Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 55

chapter 55

Waking up I rolled on my side, my hand coming in contact with a warm bare chest, I sat up my

heart skipping a beat for second before I realised it was only Tobias and not some random dude from

the club. I instantly relaxed, my head was cloudy and throbbing, I could hardly remember what we got

up to last night. The last thing I remember was kissing Merida.

I rubbed my head which was pounding against my skull, Tobias was watching me a strange look

on his face. I went to get out of bed when he pulled me on top of him. I slumped heavily against him, I

had the worst hangover and felt so dehydrated. Theo walked in, carrying a glass of water and some

Panadol. I sat up my legs straddling Tobias’s waist. He passed them to me. I quickly swallowed the pills

down and sculled the drink, the coolness of the water soothing the dryness of my throat. Theo placed

the glass on the bedside table.

I went to crawl out of the bed, the sudden urge to pee taking over. I climbed to the edge of the bed,

stopping when Theo grabbed my chin making me look up at him. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

“Don’t roll your eyes, it’s disrespectful.” I was in no mood to put up with their orders. Plus, I really

needed to pee.

“You know what’s disrespectful? Lying about the fact that you’re married,” I spat back at him.

I went to climb off the bed again only for his grip on my chin to get tighter, forcing my eyes to meet

his. “Don’t ever let me see you kiss another person again understood?” I heard Tobias growl behind

me, obviously remembering mine and Merida’s display of affection.

I laughed and slapped his hand away before shoving past him. This fucker lied about being

married and he thinks he can tell me what to do.

“Imogen” I ignored Tobias calling out to me and walked into the bathroom, quickly peeing, and

washing my hands before walking back and climbing under the covers. I just wanted to go back to

sleep. No such luck, I felt the bed dip as Theo got under the blanket next to me. Tobias rolled over

closer, and I snuggled into his warmth. I was still angry, but his warm skin was nice against mine and it

was cold this morning. I felt Tobias fingertips gently rubbing my hip.

I could hear them talking softly but tuned them out before going back to sleep. They let me sleep

and I eventually woke back up a few hours later. Tobias was laying next to me. I could hear him snoring

softly, but Theo was gone. I could smell bacon, making my belly rumble loudly. Climbing out of bed, I

pulled on one their shirts and put on some socks. My hair looked like a bird had made a nest in it as I

walked past the glass on either side of the front door, making me laugh at my own reflection. I looked

as bad as I felt.

I made my way into the kitchen and turned the kettle on. “Sit I will make it, here eat this,” he said

passing me a plate of bacon and eggs with French toast. I dug in, nothing like greasy food when

hungover. Theo handed me a coffee; I sipped its hot caffeinated goodness awakening my soul.

Sometimes coffee was better than sex, well right now it was anyway.

Tobias walked downstairs running his hand through his hair, the muscles on his abdomen flexing

as he moved. It was so hard to remember how angry I was at them when they kept walking around half

bloody naked looking like god damn gods. Stupid mate bond making me fucking horny all the time. I

turned back to face the kitchen, and Theo was watching me a silly smirk on his face, like he knew what

I was thinking. And I wouldn’t been surprised if he did snoop in my thoughts.

Tobias sat next to me putting his hand on my knee, I pushed it off.

“Really Imogen she is dead. You really going to be jealous over a dead woman?”

“I’m not jealous of a dead woman. I am pissed off because you didn’t tell me you were married and

I’m not stupid, I can tell you’re hiding something else.”

Tobias sighed. “What do you want to know then?” he asked. Now he wants to talk, really this

wouldn’t even have become a thing, if he just told me yesterday instead of running from me and hiding

in the room like a coward.

“Did you kill her?” Theo and Tobias looked at each other, clearly wondering where I got that


“Well, did you?” I asked again before they could ask where I had heard that information.

“Tobias did” Theo answered.


“Because she lied, we thought she loved us and we were going to mark her, then we found out she

was with another vampire and she was just using us, so one of us would change her and give her

immortality” Said Tobias, I could hear the anger in voice. Feel it through the bond this was a topic he

didn’t like speaking of.

“So, Tobias lost control and snapped her neck, she was human. This was also over a hundred

years ago Imogen, not recent and certainly not an issue you need to worry about” Theo stated. They

killed her and I didn’t know how I felt about that.

“How long were you married for and why didn’t her boyfriend just change her?”

“Because he was part of the council and he couldn’t, his parents wouldn’t allow it, this is also one

of the reasons the rules around humans is enforced. Bianca was going to out us if we didn’t change

her. So instead, we killed her, and we were together for about six years,” answered Tobias.

Six years? They killed her after being with her for six years. I felt nauseas knowing they could kill

her like she meant nothing after loving her for six years. I barely knew them; would it be easy for them

to kill me.

“So that’s why the council is against humans, because of her?”

“Not just her, but if we went around changing anyone we wanted, the world would be overrun with

vampires and shifters and that would not be a particularly good world to live in. We prefer to stay in the

shadows. One thing humans are good at is making species become extinct or experimenting on things

they can’t understand or trying replicate it. It is safer for everyone, if humans don’t know of our

existence” I nodded understanding what he meant. There would be people like Bianca coming out of

the woodwork tempted by immortality.

“I don’t understand. You said Theo was changed, and yet you were born but yet you can make me

like you?”

“Yes, vampires are made. They can’t procreate once they change because their bodies don’t

change, males can technically impregnate a human, but no vampire woman would be able to bare

children, their bodies no longer compatible to give birth. Werewolves can procreate, meaning males

and females can have children together and a male vampire, can impregnate a werewolf creating a

hybrid. Which is frowned upon so rarely happens. Werewolves’ bodies can change because we can

shift so, all she wolves are still fertile. I can still change you though because our blood is like a venom if

you have enough in your system it will alter your DNA making you like me” Tobias explained.

“Me on the other hand, you only need drop of my blood for me to change you,” said Theo. This

was a lot of information at once. I didn’t know if I actually preferred to be in the dark about it. Seems too

unreal to make sense.

“And If I don’t want to change?”

“You know that’s not an option, you will be forced eventually, the council already found out about

you” I stared stunned and also a little scared of this human hating council.

“Our parents are going to speak to the council to buy more time, just means we might have to take

you before the council and ask for permission to hold off on changing you. If they agree, and we can

find a way to convince them, things don’t have to change for now, but they will change Imogen. You will

change” Tobias words left no room for argument; he wasn’t going to let me die at least not of old age.

“I have another question then.” They both nodded waiting for me to ask but something with this

whole Bianca situation still rubbed me the wrong way.

“If your wife is dead, why did you instantly think of her when I asked what you and Theo got up to

out here?” They both looked at each other nervously. Theo answered for him.

“She lived here with us. We only moved back here when we found out you were our mate. We

hadn’t been back here since she was killed.” I didn’t know what to think of his answer, it creeped me

out slightly. Was I destined for her path, to end up dead, like her?

“That won’t happen, Imogen. You’re different, don’t compare yourself to her,” Theo told me after

invading my personal thoughts.

“Stay out of my head Theo. You have no right to know what I am thinking.”

He didn’t look happy but kept his mouth shut. I ate the rest of my breakfast before getting up. I This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

went and sat on the lounge and flicked the TV on before remembering they didn’t have service out here

and I had already watched majority of the movies.

Tobias walked out sitting on the couch next to me. Annoyed I got up and he grabbed my hand.

“Please don’t run off.”

“You still lied,” I said spinning around and shaking my hand out of his grip. Only to run into Theo

who was standing silently behind me. He moved closer his hands tugging on his shirt, I was wearing.

He leant in closer his lips so close to mine, I lost my train of thought for second.

“You can still be mad and still want us,” he said before kissing me, his tongue playing with mine.

His hand going under my shirt at my back before sliding into my panties and grabbing my arse.

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