Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 472

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 472

Chapter 130: The Touching Family Moment

Ellsworth invited me to breakfast the next morning. Brook wasn’t there and I got the feeling that he wanted to talk to me alone. It was fine, Brook already knew the plan.

I sat down and grabbed myself a plate of pancakes. Alpha Ellsworth watched me dump syrup on them and poured me a glass of orange juice before he spoke.

“So, did you talk to Brook? She can be just as stubborn as me sometimes,” he said, laughing until his cheeks turned red.

“Brook and I talked and I’ve persuaded her that Jake isn’t right for her. She’s agreed to put you first,“ I said, nodding as I reached for my orange juice.

“Huh.” Alpha Ellsworth stared at me a moment longer and then broke into a wide smile. “That seems… too easy based on how well I know my daughter.“

“If you really think it is too good to be true, I can show you. Brook told me what she was going to do today to break the matebond.“ I replied politely as I slid my hand into my pocket and fingered the little blood bag I stored there.

In order for this to work, Brook and I were going to put on a little show. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“Really? She’s that committed?” He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“She should be heading to the Moon Goddess temple now. Want to come along?“ I gulped down my pancakes and stood up, motioning for him to follow me.

Brook was committed alright, committed to getting her way. I felt a little guilty about tricking Ellsworth. He was a nice guy but Brook was my best friend.

“By the way, Alpha Ellsworth, those pancakes were phenomenal! Thank you!”

“I’m glad you liked them.” He grinned, “Those are Brook’s favorites too!“

Alpha Ellsworth followed me and I followed the trail that Brook had shown me to the pack Moon Goddess temple. We’d planned everything carefully, so I knew she’d be on her way.

I held a hand up and Brook’s father paused. Pointing, I showed him that Brook was entering the temple.

“Let’s get a little closer,” I whispered.

Alpha Ellsworth nodded and we snuck into the temple.

Brook was already kneeling in front of the Moon Goddess statue. She had her hands clasped together and it looked like she was praying. We couldn’t hear what she was saying, but suddenly tears streamed down her cheeks.

Brook groaned and doubled over in pain. She started heaving, leaning against the stone statue. Her face all scrunched up.

“Brook!“ Alpha Ellsworth gasped.

Maids ran through the temple to Brook. They tried to hold her upright and see if she was okay.

‘Lady Brook, what’s wrong?” they urged.

“Someone get a healer!”

“Brook!” Alpha Ellsworth cried. He ran from our hiding place and bolted toward her.

The maids backed away and let their Alpha through. I walked over more slowly, grabbing the blood bag in my hand. This had to be timed right.

“F-father, you were r-right,” Brook croaked, looking up at him with teary eyes.

I bit my lip to keep a straight face. She was a good actress and I wondered how she kept herself so composed. It was a little funny to see her being so dramatic, but I had to keep my cool, too. This had to be convincing.

Apparently, she loved Jake enough to make a fool of herself with her melodrama.

‘Jake… he’s a good man. I… I do… l-love him. But I… I have to m-make a better choice and listen to your advice,” Brook gasped, breathing so heavily she was almost hyperventilating.

‘Brook, are you sure this is what you want? Jake will be so heartbroken…” I dropped down to my knees near her head and pulled it into my lap, stroking her hair.

“He might not survive on his own. And you… rejecting him could kill you…”

I glanced over to Alpha Ellsworth, hoping he would do or say something to help Brook out, like tell her it was okay to love Jake.

“Ahh…” Brook groaned and writhed in pain. She flicked her eyes to Ellsworth.

‘Honey, what are you doing to yourself?” her father asked. He took her hand and pressed it to his cheek. “This isn’t what I wanted.”

“I… I’ve made m-my decision. A mate is important but… well, my parents are fated mates and they are happy. But… I could have a second chance m-mate. Someone good… someone better,” Brook forced out.

Her eyes met mine for a moment and I saw the amusement in them. I realized that her streaming tears were from silent laughter because she wasn’t really in pain.

“Okay, Brook, whatever you decide. You’re my best friend and I support your decision, no matter what, okay?” I was proud that I kept my face dead serious and I ran my hand down her cheek and slid the little blood bag into her mouth.

She coughed and I saw her press it against the inside of her cheek. Slowly, she nodded and looked at her dad.

‘O-okay, I’m ready,” she said, nodding.

“Sweetheart…” Ellsworth gasped.

“Moon Goddess, I… I came hereto p-pray… I pray to re-je-ct m-my mate. And I hope that m-my second chance… my second chance mate will c-come to me,” she said, her voice strained.

She arched her back and groaned. I realized that part of her dramatic act was to keep herself from laughing or breaking character. It was hard to laugh when she was fake moaning in pain.

“M-my second chance m-mate will be kind and… won’t t-take me from my parents,” she forced out. “Ugh…” she groaned in pain again and writhed around.

“This is too much,” Alpha Ellsworth said, shaking his head.

Brook bit down hard and she coughed. The fake blood pooled in her mouth, I could see it as she tried to talk again.

“Goddess… I Brook… reject…’ she coughed again and spat some of the fake blood out. “Reject…”

“Stop, stop, stop!’ Alpha Ellsworth snapped, grabbing Brook’s shoulders. “My daughter, stop this. It is hurting you. I can’t watch you do this to yourself.’

“Then… go away. You don’t need to watch,” Brook sputtered. “This is for you…”

“No! I can’t even bear to think of you going through this pain, just for me. Jake is your mate and that is what it is. Keep your matebond, go with him, just don’t hurt yourself anymore!” Alpha Ellsworth shouted in desperation.

Brook swallowed hard, the fake blood-which was just tomato juice-went down with a big gulp.

Alpha Ellsworth grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up, hugging her to his chest.

“You’re my daughter and I want what is best for you, even if it means you going to the palace without me.” He patted her back.

“Daddy,“ Brook gasped, wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you! You know. I’ll never stop being your little girl, no matter where I go or who I’m with.”

Ellsworth chuckled and nodded. “I know that, sweetie. I know. You know you get your stubbornness from me.”

Brook giggled a little and sighed as her father released her.

“I don’t want to fight with you, darling. Especially not over a man. It is just… so hard to admit that I can’t be the only man in your life,’ Alpha Ellsworth said. He sighed and ran his hands through Brook’s hair, then he stood up and offered her his hand.

I smiled to myself, watching them hug again and reconcile. It was nice to see that when it came down to it, Ellsworth put Brook’s happiness over what he thought was best for her. That’s what a father was supposed to do.

He was able to see past his stubbornness to be the best father.

Ellsworth brought Brook back to the packhouse to recover. I didn’t see them for the rest of the day until Brook popped by where I was staying and invited me to dinner with her and her father.

Brook and I sat together and Alpha Ellsworth took the head of the table. He had a glass of wine and watched the two of us together.

“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, darling,” Ellsworth said, his voice was a little stiff, like he wasn’t actually happy about it.

Brook reached over and took her dad’s hand. “Daddy, I know this isn’t what you wanted, but I promise, I’ll come and visit all the time. Jake isn’t going to hold me hostage at the palace.”

Alpha Ellsworth smiled tightly and nodded. He squeezed Brook’s hand but he still looked a little upset. I wasn’t sure why. Was he mad that Brook had hurt herself to please him, or that his desires had led her to hurt herself?

“He really loves me, Jake does. Obviously, not as much as you, but he’s a good man,” Brook continued. “Besides, King Theo is reasonable, he will let Jake have time off so we can visit. And, Ciana is on our side.’

She smiled warmly at her father. Alpha Ellsworth sighed and pulled his hand from hers. “You’ve grown up a lot, Brook. I know you have your own life but you’re never going to stop being my baby girl, okay?”

“Okay, I get it. And I don’t want to stop being your little girl.” Brook said, still smiling warmly.

“Well, before I completely agree to all this, we need Jake to get his ass over here so I can meet him and determine just what kind of man he is,” Ellsworth demanded.

“Oh, you’ll love him,” Brook said excitedly. She turned to me and we grinned at each other.

“Next time, girls, don’t use tomato juice for fake blood,” the Alpha said.

Brook and I both stopped smiling instantly and looked back at Ellsworth. I was expecting to see him glaring at us or giving us a stern look. He was smiling warmly, shaking his head and he tapped his nose.

“A wolf’s nose knows,” he teased, chuckling.

“Daddy, you knew!?’ Brook asked, her jaw dropping.

Alpha Ellsworth grinned. “Honey, who am I?”

“What?” Brook asked. She looked at me again and I shrugged.

At least, her father wasn’t pissed. He’d known our ruse from the moment that Brook had broken the fake blood bag in her mouth. And yet, he’d still gone along with it and given Brook what she wanted.

“I’m your father,” Ellsworth clarified. “No one knows you better than I do. So, remember that when you bring this Jake fellow by for a visit.”

“Daddy!” Brook gasped, covering her mouth. “I’m sorry… I didn’t want to trick you, I just… I’m sorry.’

She stood up and came around the table to stand behind her father. She then put her hands on his shoulders, massaging them lightly. “I’m sorry, Daddy.“

“It’s okay, my darling. I understand. You wouldn’t go to such great lengths to try and fool me if this Jake didn’t mean a lot to you. Just remember, I will always know if you try to trick me.”

He patted her hand with his and she leaned in and kissed his cheek. This was the most adorable thing I’d seen in months and it warmed my heart. Brook was so lucky to have such a wonderful father.

“I love you so much, daddy! I love Jake too, and I just didn’t want to choose.”

“You don’t have to now,“ Alpha Ellsworth assured.

A guard came into the dining room, breaking up the touching family moment. Ellsworth turned to face the guard, his warm smile fading as he became completely serious.

Brook sat down with me again and grinned. She lowered her voice. “Thank you for helping me.’

“I’m glad it all worked out,“ I whispered back.

“Alpha, there’s news. There is a massive army on the move, heading straight for the palace,” the guard reported.

My heart stopped for a moment. “Luther. That has to be Luther. He’s attacking!?’ I stood up quickly.

If Luther was making his move, I’d have to get back to the palace to be with Theo.

“We have good intel that Luther is leading the assault. He’s gathered all his forces together. Apparently, with a lot of his followers reverting back to supporting the crown, he’s worried he won’t have a large enough army, so he has to move now,’ the guard continued.

“This is bad. I’ve got to get back to the palace,” I urged.

“Yes, of course,” Brook said, standing with me. We both headed out of the dining room but Alpha Ellsworth called us back.

“Miss Black, before you go, I have something for you.”

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