Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 151 Forty-Nine

chapter 151 Forty-Nine

Evelyn’s POV

Thaddeus phones Bianca and we spend around an hour waiting before I hear movement outside. I

was sitting on the lounge with Thaddeus and Ryland when the front door opened, and Orion stepped

inside. Standing, I go to see Lana when Thaddeus pulls me behind him. Lana walks in cautiously.

Looking around the room before her eyes land on me. Her hair was messy, and she was wearing a

hospital gown. Her eyes going wide when she saw me and rushes over to me, a little too fast nearly

knocking me over. If it weren’t for Thaddeus holding my arm, she would have knocked me to the


“Thank god you’re okay” I whisper hugging her back. She sighs deeply squeezing me tightly.

Thaddeus I could see was watching her with a strange expression on his face and I could feel his

caution through the bond. Orion, I noticed was standing behind her his hand on her shoulder

awkwardly like he was worried something was going to happen.

Their worry through the bond making me uneasy, why were they acting like that. It was Lana?

Orion and Ryland have met her plenty of times, she isn’t like April.

Lana steps back and looks around “This place is nice. Do you live here with them?” she asks.

I nod, her eyes darting around the room quickly, in fact all her movements seemed jerky and too


“Come, I will get you some clothes” I tell her, grabbing her hand. Thaddeus places his hand on my

arm stopping me when I went to take her up the stairs.

“Orion will get her some clothes” Thaddeus tells me.

“Why are you acting like this, it is Lana?” I ask him. His eyes not leaving her.

“It’s not safe” Ryland says stepping closer.

“I am not going to try and leave again; I am right here” I tell him, but he shakes his head.

“We aren’t worried about you doing anything Evie” Ryland says using Lana’s nickname for me.

“I’m not going to hurt her” Lana exclaims, shocked by his words, she looked appalled he would

even suggest such a thing.

“You may not mean to but it’s a chance I won’t take, not with my mate” Thaddeus says pulling me

against him.

“You’re being ridiculous, Lana won’t hurt me” I tell him, but he doesn’t let go.

“I will go with them Thaddeus. Evie will be safe” he says. Thaddeus reluctantly lets me go and I

grab Lana’s hand pulling her up the stairs. Orion right on our heels. I rummage through the wardrobe

giving her some clothes before following her into the bathroom and shutting the door before Orion’s

hand stops it.

“Door stays open” he says. Lana looks mortified at his words, as any teenage girl would be.

“Not all the way just so I don’t have to knock it down if something were to happen” he says

confusing me. I turn the shower on for her, and Lana gets undressed. She seemed different almost

perfectly fine, like nothing happened.

Sitting up on the sink basin. Lana hops in the shower. I noticed her chest was covered in blood

under the gown and she had a scar where her heart would be.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, Lana’s head whipping to me so fast, she nearly gave me whiplash just

watching how quick she moved.

“Yeah fine“ she says her voice almost melodious.

“So, what happened?”

“I don’t really remember, child services got involved. April had been acting strange the past week

and I was staying in a motel near the hospital, I was visiting Dad and she came in crying hysterically.

Saying these horrible things that dad raped you, that he was sick in the head. She was waving his gun

around. Dad tried to get her to calm down. I heard a bang and Dad fell off the bed and I saw blood

pooling and the next thing I know; I heard the gun go off again, felt like I was punched in the chest.

Then I woke in the morgue that’s when I rang you” she tells me.

I hated the way Lana called him Dad, hated that she had an attachment to the vile man, but I also

understood he was good to her, she never saw the parts of him I did.

“Orion wouldn’t tell me if they were okay, he brought me here. Said I couldn’t go home, said that I

was vampire now. Pretty cool don’t you think? I love the vampire diaries“ she says excitedly. Her

attitude shocked me. So unfeeling, like she didn’t know the people who raised her, like she had no

connection or emotion at all.

“Is it true what mum said, did dad really do that?” she asks. I cringe at the word feeling disgusted

hearing it leave her mouth.

“Yes Lana, what April said was true” I tell her. She looks at me.

“But your over it right? You’re good now?” she asks. Her words shocking me. Was this the same

Lana I knew? What happened to me is not something you get over, you just live with it, deal with it or in

my case not deal with it, thanks to Thaddeus who dealt with it for me.

I say nothing. “So, what about mum, did she get arrested?” Lana asks and my lungs restrict. She

didn’t know. She didn’t know they were dead.


Orion pops his head in the door and shakes his head and presses his fingers to his lips. He didn’t

want me to tell her.

“I am not sure,” I tell her turning back to her. She was washing her hair. Why was I lying to her?

What was going on. I had so many thoughts racing through my head and nothing was making sense,

Lana’s strange behaviour, Thaddeus sudden distrust of her.

Suddenly the water turns off. I hand her a towel. She steps out, wrapping it around herself, the

room full of steam.

“The hot water here sucks,“ she says making me raise an eyebrow. The room felt like a sauna the

room so thick with steam I felt like I was inhaling the water in the air. I open the door intending to walk

out when she speaks again, the breeze from the open window brushing over me.

“What’s that smell?” she asks and just as I turn to face her, I notice her face twist into a demon, her

eyes going blood red as she lunges at me, knocking me over before sinking her teeth into my shoulder.

I let out a scream, and Orion was already ripping her off me, her teeth pulling painfully from my skin.

Lana thrashing in his arms, a crazed look on her face.

“What the fuck, Lana. You bit me,” I say shocked just as the door burst open. Blood starts trickling

down my chest where Orion ripped her teeth out of me. She continued to thrash in his arms like a wild


“Let me have her,” she screamed fighting against him. Ryland rips me to my feet and yanking me

from the room, his arm around my waist. I see Thaddeus walk over to her grabbing her face. “Enough”

He yells at her and I see her freeze for a second before she starts thrashing again. Ryland drags me

downstairs, my hand clutching my blood-soaked neck. He sits me on the lounge just as Bianca walks in

her eyes darting to the stairs at the commotion above us.

“Upstairs” Ryland tells her, and she disappears in a fast blur. I hear banging and crashing upstairs

making me look up at the landing above us.

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask him. Ryland bites into his wrist pressing it against my lips and

stopping me from asking any questions.

“Drink it” he says, and I let my lips part, feel his blood coat the inside of my mouth warm and thick

and I have to force myself to swallow. Feeling my wound healing underneath my hands the sensation

felt strange.

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask again his blood coating my lips and Ryland wipes it off with his

thumb, Ryland looks up before looking at me.

“She is a newborn vampire; they feel everything differently or feel nothing at all, your scent must

have overwhelmed her” Ryland says.

“But Orion doesn’t attack me like that?”

“He has had hundreds of years of practise to control his bloodlust. Even older ones sometime slip.

Lana has no control yet.”

“But she will be okay, right?” He sighs, running his hand down his face. He looked tired. He places

his hands on my legs looking up at me.

“That is why Bianca is here. She will take Lana and look after her,” Ryland tells me just as Orion

comes downstairs his clothes torn from the struggle. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“Lana won’t go with her; she doesn’t know her,” I tell him. Orion growls at me before sitting down

clearly angered by something.

“She can’t stay here with you; she won’t have a choice but to go with Bianca,” Orion argues back.

“And if she says no?” I ask.

“Then Thaddeus will kill her. She needs guidance, Bianca will look after her,” Ryland tells me.

Thaddeus walks down with a limp Lana in his arms before walking outside. I go to get up and follow

him, to check she is alright when Orion pulls me down on his lap wrapping his arms securely around

my waist. Bianca walks down the stairs fixing her outfit which was wrinkled before coming over to me.

“I promise to look after her Evelyn, she is safe with me. Promise,” Bianca says looking to the door

Thaddeus just walked out of. I liked Bianca she was always kind to me, and I knew if my mates trusted

her I could as well, Bianca is Thaddeus’s aunty after all.

“Can I at least say goodbye?” I ask them.

“She is unconscious, Thaddeus broke her neck,” Bianca says, and I jump up horrified by what she

said. Orion pulls me back down on him.

“She is fine Love; it won’t kill her“ he whispers just as Thaddeus walks back in.

“I put her in Ryland’s car you can take that to get home” Bianca nods before rushing outside.

“You broke her neck?” I ask him angrily.

“Be grateful I didn’t kill her, usually any newborn vampire I come across, I kill. The only reason I

didn’t is because she is your friend” he says, and I can feel his anger burning into me through the bond.

I hear Ryland’s car start and try and get up again only to be stopped this time by Thaddeus

gripping my arm.

“You will see her again, but when you’re not so breakable.”

“Not so breakable?”

“Yes, you’re human, Evelyn” His words anger me. He wants me to turn into a vampire and be

uncontrollable like Lana? He just said he snapped her neck for crying out loud.

“I have already told you, I won’t change and seeing her like that just reinforces that decision” I tell


“You won’t have a choice you will get older, Evie; you will decide, or I will decide for you,” he yells

at me. The lights flickering in his anger.

“Fine, then I will change,” I tell him. He seems shocked by my words. “I will change when you give

up your magic,” I scream at him. If I have to give up my life, he can give up his magic like his mother

wants him to.

“That’s not happening,” he growls.

“Then I am not changing,” I tell him defiantly, crossing my arms and holding his glare refusing to

back down; I knew he would say that. We stare at each other for a few seconds before he storms out of

the house angrily, slamming the door behind him.

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