Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 90

chapter 90

Bianca’s POV Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I hated this place with a passion, hated every fucking thing about it. Hated having to endure an

immortal life. How naive, I was wanting to become what my father was. The promise of immortality at

the time seemed so exciting, so thrilling, being a part of a secret world, no one knew about. I had

always grown up aware of the other world, my father never hid it. Always, promising everything would

be okay, always promising he would be there for us and he was, sure he would go exploring the world,

but he always came back until one day he didn’t.

For years I tried to track him down, and that’s how I started working for Tobias and Theo. I met

them through Max, and I instantly took a liking to them, and they to me. I kept my father a secret, kept

the fact that I had ulterior motives a secret. My father always refused to change me, said he wanted to

find out what effect my blood would have if I died naturally, some mumbo jumbo, how he reckons dying

even without being changed would bring me back. But who wants to be an old wrinkly vampire? Not

me, even I will admit I am vain. No way did I want a life of immortality as an old lady. My mother didn’t

even agree, he changed her the moment she had me, yet wanted to hold off with me said he wanted to

see what would happen.

I couldn’t wait, I had them wrapped around my fingers, Max too. I thought I loved them for years.

Yet Max I was always closest, not in a romantic way but he was my best friend someone I could

confide in. When I met Alaric, the first time I stepped foot into the council chambers, he offered me a

deal. He knew Cedric was my father, knew I was the rightful heir to his seat on their ancient council. He

wanted that seat, and it could only be handed down or challenged for. Since my father was no longer

around to challenge, he needed it passed down. So, at the time I didn’t think much of it, I wanted to be

a vampire so it seemed like a win-win situation for me. I got what I wanted while he got what he

wanted, so I slept with him, which was also part of his plan. I wasn’t aware that vampires or

werewolves could tell when they’re lovers had been with another. Alaric gave me his blood and sent me

on my merry way, Theo and Tobias promised they would change me one day. But I was sick of waiting,

so I took matters into my own hands. They said after we married, they would change me, then it was

after they marked me. Always another excuse.

I knew it was Tobias; he wanted to see if he actually had a mate, and I think deep down he knew I

wasn’t his.

Max and I were fighting in his office, I hurt him when he realised what I had done and that’s when I

realised his feelings for me weren’t just friendly, he wanted more. More than I was willing to give him.

Theo and Tobias walked in, and Tobias lost it. He could smell Alaric on my skin, smell Max on my skin

when all he did was comfort me, but it didn’t look good being found in the arms of another. Tobias lost

control and killed me. Imagine my shock when I woke up back at Max’s place.

I never went to see them, instead I distanced myself from everyone, before taking my place beside

Alaric supporting him with the council so no one would find out about our little deal, Max loved me and

said I was safest from Tobias and Theo if I remained with Alaric as much as it pained him to admit.

Christopher, Max’s father, livid when he found out about me, about Cedric's heir handing his title over,

so then it became a game of who could outsmart the other. He hated Alaric in fact; I don’t think any of

the council members truly liked one another; it was always a battle of power, a battle for dominance.

They decided out of fear or who had the biggest bargaining chip.

So, when Christopher said he knew where my father was, he knew instantly he had me. He told

me he would help me in return of a favour. Christopher hated Theo and Tobias for what Theo did to his

son. They worked things out after my ordeal with them, Max remained working for them, but decades of

building anger bubbled over the day Max mentioned my name, by accident. Apparently, Theo went

berserk and attacked him in a meeting at work.

Christopher helped me find my father. Even after finding out about his new family he created, I was

mad, yet I couldn’t bring myself to hate him. Forever was a long time, after all. I knew he would come

back to my mother after that witch died. She made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with the

council or anything to do with immortality; she didn’t want that life for her daughter. Then we became

the hidden family he never told her about the secret he kept hidden from her.

When I found out about her, I confronted my father and he made me promise not to tell my mother.

I kept his secret for so long; I didn’t want to be the one to break my mother’s heart. But when he left

and didn’t come back again and I watched her slowly go into a depression, I knew I needed to tell her. I

may have been daddy’s girl, but my mother never abandoned us, she had a right to know.

I told my mother that I knew where dad was when I found him. Found him with that witch; I was

heartbroken he had moved them away from the City and was watching from the shadows. Christopher

didn’t know about his other daughter he just knew he had a thing for some witch. I didn’t want to hurt

my only Sibling. I was cruel but not that cruel after years of watching him watch her; I had enough. The

witch seemed nice enough, but I needed my father, I needed him to come back and get me out of this

mess I created. I needed a parent back in my life since mum gone.

What I wasn’t expecting though was finding out my husbands were my sister’s mates, that hurt I

loved them and so my anger towards Imogen grew, if I couldn’t have them why should she. So, I hurt

her in worst way, took from her what she unknowingly took from me, her mother. That brought him back

to me, though it worked like Christopher said. My father was unaware of what I did, I couldn’t tell him it

would have ruined everything. I needed him to take his spot back on the council to clean up the mess I

made because I wasn’t sure how.

Christopher and my father were friends, Christopher wanted him to take his rightful place but when

he refused, he became mad. Told me to kill him and he would help get rid of Alaric. I told him I would.

Too scared to go against him. I moved into my father's home that he once shared with my mother at the


My father refused to return, and I knew if I didn’t act fast Christopher would kill him, if he found

him. So, I took matters into my own hands. One thing I knew was now that my mother was gone, and I

had contact back with my father was that he wouldn’t deny me anything, so I asked him to visit me.

Sneaking him into the council without Percy knowing was difficult as he was in sorts the gatekeeper,

but I had managed with the help Christopher.

I told Christopher; I wanted revenge, let him believe I wanted to help him get my place back on the

council and get rid of Alaric. So, when I got my father home, had him standing in front of me. I didn’t

want to kill him. He was my father despite all his wrongdoings, despite abandoning us I was still

daddy’s little girl, I couldn’t risk losing him again.

Leaving the council chambers after the hearing, I made my way into Christopher’s office. He sat

triumphantly like he just won the war.

“I can’t believe she had the hide to challenge you. Why didn’t you tell me she was your sister

though, Bianca? You made me look like an idiot” He asked, confused. Walking over, I perched myself

on the edge of the desk in front of him before kicking off my heels. He ran his hands up my thighs. It

made my skin crawl, having his filthy paws on me.

“Because it didn’t matter, I thought she died when I took my nephew. Seems my father was right,

though. Vampire DNA does still affect the human body after death.” I tell him. His hands go higher,

pushing my skirt up, and I see his eyes light up with arousal as he catches sight of my lace panties.

“Are you worried about the challenge?” he asks looking up at me.

“No, I was at first but then I realised she no longer has her magic” Christopher nodded before

tugging me onto his lap, making me straddle him. I could feel his erection pressing against my lace

panties through his pants.

“So, she was a witch like her mother then?” he asks against my neck, nipping at my skin.

“Yes, but I could tell she lost her magic. She seemed different, almost human” I pondered over my

words. Maybe things really were going to work out now.

“And you’re sure you can kill her, she is still your flesh and blood” He asked, pulling back slightly.

“If I can kill my father, whom I loved, I can kill a newborn vampire. I have no attachment to her” I lie

easily. I did have an attachment to the girl, a weird one. If we had been a normal family, I may have

loved her like a sister, we were very similar, especially in appearance, dad genes were obviously

stronger. But we were complete opposites: she was everything I used to want to be before I got

blindsided by immortality, blindsided with anger.

“Okay, but you need to win. I want them to pay for what they did to my son. And I sure as hell don’t

want Josiah taking that position. The people love him and if he does, everything I have built will fall

apart, I don’t need him challenging me for the head seat,” he says before sucking on my skin. I nod in


“Well, I need to prepare, and Max will be by soon and I don’t think you want your son finding out

about our arrangement” I tell him standing.

“We will tell him after the challenge, it will upset him, but he will come around,” he says smiling

deviously. I smile back, hiding the disgust I felt towards the man before walking out. Heading home, I

open the door to my two-story duplex. My favourite place was here where I could relive the memories

of my childhood. We didn’t live here all the time we had a house outside the council, but my father

would sometimes bring us here and the memories here were only good. Going to fridge, I feel

excitement bubble up as I grab a blood bag from the fridge, before walking to the door in the hall.

Opening it, his familiar scent hits me, making all the tension in my body leave.

I walk down the stairs. No matter how many years he has been locked here, he is always happy to

see me. I toss him the bag and sit on the seat outside his cell.

“How is my angel today?” he asks.

“Good daddy”

“When are you going to let me out?,” he says flicking the TV in the corner of his cell off. He asks

every time I come down here, hoping I will release him. My father doesn’t understand he is safest here.

“Soon, but I need to tell you something, please understand. It’s about Imogen” His head perks up I

have never mentioned her to him since I trapped him here. The love and excitement in his eyes burning

brightly makes me a little jealous. But it was time he knew about what had become of his daughter,

time he found out she gave him an adorable grandson.

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