Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave


Morgan pov.

"Something's wrong." I mutter causing Luca to frantically look at the monitors in front of him, like he's able to understand anything. "Not here you dimwit, with Rain." I sigh, blinking myself into the common room where everyone looks like someone just died. "What's the matter?" Benjamin sighs and looks at Ragna.

"He checks out, we have bigger problems than we thought though." I look over at Ragna who looks like he's been drained. "He told us his story and then I sifted through his mind. Morgan, they have bigger plans than we thought. They're aiming to win this war and we're not nearly as ready. We don't have the numbers. We don't have the weapons and even if our numbers could fight against the hybrids, we can't fight against the robots." The vampire answers. "The robots? You mean the ones that I programmed that they have no code for now?" They can't activate the fleet with just the safeguarding codes.

"They don't have a code for them? I thought they were in production." Isa frowns and I shake my head.

"The prototype is in production. They don't have the activation key for the fleet. It's all programmed into Bing." I never thought building him would mean they would actually use him and now they've gone and screwed themselves over. "They can't win this war without their systems running on full force."

"So, hypnotically speaking, you could re-program the robots?" Luca asks and I shake my head.

"No, well yes but I'd have to be in their system and since removing Bing I don't have access anymore."

"So, just hack them." River mutters, rolling her eyes like it's the most obvious thing in the world and it should have been. It should have been my very first thought.

"That's a great idea, I might just keep you around." I wink and she gives me a soft smile. 'Why does he look like that?" Ragna looks like he's on his last bit of life left, a far cry from the hybrid I met the first time.

"It takes a lot for someone to enter your brain, even when you allow them to." Benjamin gives me an unimpressed look.

"What? You've suddenly grown a conscious to poking around in people's brains? You wanted him vetted just as much as I did, so don't look at me like you're on some higher moral ground." He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it. "Can we get him something to eat and a room?" I turn to Luca and the Fairie nods.

"Wait, before I go. Fix whatever you did to my wings. It's fucken uncomfortable." Ragna slurs. I sigh but wrap my magic around him once more, fixing the bend I put in his wings. He takes a few seconds to realize it's alright before he splays out his wings, causing Isa to gasp at them.

"How are you still flying?" I just now realize they've never actually seen him and seeing him next to Luca and Isa I realize just how messed up his wings are.

"A lot of practice lady." He mutters and I cock my head to the side, staring at the holes in them. "What are you looking at?"

"Do you want me to fix them?" River gasps, looking at me with wide eyes.

"You said you couldn't fix this with your magic and now you want to fix his wings?" I sigh, wondering how the hell the same little girl just have me the brilliant idea to hack the Space sector.

"It's not a wish. I'm not pulling bunnies out a rabbit and I'm not going up against thousands of deluded humans. I'm simply using what's there and mending it. My magic isn't stored in a genie's lamp, River. It's stored inside of me and I'm not a star to wish upon." She rolls her eyes, huffing as she gets up and walks out of the room.

"What?" I shake my head at Luca's question as he points to the door River just stormed out of.

"So? Do you want them fixed?" Ragna looks at Isa like she's supposed to hold the answer. "You can't fix wings Morgan." Magnus sighs and I frown.

"She fixed mine." Luca mutters. "And Isa's. Granted she was the one who caused them damage but she mended them much faster than it would have taken us naturally, even with our magic." The dark-haired man's eyes widen as I suck my cheeks into my mouth and curl my magic around Ragna who's floating in the middle of the air.

"What... whoa. Shit." Ragna finally settles on as the holes in his wings start weaving together, creating a pattern there that I think he forgot. It takes me five more minutes to fix all his holes and then I work on mending the jagged edges. It takes me a lot longer and more imagination because there is no rhyme or reason to the edges of his wings. By the time I'm done his wings are slightly bigger than they were, every hole filled and the edges much smoother than they were before. "What the fuck?" Ragna asks, flapping his wings and producing a gust of wind that sends us back a few steps. "That feels so good." His wings flutter so hard they look like they're shivering and I stand astonished at the pure joy on his face.

"How did you do that?" Magus asks and I shrug my shoulders, not knowing how to explain to him that my magic just does what I put my mind to. I also can't say that in front of River, or else she'll never stop thinking I can work miracles. "I just did. Casey is a big help." I feel my magic surge under my skin as she thanks me for the compliment and smile a little, realizing I feel a bit more stable than I did this morning.

"Morgan, you just healed wings... Fairies train decades to learn the craft, heck I haven't even perfected it and you just put his wings back together like they were a puzzle piece." Magnus sighs, frustration evident in his voice. "They are. A puzzle piece." I tell him. "His wings have veins, you connect them through grafts. It's like connecting dots. I had to imagine the edges though but I think I did a pretty good job."

"You did a fucken fantastic job. They feel better than I can remember when they were whole." That makes me frown.

"Your wings were whole?" He nods his head in Isa's direction.noveldrama

"They looked something like hers but they started deteriorating when the injections started." I stare at Rain, flinching when the image of my mangled body in the tube pops into his mind.

"Ragna, I think you might be dying." All the joy that was on his face is gone in an instant as the words leaves my lips and while I feel bad for him this discovery is something that I hope Sinclair doesn't have yet because if I can figure out why I can isolate the poison and ruin her life's work.

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