The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

As soon as they were out of the building, Xandar asked, “Why didn’t you sleep last night?”

“Border duty.” She answered simply.

“How is it that you had border duty the night before you were bound to travel?”

“The available members were either sick or had a family to look after. I didn’t want to flip anyone’s schedules upside down over this so I stood in place.” She shrugged. Her selfless answer exuded the nobility of a Queen, his Queen.

But something still bothered him. “Lucianne, why were you uncomfortable when your Alpha gave you credit for last year’s success? Why didn’t you just thank him and accept the praise?”

She snorted, and looked him dead in the eye as she declared, “I didn’t do it for the praise, your Hig… Xandar. When Alpha Juan got the request, I made it a point to my warriors that the ultimate aim of the battles was to keep innocent wolves safe. I drilled this thought into their heads day-in and day-out. They were to fight to protect, to fight with honour and nobility, not for the sake of pleasing anyone of a superior position.”

He listened to the strength of her voice, and his lips curled up as she continued, “I didn’t accept the praise because I didn’t do it for that. I didn’t do it for you either, Xandar. I respect you as my King but I didn’t fight the rogues for you. I fought for those who couldn’t fight. That’s why I didn’t accept the praise. I never will, so don’t try to get me to do it.”

His animal howled internally with immense joy and pride. He and the Lycan in him could not thank their Goddess enough. They were completely over the moon that the Moon Goddess bonded them to… a goddess. Noble. Selfless. Brave. Beautiful. What pique his interest most was her confident admission that she prioritized the lives of innocent wolves that she had never met over her ruler who everyone was obliged to please.

But somehow, she still seemed unreachable. He felt that she didn’t allow herself to get as close to him as he wanted her to. Then, there was that confusion about her willingness to reject him, or have him reject her. What was that about? Why would she ask for something like that?

He then recalled that she mentioned her ‘previous mates’. Mates. So, she was rejected more than once before. But why would she think that he was like the rest of them? He was not a wolf. Surely, Lycans were more known for their unwillingness to deny the mate bond, weren’t they?

He admired her side profile in silence, taking in the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. He hoped to learn everything about her one day, but for better or worse, he was dead certain that he would never let his mate go.

When they reached the hotel where they housed a portion of wolves, Lucianne was surprised that Xandar still insisted on following her until they reached her room. He stared at her scar with a frown as she unlocked the door. “Thank you for walking me back. Have a good night, Xandar.” Her sweet voice brought his gaze up to hers.

She took only one step into her room when Xandar grabbed her by her wrist and lifted her hand to his lips. She stiffened in shock as he planted a deep kiss on the back of her hand, sending a strong wave of sparks through her arm and then her entire body. He was still holding her hand when he locked eyes with her and uttered, “Goodnight, Lucianne.”

She retracted her hand, and entered her room before shutting the door behind her. Xandar stood in his spot, where he heard her sigh after she closed the door. He then heard cupboard doors opening and closing before her footsteps moved across the room, where he heard a second door being shut.

After some shuffling sounds, he heard the water from the shower, and the Lycan part of him was aroused by the thought of his mate naked in the bathroom. He walked away from her door in quick steps before his self-control evaporated. He could easily break the hinges and knock down the door if he wanted to. Ignoring his whimpering animal who would rather skip the meet-and-greet and spend the night with their mate, he returned to the hall and started making his rounds.

He found it amusing when pack leaders and warriors displayed their surprise after he expressed his gratitude to them. There were several self-entitled Alphas and snobbish Lunas who tried and failed

lamentably to be noble as they humble-bragged. Xandar started taking an interest in scars on his subjects’ bodies.

The warrior from the Blood Eclipse Pack, Gamma Raden, had a scar on his face tracing down to his neck. If the scar went a little higher, he would’ve been rendered blind on one side. “How did it happen?” The King asked in concern as he gestured to the scar.

The warrior smiled graciously as he explained, “A rogue attack five years ago, your Highness. Our pack was attacked and we formed alliances with Blue Crescent and White Blood to eradicate the rogues.”

“Were many injured?” The King asked.

“We lost two wolves in the final attack, sadly, but the death toll was higher before our alliance. Although it’s displeasing to the eye, I must admit that this scar only brings me joy.” He said with a smile.

The King’s curiosity was pique. “What do you mean by that, Gamma Raden?”

Raden glanced at his pack leaders before he explained, “When the rogues attacked, some of us who had an above average strength took on more than one rogue at a time. When I kept taking on two at a time, the rogues took notice. All of a sudden, I found myself surrounded by five of them. One held me by my tail and its member slashed me from the side and gave me this scar.” He gestured to his face before continuing, “When the blood from my face was oozing, the Gammas from our ally packs pounced in and tore the rogues apart, leaving the rogue who slashed me for me to chase before I tore its throat.”

Raden smiled. “The scar brings me joy because it has been a long time since I knew I could count on someone from another pack to watch my back. I’m not an Alpha, and I’m not a member of their pack. They had no obligation to save me but they did.”

The King listened attentively before he confirmed, “Blue Crescent and White Blood, you say?”

“Yes, your Highness.” Raden said with a slight bow, and added, “The warrior from White Blood is Gamma Tobias Tristan. And you’ve already met the warrior from Blue Crescent, Gamma Lucianne Paw.”

“Mm.” the King nodded.

Gamma Raden then glanced at his leaders again, who both have doubtful expressions. He cleared his throat, and with visible fear in his eyes, he began, “Your Highness?”

“Yes, Gamma Raden?” The King obliged with an encouraging smile.

The Gamma said cautiously, “I wasn’t standing very near where you were when you met Gamma Lucianne, so I’m not sure if what I heard was…what I heard.” He hesitated. “You mentioned that Lucy is your mate?”

“I did, and she is.” The King responded with a smile, despite the tint of jealousy he felt from the way this warrior called his mate ‘Lucy’ with such affection.

Gamma Raden nodded and said, “I’m not sure if you’re going to kill me for what I’m about to say, your Highness. But as I said, I owe her my life, so I think this is going to be a fair trade.” He chuckled once, before saying seriously, “Your Highness, I beg you, don’t hurt her. She is a good person who, for some unknown reason, was forced to go through with more than most.”

The King’s eyebrows were furrowed. He felt insulted. Why would this Gamma think that he, as Lucianne’s mate, couldn’t take care of her? Who the hell did this wolf think he was?! The King tried his best to keep his composure and declared in a serious tone, “I would never even think of hurting her. She’s my mate. I would start a war before I let her get hurt.”

“That’s good to know. It’s been an honour to meet you, your Highness.” Gamma Raden bowed.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The King smiled flatly and said, “Likewise, members of Blood Eclipse. Do enjoy the rest of the evening.” He walked away in quick steps as he felt the jealousy overtaking his body when Raden expressed so much concern for Lucianne. If he stayed any longer, he might have killed Raden.

When he was speaking to a Luna who was running her pack after the death of her husband the previous month, Xandar felt a hand run down his arm seductively, making him turn his sights to glare at the creature.

He asked in a dangerously-low tone, “What the hell are you doing?”

It was the daughter of his Defence Minister, Sasha Cummings, who smiled coyly at the King, making Xandar angrier.

“Sasha,” her father called out as he approached them.

The King growled again. “Should your daughter interfere in one of my conversations again, we’ll have to discuss your future and hers, Cummings.”

Sasha was left stunned but opted to say nothing, and held her head low as her father bowed and apologized, “I’m terribly sorry, your Highness. I should’ve been more alert. We’ll excuse ourselves now.”

The King’s glare remained on them until they were far enough for his comfort. He thought about Lucianne to calm himself before turning back to the Luna whom he was speaking to and said, “I apologize for the interruption, Luna Lyssa. We were talking about the construction works for a training ground in your pack if I’m not mistaken?”

Luna Lyssa didn’t expect an apology from the King, and was quite surprised by the sincerity from his words. When the King remembered where they left off in their conversation, she was more encouraged to show her enthusiasm when she spoke about her plans to mandate every able pack member to fight. The King supported her, and encouraged her to submit an application should she need help in terms of finances or trainers. She thanked him, and promised to keep his offer in mind.

When he left Luna Lyssa, Alpha Juan and Luna Hale approached him hastily and nervously. They stood before him and bowed. “Heads up, pack leaders of Blue Crescent. To what do I owe this


Their raised heads were met with the King’s smiling eyes. No King in history was known to find meeting werewolves a ‘pleasure’, and no Lycan would bother offering a smile to their species, let alone the King himself.

Alpha Juan glanced at his mate, who nodded encouragingly. The Alpha looked at the King and spoke doubtfully, “My Gamma is your mate, your Highness?”

Now, he was getting pissed-off. His eyebrows furrowed as he said, “She is. Is there a problem?”

Alpha Juan muttered a ‘wow’ under his breath before speaking, “Your Highness, please understand I mean no disrespect for whatever comes out from my mouth next.” He cleared his throat and continued, “If you’re not… serious about… having her,” he swallowed a lump in his throat before proceeding, “… please let her go. I don’t want to see her hurt by the mate bond again. I’ve known her since we were kids. She’s like a sister to me. It pains me and my Luna to see her hurt.”

If Alpha Juan didn’t have a mate, Xandar was dead certain that he would have ripped the Alpha’s throat right then and there out of pure jealousy. Gamma Raden had already emptied his patience reservoir, and Xandar was clinging on to the thread of patience he had left for the night.

“Why would you think that I’m not serious about Lucianne, Alpha Juan?” He asked, taking some comfort in saying her name.

Alpha Juan said, “My King, I admit that I don’t know your intention with Lucy. Having just met you today, I have to say that I don’t know you at all so I cannot tell how this… mate bond is going to… progress. All I wanted to say is that…” he sighed like he was going to make one of the biggest mistakes of his life, “…she has gone through too much in one lifetime. Please, don’t hurt her.”

Alpha Juan looked like a man ready to receive his punishment after he finished speaking. Xandar was impressed with what Lucianne was capable of doing with her very existence. In one night, two wolves were ready to be punished just to tell him not to hurt her, and one was an Alpha.

He chuckled at his own thought before meeting Alpha Juan’s confused look as he declared, “Alpha Juan, my intention with Lucianne is to court her, mate and mark her and only her, have her mark me, and make her my Queen. I don’t know what I did to have you and Gamma Raden think that I will hurt my mate, but I can assure you that I can never bear to see Lucianne hurt, let alone hurt her.” He chuckled darkly before muttering, “If anything, she hurt me with what she said tonight.”

Luna Hale then stepped forward cautiously and explained, “Your Highness, p-please forgive her. It’s not in our position to speak about her past. But if she decides to tell you one day, you’ll understand why she said the things she did.”

Xandar nodded in understanding as he listened to her speak nervously. He then added with a smile, “You both need not be so afraid of me. I wouldn’t punish or kill without a proper basis. Logic and legality aside, I wouldn’t dream of killing my mate’s pack leaders who are just trying to look out for her.”

There was a moment of surprise before they bowed to display their gratitude. Xandar moved on to the next pack and two more after before he took his leave.

When Xandar arrived home, he made himself go through one file in the rogue stack before turning in for the night. He looked to the side of his bed, and he imagined Lucianne lying next to him. His hand subconsciously reached for the empty pillow and felt the coldness on its surface. His animal whimpered, missing their mate. He thought about being able to see her the next day and fell asleep with a smile.

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