Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

Everything was upbeat and fine before Snow showed what actually transpired during the night and early hours of the morning and since then I was like a ripe red tomato with hands and legs.

Even Dominic looked affected after lunch and our flushed faces seemed to be too noticeable because the other members of the group kept teasing us all day long.

“Did you guys just suck off each other in the janitor’s closet or in a washroom stall ?”, Freya asked while giggling and the rest laughed.

“I was with you guys all the time”, I deadpanned as if unaffected which I was absolutely NOT ! I was too affected. I fucking kissed two boys all night !!

The group finally dispersed at the end of our classes giving me a momentary reprieve but I still had work to do.

I was needed by the Dean in another ten minutes and hence, I decided to make the move and reach early so that I could get over with the work as soon as possible.

However as I passed the classrooms and walked towards the Dean’s office, my lycan ears suddenly caught the sound of familiar noises from the unused sports shed.

Don’t tell me those two are doing it here !

I stormed inside the shed to find a crouched Kai comforting Dominic who was sobbing hysterically in Kai’s chest.

I dropped my mini bag on the ground immediately and ran towards Dominic.

“Domz ! What is the matter with you ? What happened ?”, I asked but got no response and instead heart wrenching cries choked out of his blood red eyes.

“What happened to him, Mr Grayson ?”, I asked as I rubbed Dominic’s back.

“I have no idea. I suddenly felt something strange and walked towards this shed’s direction only to find Domz here, huddled in a corner and crying his heart out”, Kai explained worriedly.

“Alrighty babe. We are getting you back to your dorm right now”, I announced to Domz but he just shook his head in negation in return and continued to stay balled up in the corner.

My heart seemed to bleed at the sight of watching Dominic in his most vulnerable state and after a lot of coaxing and cooing, Kai finally managed to scoop a tired out and sleeping Dominic in his arms and whispered to me, “We are going back to my pad where we stayed last night. I will text you the address. Come there after your job with the Dean and remember to sign out of the dorm to avoid detention”, he instructed and carried Dominic away with him.

I nodded in response and straightened myself up before glancing at my wrist watch.


I am five minutes late.

Hurrying outside, I ran towards the Dean’s office where the Dean seemed to be talking to a newcomer whom I had never seen around before.

“Oh there you are, Bella. This is my assistant, Macy. You can go back home now, Ms Diaz. I really appreciate your help during Macy’s absence”, the Dean said with a smile and I nodded my head with a soft murmur of “It was a pleasure to work for you, Ms Sanchez.”

After exchanging all the necessary pleasantries, I hurried outside and took out my phone to see the screen flash with a new message.

It was from Kai with his address on it. Halting a taxi quickly, I got inside and asked the driver to rush me to the mentioned address.

As we drove towards Kai’s pad, I could not help but reflect upon what all had happened ever since I came to study in this university.

Nothing was making sense but everything felt right at the same time.

This was so strange !

* * * * *

Bella’s POV

The front door was open and I did not bother to press the door bell as I hurried inside to check on Domz.

I locked the door before I headed towards the spacious living room and found Dominic snuggling in Kai’s chest while sitting in the latter’s lap.

The sight of two hot men cuddling together in front of me was mouth watering but I shook off those sultry thoughts and instead focussed on the task in hand.

Kai noticed me and gestured me to quietly settle down beside them and soon enough Dominic was squeezing Kai closer to himself if that was possible.

“You wanna talk about it, Domz ?”, Kai softly asked as he rested his cheek on Dominic’s shoulder after pressing a chaste kiss on Dominic’s forehead.

“I want to go to the cemetery in the forest”, Dominic weakly murmured with a whimper.

Cemetery ? In the forest ?

I had never seen one during my training sessions in the forest in the morning.

How is that possible ?

But then I have never explored the deepest parts of the forest completely.

“Why do you want to go there, babe ?”, Kai questioned in a gentle tone and calling Domz ‘babe’ did not feel or sound weird at all to any of us. In fact it successfully urged Dominic to speak up.

“It’s my mother’s 18th death anniversary. I want to meet her”, Dominic meekly said with a sob as a fresh batch of tears started trickling down his eyes.

“How old are you ?”, Kai asked in surprise.

“I just turned 19”, the sobbing boy answered.

“Oh my God ! I am sorry”, Kai sadly whispered.

“It is ok. Hic. You did not .… hic …. know”, Dominic hiccuped while rubbing his head softly against Kai’s chest.

“You have a father ?”, Kai questioned with caution.

“If you mean my mother’s rapist and murderer then yes”, Dominic spoke with anger this time. “I am literally a bastard”, he sobbed again and buried his face in Kai’s strong chest.

“Don’t cry Domz”, Kai cooed as he smothered the weeping boy’s neck with kisses. “Your mother would want you to be strong for her and visit her with a smiling face so that she can stay at peace in whichever place she is. I will take you to visit your mom if you promise me to stay strong for her”, he softly but firmly said which seemed to work on Dominic instantly.

Nodding his head in silent agreement, Dominic leaped out of Kai’s lap and walked towards one of the restrooms to freshen up.

I sighed when only Kai and I were left and commented, “Guess we all are orphans then. My complete family was slaughtered too”, I revealed sadly.

“That makes the three of us then”, Kai murmured.

“Your parents were murdered too ?”, Dominic asked me and Kai incredulously from behind.

“Yeah”, Kai and I chimed together.

“Shit”, Dominic muttered rather angrily but then his features relaxed when his eyes swept over me and Kai. “I am sorry”, he apologized in a bare whisper but we heard it alright.

“No worries, DomDom”, I assured him. “We just told you that so that you don’t feel alone. We will always have your back”, I said and Dominic immediately pressed a tender kiss on my lips which had rather become a norm between us three now. I have no idea how will I behave with them once I find my mate.

“Thank you”, he smiled and helped me up on my feet while Kai got his keys.

“You want to drive ?”, Kai asked as tossed the keys towards Dominic.

“Yeah sure !”, Dominic eagerly agreed and we headed out of the apartment together.

“How come you came back so early, Bella ?”, Kai asked as he pressed the elevator button.

He called me Bella ! Not Ms Diaz !!!

Whoa !

Is he pitying me ?

Coz I don’t want anyone’s sympathy.

Specially when we all are sailing in the same fucking boat.

“Macy is back so the Dean relieved me off my duties”, I answered with a casual shrug.

“Lucky you”, Kai smirked. “You did not even have to work for 1 whole week”, he added.

“Yay ! Lucky me”, I sarcastically said while snapping back at him.

“Alright guys. Do you plan on bickering to and fro at each other in the elevator all day or do you plan on stepping out of it too ?”, Dominic asked while holding back his laughter.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

Kai and I glared at him but stepped out of the elevator nonetheless with a huff.

These annoying boys. Hmfphh.

“You kiddos look so cute when you sulk”, Dominic chuckled.

Is he the same jerk who was crying like a child right now ?

“You are only 1 year and a few months older to us, asshole”, I retorted back.

“Yeah and I am your daddy now”, he smugged.

“Ewwww. Shut up, Domz”, I said and fake gagged making him laugh.

“I am your teacher for fuck’s sake, Dominic”, Kai rebuked with an eye roll.

“You two are so adorable”, Dominic laughed and I swear I felt like punching that jerk right there and then.

Kai and I obviously did not like to be babied and we were pretty much mad at our “daddy” figure and I even attempted to kick the jerk’s ass but he not only dodged me but also threw me against his shoulder like a caveman and followed Kai towards his vehicle.


Kai laughed at my pitiable condition as I thrashed around but Dominic was unbelievably strong and held my legs firmly.

“I swear if you try to bite my rocking ass, Diaz then I will bite yours and you will surely not like it”, Dominic warned while slapping my back alley and I stopped struggling afterwards.

This asshole was very much capable of biting me and the last thing I wanted was a stinging red ass covered with unwanted bite marks.

He is such a dog.

And a rabid one. Blergh !

Soon afterwards Kai led us towards a super sleek, jet black three seater bike and I swear our eyes nearly popped out of our sockets when we saw the ultra powerful death machine that stood in front of us in its full glory.

“Just tell me exactly how rich are you, Mr Grayson ?”, I asked as I ran my fingertips over the beautiful beast.

Kai simply chuckled at my question and passed our helmets in return.

Guess he does not want to reveal.


Never mind.

I don’t even care.

Dominic immediately took control of the front while I was sandwiched between the two Alpha hot men.

Kai tried to avoid touching any of us during the exhilarating ride but the speed at which Dominic was whizzing away the bike forced the young professor to form an awkward grip on my waist.

I could not help but smirk at that.

This man really was something.

He could never drop his prof attitude even out of school.

However as time passed by and the thrill of riding in mother nature’s lush green and airy lap started to seep in an exciting pleasure in us, Kai also relaxed and soon enough his slender long fingers were tracing small circles against my flat stomach making enticing sparks erupt everywhere he touched.

Removing his helmet, Kai fixed it at the side of the bike and snuggled his face on my shoulder making his soft, luscious hair locks tickle my neck but strangely enough, I didn’t mind.

Everything felt so homely and exciting at the same time.

Carefully removing my own helmet, I let my face hit against the speeding cool wind and the euphoric feeling intensified as Kai started peppering my neck with kisses making me fall deeper into the chasm of thrilling pleasure.

“Mhmmmm Kai. STAWWPPP”, I moaned as he sucked on the sensitive skin of my neck but instead of stopping he tilted his head to the other side and gave a matching hickey on the other side.

What happened to this shy boy ?

He pressed his fingers closer to my abdomen and tugged me closer to him while trailing his lips further down my neck causing my breathing to get erratic and harsher.

“You are so addicting, baby”, he rasped as he angled his head in every direction to cover me with his stomach fluttering kisses.

“Stop making me go crazy, babe”, I begged in a breathy voice but Kai had no intention of stopping and instead intensified his pleasurable assaults by letting loose of his hands beneath my tee.

“No !”, he obstinately answered and bit my earlobe in return making me whimper as he continued to suck on it.

“Ok lovebirds. We are about to reach”, Dominic announced and on hearing the word “lovebirds” it seemed like as if someone had suddenly poured a bucket full of ice on our heads.

Kai suddenly let go of his hold on me while I straightened my hair and my clothes before the bike came to a drifting halt.

“Way to make it awkward, Domz”, I muttered and slapped his head from behind when he chuckled.

“Where is this place ?”, Kai asked as he looked around him.

“This is the place where I was born and my mother died. After my mother’s murder, the vamp- …. I mean the locals here could not save her but were able to operate on her and save me. My father does not even know I am alive”, Dominic narrated but did not break down.

Instead rage coursed through his body as the bluish green veins in his arms and temples started to show. His body started to tremble and it was not difficult to deduce that he was thinking about the horrific past.

“Calm down, Domz”, I whispered while hugging him from behind to comfort him which remarkably seemed to work as his tense muscles relaxed immediately under my touch.

Since when did I get so touchy ?

“Go and meet your mom, Domz. She must be yearning to see her son”, I urged and he gave me a weak smile along with a nod in return.

Lacing my fingers with his, he led me towards the singular tombstone that I could see from afar and dragged me along with him.

“No Domz. I can’t go with you”, I whispered in shock as he pulled me forward towards the direction of his mother’s grave. “I don’t want to intrude in your private time with your mom”, I frantically said.

“I want my mother to meet you and Kai, Bella”, he softly said as he looked back at me and Kai with pleading eyes. “Please”, he pleaded again and I did not have the heart to refuse him again.

Kai joined us with an encouraging smile on his face and Dominic led us together towards the marble stone where his dear mother lay.

I hope Dominic does not regret getting us here.

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