Stuck between two bad boys


I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat the moment she looked at me. I looked at Devin and he was growling like he was going to pass out.

She lowered her stance to him and cleaned him up without saying anything. You would never believe they knew themselves before now. I didn’t care though, I just wanted to get away and that was my concern.

When she was done cleaning his wounds, she turned the first aid box to where I was and used a wipe to clean off the surface of the bruises I sustained.

I flinched when her hands touched my face and the iodine dropped on my injury.

“Fuck.”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

She didn’t apologize or say a thing. She just turned her box away when she was done. Devin and I remained silent for a while before we heard footsteps and turned our heads in the direction if the door. She had returned with two plates of food. She dropped it in front of us with bottles of water and latched the door.

Devin hungrily grabbed the plate and spooned rice into his mouth. I looked at him wondering if he wasn’t scared.

What if the food was poisoned and it was only a way to kill us without having to shoot us? Random thoughts about the food crossed my mind and I lost appetite.

I could be eat, the more I looked at the plate the more irritated I got. I was scared I was going to be left to die here. I thought of mom and how worried she would be. She was still recovering from the shock if Emily’s kidnap and now I was gone.

I turned to Devin who had finished his food and was gulping the water in the bottle. Guilt flushed through me as I remembered how much of a bad friend I’ve been to him. The moment James pointed the gun at him, all my fears were triggered and the only thing I could think of was the kid who was my best friend.

I couldn’t bear to see him die but now his greed has made him eat a poisoned food and I was sure he was going to die soon. I should at least apologize before he does or before they find another way to kill me too.

I struggled to move closer to Devin and when I got to him, I heaved. It was a skirmish and he had no idea how I had to get such strength when I was famished.

I tried to talk to him but he wasn’t responding, he only gave monosyllabic replies. I needed to talk to him bit he positioned like he was going to sleep already.

“I said I’m sorry,” I said swallowing the pride in me.

“Heard you.”

“Devin you are sounding cold. I get it okay? You’re obviously still mad at what happened with Amelia but I’m honestly sorry and I wish it never happened.”

“What part of I fucking heard you don’t you get?” He paused and huffed.

“I heard you Xavier.”

I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic response and remained quiet.

“I know that hurt you and I’m sorry. I haven’t been able to forgive myself after what happened.”

“Listen Xavier, if you’re apologising right now because you think we’d die here then you should know I’d rather die and go to hell.

I raised my brow at his choice of words bit his face remained blank.

“You just said you heard and accepted my apologies a while ago.”

“The fact that we’re sharing a cell doesn’t mean I have to forgive you. I can make a choice and I choose to die and go to hell.” He turned his face back to me. “I’m only being nice considering the fucking things I know. You’re a devil Xavier. I still can’t wrap my hand around how a brother would rape his sister. Damn it!”

My lips twitched and I gave a slight nod.

“Why did you do it? Lust? Who the hell lusts after their baby sister? Well, I’m not going to fucking judge you ’cause I’m no hypocrite and we’re all guilty. James is guilty of kidnapping, I’m guilty of drug trafficking and rape and the same applies to you. What you did to Emily can not be justified, it’s also rape.”

I tried to talk but I couldn’t, my heart welled with guilt and regrets as he talked.

“We’d all go to jail and guess what Xavier? I don’t bloody care. I don’t care what happens if I go to jail. I don’t have a family to be disappointed in me but you do! You’re a perfect disgrace for wanting to fuck your baby sister. Not just your family but every single person who hears it will be disappointed.”

The door chimed and heavy footsteps followed. Before I could process the footsteps, James was standing right in front of me with his hand on my neck.

He pushed me to the wall and heaved in anger. “You bloody asshole,” he spat.

I tried to wriggle out of his grip bit it was firm and startling. “Call the person right now.”

“Who?” I asked unaware of what he was talking about.

“The person posting about Emily’s kidnap,” he replied in a flare.

I raised my brows in confusion but he held my neck tighter. I had no idea what he was taking about and he didn’t believe me. I had no connection with whoever was posting about Emily’s kidnap.

He shoved out a pocket knife and dragged it closer to my jawline. The steel touched me and my blood rippled.

“Please- please don’t kill me.”

I closed my eyes in fright as the knife dug closer to my neck and then to my chest. When he removed the knife from my body I breathed hard and looked at him.

“I’ll ask one last time.”

He looked exhausted but he was not going to let it slide. James barely asked questions for long, he turns around and tortures you into talking.

“I’m serious James,”

The words left my mouth with fear, I was hoping he didn’t get pissed or shit.

My eyes flickered and I turned to Devin. He was scared but could do nothing, his hands had been tied again and his body still hurts from the beatings he got from yesterday.

He didn’t say anything else, he just knocked on the board and some hefty men walked inside the room. My eyes fell on his hands and I saw the syringe he held.

Fuck, he was going to inject us.

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