Spoiling The Billionaire’s Good Son

Chapter 6

Renee’s POV

His breathing was labored, his chest rising and falling like he had just run a marathon. He looked scared, really really scared and it got me wondering what could’ve possibly been wrong with him. Was he allergic to females because that looked exactly like it or was he gay? Geez, I couldn’t even think about it cause he was far too handsome to be one.

“Just… Just let me go, please!”

Another thing I couldn’t believe was the fact that he was begging me to let go. Like seriously? My arms around his neck were easy to break free from, especially when it had to do with someone like him who had powerful arms and lots of muscles on them.

“I’m… I’m gonna call security” He stammered and I rolled my eyes. I must confess that he had very cute lips and I couldn’t stop watching the way they trembled “I’m… I’m…”

“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me”

He stared at me in shock with his mouth wide open and without minding his gaze, I leaned forward to kiss him but before I could, he pushed me away. I stumbled backward and ended up crashing into the car beside his motorcycle.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” He said apologetically and without wasting one more minute, he dashed off. Like fucking seriously?

“Just keep running, pussy!” I yelled at him and chuckled lightly “But pray so hard that I never lay eyes on you again”

He must’ve heard what I said because he looked back at me before dashing into the Swimming house. Fuck, I couldn’t believe that happened so fast but I was still surprised at the way he had reacted to my touch. He even begged me to let him go.

I shook my head and started laughing as I walked out of the premises. He was certainly the type of guy I liked but I could tell that he wasn’t a badass like I had thought. What a waste.

Being tired of playing around, I started my journey back to the house. I guess I’ve seen enough and trust me when I say that there was no fun around here. Just some rich kids driving around in flashy cars like they had nothing important to do.


By the time I got back to the house, Mrs. Grace had returned and was making lunch in the kitchen. I could tell that her children were yet to return from wherever they had gone because of how quiet the house was.

“Hi” I greeted and stepped in beside her. She turned and smiled at me before returning her gaze to what she was doing “I went sightseeing”

“Oh, that’s great. How do you see the neighborhood?”

I bit my lower lips as I thought about it. Everywhere was beautiful and peaceful but extremely boring. Geez, how would I even survive it here?

“It’s cool, I love it”

She turned to look at me and smiled, looking very pleased with my response “My daughter, Layla is about your age. She loves fashion and music. Wait, how can I forget that she loves shopping too?”From NôvelDrama.Org.

I looked at her smiling face and clicked my tongue, being reminded that where I was wasn’t the old town. I mean, back there, people took causing a whole lot of trouble and fighting as their hobbies, instead of going shopping and listening to music. Did they even care about all of those? Certainly not.

“My son, Theoden, is a year older. He sustained an injury when he was a kid which resulted in him staying back at home for an entire year. But it was for the best because he joined his sister the next year. He loves science and sports and over the years, he has won so many trophies. But don’t worry, you’ll love him”

I scoffed and held myself from rolling my eyes at her last statement. The way she gushed about her son was so beautiful and it reminded me of Nick. No matter how handsome and hardworking he was, his mother would be the last person to say something nice about him. She always said he was good for nothing and useless. That fueled his anger most of the time and made him more aggressive.

When Mrs. Grace was done cooking, she gave me a full house tour. Surprisingly, the bathrooms over here were the size of my bedroom back there. We finally went outside to where the basketball court was. Yeah, there was one, including a swimming pool.

“Theo comes here to practice with Shane. He’s the Billionaire’s son and they live in the other town”

“So why does he come here to play? Is this some sort of playground?” I questioned and threw the ball into the net. She applauded and went over to get the ball. “If he’s a Billionaire’s son, he should be paying so much to practice at the stadium, instead of coming down here”

“True. But he doesn’t go there. He prefers staying away from everyone else and playing with Theoden” She gushed and threw the ball which I caught in midair.

“That’s absurd. Rich kids are always spoilt and they always want to show the fuck off. They always act like they own the world”

“Exactly. But Shane is different. He doesn’t show off and he’s very humble and good. He’s got a lot of good attributes too, one not likely for a Billionaire’s son”

I rolled my eyes and bounced the ball twice before throwing it into the net. I found it hard to believe what she had just said because of my encounter with rich kids. They were always so arrogant, and spoiled and did nothing else but bully the less privileged. And to add to that, they always think that money can buy every fucking thing in the world.

All thanks to Nick, they didn’t get a chance to come near me in school. Let’s say they were always afraid of him because he wouldn’t hesitate to break their bones and make them bleed.

“And let me tell you a secret” Mrs. Grace whispered and I nodded in delight. I loved listening to secrets, especially when it was about people’s dark sides. “He’s really shy and always nervous around girls. Trust me, he’d rather die than lay hands on them”

I furrowed my brows and turned to look at her in surprise. Was that even normal?

“Maybe he’s gay” I whispered in return and she chuckled. I shrugged and went ahead to pick up the ball, remembering the very handsome guy I had met at the Swimming house. He had been shaking the whole time and wouldn’t even touch me.

Okay, now the story sounds really weird.

“Don’t worry, I think he’s gonna come tonight”

Hell, that sounds perfect cause I couldn’t wait to see him too.

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