Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chapter 1


Today is my first day here. This is so stupid. Wolves never go to new packs. They are in their packs for life, but my stupid Alpha decided that he would pick a fight with the biggest pack in our region. Why? Well, apparently because he had a death wish, because that is all that happened. He got killed along with a quarter of our wolves, for no damn reason. Now our pack was absorbed into their pack. This happened about a month ago.

Why is it my first day here? Well, I didn’t start college until today. I had to wait for the new semester to start. Being a transfer student is crap, most everything is already filled. Plus there are a lot of us. Ok, not a whole hell of a lot but enough to make it difficult.

I have always been a bit of a lone wolf, even in our pack. Most don’t get me. I don’t like to show off. I like to blend in. The other wolves in my pack didn’t get it. They always would find ways to show off. Living among humans makes it even more difficult, because they want to show off way too much. They don’t seem to care that there needs to be some boundaries or rather limits to what we show off. I think it is best just to not show off at all.

So, I don’t. I wear baggy clothes to hide my figure. I don’t do sports or any physical activity in front of humans. I keep to myself and blend in. That is how I like it and that is how I want to keep it.

The new Alpha doesn’t seem to think that we need to do anything but train. He wants to keep his pack at the top of the heap. So that means that first thing in the morning training. Also at the end of the day training. Everyone trains, everyone patrols. There are no exceptions and no one can back out of any of it. Even mothers only get a small time off then they are right back to training. Den mothers help take care of the young, those women are trained later in the day.

So, back to what I was saying. Today is my first day at Blackwood college. Not my first choice, but wolves don’t get a choice in this pack. We all go to Blackwood. It seems nice enough. Plenty to do at least. There are lots of clubs and plenty of sports. They encourage us all to do something. I just don’t want to. Not that I don’t have interests, I just don’t want to be around others if I can help it.

I managed to stay off the radar of anyone most of the day. I am on break right now. I have two hours for lunch, before my classes start up again. Long lunch but I don’t mind. I just need to find a place where I can relax and be left alone. I’m new here so I have no idea where that would be.

I purchased my lunch in the main cafeteria, the food doesn’t look so bad, so I figured why not. I got chicken strips, mashed potatoes and corn. Plus a soda on the side. Usually I don’t like the added sugar, but I decided to go with it today. I look around the cafeteria and it is mostly deserted. This can’t be so bad. I found a table in the far left corner that had no one at it. There are plenty of other empty tables for people to sit at so I should be left alone.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Setting my tray down, I sling my backpack off my shoulder and set it on the ground. I take a seat and keep my head down. I don’t want to draw attention to myself. God forbid that anyone thinks I need to make friends on my first day. It is too quiet though. I reach down and pull my phone out of my pocket with my earbuds. Quickly I select my classic rock playlist. I love this one because it really drowns out the rest of the people. Plugging in both my earbuds I zone out. It is just me and my lunch.

All of the sudden I smell them. Three male wolves. They are high ranking too, I can smell it. They are close, at least ten feet. I keep my head down. I don’t recognize their scents so they must be from my new pack. Hopefully they are just passing by and find another table.

One of the wolves slams his fist down on the table to get my attention. I didn’t jump or flinch, because I was half expecting it. I was on edge, ready. I take out one earbud and look up at the one who slammed the table. He is attractive, like most wolves, those that aren’t have seen too much battle for their own good. He has dark hair, like coal. His eyes are light, blue that seems to reflect a waterfall. He has a stupid grin on his face.

“This is our table. Mutt.” Great insults. Perfect.

“It doesn’t have your name on it.” I do a dramatic look around the table making my point. “There are plenty of other empty tables.” Did I mention that I don’t like bullies? Hate them in fact. Hence the reason why I am not backing down and just walking away.

He keeps a stupid grin. “That was your que to leave. Grab your shit and leave the table.”

“Why should I? I was here first. I’m not done eating. When I am done I will leave and not a minute sooner.” I stare straight into his eyes. I don’t give a shit who the hell this wolf thinks he is, but I will be damned if I am going to bow down to him.

He stands silently for a moment, like he is thinking. “How old are you?”

Not really expecting that, hence why I answer. I’m too shocked to think of a better retort. “Nineteen.”

He nods. “Good then you don’t have a mate yet.” He reaches over and takes my hand, pulling me out of the bench. I am caught off guard but once I am up I fight back pulling away from him. His grip on my hand tightens. He swings me around with his friends snickering all the while. He takes my seat, where I was just sitting. Then he pulls me onto his lap.

Fighting to get away from him, he pulls his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. It’s like this guy has some death grip or something. I can’t get his hands off of me, no matter how much I try. “Get your stinking hands off me.” I growl out. Never in my life have I wanted to shift so much. I fight it though, there are humans all around the room. That and I can’t seem to make contact with my wolf.

His friends take a seat around the table, ignoring me fighting their friend, like this sort of thing happens every day. One even reaches over and takes my soda. Not that I really care, I was debating on drinking it anyway.

He leans forward and whispers in my ear, while I am still trying to pry him off me. “Easy wolf. You keep grinding your ass on my cock and you won’t be so innocent for your mate.” I instantly freeze. I can feel it behind me. I didn’t before because I was fighting but his erection is clearly pressing into my ass right now. What the fuck? How did he get off on that?

“Get your disgusting hands off me.” I growl out again.

One of his friends laughs and looks at me. “Do you even know who you are talking to?”

I growl at him next. “Do I look like I give a shit?”

The last friend speaks up. “You sure are a firecracker aren’t you? It’s going to get your ass in some deep shit if you keep it up.” He keeps his face straight, unlike his friends who are smiling like they won some prize or something. He seems to be the balance to the group. Maybe I can appeal to him.

“Look, I was minding my own business. I wasn’t bothering anyone. I don’t like to be pushed around. None of us do. So really who is causing the problem here?” I talk directly to the last friend. He is cool and collected. Light blond hair, a deep contrast to his friend’s hair. He has green eyes too, like the forest, so I decided that I kind of like them. Not that I am swooning or anything, but he has some attractive qualities.

He gives me a pointed look. “You talked back to the Alpha’s son. As in your future Alpha. You were the one causing problems.” Ok, he is a jackass too.

The guy holding me to him, I am guessing the Alpha’s son, holds me tighter. “Hear that baby, I am someone important. Someone you should consider apologizing to. I wouldn’t mind a little kiss to make up.” Shoot me now. I want to die.

Just my luck I am not struck down dead. “Really, because you just seem like any other jackass I have ever met. I guess that was why I didn’t realize you were someone important.” I put up quotes with my fingers when I said “important”.

He chuckles. “You really don’t know when to shut up do you? Your mouth is really going to get you in trouble. I guess I will have to find ways to shut it for you.” He twists my head back towards him. I gasp, caught off guard again. I really need to work on that. He bites my bottom lip. Who the hell does that? I try to pull away but he bites harder. My only relief is to edge closer, he lightens then. I get it now. Kiss him and he stops. Well, that is not happening.

I take my left hand, putting it on his bicep. He must think he has won because he smirks, still biting me. Instead of caressing his arm, which I am sure he thought I was going to do, I pinch the tender skin on the inside of the arm. He lets out a gasp as my nails dig into his skin, thus letting go of my lip. I quickly pull it into my mouth so he can’t bite it again, plus it really hurts.

He looks at me and his eyes darken. “You have done it now baby. You are going to be my pet. What I say goes. If I say that you are at my side for the rest of the day then you are. If I say I don’t want to see your face for a week then I better not. If I say you have to kiss it to make it better then you are going to fucking kiss it.” He digs his claws into my waist. I hate when wolves do that. Pretty much only high ranking wolves can do it, shift parts of their body at will, without a full on shift. Or marking your mate. I still hate it. I can feel them digging into my skin, blood has started to pool around his fingers. I don’t even have to look, I can feel it. “Am I understood?”

Fuck this hurts. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of winning though. “Go ahead, hurt me. Is that all you got?” I sneer at him.

The first friend who talked, looked a little serious. “Hey, man. Maybe you should back off a little. Just report her to your dad. No big deal. You can’t hurt her in front of them.” He gestures his eyes and brows towards the rest of the room. The humans.

Only Alpha boy gets an idea. I can tell by the smirk on his face. “You’re right. Can’t hurt her here. That doesn’t mean I can’t elsewhere. Curt, you grab her bag.” Then he lifts me up and puts me over his shoulder. The humans must think this is some boyfriend girlfriend thing because they are cheering him on. Stupid assholes. I can see the one who told him to back off, grab my bag off the ground, leaving my tray of food right where I left it.

I want to scream, but really what good would it do? He has his claws digging into my thighs as he carries me. I can’t just get down. Not without causing serious damage. He carries me through campus all the way to the far parking lot. I see some wolves look over, but as soon as they see who it is they look away, too afraid to piss off the Alpha. He opens the door of a big green pickup truck. Depositing me in the seat and buckling me in, he opens the glove box and takes out some zip ties. He pulls my hands together and makes cuffs from the zip ties and then fastens it to a hook in the center console. Why the fuck does he even have that? Does he kidnap people often? He turns back to his buddies and takes my bag, throwing it into the back of the truck.

The blond one puts his arm on the Alpha boy’s shoulder. “I am not so sure this is a good idea. She didn’t know who you were. Your dad might be a little pissed.”

He growls at his buddy. “Mind your own business, Sam. I’ll take care of it.” He turns leaving both his buddies with concerned looks on their faces. Shit, am I going to die. They look like I am going to die.

He climbs into the driver’s seat and starts the truck. Not even looking at his buddies again, he speeds off. I can feel the panic rising inside me. My wolf has been quiet this whole time. She seems calm, how the fuck can she be calm? We are going to die.

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