. Bryce drowned himself in his thoughts. He wasn’t able to do anything when the image of Hera kept on dancing in his memory.

Frustrated, he decided to head back home. He wouldn’t be able to achieve anything if he stayed here anyway so it was better to fuel his emotions at home instead of his workplace. After giving further directions to Doris, he headed outside the building with his suit strapped on one arm as he approached his car.

Getting in, he started the ignition and pulled out of the building. He drove home without making any stops. The minute he arrived, he briskly made his way into his mansion and the first thing that caught his attention was Hera seated on the couch watching television.

She stood up almost immediately when she set her eyes on him. “You came back early.”

Without saying anything, he marched towards her and pulled her into a deep embrace. His breath matching hers as he breathed her in to calm his nerves. He felt his heartbeat slowing down to the normal rate as they remained there, her hands wrapped firmly around his back. He had missed her. The shocking realization was nothing but the truth.

“You didn’t call so I got worried that something might’ve happened.” He whispered through her shoulders. This was him letting his guard down but he didn’t care. What matters is that she was right here with him and in his arms. “How was the date?” He asked when she finally pulled away. It’s not like he cared anyways but somehow he wanted to know if maybe she enjoyed her time with Ben over him. Call it petty or childish but he still wouldn’t care. He hated loosing, especially to that bastard.

“It was… okay but I couldn’t stay.” She left out the reason as to why she couldn’t though but even if she didn’t say, Bryce was ecstatic that she couldn’t stay. Take that universe!

“You couldn’t stay? Why?” He proceeded to ask, bridging the gap between them. “You were excited this morning about hanging out with him today so why couldn’t you stay?”

She looked away, not knowing how to answer that. Hera spent her entire day in the absence of Bryce and in the presence of Ben. That was the only thing it took for her eyes to become crystal clear. That was what it took for her to know that she really likes Bryce and not just in a friend way anymore. It scared her to death but she couldn’t deny it either.

She has always been known to be true to her feelings and sadly, she couldn’t shake this off even though she tried. Ben was the perfect gentleman. Everything about the outing was as it was supposed to be but she couldn’t have fun. She couldn’t stop thinking about Bryce. Of going back home to him.

She couldn’t find humour in the funny comments made by Ben. She couldn’t relax long enough to enjoy his company. The sad realization hit her when she realized that he wasn’t Bryce.

When Ben had even gone further to propose that they became more than friends, she blatantly turned him down and she didn’t regret it. He might’ve picked it up too that she didn’t like him in that romantic sort of way because he didn’t push it further. He even apologized and brought her back home after that. She was glad that he still wanted to be friends with her though.

“Hera…” Bryce whispered softly. “Why aren’t you saying anything? You’ve been awfully quiet. Did something happen that you’re not telling me?”

She shook her head negatively. Bryce couldn’t make out anything of her silence. She wasn’t giving him enough words to work with either.

“Did Ben do something to you?” That statement was followed by an rush of anger waiting to explode like a volcano but when she said no, he relaxed visibly.

“Then what could’ve happened that you decided not to stay?” He urged. He didn’t like asking this question but he wanted to be certain that she was alright before he dropped it. He has never been this patient with a woman before but then again, she just wasn’t any woman. She was Hera.

“I couldn’t stay because he wasn’t YOU.” She muttered softly but loud enough for Bryce to hear. “He just wasn’t you.” She added.

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