Stalked by the Mafia Boss

Chapter 16

Korina considered turning her shopping cart over and climbing it when she realised that her efforts to reach the top shelves proved futile.

I just want to get my cereal in peace not to get a proof that I am short, She frowned.

She decided to climb the shelves to get her cereals, putting her feet on the lower rack, she raised her hands and held a higher rack for support.

“No need to do that.”, She heard a voice say, ” I got you.”, Korina turned to look, it was a girl who she presumed was definitely Asian.

The girl brought down a box of cereal, “How many do you need?” She asked smiling.

“Just 4.” Korina replied and came down from the shelves, “Waoh, you are tall.” Korina exclaimed, “Like really tall.”

“Here you go.” The girl handed over the boxes to Korina.

“Just how tall are you?” Korina asked as she put the cereal boxes in the cart.

“5” 11.” The girl smiled, “I am Anne, Anne Dimagiba.” She said extending her hand for a handshake.

“Korina, Korina black and you are really pretty too.” Korina introduced herself and also complimented the girl’s beauty as they shook, She studied the girl’s features, She was slimly built, black hair crowned her head falling back to her shoulders in waves, she had brown eyes. A cute small nose and thin yet plum lips, her skin was light brown, She was a beauty.

“And you are too.” She replied.

The two ladies continued their shopping together and eventually made acquaintances.

“Wanna hang out Saturday night?” Korina asked as they exited the mall, she felt a little nervous asking, she didn’t usually invite people, she rarely mingled and she feared Anne could turn her down.

“Sure, why not?” Anne replied with a wide smile, She was excited as she didn’t have much friends either.

“Let’s exchange phone numbers.” Korina pulled out her phone and unlocked it, “I will text you the address later on.”

They exchanged contacts and chatted for a while.

“Okay bye.” Anne said pulling Korina into a hug, “Nice meeting you honestly, I rarely make friends.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Me too.” Korina replied as they got disengaged from their embrace, “So see you Saturday night?”

“You bet.” Anne winked.

They both said their goodbyes and parted ways.

“I made a new friend today.” Korina gushed excitedly to Daniella later that night, they were face timing while Korina made dinner and Daniella painted her nails.

“What?” Daniella asked startled, “Say what now?”

“Yes! I made a new friend.” Korina replied, she raised her knife bringing it down to slice the cabbage neatly, “I am surprised too.”

Daniella just stared blankly, holding the nail brush pointed up, she was trying to get a wrap on her cousin’s words, ” you made a new friend? Still finding it hard to believe, it’s so unlike you and strange.”

“Yep.” She agreed nodding her head as she picked up the chopping board pouring the contents into a glass bowl.

“Congratulations.” Daniella clapped dramatically, “you just made your first friend in more than half a year.”

Korina rolled her eyes at her best friend’s actions, “Dramatic much?”

“That makes it what? It makes it a second friend contact on your list.”

“Thank you for pointing out the obvious.” She turned towards the cupboards, she tiptoed reaching out to get a jar of cream.

“I didn’t know what I was thinking but I invited her to come over on Saturday night.” Korina opened the jar and dug a spoon in it, “And you are coming too, we could make it an all girls night out.”

“Of course I would come.” Daniella said, “you are saying an all girl’s night out.” She laughed, “Like you know any boys.”

She rolled her eyes at her cousin, “yep I know none and my life is peaceful.”

“Nah…” Daniella switched to painting her nails on the second feet, “Not with a stalker on your neck.” She giggled.

Korina got slightly offended and turned the salad and cream furiously, the spoon hitting the glass bowl.

“Sorry about what I said.” Daniella apologised seeing her cousin was offended, “How did y’all meet?” She asked.

“Well I want grocery shopping.” Korina started, she proceeded to setting her plate, “I couldn’t reach the top rack to get cereal and I kept struggling.” She smiled, “She came out of nowhere and offered to help.”

“Hmmm.” Dan hummed.

“She’s freaking tall Dan.” She expressed with wide eyes, “She’s freaking 5″ 11, I am guessing she works in the modelling industry.”

“Oh wow…” Daniella dropped at nail vanish, “You made a new friend cause you are short.”

“I am not short.” Korina argued.

“Yes, you are.”

“I am not!” She retorted.

“You are.” Daniella insisted, “look, you literally had to tiptoe to get that cream jar.” She laughed at her statement, Korina was seething with anger.

“Fuck you Daniella.” She said harshly, “I could throw this jar right at you.”

“And break your phone screen.” Daniella scoffed, “yeah right.” She rolled her eyes.

“I would kill you.”

“Whatever babe.” She dismissed the conversation waving her hand, “Guess who I saw today?”


“I said guess silly.”

“I can’t.” Korina grabbed a chair and sat on the kitchen island, her plate of food in front of her, she dug in.

“Don’t be such a spoilt sport.” Her cousin whined, “Just guess.”

“Okay fine.” Korina said, “hmmm… spongebob.”

“Nope.” Daniella stared at her cousin unbelievably, “And you call me tits for brains.”

“Uhmmm… Barney.”

“Seriously girl?”

“Uhmm… Ryan Reynolds.”

“No, idiot.” Daniella palmed her face, “I saw doctor Cole.”

“And?” Korina asked, a bored look on her face.

“What do you mean and?” Daniella asked, “Aren’t you attracted to him?”


“Not a bit.”


“Not even a tiny, winsy, tinsy bit?”

“Nope Daniella.” Korina gritted, “get to the point.”

“Fine, we exchanged pleasantries and he asked about you.”


“And he asked for your digits.”

Korina’s brows raised, “you didn’t give him did you?”

“Ooh, please sister, me give him your number? Cut me some slack girl, give me some credit.” Daniella said pointing to herself looking offended.

“Pheeww.” Korina sighed.

“I gave him your number, house address, where you work and a few details about you, okay maybe a little above few.” She tried quantifying with her fingers.

“You what?!.” Korina screamed, “How could you? What the hell? How…” She was livid, not knowing what to say next.

“I can see you are pissed.” Daniella said, “Okay, bye boo.” She blew a kiss and disconnected quickly.

Korina stood there, her face contorted in shock and anger, she was standing with a fork in her left hand and knife in her right hand.

I would kill that girl.

She stared at the blank screen lividly, her appetite gone.

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