Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Scarletts P.O.V

Enclosed in the car with Jayden on the way to your date, you're satisfied with the blatant jealousy

Oliver showed before you left. You firm your lips, suppressing the content smile that wants to spread on

your face, as you peer out the window of Jayden's car.

Jayden glances at you, before clearing his throat awkwardly, and tightening his grip on the steering

wheel, quickly checking his phone for directions.

"I uh, I'm so glad we're doing this..."

"I am too. Where are we going?"

"I figured we could go to that little Italian place you said you liked - Sul Lago."

Just at the mention of Sul Lago, your stomach growls. You place your hand on your stomach and


He really does listen. I'm surprised.

"That sounds great!"

"I'm glad you think so... So, uh, was that..."

Oh god, I was hoping he wouldn't notice

You nod, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, that was Oliver, the guy from the party. He uh, was just seeing me off on the date"

"Really? Because he looked pretty pissed when we pulled away"

Why does Oliver have to ruin everything?

You laugh off his concern, waving your hand dismissively, before resting it on his arm reassuringly.

"Oh, no. He just got into an argument with his dad Kirk - my mom's boyfriend. He was in a pissy mood

to begin with. He just walked me out" Jayden nods, but by the tension in his shoulder you can tell he

isn't fully convinced. Especially not after Oliver basically shoved him... at the party, it was clear issuing


Oliver doesn't matter. He shouldn't. There's nothing going on with us. That was clear as of this

afternoon, when he decided to be a dick.

"I wouldn't worry about him"

"I'm not"

Unease settles in your gut, but you ignore the way it twists your stomach and will yourself too finally

forget about Oliver for a little and enjoy Jayden's company.

The Italian bistro isn't far from your house. You pull up to it ten minutes later, and Jayden helps you out,

before offering you his hand as an excuse to hold yours as you stroll to the front door.

You glance down at his hand, and he chuckles, offering you a boyish grin.


"I was hoping you'd think so"

Ah, what's the harm in a little flirting

You let him lead you inside where you're greeted with familiar Italian themed decor. Pictures of famous

fountains and architecture decorate the walls along with quaint signs of Italian sayings you can

understand, on one side, and on the other side are booths with rows of cabinets filled with different

types of wines.

"Nice place"

"It is. Definitely" You smile at the waitress who comes over to you, placing menus down in front of you.

"Hi guys, can I get you something to drink?"

Your phone vibrates, but you take a moment to order a water before you check it.

I wouldn't be surprised if its Oliver. Of course he'd want to intrude on this.

When the waitress leaves to retrieve your drinks, Jayden sets his eyes on you, grinning widely.

"You look beautiful, Scarlett"

You return his smile, a pang go guilt in your chest as your regard him because you don't really return

those same feelings. You're too caught up in the asshole at home.

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself"

He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck playfully before glancing around the room again. This gives

you time to pull your phone out of your purse, and glance at it, frowning when you see Oliver's name

flash on the screen.

"Everything alright?"

Just say yes and put your phone away. Oliver can wait. He can fucking wait.

"Yeah, everything's fine. It's just my mom"

You check your phone again, reading Oliver's text, only to bit your lip and roll your eyes.

Oliver: Enjoying your dull date?

Sighing, you send a quick agitated reply, hoping he gets the hint.

Scarlett: Its not dull by any means. Enjoying solitude?

Oliver: Just as much as I enjoyed it the night you walked in on me.

He's relentless.

Although your blatant annoyance, you cant help but let your mind wander with the images of him

gripping his shaft the way he did when you found him in his room. How sexy it was watching him stoke

himself, his breathlessness, the way his abs tightened when he came. All of it makes you shudder, as a

chill passes through you, and then is replaced with a blaze of lust.

You're pulled back enough to reality by Jayden who clears his throat. When you shift your gaze to him,

he has a brow cocked, and a look of annoyance on his face.

Not even two minutes into the date and Oliver it's screwing things up.

You flash him an apologetic smile, and set your phone face up on the table, waving your hands above

it, while shaking your head.

"I'm sorry. My mom's annoyed at the moment. She cant find the top I borrowed so she's running me

through the wringer"

Jayden nods slowly.

"Oh, gotcha"

"So, What were you saying?"

"Oh, just that I'm more of a spaghetti man than a pizza guy"

"What's wrong with you?"

You laugh, watching pleased as he smirks and shakes his head.

"Hey, spaghetti is just the noodle version of pizza anyways"

Your phone vibrates again.

He definitely doesn't take a hint. I haven't even fucking replied o the last text yet. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Oliver: Imagining it? ;)

You huff angrily, waving the phone at Jayden.

"Sorry, one second. I'll tell her I'm on a date, and that she's ruining it and I'm sure we will be good for

the rest of the night"

Jayden chuckles.

"By all means"

You being replying to Oliver, hoping he can sense just how serious you're being and realise the last

thing you want is for him to text you while your on your date.

Anything too fuck with my life.

Scarlett: I cant think of anything more nauseating

Oliver: Liar


Oliver: Mmm, getting a rise out of you even over text. Fun.

Scarlett: fuck off, Oliver

Oliver: I bet your wet right now

On impulse, you press your thighs together

Just like him to turn things dirty

Oliver: That pussy's dripping just from the thought of my cock. Isn't it, Scar?

He doesn't need to know that.

You hold up your finger signalling it'll just be another minute to Jayden before you bury your face in

your phone.

Scarlett: What kind of games are you playing?

Oliver: The kind where you cum endlessly... on my tongue

You groan.

Scarlett: Oliver, I'm not doing this with you

You take a deep breath and shift in your seat, crossing your legs as you read his next text and feel your

nipples harden.

Oliver: I want to nibble on those nipples, Scar


Oliver: Suck you into my mouth until that pussy's so tender for my tongue you're shaking.

Scarlett: Oliver...

Oliver: Tell me, baby, are you wet?

Holy shit... yes I am. So fucking wet. But I - I don't want to give him this satisfaction. If I give in, he'll

know exactly how much of a hold he has on me. No matter my agitation with him, he gets flirtatious and

I melt.

You bite your lip, fingers hovering over the phone, unable to decide whether to even humour him,

before ultimately you groan and text him.

Scarlett: I'm on a date. I cant be texting you

Oliver: But you're not going to top

Scarlett: How do you know?

Oliver: Because, you're gonna listen like a good girl and get up to go to the bathroom.

The bathroom? Why?

Scarlett: why?

Oliver: Go and find out.

The waitress returns with your drinks, widening her eyes as she passes a glance between you and


"Are you ready to order?"

Jayden firms his lips. You perch on the edge of your chair and chuckle.

"I'm sorry"

You apologise to Jayden, before you offer the waitress your menu.

"I come here enough to know what I like, but if you haven't decided yet we could take a minute"

He shakes his head and sighs, offering the menu back to the waitress

"I'll take the spaghetti"

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