Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 147 Forty-Five

chapter 147 Forty-Five

Thaddeus POV

There are worse ways to die then death. Worse ways to torture someone other than physical pain.

Looking down at this weak pathetic woman, I wanted to inflict the same pain Evelyn endured. Yet

Evelyn for some strange reason wanted me to leave her alive. If it were me, I would want to torture her

slowly. I would still enjoy this though. Evelyn doesn’t need to know as long as she remains silent.

“Get her out of here Orion, I will deal with her and Ryland later” I watch as they go, and the woman

stirs. How could she inflict what she has done on another woman? But I could see this one was tainted

with madness and jealousy she honestly thought Evelyn was having an affair with her husband.

The thought of touching this woman disgusted me but I had no choice. Grabbing her face, I force

her to look up at me. She whimpers cowering back in fear.

“You will not make a sound, you will not cry, you will only suffer internally” I tell her, watching her

eyes glaze over. She didn’t even put up a fight, Evelyn was tiny and even she could sometimes fight off

my compulsion, this woman however didn’t put up any fight all.

“Now you will suffer what Evelyn did” Grabbing her head I rifle through her thoughts, her body

shaking in my hands as I flicked through the files of her mind, what I wasn’t expecting was the man that

tortured my love to have survived. Evelyn was so sure he died and so was I by her memories. Seeing

his burnt face in her memories angered me further. Twisting her memories was easy, I ruined the

memories she had with him, twisted them into something dark and painful when another thought came

over me. What better revenge then to makes Evelyn’s memories hers.

I shoved Evelyn’s first ever horrid encounter with that man into her, letting it flood her mind. April

gasped and started shaking her head, but I held tighter. Letting not only Evelyn’s memories flood her

but the emotion she felt during that encounter, here helplessness, fear, shame, repulsion every little

emotion that ever registered within Evelyn I gave to her. Letting go, I looked at this vile woman. She

had tears rolling down her face, guilt evident on her face. She truly didn’t know what a monster her

husband was.

“Speak” I tell her.

“I didn’t know, please no more” she whispers. I arch an eyebrow at her begging.

“No, more?” I ask oh there would be more that was her first memory. If she couldn’t handle one

memory how was this woman going to endure what he takes from her, what destroyed her. One

memory and Evelyn had a year of them.

“Please no more” She begs again.

“That’s what Evelyn begged every time, that was only one, we haven’t even got to the best part.

You haven’t seen how much of a monster he truly is. Now be quiet” I tell her as I grab her face kneeling

in front of her. She grabs my wrist not wanting to endure anymore. But she will, she will see everything,

every god damn thing, and I will make sure she feels it.

Her face twisting in pain, her mouth open in a silent scream as I shove every memory in her mind,

every thought, every emotion. April’s face was tortured, I actually felt bad seeing the look on her face.

What that man did makes me sick, to do that to a child, abuse his power and trust like that.

Standing up, I look down at her. She was shaking but not a word come out of her, her eyes hollow

as she was now forever haunted by what Evelyn endured just like me, just like Orion. I was thankful

Ryland didn’t see, and Orion I swore to each other we would never let him. I felt everything along with

her, felt every emotion of Evelyn when I took them, like I was with her the entire time, how she didn’t kill

herself is beyond me. Looking at April though she wasn’t as strong as Evelyn, she just might.

There are worse things than death, the mind could make you wish for it. Make you want it. The

mind was a form of torture on its own, nothing worse than toxic thoughts. Nothing worse than losing

your will to live.

Evelyn’s POV

Waiting was a torture in itself. Thaddeus had been down there for ages, and I hadn’t heard a

sound from the house. My hands trembling as we waited before suddenly Ryland come tearing through

the trees surrounding the property. Trampling over the garden’s as he rushed over, shifting mid stride.

His feet skidding on the grass as he stopped next to us in front of the porch.

“Thank god,” he breathed, hands on his knees before dropping to the ground exhausted. Orion

growls at him when Ryland reaches for me, pulling me away from Ryland which confused me. Didn’t

Ryland tell him that he said I could go?

I reach out for him, and Ryland grasps my fingertips. Orion anger hitting me and Ryland’s guilt. Yet

Thaddeus I could feel nothing but a sense of calm, like when you hit the eye of a storm and everything

goes silent and peaceful before the hurricane hits again. That was the vibe I was getting.

I try to move off Orion’s lap, but he grips my hips pulling me down on his lap. “Don’t,” is all he says

to me but the venom behind that simple word made me freeze. Suddenly the front door opens hitting

the wall before splintering everywhere from the force.

Thaddeus growl so menacing that birds fled the trees and I cringed away from him. His eyes on

Ryland as he stalks toward him and fear consumes me and guilt. Thaddeus was one minute behind me

and within a blink of an eye he had Ryland by the throat.

“It’s not his fault, I didn’t go where I said I was going,” I blurt out just as he raises his fist. Thaddeus

freezes, his fist still raised as he looks over his shoulder at me. I shrink back under his gaze leaning

into Orion.

“I didn’t know, I thought…” I couldn’t finish, they tried to warn me there was something wrong with

her, something off and I stupidly fell into her trap.

“Did Ryland say you could leave the house without him?” Thaddeus asks. I look frantically to

Ryland worried and he just nods. Thaddeus growls before turning back to him. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

“He said I could meet Lana at the park, I got message saying to come here. I didn’t tell him” I

confess worried Thaddeus was going to seriously hurt him. Ryland instantly shakes his head telling me

to stop speaking. I bite my tongue wondering how much trouble I was in, by the look on his face he

wanted to kill me.

“She could have fucking died” He screamed, and Ryland hung his head before Thaddeus shoved

him away before ripping me to my feet and crushing me against his chest. His bunched muscle

instantly relaxing as he inhaled my scent.

“You are in so much trouble when we get home” He hums below my ear making me shiver.

“What did you do to April?” I whisper worried because she hasn’t come out of the house.

“She is alive for now” he says before gripping my chin forcing me to look up and meet his stormy


“Derrick is alive” he states, and I nod, a cruel smile on his lips and I feel a sadistic feeling come

through the bond. Thaddeus rummages through my back pocket pulling out his mother’s car keys

before unlocking the car. His grip on my arm tightening as he drags me to the car, opening the back

door and shoving me in. Orion remains silent and I could feel he was seething through the bond at me

and Ryland, he says nothing the entire drive back to Thaddeus’s parent’s house. I didn’t dare say a

word not wanting to get in any more trouble and I was still trying to wrap my head around what

happened and the fact I was still alive.

Shock hitting me now that I had time to think. My mind racing and I see Thaddeus glance at me

through the mirror a few times. His burning anger toward me made my stomach drop. Ryland slides

across the seat moving closer to me.

“Don’t fucking touch her” Thaddeus growls and he instantly moves back onto his seat away from

me. Pulling in, Imogen was waiting out front and rushes over, opening the door and crushing me in a


“Thank god you are okay, when Thaddeus rang, I was so worried“ she says pulling away and

giving me once over. Her face falling when she saw I am drenched in blood.

“Well thank god for the healing properties of blood. I better tell your fathers to come home they

have been out searching for her for hours,” Imogen says walking inside.

“I’m not staying, mum. I am taking my mates home where I can watch them” Thaddeus tells her,

looking back at him she nods. “Can you at least say goodbye to your fathers” Thaddeus nods before

grabbing my hand and tugging me inside. I was shivering and I didn’t know if it was cold or my shock.

Imogen races upstairs before returning with some clothes, she points to the bathroom and I nod just as

her mates answer the phone and she starts talking.

Walking in, I place the clothes on the sink. My clothes were sticking to my skin from the dried

blood. My hair all matted. Peeling my clothes off, I turn the shower on when Thaddeus walks in with

Orion. Thaddeus and Orion stripping their clothes off and stepping in the shower behind me.

“Where is Ryland?” I ask, the only answer I get, is a growl. My hair was coated in blood, I washed

it once before Orion took over, I was exhausted mentally and honestly couldn’t care less about what I

looked like. All I could think about was April and how I didn’t notice what she had planned. Then my

thoughts drifted to Lana. What would come of her now? Thaddeus said April was alive still, but that

meant little. I know there are worse ways then death, so what did he do that he would walk away

leaving her alive? I could feel how much he wanted to kill her. He wanted to inflict the same thing I

endured on her, yet he gave nothing away. I tried asking a few times but all he would tell me was she

was alive.

Orion washed my hair, getting all the blood out. I barely even registered their hands on my body. I

was numb, completely numb. Yet I welcomed that feeling, it was better than feeling anything. Thaddeus

washed my body while Orion was brushing my hair with his fingers. He was a little rough, but I didn’t

care, pain was the least of my worries.

My thoughts eating away me only to be pulled out of my own head by the water being turned off. I

felt like I was on auto pilot, I could see everything going on around me, yet I felt nothing, the night going

by in a blur and the next thing I remember is Thaddeus stopping the car.

I look around confused I don’t even remember leaving the house or saying goodbye to his parents.

Don’t remember anything of the trip. I do remember fog though, yet I couldn’t remember when it started

only realising its absence when it suddenly lifted when Thaddeus opened my car door. The cool breeze

of the night sweeping over my skin. We were home. Everything coming back to me startling clear.

“I should ring Lana,” I tell Thaddeus.

He shakes his head. “Not tonight,” he says.

“I don’t even know if she got home.”

“She is home with April, Evelyn. She is fine I promise,” Thaddeus tells me. Yet how did he know

that? Confusion hitting me, I don’t remember him ringing her maybe he did, because I don’t remember

anything since getting out of the shower.

I felt disorientated.

“Come Evelyn, I won’t ask again,” Thaddeus growls making my eyes snap to his. I must have been

staring off into space. I reluctantly follow him inside, Ryland tried to grab my hand, but Thaddeus pulled

me away before growling at him.

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