TABOO TALES(erotica)

Estranged Siblings: Ep6

Andre was alone, so he moved the pin in the stack to the middle and set up the cables for a Standing Chest Press. He gripped the D handles and faced away from the machine. He pressed the handles forward in a semicircular motion until both arms were fully extended. He slowly released the pressure and began again. He did a set of ten, then moved the pin down another four plates and did another set of ten.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Marin! You don’t start off that high!” the coach growled as he entered the room.

At his back were four members of the basketball team, also in their gym clothes: Henry Fisher, Rick Halton, Greg Davis, and Kevin Zeigler. All but Davis were in his previous class and were dating cheerleaders he sat near. These were the guys who glared at him even though he had no say in where he sat. Great.

“What’s he doing here?” one of them asked the teacher belligerently.

“The same as you, Fisher. Working out,” Garlin snapped, then turned back to Andre. “You need to start with less and build up.”

“I did,” Andre said, and the teacher stared at him, then shrugged.

“Whatever. You know how to use these machines?” Garin asked, and Andre nodded. “Okay. Don’t hurt yourself on them, or I cut off your access privileges,” the teacher grumbled.

Andre nodded and moved the D handles to the lower cables. He adjusted the pin back up four plates and proceeded to do Standing Bicep Curls. After doing his warm-up set, he moved the pin and went through it again with the additional weight.

He followed the program Gloria set up for him to strengthen his arms, shoulders, back, and abs until he was sweating and his muscles trembled.

While he did his routine, he heard some of the other machines being used and the teacher giving instructions. Occasionally, he would catch one of the others watching him, but he just ignored them and pushed himself harder, glaring at nothing and quietly growling through the pain from behind his hair.

He glanced at the clock as he needed to shower and would need at least fifteen minutes to do that, dress, and get his books for the afternoon classes. He had time for one last set, so he pushed himself through it, then stepped away from the machine.

Mr. Garlin approached him and smiled at how much tighter the t-shirt had become. He knew this kid had muscles hidden under those baggy clothes.

“So, what do you say? Think you might like to get involved in the weightlifting team?” he asked.

Andre glanced at him from behind his bangs. “I’m not good with team things,” he said quietly. His eyes jumped to look at the four other young men who were giving him scowls. They seemed upset with him, but he had no idea why.

“Think about it as you hit the shower. I think it could be good for you,” the man insisted as he turned back to his basketball players.

Andre quickly went to get his shower kit and headed for the shower. He stood under the blast of hot water and washed his hair and aching body.

He didn’t hear the others following him until he spotted Fisher out of the corner of his eye and looked sharply at him. “What?” he snapped, agitated by their stealthy approach. His eyes flicked to each of their faces. They were looking at his body and being blatant about it. Again, none were smiling.

Fisher finally worked up the nerve to speak. “We don’t need a freak like you sweating all over the new equipment the school purchased for us.”

Andre’s mind latched onto the term freak, and his mind took him back to the day Gloria beat him. She’d used that term as she pounded on his face with her heavy fists.

Sensing his attention had drifted, Fisher made the mistake of giving Andre’s shoulder a shove.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Andre roared suddenly and surged at the other young man, who tried to leap back but slipped and fell on his ass. Andre watched the other three grab Fisher’s arms and pull him away from the trembling man standing over him.

Turning back to the shower, Andre scrubbed the soap over the area Fisher touched. He could feel the other man’s filth on his skin!This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He had to be clean!


Once they were out of the shower room, Fisher looked at the others, all wide-eyed with shock. They moved to the corner of the locker room.

“What the FUCK is wrong with him?” Fisher hissed quietly. “Did you see him scrubbing his shoulder?”

Davis got a determined look in his eye and rushed over to his locker. He jogged past seconds later with his cell phone and headed back into the shower room. He returned a short time later.

Fisher looked at Davis with a confused frown. “Why the hell were you taking a picture of him? Are you a fag or something?”

“Fuck you! You’re a fag for asking!” Davis snapped in return.

“Answer the question! Why did you take a picture of him?” Fisher pressed.

Davis scowled and nodded as he looked into the eyes of the others. “You know how Marin is always dressed in that goth wear, all baggy and shit? He’s obviously hiding himself! He doesn’t talk to anyone or look at anyone. It’s like he’s hiding. We saw him acting like an animal on the functional trainer, and now he loses his shit after a simple touch? He must have serious mental issues! He doesn’t want anyone to look at him. Imagine how he’ll react when he finds out everyone knows what he’s hiding. I think we can get rid of him by leaking the photo. Maybe permanently.”

Fisher was looking at Davis with a surprised grin. “Holy fuck! You have a twisted and devious mind! I love it!” They heard Marin rush over to his locker and start getting dressed.

Zeigler smiled at Davis. “How do we get it to everyone at the school without getting caught?”

“I know one of the techs on the school’s networking team. She’ll send it to everyone’s mailbox for me without leaving a trail,” Davis grinned.

“All for the price of…?” Halton asked.

“Man, you know I never turn down the chance to eat a little pussy, even if it’s on the chunky side,” Davis grinned. The others picked up the grin.

“Have you idiots hit the shower yet?” Garlin growled at his players from the other side of the locker room.

“Sorry, coach! On our way!” Fisher called out.

Davis slipped his cell into his locker, then they rushed into the shower to clean up before their next class.

He didn’t tell the others that the actual tech he’d be asking for the favor preferred Davis’ dick in his ass as he did a reach around.

The incredible picture he’d taken was also going into Davis’ personal collection.

Fuck! Marin was packing!


Andre rushed home after school. It had been a mistake to work out at school. His skin crawled at the memory of Fisher touching him. He picked up his pace.

He’d had difficulty concentrating in the afternoon. He’d aced the Chemistry quiz as he could focus on that. But listening to the teachers had been a struggle as his brain was busy drowning out their voices with its own internal dialog and the thousands of other stimuli coming in.

Finally, the last bell rang, and he was free.

He was making a pork roast for Cassandra tonight, so he went over the recipe in his mind and ensured he had all the ingredients at home. He was passing a small neighborhood bakery and slowed his steps. A baguette would be a nice addition. He stepped inside the shop and picked up a fresh breadstick.

The next shop had fresh-cut flowers, so he bought a small bouquet for their table.

Dessert was bought from the bodega on the corner.

Smiling as he rushed home with his purchases, he shook off the last of his unsettled nerves and let himself into the apartment. He had dinner to prepare before Cassandra got home.

He tugged his school clothes off and slipped on his running shorts and a tank top. The kitchen was going to get hot as the old oven leaked heat.

He put the flowers in a small vase and set it on the small table beside the window. The view it had was of the painted brick wall of the building across an empty lot. At least the afternoon light painted the wall with its brilliant colors and lit up their kitchen.

Preparing dinner focused his mind, and he enjoyed cooking for his sister.

He turned the oven on and sliced up two onions to line the roasting pan. He rinsed the pork roast and placed it atop the onions, adding more onions on top. He added baby carrots and potatoes to the roasting pan, then added water to the pan. He sprinkled dried basil flakes over the veggies and meat for seasoning. Finally, the lid went on, and he slid the roaster into the oven.

Andre hand-washed the utensils he’d used, tidied the kitchen, and set the table. He wished he had a bottle of wine for Cassandra, but he was only eighteen and couldn’t buy one. Not that he’d drink any. He didn’t like the taste or how it made his mind feel.

While he waited, he did his homework. None of it challenged him, so he finished quickly and put his books back into his backpack. He put that near the entrance for the morning and plugged his cell into the charger in the kitchen.

With nothing else to do, he made another pass through the apartment, except for Cassandra’s room, to ensure everything was neat and clean.

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