Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase

Chapter 24

Beatrix had taken a panty and a loose grey gown (that had two pockets) from the backyard of a house that they’d sneaked into. The little one wrote on a note they found on the verandah, saying they’ll come back with compensation in the future.

Lavana wore them and they left the place.

Now that the clothing issue was settled, they needed something to eat. Lavana wouldn’t let Beatrix use her scepter again just because of food!

As they walked in the streets, they held their tummy.

The smell of food all around them was enticing.

“I’ve got an idea!” Beatrix suddenly said and Lavana took them to a secluded corner.

“What idea do you have?” Lavana asked the little one eagerly.

“Let’s choose a place to eat to our fill. Once done, I’ll just wipe their memory of us ever eating food there and then we leave. Easy-peasy!”

“What?” Lavana used her index finger to push Beatrix’s head. “Seriously? This is the brilliant idea? To dine and dash!”

“How about… after eating, I offer them a pearl?”

“Do you even have one on you? Will you also not bring suspicion to us? How did two random people get their hands on a pearl?” Lavana didn’t accept the idea.

“You can become invisible. Just sneak in, get some food from the kitchen and write a note that you’ll pay back in the future. It’s simple.”

Lavana sighed. All the ideas the little one had revolved around stealing.

“Why do you brush off my ideas? Didn’t we just steal clothes?”

“That was an emergency.”

“Miss Lavana, this is also an emergency. We can’t starve in the name of principles.” Beatrix walked away from the secluded spot. She headed directly into a restaurant.

Lavana had to follow her. By the time she got in, Beatrix was already seated and ordering.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Soon, the food she ordered by brought and it smelled appetizing.

Lavana sat opposite her and nervously placed her hands on the table.

“Beatrix…” she called out in a whisper. Her eyebrows creased.

“Relax. I have it under control. Now, will you eat or not? Besides, you are so thin.” Beatrix said lazily.

“You…” she was rendered speechless.

“Why are you so concerned about my weight?”

“Because I’m afraid I’ll wake up to meet a skeleton one day. Eat or not. Time’s running out.” Beatrix asked, pointing at the food.

Lavana looked at the other customers chatting and eating happily. She looked at the food before her and her stomach grumbled.

She sighed and braved herself for the task.

“I’ll eat.” Lavana whispered in defeat. Her stomach was grumbling so much that it attracted the attention of others.

“Eh… sorry. My stomach is very excited to eat here.” Lavana laughed sheepishly and the others focused on their business.

“Hehe… even your stomach is supporting me here. Why are you afraid? I ordered fish dishes for you since you are….” Beatrix drew closer and continued in a small voice. “Since you are a mermaid.”

“I just hope we don’t get beaten.”

“Hey, don’t pull the long face here…”

“Here’s your food!” the waiter came again with another food tray and placed the ordered dishes on the table along with plastic bottles of water.

One of the bottled water was three times larger than the other.

The waiter placed it on Lavana’s side.

“Thank you for the food.” Lavana whispered to him with a weak smile.

“Hope you’ll enjoy the food.” the waiter smiled and left after bowing.

Lavana looked at the dishes on her side and that of Beatrix’s.

Beatrix had ordered meat dishes while hers was mainly fish. Well, she couldn’t blame her. She didn’t know she was an Omega too. Werewolves loved meat like they loved going out for a run in the woods.

There were two utensils by the side of the plate. She picked up the fork and knife.

“I don’t know how to use these.” Lavana admitted.


“I mostly use my hand and on rare occasions, a big spoon.”

“Waiter!” Beatrix called.

The waiter ran over.

“Yes, miss,”

“Get us a bowl of water. Thank you and sorry for the stress.” she said with a beautiful smile.

“No biggie.” the waiter laughed softly and left to get what she ordered. In no time, he returned with a small bowl of water.

Lavana accepted it and thanked the waiter.

She washed her hands and placed the bowl away from the dishes, towards the edge of the table.

Lavana picked the fish with both hands and started eating like tomorrow was a zombie apocalypse.

Beatrix felt second hand embarrassment as Lavana ate noisily; smacking her lips repeatedly.

She looked like a hungry ghost incarnation.

“Can you eat slowly? No one’s gonna snatch your food.” Beatrix looked displeased.

“How’s it your business? Didn’t you say time was running out?” Lavana continued to eat, not minding the frowns on others’ faces.


Minutes later,

Both were done with their food and Lavana, to others’ shock, finished that big bottle of water. They sized her up again. Her stomach looked flat still. It was like she didn’t eat at all.

“Yummy!” Lavana smacked her lips again and rose.

“Beatrix, please pay for the food. I’ll wait for you outside.” she rose and proceeded to walk outside.

“But you know we don’t have any money. We came to dine and dash.” Beatrix announced.

This drew the attention of everyone.

“What do you mean? The money is clearly in your pocket.” Lavana looked distressed.

“But I don’t have any pockets. Which pocket are you talking about?” Beatrix furrowed her eyebrows.

“Beatrix, I remember clearly that I gave you the money.”

“Lying isn’t good, you know.” Beatrix looked at the others and walked to Lavana, frowning. “Please, big sister, just give them the money. It’s really not a good thing to dine and dash. I never supported this idea of yours from the start.” she looked distressed.


Lavana sighed and put her other free hand in the pocket of the gown she wore and brought it out to show it was empty.

“Er… We have no money. So, where’s the broom? We know how to sweep well.” Lavana said while rubbing her palms in preparation for what is to come.

“Lady, you planned to ditch me here. Hmph! We’ll both suffer together.” Beatrix whispered. Lavana rolled her eyes.

“You two, follow me.” the waiter who served them the food earlier came and ordered them.

“At least our stomachs are full for the time being.” Lavana thought and followed the waiter to the kitchen with Beatrix.

There was a door leading to another room where the dishes were to be washed.

“We are in need of dish washers. You two have no money to pay. So start washing.” he said and turned around to leave. He didn’t look too happy.

“Look, I’m sorry. We…” Lavana got interrupted by the waiter.

“Do your job.” he barked before leaving.

“Well…” Lavana looked at Beatrice.

“You know how to wash plates?”

The little one shook her head.

“Servants usually do such menial tasks. I’ve never done such hard work.” Beatrix replied.

“I’m a pro at such things. I’ll teach you.” Lavana chuckled and drew the reluctant girl closer.

“You start with this and…”


It was evening before the restaurant closed. The chefs and other waiters had all left. The waiter who’d ordered them to do the dishes came to them and saw them seated at the extreme. Beatrix was sleeping on Lavana’s lap and Lavana was also sleeping with her back reclined against the walls.

The waiter quietly walked to her and coughed to get their attention.


None of them responded.

“Ahem…” he coughed again and this time, Beatrix woke up.

She left Lavana’s hold and rose, rubbing her eyes to ward off the remnants of sleep.

“Mr waiter, are we free to go now?”

“I bet you girls don’t have a place to stay?” he asked.

“How is that your business?” Beatrice asked unhappily, folding her arms.

“Beatrix? Beatrix? Beatrix!” Lavana opened her eyes and exhaled deeply after shouting in her sleep.

“Big sister!” a concerned Beatrix ran over to Lavana.

“Big sister, are you alright?”

Lavana shook her head.

“You had a nightmare?” the waiter asked.

Lavana nodded rapidly and soon hugged herself, shaking tremendously.

Beatrix felt Lavana’s temperature become very cold. Even if she was a mermaid, she shouldn’t be allowed to get this cold.

The waiter walked to Lavana and went on one knee. He tried to feel her forehead, but Beatrix slapped his hand away.

“Don’t touch her.” she yelled.

“Why, I have no bad intentions.” he looked confused.

“You have no right to touch her. Big sister, let me help you up. This place isn’t safe.”

“Kiddo, you have to think straight. Your big sister is obviously ill. I’ll send her to the hospital and…” he didn’t complete his sentence as Beatrix kicked his foot.

“No. I said NO! Don’t you get it? Big sister…” Beatrix looked worriedly at Lavana.

“D-Don’t take me to the hospital. Just some warm water and pain killers should do.” Lavana spoke with difficulty.

“No, I insist. If it’s the fee you’re both worried about, it’s okay. I’ll cover it. Please, don’t refuse my help. Let me help you up.” he made to touch Lavana’s hand but Beatrix stopped him.

“I said she can’t go to the hospital. Are you deaf, human?” she thundered.

“Beatrix… calm down.” Lavana said and looked at the unhappy waiter.

“Sorry sir, for her behaviour. She didn’t mean it. I know you really want to help but she’s right. I really can’t go to the hospital.”

“Are you scared of the needles or the hospital itself?” the waiter placed both hands on his waist.

All his life, he’d never seen people so adamant about not receiving proper treatment.

This skinny girl before him was shaking terribly. She’s obviously very sick and yet she and her little sister are begging him not to take them to the hospital? How weird!

“Sir,” Beatrix went on her knees and pulled on his trouser lightly.

“If you really want to help us, please take us to anywhere we can lay our head and keep warm. Cheap fever medicines and painkillers will do. Please.”

The waiter shook his head and sighed.

“You ladies…”

“Look at me.” Beatrix said.

Lavana’s eyes widened and she tried to stop the little one but she had no energy. She ended up fainting instead.

“I’m looking at you.” the waiter said.

He watched Beatrix’s eyes change color to a greyish purple.

“Do you understand now, human?” she asked.

The waiter gasped in shock but then regained his composure quickly. He now understood why they were insisting not to go to the hospital.

They weren’t human!

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