Sinful Love



Selena slowly blinked her eyes to open. Her whole body is aching. Last night was full of violence with hair grabbing, choking, slapping, biting, and screaming. Selena smiled when she recalled last night, pulling her duvet up to her chin to cover up her girlish giggle. Zaden was not there with her. She found multiple love marks on her body during the bath. She touched those marks and a sudden prick of pain erupted, reminding her how and where she got the mark from. She frowned when she felt a slip between her thighs. Not again!!! She sighed out and tried to finish her bath fast without giving space to any intruding memories. Keyword to be noted here; TRIED.

She walked to the front and Zaden had his back to her, below the stairs of the front porch. Maximus and Orion were there too, talking to him. Maximus smiled at Selena when he noticed her and Zaden looked over his shoulder. She was wearing a jeans and chili red t-shirt. The chili red t-shirt immediately popped millions of images into his head. He bit his lower lips with a vicious smile at her. She pretends not to know what that smile means and walked gently to them. Climbing down just one step, she slides her hands gently from behind on his shoulders.

“We were just discussing menu for today's meet-up. We would like to treat our Queen to something nice since you refused any luxuries from us. What would you like?” Maximus questioned.

“Ice-cream,” both Zaden and Selena said together, Zaden was more sarcastic. Maximus's eye widened at Orion.

“Told you...” Orion said and Maximus chuckled before leaving with Orion. Maximus and Orion seem to get along well. Selena slipped her hand to the front. Another came to clasp, hugging Zaden and planted a kiss on his neck.

“You should know better by now. No red color clothing” Zaden said low and Selena chuckled.

“Why? Does that spell danger to you?” she whispered to his ears, sending tingles even to the toughest alpha out there. He grabbed her hands and moved forward. She yelped before jumping to wrap her feet

around Zaden's waist, a piggyback ride.

“Not for me, but for you...” he looked over his shoulder and planted a kiss on her lips. He had just sucked her bottom lips for 3 seconds when they heard a scream behind them, and Zaden let her lips go before turning around.

“Put her down!!! Oh my god” it was Makeala, all panicky and jerky. Selena slowly slides off his back with a frown.

“How many times should I tell you two, careful!!! “ Selena had dropped her head to the ground, pulling her t-shirt that has ridden up from piggyback ride. Zaden stood there rubbing his neck.

“I didn't expect this from you, Selena. How am I going to get you through this pregnancy? Could you please be a bit less childish for another 8 months, just this 8 months in your whole entire life?” Makeala was really fuming. Selena had never been scolded like this before, except for Zaden, but she knows how to turn his anger around. She kept her head down and walked away.

“Selena...” Zaden took a step forward to follow her

“No, don't” she just used her Samrat order on him and Makeala and they froze in the spot. Zaden glared at Makeala.

“What happen?” Sitka and Xavier just walked out of the cabin and peeping their head to see the back of Selena. Zaden's glare on Makeala intensifies as if he would snap her head any second now and Xavier and Sitka understood. They also glaring at Makeala with arms crossed their chest. Makeala suddenly felt like she is under a microscope as her eye flickered around the ground.

It wasn't until lunch when Selena came back to the cabin, even then because she was hungry. She sat at the wooden dining table with a sour face. Boxes of food had arrived and one, in particular, attracted her. ‘NO EGG’ was written on it as Makeala doesn't like eggs. A devilish smirk edged Selena's lips.

Zaden and the others walked into the dining table to see Selena, already there. One leg pulled up to the chair and take out box in her hand. She had already gone through a half box of the fried noodle. She didn't bother to look up at any of them, including Zaden. They decide through mind-link that it's best not to disturb her or she might run off again. They silently took their seats, Zaden being next to Selena and Makeala opposite her. Makeala kept stealing glances at Selena, hoping for some sort of reaction from her, but none came to her disappointment. She took her ‘NO EGG’ box and opened it, eyes focused on Selena. Suddenly, something squishy jumped from the box and hit her face. She looked down and a few frogs stood staring at her.

“AHHHH!!!” she screamed at the top of her voice and freaked the frogs as they started jumping forward onto her. She pushed her chair back still screaming and all others, except for Zaden and of course, Selena, pushed the chair back to avoid the frog. When all the frogs have jumped down from the table, the boys were busy catching and Makeala stomped her feet out of the cabin. Selena didn't even flinch a bit and kept taking forking noodles little by little into her mouth. Zaden pinched his lips inwards to suppress his laughter. He then crossed his hands on the table edge and leaned forward

“Frogs? Seriously?” he is talking to Selena

“She started it, Zaden” Selena dropped her body front and held the table edge, snapping at him and he couldn't control his laugh. He stretched his hand to embrace her head and pulled her in before kissing her forehead.

“She cares about you...and our's a treasure for them. You would understand once your dad knows about the pregnancy. Then Makeala won't look so crazy” that made Selena smile and Zaden too. Later, Makeala and Selena shook hands and gave up their fight.

It is 4.45 pm when Selena and Zaden walked hand in hand, with their leader's pack into Samrat Kingdom's mansion. They were talking to each other and laughing with Selena in the middle of Zaden and Orion. No one had arrived yet, so they all settled down with a cup of tea in the communal hall.

Selena at the end of the table, Zaden, Makeala and Sitka to her right, Orion and Xavier to her left. Soon, one by one, the alphas walked into the room. They are amused at how punctual, calm and relaxed their new Queen is, something they have never seen in Epsilon. She stood up and nodded at them with a graceful smile, followed by Mountain Manuka pack. Teas were served as soon as they all settled down, but waiting for one more alpha to come, Alpha Reimus. The others were briefing Selena on how things used to be around here. She was shocked but didn't show it that much. She was listening attentively to Alpha Theodore when Alpha Reimus walked in. His eye glaring sharp at Selena. Selena's eye followed him with a cold face, till he came and sat down on her left.

‘Now there is our issue’

She mind-linked Mountain Manuka pack and they all looked at Reimus.

“I assume everyone is here?” Selena's voice resonates through the table.

“Yes, Selena” Maximus said.

“So, do we have a final decision?” Selena asked again and Alpha Theodore lunged forward his chair and spoke on behalf of others.

“Dear, please do understand that what your asking for is a complicated choice for us. We have done so much to move this island forward, every single pack has their own contribution and-“ Selena cut him off

“With all due respect, Alpha Theodore, I do understand all the pack's contribution. My question is, whether you would like to keep contributing, keep supporting me in the upcoming days or not. And there should be only 2 answers for that, yes or no”

‘He is trying to confuse me, probably wanting a linear choice for Reimus’ Selena thought to herself

Alpha Theodore turned to his sides, observing Reimus. Reimus shook his head ‘NO’. Then his eyes panned to all other pack members and they nodded ‘YES’. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“10 alphas are with you, Selena” Theodore said and Selena's eye darted to Reimus. There is no innocence in them, they are fierce now.

“Great!!! Now, the one pack that doesn't comply, please, leave the island immediately.” Everyone stiffened.

“Wait, I change my mind” Reimus snapped his head up. Selena slowly stood up from her seat and paced step by step to him, running her finger through each member's chair's headrest, reading their mind one by one.

“Why did you oppose in the first place?” Selena is behind Alpha Capsion

‘Everyone knows why, because he doesn't want to be under a woman.’ Alpha Capsion's mind voice in her ears. They are not mind-linking her nor do they know she can read minds. It is their crude, genuine thought.

“I was confused...” Reimus said

“And what made you change your mind now?” she is behind Alpha Derrick right now

‘Because he is afraid of Zaden Black’ his mind voice also entered her ears.

“I trust a Samrat bloodline would do a good job” Reimus said. Selena is now standing next to him. She pulled an empty chair and sat down, crossing her legs.

“Let's forget about the bloodline thingy and talk only about us here. Now, I came from a human world into werewolf world. What I learned from both worlds is that an organization would only be intact if

every member of it is ready to serve and fight for it. If one triS, there will be sabotages and discomfort, let it be billionaire companies or families, in our case, pack. If you are going to trip, as I said before, I have no issue. You don't have to worry about rebooting. Everything that your pack needs for the next 6 months will be provided from Samrat and you are on your own after that. But if you choose to stay and later days I find a glitch in the system, you know what will happen.” Selena's eye dart to Zaden and Reimus followed her action. Zaden and the whole table were glaring at him with full fury. He swallowed his saliva.

“So, how is it going to be?” Selena relaxed back into her chair. There was a momentary silence in the room as everyone wait with anticipation.

“I...I will leave Que-sorry, Selena.” He stood up and so did Selena. Selena nodded with a pursed-lip, clearly disappointed with his decision.

“It should be a great loss to your team” Selena's eyes scanned the room and many of her alphas nodded in agreement. She nodded back.

“But as I said, we wouldn't want to force you to stay. I'm not Epsilon.” She reached her hand out with a smile. They shook hands and he left, with a heavy heart. The door behind her shut down and she took a deep breath in and out.

“What is next?” Selena clasped her hand together, still standing on the other end of the table, away from others. Theodore exchanged looks with his alphas and they stood up, so did Zaden and his team.

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