Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 447

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 447

Chapter 105: Lean In A Little Closer


“Wow, Prince Theo, I’d always known you’re good at fighting, I just never knew you were also so good at sneaking around!” Ciana commented as we dragged the third guard who I just knocked out into an empty room near my father’s suite.

“Wait a moment.” She uncapped a mini flask and placed it under each of the guards’ noses for a few seconds.

“What’s that?”

“Strong anesthetic. Dottie gave it to me. This will make sure they get a good sleep for at least four hours. Too bad it doesn’ t work on the Dark King’s descendants.”

It took me quite some effort to peel my gaze off her bright eyes. Now that the hallway was cleared, we quietly moved to the open entrance of my father’s suite.

The door was left ajar, I thought my mother did that intentionally, so Ciana and I could peek through the seam.

She was holding a plate with a small cake on it, a smile on her lips. There was a freshly opened bottle of wine on the desk in front of Father and two glasses filled with the deep, red liquid.

“What are you doing here?” my father asked sternly, a sneer on his lips.

“Have you forgotten that it is my birthday today?” she signed.

I clenched my fists. Ciana turned to me, her eyes wide, as if she was asking me whether I knew about this.

I gave her a nod.

“I have not forgotten,” my father replied. His sneer turned into a tense smile.

I could see that she was lowering his guard.

“But you’ve never come to spend your birthday with me,” he said, his lips curving down.

“In light of recent events, I’ve been… I’ve been thinking about how short life is and how much time I’ve wasted being selfish and cold,” she said. Her tone became somber and she looked down.

Ciana’s mouth formed a small “O”, and she gave my mother a thumbs-up, despite the fact that she would never know that. And I just kept watching.

“I made this cake for myself and realized I wanted to share it with someone. You are the only one that has been there for me since I came here. I thought that maybe… maybe you’d share this night with me,” Nita continued.

He leaned forward. Although he was still suspicious, it was obvious that he was much more relaxed.

He smirked. “I tried very hard to win you over. Nothing worked. How do you know I’m still interested?”

She bit her lower lip and approached him

Setting the cake on the desk, she slid into his lap. She looped one arm around his waist and reached for a glass of wine. She handed it to Sebastian and then picked up the second glass.

Clinking hers against his, she took a sip. “Would you rather I leave?”

Watching my mother lower herself to please my father made me angry. I didn’t want to watch her play into his hands, even if it was all an act.

She poured him another glass of wine. It was his third by now. She’d only taken little sips off her own. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

When he tipped the glass up for another sip, I saw something fizzing at the bottom.

I realized that she came prepared. She was trying to get him drunk but it looked like she’d also slipped something into his glass, sleeping pills or powder. Something to quicken the process.

My father had his arm around her waist, holding her hips. tightly. She leaned against his chest and he was clearly pleased with how proactive she was.

As much as I didn’t like what I was seeing, her plan was working. I had to give her that.

“I heard about what you did for Theo,” she said, reaching over and running a finger down his cheek.

He grinned. “What did I do for Theo?”

“The consort you found for him. He has never shown so much interest in a woman before. It is good that he finds a mate. We both know how much a young man can benefit from the company of a thoughtful young lady,” she said with a charming grin.

I grimaced and clenched my fists.

My father chuckled.

“Only young men?” he asked, delivering a quick slap to my mother’s behind.

A glimmer of fury flashed across her eyes, but it disappeared almost instantly.

“He better go down soon!” I muttered through my gritted teeth.

Ciana reached out and gave my arm a light and consoling squeeze. I could tell she was just as uncomfortable with the situation as me.

My mother skillfully stood up and moved back to her chair. “It is good for him to branch out. And it is very admirable that you stepped up to help him. So, thank you.” She raised her glass again.

“I must say, Nita, this is a pleasant change in attitude since the last time we spoke. I can’t remember a time when you chose to be this… close,” he smirked, stroking his chin.

“I’ve been feeling very lonely lately, and it is my own fault. I pushed everyone in the palace away. As years pass by, I question myself why should I let the past dominate my future.”

“You’re so right, my dear.” He let out a hearty laugh.

“I’d like to repair the relationship between us.

“I must admit, I’ve wanted to hear you say that for a long time,” he reached out and caressed her hand.

“Then, this is our lucky night.” She poured yet another glass of wine for him.

He’d been drinking them voraciously, but he didn’t show any signs of the sleeping pills taking effect yet. He didn’t even seem to be getting drunk.

Shifters had a high tolerance to both but it should have him slouching or starting to be drowsy by now.

“This is taking too long,” I grumbled.

Ciana touched my arm and gave me a comforting smile. I was glad she was with me or I didn’t know if I’d make it through without bursting in there and breaking this up.

“Nita,” my father raised from his chair this time and walked toward my mother, he leaned over and murmured something in her ear.

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Really?”

He smirked, “Yes. With Warren sick and Maggie… gone, I’ve been thinking I need to have more children. The royal line is thinning. Theo, our son, is the strongest, most powerful of all my children.”

“Most useful,” I muttered under my breath.

“And you’re the most beautiful of all my consorts. I would prefer having more children with a woman who comes from a strong bloodline, one who I know will give me strong children,” he said. He leaned in and kissed her neck.

I saw my mother’s face contort, and for a moment, it seemed like she was going to lose her composure and throw Sebastian off of her.

But Instead, she leaned into him, a dark flicker of hatred in her eyes.

I clenched my jaws and balled my fists. If that bastard dared to advance on her, I would tear his head off!

Footsteps down the hall drew our attention from the bedroom.

“I swear I heard something,” a guard said, and I could hear footsteps from two more following him.

They were headed straight toward us!

Ciana and I were standing right out in the open. Just a few more steps and they’d be able to see us.

“Shit!” I whispered.

I pointed at a closet door across the hall, practically shoved both of us inside, and locked the door behind us.

“Theo wh-“

I wrapped my forearm over Ciana’s mouth and widened my eyes at her.

“There are guards in the hall,” I whispered.

Ciana nodded.

Face to face in the tiny closet, there wasn’t much room for us to move around. It had a low ceiling so I had to lean against the wall with my legs bent slightly. This forced one of my legs between Ciana’s.

Since she was shorter than me, she was pretty much sitting on my leg, our hips inches apart. Her breasts inflated against my chest with each inhale, and since I was bent down, they puffed up right under my chin.

She had her hands on my shoulders, holding herself steady so she wouldn’t topple over. I had my free arm wrapped around her hip.

We hardly had any room to move, so when I removed my arm from her mouth, Ciana gasped. Our eyes met in the darkness. Her quick, shallow breaths tickled my face.

The doorknob was digging into my back uncomfortably. I had no idea how long we’d have to hide there but I could hear the guards opening every door in the long hallway, looking for some kind of disturbance.

I had to think of a way out of this before they got to the closet we were hiding in. We had time, but I wouldn’t be able to think straight with a doorknob digging into my back. With a deep breath, I shifted my position as best I could.

My leg lifted higher, pressing up between her legs. Ciana squinted her eyes closed and bit her lower lip, a small, muffled moan. I could feel the heat between her legs through my pants. I tried to keep myself

from getting aroused, but in such a close space, it seemed impossible.

Ciana let out a low sigh and bowed her head slightly. Our foreheads met, lips hovering inches apart.

I felt my pants tighten and whatever remained of the aphrodisiac my father had exposed me to flared up in my veins. Gritting my teeth, I held my breath so I didn’t have to smell her sweet scent.

It was no use. I could still feel every inch of her touching me.

Her pulse thumped against my palm and her thighs clenched around my leg. I swallowed hard, saliva pooling in my mouth. hungrily. The warmth of her lips was just out of reach. If I tilted my head up slightly, I could capture hers.

My cock jumped in my pants, and heat was rising, coursing through my whole body.

Ciana sucked in a sharp breath and her hands clasped and unclasped around my shoulders.

I was surprised that she hadn’t tried to move or ask me to move. She might have understood how pointless and useless it would be. There was a part of me that wondered if she was feeling the desire herself and perhaps enjoying it.

I was, even though it was an absolutely torturous situation..

Ciana licked her lips and her tongue grazed my lips every so slightly. I bit my tongue to hold back a groan. If I had enough room to move my arm, I would have slipped it around her and pulled her even closer. I wanted to feel every inch of her skin on mine.

“There’s a crack in the door,” Ciana whispered, breaking me from my naughty thoughts.

“Can you see?” I whispered back,

“Umm… can we move to the left a little?” she asked.

“Lean a little closer, I have an idea,” I said.

Without hesitation, she leaned in, her cheek pressing against mine. Her soft breath tickled my ear and a shudder ran down my spine. My cock stiffened even more and heat pulsed through my veins.

I looped my arm around Ciana’s back and pulled her a little closer. She fell against me but it gave me just enough wiggle room to slide left.

“Not your left, my left,” Ciana hissed quietly.

“Damn it!” I whispered, nearly losing my balance. I tightened my arm around her waist again and shifted in the other direction.

My foot slid a little on the floor, causing me to slide down. further. Ciana’s breasts were right in my face. She’d looped her arms around my neck as we moved and her legs straddled my waist now.

She used her position for leverage, pushing herself up higher to see through the crack. When she did, her cleavage pressed against my cheek and her thighs clenched around my hips.

Another groan rose in my throat, but I ground my teeth together to hold it back.

Fuck, how I wanted to loop my arms around her and pin her to me!

Through her shirt, I felt her hard nipple caress my cheek and I tighten my thighs to fight against the growing pain in between them.

Ciana let out a quiet moan that she quickly cut off. The heat between her legs intensified and I was surprised she couldn’t feel how turned on I was.

She probably could, she just wasn’t going to call attention to it.

It took every ounce of willpower I had not to roll my hips against her and feel her pressing against me.

“I can see,” Ciana whispered suddenly.

“Thank the Goddess,” I muttered. “Where are they?”

“Close. There are only a few more doors before they get to this one,” she reported.

“I locked it. That won’t stop them, though. They’ll either have a key or break it down,” I explained.

“There’s no way out of here is there?” Ciana asked.

“No. We’re totally screwed,” I whispered.

“Wait, someone else is coming… from the opposite direction,” Ciana said. Her arms tightened around my neck, pressing her breast closer to my cheek.

My cock ached and I held my breath to keep from moaning.

“Who is it?” I asked in a strained whisper.

“I can’t see…”

“Prince Alexander?” one of the guards asked.

Alexander didn’t say anything in return. He never spoke to anyone.

“Oh, was that you just now, Your Highness?”

He must have nodded, because I heard the other guard say, “We are sorry to have bothered you.”

Their footsteps retreated down the hall. Alexander had snuck up completely silently. I hadn’t heard his footsteps at all.

“Is he gone?” I whispered to Ciana.

“Oh no…”


“He’s staring at us.”

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