Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 75

chapter 75

Tobias POV Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

She took off, leaving us behind to follow something only she could smell, Theo and I stood stunned

at what just happened. She fed off both of us. Something that I have never seen before. Vampires

didn’t feed off vampires. Not only did she feed off us, but she also marked us in process. Not that I

wouldn’t want to be marked by her, I just didn’t think it would be under these circumstances.

“That’s because she isn’t just a vampire, Tobias, haven’t you noticed? There is something

seriously wrong with her. Did you see her eyes, feel the darkness surrounding her?” Theo asked,

wiping his neck.

“The worst part though, I think she liked it consuming her, like she was letting it” He mumbled.

I moved toward him, examining his neck that had already healed but left a black mark from where

her teeth had sunk in. Imogen’s mark was when we marked her. This was the first time I had seen

markings that were tinged with darkness. Examining my mine, it was the same.

“We need to find her come on” I said as I took off running, shifting mid jump. I could just faintly

smell her scent, Theo tore ahead of me, chasing after her. I hated that I wasn’t as fast as him. But I

now doubt he would be faster than her. She was a newborn vampire on a warpath. Her senses in

overdrive would fuel her like air to a fire, a raging inferno. I just hoped we could get to her before she

did something reckless. Killing Bianca wouldn’t do anything but cause more trouble. Our laws are not to

be broken lightly. No matter the crimes, everything is meant to go before the courts first.

My father was paying for his wrongdoings now, for killing his own kind, for killing Alaric. Imogen

wouldn’t survive that torture. My father knew the consequences of doing what he did. Imogen has no

idea the torture they will put her through for killing Bianca. I wouldn’t let her pay that price. She has

been through enough already without being subjected to such barbaric cruelty.

I had been running for what felt like ages when I finally hit the town. Theo was nowhere to be seen,

yet I could feel the bond pulling me towards the piers. We had been here before, searched every part

of this town already and were quite familiar with it. Shifting back, I walk through the backyard of the

property I came out beside. Praying that a man lives here and not some old lady. I needed clothes or

people might become curious about a random man walking around butt naked.

I cuss when I see the only thing on the clothesline appears to be woman’s clothes. I quickly grab

the floral denim shorts off the line. They seemed to look big enough and other than that there were only

a few pieces of children’s clothing. I quickly slipped them on, my balls being squished in the tight fabric.

I tried to do the zip up, nearly howling when I zip the sensitive skin of my family jewels. I didn’t have

time to be picky and instead readjusted my large length down my leg and took off running towards the

piers. I looked like a fool, but the things you do for those you love, right? Coming to the piers, I see

Imogen’s glowing figure at the end of pier her hands outstretched, I can feel her burning anger through

the bond but also something else. Fear. Feel Theo’s disbelief through the bond. I run towards them, my

feet creaking on the wooden pier, making Imogen and Theo turn to look back at me.

I never should have run onto that pier, my heart skipping when I see Bianca, our child in her arms.

Noticing me running towards them, she uses their distraction to her advantage as she acts, hurling the

blanketed bundle in the air before diving off the pier. My voice echoing as I scream to them. Theo

reacting just in time and catching our child before falling into the ocean. I hear Imogen’s bloodcurdling

scream as she looks on frantically into the black water raging below. Bianca long gone, as we wait for

Theo to resurface.

Breathing only when we see him break through the water’s surface. My heart hammering in my

chest so hard I thought it was going to burst. The sounds of crying were like music to my ears as I

watched Imogen collapse on the deck in relief. Theo moves through the water swiftly before climbing

the pier, the baby no longer inside the warmth of its blanket as he screamed loudly.

Imogen’s POV

I followed the pull which led me to sand; I was on a beach and I could see Bianca running with all

her might before she darted onto one of the piers; she knew I was chasing her. I don’t know when she

figured it out, but she was now running like her life depended on it and it did. My heart stopping as I see

her run towards the end. I skid to a stop as she holds her arm outstretched over the water. My baby

tucked in the confines of the blanket. I stop in my tracks.

“Give me my baby, Bianca” I tell her. I meant to plead with her, yet my voice came out as a growl

threatening, not hiding my murderous intent.

“How the fuck are you alive?” She screamed angrily.

“Bianca, you don’t want to hurt him, you don’t want to hurt your nephew” I tell her hating even

calling her any relation to my son. She looked at him and I moved closer, making her eyes dart to me

as she moved closer to the edge. Theo suddenly appeared beside me, stopping when he saw what

was in her hands. I refused to look at him, not able to take my eyes off my precious boy clutched in that

vile woman’s arms.

“Perfect, he’s here,” she growled, glaring at Theo.

Theo tried to reason with her while I just wanted to kill the bitch, but I wouldn’t risk endangering my


“Isn’t this great not only did you impregnate your mistress, now you’re going to help her kill me,

Theo. I bet your getting a real kick out this aye Immy?”

“Don’t call me that, I just want my son. You had no right to take him. He is mine” I screamed. She

took a step back, her foot falling off as I got ready to jump in after her, but she steadied herself. My

heart rate returning to normal when I see him still tucked in her arm.

“Now that was close” She snickered enjoying the torture she was putting me in. I growled taking a

step forward.

“Ah ah ah, not so close” She says, angling him above the water again. Theo tries reasoning with

her, but she won’t have it. She knows as soon as I get my son, I am going to kill her. She isn’t stupid.

The only reason she is alive right now is because she has my baby in her arms, and she knows that.

“Here comes the other one, look family reunion,” Bianca says sarcastically, making my eyes dart to

what she is staring at behind us, Tobias was running toward us before he suddenly screamed, “No”

Theo’s eyes flicking to mine before both of us look at Bianca, who is gone. Panic rushing through me

when I see Theo dart forward, noticing something I didn’t. Our child in the air, heading directly into the

raging water below. His hand outstretched, gripping the cloth of the blanket he is wrapped tightly in. I

scream as I watch them both sink below the surface.

My heart felt like it was going to stop when I heard Theo gasp and the sweet sounds of my son

screaming his lungs out. I drop to the ground, my legs giving out with my sudden relief. He is alive and

screaming. I never thought a baby cry would be the most melodious thing I had ever heard singing to

my soul.

Theo climbs the pier, and I finally see the perfection that is my son. Theo walks over to me and I

instantly rip off my shirt to wrap him in. Theo places him in my arms. He is perfect and exactly what I

envisioned in my dreams, dark onyx coloured hair and dazzling emerald green eyes like Theo. He has

my nose and lips, though.

“Hi baby,” I whisper looking down on him, tears spilling over and running down my cheeks as he

continues to cry in my arms from being cold. Looking up, Tobias and Theo are in awe looking down at

him. Sniffing his little head, breathing in his scent, when I jerk back, my gums tingling before protruding.

I try to shake off the feeling that is threatening to take over before standing up. I try to tell them, but

Tobias holds out his arms for the baby and I am relieved that I don’t have to explain. Placing the baby

in his arms, he instantly stops crying as Tobias’s warm skin heats him up, keeping him warm.

“We have boy,” Tobias says, looking down on his cute little face.

“And what a boy,” Theo says. I chuckle slightly men always thinking the size of the package

determines the man. I keep my distance, not really trusting my hunger around him right now. But he

looks quite content in Tobias’s arms, looking up at both his fathers.

Theo looks down at Tobias’s pants, making my eyes dart down too. “What are you wearing?” he


Tobias growls lowly. And I raise an eyebrow at his clothing choice.

“I don’t even want to know how you squeezed in those” I tell him.

“Come on, we should head home,” Tobias says, looking at me. I can’t help but look out at the

water, wondering where my sister went. Fear gnawing at me. Wondering if she will come for him again.

I feel my anger resurface as I remember what she did. Theo touching my arm pulled me from my


“We can deal with her later, for now let’s get home,” he said kissing the side of my face. I

reluctantly follow after them. The trip home is longer, we couldn’t run for too long with the baby or as

fast. Tobias and Theo abandoned their car not far from where I was actually living and we drove the

rest of the way, well they did. I asked Tobias to pull over halfway back as I couldn’t handle my son’s

intoxicating scent filling the car. This isn’t what I envisioned motherhood to be like. I never thought my

son would need protecting from me. I ran thinking of everything on replay, my thoughts getting darker

and darker before finding myself on the familiar porch of our home.

Walking around the back and sitting next to my mother’s rose, waiting for them to get home. How

my life has changed in a day, how I have learned many secrets I wish I never knew. Yet I couldn’t

shake the feeling of the darkness. I knew with my death I had to pay the price, I was unnatural, a

witch’s hybrid, so what does that make my son? I knew as soon as I smelt him, he wasn’t just Tobias’s

son but also Theo’s their DNA creating the perfect predator.

Will he be the same? I hope not because this darkness trying to swallow me is addictive and I

don’t know how I feel about loving the sweet intoxicating slickness of it calling to me. I don’t want this

for him, don’t want this for myself. Yet nothing can be done now. I am what I am. I just hope it’s good

and not evil like the shadows calling out to me.

If only my mother could see me now. What would she think of what I have become? I didn’t get to

ponder long before I saw the headlights coming up the road before turning into the long driveway. Will

they still want me when there is nothing left but darkness?

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