Sweet Revenge: Jace & Emerald

Chapter 20

Liam and Emerald go back to L. A. after they meet the man and hand him to the custody of the police because of the CCTV footage from the hospital that Creep recovered and sent to them. Young Morgan was happy but at the same time, she was sad since she still had no idea about where Lucy was. According to Donato, the man who took her nanny from the hospital, after a month of taking care of Lucy, someone took her from him as well.

Donato said he was ready to take care of Lucy and planned on continuing her medication through Merly by blackmailing her. Right now, he had no idea where Lucy was, and he thought Mrs. Morgan had nothing to do with her disappearance because he continuously got money from her until last month.

“We will continue the search for your nanny, Emerald,” Creep said.

“What worries me is that I had no idea who took her. What if they did something to her?”

“Let’s be positive. I had a feeling that nothing bad had happened to her. It should be on the news if she had been a victim of any crime.” Liam said,

“I will check the police database to see if there are cases with your nanny’s name,” Creep added.

“But the question is, what will you do with your mother?” Elise asked, making Emerald’s face hardened and balled her fists when she remembered their faces when she confronted them about her missing nanny. Then, the man with them added fuel to her anger when she remembered how Emerose clung his hands to his arms while he told her he didn’t want to be in the same car with her.

“I will make them suffer the way my nanny did.”

“And I have news for you.” Emerald looked at Daryl curiously. “Your family business is in search of an investor once again.” Emerald chuckled after hearing that.

“That’s because they chose to spend their money on Donato,” she replied. Now she gets it; she was never a jinx. “All this time, I thought I was the one who brought misfortune to our family. All along, it was them.”

After their little meeting, Emerald went home, excited to see her son. “Mommy!” Ace shouted as soon as he saw her while running after Emerald, whose hands were wide open, ready to hug him.

“I miss you, sweetheart,” she said as she kissed the boy all over his face, making Ace laugh.

“I miss you too, Mommy.”

“Have you been good while I’m away?” Emerald asked.

“Yes, of course. I never give Nanny Keng any headaches while you’re away.” Ace replied proudly. One thing Emerald loves about her son is his obedience. Whatever she told her son, Ace would always listen to her while young Morgan tried to make him understand why he had to follow her. “But I want to know, will you fulfill your promise to bring me to the zoo now that you return?”

“Of course, sweetheart,” Emerald replied happily. She always keeps her promise to her son and doesn’t make any promises she can’t fulfill. She always ensured that whatever she told her son was attainable and good for Ace. The little boy jumped for joy after hearing his mother. She had no idea he had been planning everything he wanted to do with Emerald while she was away.


“What do you mean no one booked that room?” Jace asked angrily. He was talking to the hotel’s receptionist, asking for information about the room where he saw the couple making out.

“Sir, there were no guests there for two days now.” the receptionist replied

“How about the other rooms? Give me the names of every guest on that floor.” Jace insisted.

“I’m sorry, sir. But we are not allowed to give our guests information. That’s company rules, and I will be left jobless if I do that.” The receptionist replied fearfully. She knew who Jace Higginson was and how powerful he was, but she didn’t want to lose her job either. Out of frustration, Jace grabbed his hair and pulled it.

After hearing the investigator, he rushed out of his hotel room, went to the reception, and had been arguing with the receptionist. ‘That’s Emerald. I know, it’s her,’ he thought. ‘I’m so stupid! I should have looked closer.’

Jace left the reception and went back to his room; he was about to turn the knob when he remembered something. He looked at the corridor to check if there was CCTV, and he smiled when he saw one before rushing to the security room.

‘Fuck,’ he thought as he watched Emerald and Liam making out in the corridor. His fist balled as a rush of heat spread through his body. His muscle tightens as his body becomes rigid with pent-up energy, making him want to lash out and explode at any moment. He couldn’t believe the woman he was searching for was looking happy with another man.

He continued watching even though he was trembling in anger, his eyes watering, feeling betrayed. Although he realized that he was the reason Emerald left, he still couldn’t accept seeing her happily with another man. “Delete that part,” he told the security guard who assisted him.

“Sir, we’re not allowed to”

“I said, delete that fucking video!” he shouted, clenching his fist.

“Alright, sir.” the security man replied, showing Jace that he already did.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

After that, Jace decided to leave Miami and go back to L. A. since he confirmed that the two had checked out. He wanted to find out where they were going or where they were staying and if they were living together.

“I thought you’d be out for a month?” Kyle exclaimed after seeing him in the office. Feeling restless, Jace slumped himself in his office chair and replied,

“I saw Emerald.”

“What? Are you sure?” Kyle asked,

“Do you think I’ll joke about this?” Jace asked, annoyed as his brows furrowed. “I saw her with my two eyes, and she was with another man.”

“And?” Kyle asked curiously. He wondered what his friend saw, although he already had an idea judging by the look on Jace’s face.

“They were making out in a corridor.” Young Higginson finally said it while holding his chest because it was hard for him to say it.

“How did you find her?” Jace told Kyle what had happened, and Kyle was speechless. He didn’t know that the unwind he suggested to his friend would only bring him another heartbreak. “What do you plan to do?”

“I am going to find her and take her back.”

“What? Are you insane?” Kyle exclaimed, making Jace glare at him. “You said it yourself: She looks happy. Why do you need to meddle with her life now?”

“She will be happy with me, she said so herself, she loves me.”

“Loved. Past tense, Jace. She loved you, but how are you sure she still does now?”

“I love her too, Kyle, and I will never forget about her.”

“That’s two different things, man. She wasn’t happy when she was loving you. You hurt her, betrayed her, and let go of her.”

“Are you my friend?” Jace asked angrily when he realized Kyle was negative about what he wanted.

“I am your friend; that’s why I am telling you this. I didn’t want to see you hurt, and I am telling you, you will suffer more in agony and sorrow once you show up in front of her now that she has already moved on with her life.” Kyle said, trying to make some sense to his friend. He didn’t want to see Jace broken again, and he didn’t know if young Higginson would be able to recover from the pain he would suffer if Emerald rejected him.

“What do you want me to do, Kyle? Let her go? No, I can’t do that. For five years, I felt miserable, missing her. Now that I’ve found her, I’ll do everything to make her mine again.”

“I don’t know, man. But know this: no matter what, I am here.” Kyle said in resignation. He knew he wouldn’t be able to change Jace’s mind. He loves Emerald, but only she has loved another man.

After their heartfelt conversation, Kyle told Jace why he was in his office. “ACEGame had scheduled another meeting. Are you willing to come since you’re back?”

“Alright, when was that?”

“Next week afternoon.” Jace nodded and said,

“I will make sure that I will be able to talk to their boss. They are not going to do to us what they did before. By hook or by crook, we will get that collaboration.” Jace replied with conviction. Confident that he will have the upper hand.

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