Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

“Woah !”, Zeke exclaimed as he saw my reflection in the mirror while the girls did my hair and his mate involuntarily whistled in appreciation too.

“Damn ! Dominic is going to go bonkers on the aisle itself”, Dylan remarked as he too entered the dressing room uninvited.

Wasn’t this a females only place ?

“I am sure Kai will burst a nut before that”, Zeke chuckled while wobbling his way towards the couch, looking handsome as ever himself.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

In fact, all of Dominic and Max’s best men were looking dapper and extra gorgeous in their sharp black suits and gelled back hair.

“Wanna bet ?”, Ryan smugged, overconfident about his Alpha’s character.

“Loser carries our next child”, Zeke smirked back and the bet was formalized when Dylan played drama queen and formed a blood pact. These boys. Nghh.

If you are curious then Ryan was the one who complained about morning sickness and back pains the next time. Haha.

“Boys”, the newcomer rolled her eyes and suddenly Dylan’s jaw dropped and subsequently, a loud gulp could be heard.

Ryan nudged closer to Dylan and popped a c*ndom in the latter’s open mouth, making the gamma cough and splutter dangerously.

Dylan choked out the nasty plastic somehow before he furiously chased after the willy culprit. He ran around the room to kill the naughty Beta Vamp, making the makeup artists hide their stuff in fear.

I chuckled at their goofiness and asked Zeke, “Are you guys even allowed to see me before the wedding ? Or are you worried and are here to spy on me to watch if I would run away with a better man or not ?”, I teased the groomsmen.

“Yeah, try saying that to your mates and they will drag you to the aisle themselves right now”, Zeke rolled his eyes before snatching all the refreshments from the mini fridge and mowing them all down his pregnant ass, or rather stomach.

“I would rather you not tell them right now”, a well smacked Ryan advised me as he plopped down beside his mate and tucked him under his arm. “I don’t want to see an ugly Dominic running down the hall butt naked chasing after you”, he painted the picture with a creeped out shudder, making the others laugh.

Ah ! So that explains why they are here.

Dominic is butt naked right now.

Eeeeeeeee. So sexy.

He must be in the shower !

God, I feel like squeezing those tender and muscular butt cheeks of his right now.

“You perv”, Zeke threw an M&M at me. “Stop fantasizing about your mate like that !”, he exclaimed.

Sure, he was one to preach me.

However, I tried to play it cool.

“I don’t know what you mean”, I tried to play it off but fuck ! My arousal seemed to be everywhere in the air.

“Yeah sure and pigs can fly”, Amanda replied sarcastically.

Like brother, like sister.


“You guys met Tyra yet ?”, I tried to change the topic.

“Yeah but we are not sure if she wants to marry today or after a week”, Amanda replied while stealing a few gems from her brother who glared at her and hid his packet by keeping it on Ryan’s crotch.

As if that would deter his sister from taking more, I internally rolled my eyes while Dylan shook his head and exasperately breathed out, “Kids” when World War-III almost broke out between the siblings.

“What do you mean ?”, I sharply asked Zeke.

“Mean what ?”, Zeke asked, his attention elsewhere as he kept his sister at bay from his chocolaty craving, with his feet.

“Tyra, Zeke”, I exasperately reminded him.

“Oh that ? She is yet to shower and sit on the chair like you before getting pack loads of powder and stuff on her face and then change”, Zeke answered.

Pack loads of powder and stuff ?!

What the actual fuck !!

Typical masculine answer.


“She will get ready on time. Don’t worry”, I replied. “I started getting ready ten minutes back only and we still have three and a half hours to go”, I pointed out.

“No way !”, the men in the room groaned.

“Hell yeah !! Right now they have only done with the base of my face and are halfway through my hair. You did not think that I shall go like this only ?”, I incredulously asked the ignorant men in the room, drawing chuckles and snickers from the make up girls.

“I swear to God, I thought you were done and ready to get over with your punishment of marrying those dumb fools !”, Ryan exclaimed.

“Babe, we are never gonna marry and if we will then it will be a Vegas marriage or a court one”, Dylan wailed to his mate. “I swear to God, these events test my patience to the limits of reaching the C of craziness”, he complained.

“Then let us skip over to the honeymoon phase, shall we, baby ? You look so delicious in that suit. I can’t wait to rip it off. Rawr”, Amanda whispered seductively in Dylan’s ear and the couple conveniently forgot that they had an audience with two working ears each, that too with supernatural hearing powers.

“I could say the same, sexy girl”, Dylan growled back in his mate’s ear before the caveman flung his lithe mate over his shoulder and sped away from the room.

Wow, they were just the definition of carnal.

“I don’t understand which is grosser- my pig of a sister trying to sound sexy or that she is getting dick while I am stuck here”, Zeke huffed.

“What is stopping you from bouncing on mine, baby ?”, Ryan huskily replied in a low whisper, making his mate blush adorably before Ryan scooped the pregnant wolf into his lap and made out with him.

What is up with these horn dogs today ? Were they all going to get it on here only like exhibitionists, in front of an audience ? And why the fuck were they doing it in front of me only as if they were the ones who could not see their mate’s faces for two whole weeks !!

“Before someone makes a porno of you two humping each other’s brains out, I would highly suggest that you GET OUT !!!!”, I commanded with a hiss and two glued, kissing bodies got out of the room unfazed. “AND BE THERE ON TIME FOR THE CEREMONY!”, I shouted to remind the crazy Beta couple.

“As if Dominic would let me forget”, I heard Ryan murmur before sloppy wet kissing sounds followed suit.

Kai’s POV

I hummed as I took a shower, dried myself off, kept my mind busy on remembering my vows and conveniently threw away my towel on the bed as I stepped in the room naked as the day I was born.

Ah, the freedom.

However ….

“Grandma ! What are you doing here ?”, I shrieked the moment I got out of the shower and threw away my towel carelessly on the bed before frantically trying to cover my naked chest with crossed arms.

“If you really want to hide your body parts from me, that too something that I have seen before since you were a kid then, I would recommend you start with that willy down there of yours, even though as I said before, I have seen it a zillion times”, the former Dean chuckled before throwing back my towel to me.

Fucking hell, this was so embarrassing !!

I hastily wrapped the towel around my torso before raising a brow at her.

“What are you doing here ?”, I asked with an indignant huff.

“I wanted to hand over these to you personally before the wedding”, she replied and set down a neatly folded attire of robes along with a few accessories and an envelope.

“What are these ?”, I curiously asked while letting the tips of my fingers melt in the softness of the fabric.

“This is every groom’s wedding dress since the time of your Great Grandfather. I kept it safely for you and hope that you will do the same for your children and then their grandchildren”, Grandma smiled.

Even though one could tell that she was bursting with happiness yet those tears of nostalgia were difficult to hide, that too from me.

I hugged the old, strong woman and she wept frantically on my chest as she wrapped her arms around me.

“I am so proud of you, child. An old fool like me should not be crying pathetically like this but here I am”, she chided herself with a forced laugh through her tears.

“It’s ok, Grandma”, I cooed as I rubbed her back while resting my chin gently on the smaller framed lady’s head. “You just miss them, don’t you ? Your sons and Grandpa I mean, isn’t it ?”, I elaborated.

“Yes. I hate it how I lost my sons- evil even if one of them was but I still miss them all. I miss their laughter and our meetings and our fun getaways. I just miss them and how dashing they looked in this dress but ….. I know you will look the most handsome. You are just like me afterall”, she teased and chuckled, making me laugh too.

This narcissistic woman.


Never misses an opportunity to compliment herself, even when she is crying.

Now that I think of it, she should have been Dominic’s grandmother. Both charming narcissists.

But I loved them the most and my princess ofcourse.

“Way to ruin an emotional moment, Grandma with lies about oneself”, I fake huffed my annoyance and the tiny human gave me- a Beta Lycan, a mean punch ! What the- …. !!

“Go and take a shower again, young man”, she scolded me as if it was my fault that I was dirty again ! “You look and smell like a pig with all drool, snot and tears over your chest. Eww”, she scrunched her face and I rolled my eyes making the tiny woman punch me again.

“Ouch ! Grams !! The hell ?!”

“Stop rolling your eyes at me, mister or else I will scoop them out myself. Now shoo away. This beauty queen here needs her facial again. You ruined it”, she scolded me and went away.

I ruined it ?!

She was the one getting emotional on me !!

And she didn’t even tell me how to wear the effing dress !

This womannnn.


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