The Alpha and the Mistake

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

“So you don't think I'm a monster?" Ryder asked, looking unsure.

"No. I just got scared is all. I didn't really understand what all this werewolf stuff really meant," I said,

packing my things back into the backpack. "Well have a nice life."

"Wait, what? What do you mean - have a nice life?"

I slung my backpack up on my shoulder. "Exactly what I said, have a nice life. Mom's here, and if I play

my cards right, tomorrow we'll be heading to California."

"So soon, I was hoping..."

"What? That I'd stay here, play house and give up on every dream and plan I made for myself?" I

demanded with my hand on my hip.

"Well, no, but..."

"Right, I might believe you if it wasn't for that but. You were right about one thing Ryder, it's time to think

of myself. So see you later and have a nice life." I moved around him and started for the door.

"God, I'm bad at this," he said, sighing.

I froze with my hand on the doorknob. Just walk away, Brook. You have no reason to feel bad. Instead,

I turned around. He was sitting on the bed, looking as if his Goldfish had died. "Bad at what?"

"Being your mate. I did nothing to stop Mike. I've scared you and upset you to the point you don't even

want to consider being with me. And if I can't take care of you how the hell am I going to take care of

my pack when it's my turn to be alpha?"

Take care of me? Excuse me? My blood boiled with anger. I walked over to him and nudged his

shoulder. "Who asked you to take care of me?"

"No one, but-"

I pushed his shoulder again. "This is the twenty-first century. I don't need anyone to take care of me!

I've been doing fine on my own."

"Really? And why did Mike-"

"I let it happen, it wasn't that I couldn't stop it. There is a big difference," I lied. No way in hell I would've

been able to stop Mike, but I didn't even try either. I let him do what he did because I thought it was the

only way to keep everyone happy. "Just because you saw me lose it once doesn't mean I am not able

to handle myself. When Harry shifted, it was fluffy Twilight werewolf not the American Werewolf in

London, but here's a news flash Jacob I got over it, and I can take care of myself."

I stepped back when Ryder grabbed my wrist. "Brook, I didn't mean it like that. I only...can you talk to

me Brook? That's all I really want to do right now. Just talk."

Ugh. Damn it, he had to go and be reasonable."Fine," I said, defeated and plopped down on the bed

next to him. "Don't guys avoid talking?"

Ryder smiled. "The twenty-first century, remember? I get it. You can take care of yourself. I only meant

I want to is all. You're my mate."

Still had no idea what he meant by that. "Ryder, let's be real here for one second. This is all a little too

much. You don't know me."

"I know enough."

"Enough?" I said, staring at him incredulously. "You've known me for a week at best. You haven't even

begun to know me. It's crazy that you'd expect me to stop everything because some goddess said so."

"I'm not-"

"Yes, you are. I want to leave, and you're trying to stop me! Have you ever considered I don't like you

or want to be around you?"

A dark expression washed over his face. "Don't say that. You're right. You still don't understand so don't

say that."

My throat tightened, and it took everything I had not to run to the door. "Why? What would you do if I


His brow pinched as he looked at me. "Not what you're thinking. I wouldn't hit you, Brook. Ever. Let me

see if I can explain this without sounding like a dick. When you say things like that it makes certain

instincts come awake and it's kind of hard to suppress them."

Yeah, like that explained anything. God, they should write a 'How to' book or something. I needed a

manual right now.

"Damn I'm not good at this," Ryder said, running his hand through his hair.

"Don't worry about it. Maybe Andy could tell me, he seems-"

"No way. He will not talk to you," Ryder barked, and suddenly I was laying on the bed with Ryder on top

of me. His eyes are now full-on glowy, icy blue.

"Whoa, wait, what? Isn't Andy was your friend? Your dad said it was okay if we talked."

A low growl rumbled out of Ryder as he pressed himself into me. My face warmed. "W-what are you


"This Brook, this is what I'm talking about," Ryder said, his voice thick and rough. It didn't sound

anything like him. "This is the effect you have on me. When you say things like you don't want to be

around me, or you want to talk to Andy instead of me, this is what my instincts tell me to do..." He

pushed into me even more, making me gasp. "And this..." Ryder's mouth fell on mine, kissing me hard.

A surprised squeak escaped me. This was unlike the kiss in the park, but I kind of liked it too. It caused

a shock wave to tear through me. My whole body seemed to come alive, and I gave in to the urge to

kiss him back.

When the kiss ended, Ryder rested his forehead against mine. We both gasped and gulped for air. It

was I'd been running for my life or something.

"That was..." Ryder said through his heavy breathing. "Damn you nearly killed me."

I hope that was a compliment, it oddly seemed like one, by the way, my stomach tightened. I smiled

hesitantly, and he groaned.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm having a hard enough time as it is."

Now that didn't feel like a compliment. "Sorry, I didn't-" I didn't what? I had no idea what I did wrong.

Ryder started laughing. "There is nothing to apologize for Brook. You're just..." he paused. "When you

look at me like that, it drives me crazy, and I want you. All of you right now but I don't want to rush you

or take things further than you're ready for."

"Oh," I said and went full-on bright red again. My stomach tightened and my body flooded with warmth.

"You're killing me," Ryder complained with a groan and kissed me again. His hand on my cheek drifted

to my jaw, slowly down my neck to my shoulder with a feather-light touch. It sent shocks through me to

pool down in my belly. His hand moved down off my shoulder and downwards. My heart pounded in my

ears, my skin seemed to prickle in anticipation of him touching me in such an intimate. I wanted it yet it

also kind of scared me. All of a sudden he wasn't there anymore. I blinked a couple of times in surprise

and a little bit of disappointment.

"Crap, your mom's coming," Ryder said, glancing at the door with an expression of panic on his face.

"She can't see me like this. She'll kill me!" He ran into the bathroom, closing the door a moment before

I heard a knock on the door.

I let out a breath and ran my fingers through my hair. "Yeah?"

Mom stuck her head in, smiling at me. "Hey hun, have you seen Ryder? His father wants to talk to


"Ryder? No, I haven't seen him."

Mom looked at me with an expression I couldn't read and came inside, closing the door behind her.

"Brook are you alright? You're flushed? Did you cry some more?"

I cringed, remembering the sob session I had with her earlier. She sat next to me, hugging me to her. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

"My poor baby girl," she said, kissing the top of my head. She apparently mistook the cringe for a yes,

I'd been crying. "I get you've been through a lot but it's going to get better, and until it does, you can cry

all you want, Baby. Don't worry about the snot my purse is full of tissues."

Embarrassment burned through me. Oh, this was wonderful. "No, I don't need to cry anymore. I'm

okay." Oddly enough it was true. I wasn't so afraid anymore.

"Alright, if you're sure. Brook, we need to have a talk."

"Did we just have a talk?" Well, it was more like her lecturing me for nearly an hour about how stupid

it'd been for me to run away in my condition and I had no idea what it was like to survive on my own.

"There are still things that need to be discussed, but we'll talk all about it later when we're actually

alone," she said, standing. "Tell Ryder he needs to be downstairs in five minutes or I'll send Harry to

search for him. That is when you see him, of course."

My eyes widened, and my face burned again. "Yeah, sure thing, Mom." How did she know?

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