Shadows In Durango

Chapter 63

*****Sofia's POV*****

Last night I had fallen asleep with Emma by my side which had seriously helped to relieve any anxiety that I still had after my date with Vincent.

Waking up before Emma for a change, I head straight for a shower and to dress.

I next head downstairs to see if I could make myself a coffee with Vincent's fancy machine that I had watched the others use many of times before now - always wondering if I could attempt to make my own.

Finding nobody around, I grab a mug, before standing before the luxurious machine, its gold spouts and coffee pods teasing my curiosity.

Humming a song as I fiddled around and put the pod into what I had hoped was the right part of the machine, I hadn't even heard someone enter the kitchen from behind me until:

"Beat me to it today huh?" I shriek and turn on my heels to find Daryl, his tired eyes and lazy smirk putting me a little at ease.

At least he didn't seem too pissed off about my date with Vincent...

"Want me to show you how it works?" He offers, as I nod slowly and watch him approach.

Opening up another part of the machine, he removes my pod and swaps its location with a chuckle - causing me to mutter under my breath since I had been almost certain that I had it in the right slot before he proceeds to check the water level - finding that it was full.

He then turns it on at the side, bringing a little screen to life with options of how I want the coffee to be made - making it more straight forward than I even knew.

"Ooooh, iced?!" I point to the one that I wanted to try, enjoying cold brews as he nods and selects it, placing my cup under the spout.

The machine jumps to life, before a little flap opens and drops crushed ice down before the coffee itself pours into the mix.

"Now you just add as much milk as you want." Daryl confirms, handing me the finished result as I beam at him and move to retrieve it from the fridge.

Glancing over at his back as he makes his own morning coffee, I can't help but feel bad for what I had done with Vincent in his car only hours before.

Daryl had always been kind to me ever since I arrived in town, and I was certain we had a spark, but I wasn't totally sure if he wanted something serious or not - especially after he had kissed that ex of his at the party that one time... I don't know....

But Emma's words ring in my mind - we weren't together. I'm single. I can experiment and figure it out for myself, it's all going to be just fine!

"So? How did your date with Vin go?" Daryl turns towards me, motioning for me to pass the milk across to him which I do so with a heavy gulp. This is suddenly growing awkward...

"Uh, y-yeah, it was nice." I confirm, as Daryl all but pours the white liquid in to his cup and stops to mix it together with a hum.

I had never really felt tense around him until this moment right now, it was strange. Hopefully I hadn't actually upset him because that wasn't my intention at all...

Daryl takes a sip of his coffee, eyes never leaving mine. "Nice, huh?" he repeats, his voice laced with an emotion to which I can't quite place. Is it curiosity? Disappointment? Jealousy even?

I nod carefully, trying to hide my discomfort by taking a sip of my own coffee. The cold brew is delicious, but it does little to calm the turmoil bulldozing through my mind.

"What did you two get up to then?" he asks, leaning against the counter, his gaze unwavering.

Does he already know about what I did? I hadn't checked my phone this morning to see if Vincent had gotten my text last night... maybe I had been too late?

Maybe he already told Daryl about what we did together only to rub it in? But I would like to believe that he would have a little more respect for me than that!

What do I say? I can't admit that I went for dinner before sucking his best-friend off in his car! My first date with Daryl had been ice cream and a kiss, which was magical in its own right, but compared to my time with Vincent - the dates were horrific to even begin to compare!

"Oh, you know, we just got some nice dinner and then came back home," I say with a forced casualness, hoping that he wouldn't press me any further on it.

Daryl's lips twitch, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he simply nods and takes another sip of his coffee. I can't tell if he knows or not, which is what was killing me the most.

The silence stretches between us, filled with unspoken words and lingering questions.

I take a deep breath, deciding to change the subject. "So, any plans for today? Last free day of the weekend before school tomorrow!" I ask, hoping to steer the conversation away from my date with Vincent.

Daryl shrugs. "Not really. Just the usual stuff. I'll maybe hit the gym later to let off some steam." He pauses, then adds, "What about you?"

Let off some steam... maybe he does know and he's pissed off about it deep down?!

I glance up at the clock on the wall. "I'm going to wait til Emma wakes up, then see what she's doing, but we could maybe grab lunch or something if you wanted?" I suggest suddenly, feeling the guilt eat through me knowing that I didn't want to completely bomb out any chance that I had with him.

I didn't know what I wanted yet...

His eyes light up with a hint of surprise. "Yeah, that sounds good," he says, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'd like that."

The tension between us eases slightly, and I can't help but feel relieved. Maybe things won't be as awkward as I had feared...

"Me too, I would love to talk to you, and maybe explain some more things about my past to help you understand me a little better - if you would be willing to listen?" I test, as Daryl seems taken aback again.

I wanted him to know everything, especially since he had always been the most caring and understanding between Vincent and him. It didn't feel right that I had opened up so much to Vincent when Daryl was left in the dark about who I was and where I had come from...

"Only if you feel comfortable telling me, I'll listen to anything that you have to say sweetheart." He nods once, before footsteps are heard approaching the kitchen - as I turn my head to almost faint when seeing Vincent walk in through the door.

Shit, what do I do?!

I know we all currently live together but for some reason I had not expected to be stuck with them both in a room together so soon...

"Morning!" I chime, trying to hide my nerves as Vincent all but glances at me with a smirk but says nothing as he too heads for a coffee with his muscular chest bare to all wondering eyes.

I still wondered whether or not he had seen my text and knowing how explosive he could be, I feared that he would try to make a crude joke or remark in front of Daryl regarding what we both did together in the car...

"You good? You look a little pale?" Daryl points out, which causes Vincent to look back towards me to see for himself, of course causing for my cheeks to heat at the attention.

"Do I? Because I feel absolutely fine! I'm actually going to go and see if Emma is awake yet." I push out a smile, before hopping off from the chair and scurrying my way out of the kitchen like a loose rat.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Releasing a breath that I hadn't even known I was holding as I make my way upstairs, I feel relieved to be away from them both but grow a little nervous incase they were to discuss what happened on our date further... Reaching my room, I curiously make a move to glance over my phone - seeing that Vincent had actually responded to my text last night not long after I had sent it:

'It will be our little secret babydoll if that's what you wish... but I'll be needing more of where that came from soon, that shit was the fucking hottest! Thanks for a good night x'

I read over his words as my heart swells at his agreement to keep it under wraps - at least for now.

That would buy me enough time to figure out what exactly I wanted and with who, before I speak to them both.

That's one less stress for now, and for that, I was grateful to him.

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