The Alpha and the Mistake

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Panting, I rested my hands on my knees. They shook as the adrenaline left me. I was dead, so dead. I

had threatened Mike's guest and newest partner in crime. If Dean didn't pummel me into the ground,

Mike would be happy to do it for him. I swallowed and tried to control my breath. Breathing in through

my nose and out through my mouth, I straightened.

I put the silver spray back in my pocket and smooth my clothes. Today had been a bad day, but it was

over. Plus, there was a sundae waiting for me at home. Almost tasting the frozen, chocolaty goodness,

I smiled and continued home.

"How did it go?" Harry asked as soon as I closed the front door.

Now there was a loaded question. I dropped my backpack on the stairs and headed into the kitchen,

plopping down at the table. "Sundae kind of day."

Hope drained from Harry's face. Poor guy, and delusional too, if he thought I wouldn't have to deal with

Mike's crap today. With a sigh, Harry opened the freezer and handed me a huge sundae. "What


I grinned, rubbing my hands together, taking a bite and savoring it before I answered my stepdad. "He

wanted me to kneel in front of the new alpha kid, of all things. I refused as a knee-jerk reaction and

paid for it."

Harry's eyes flashed bright gold and his face twisted. The expression was an angry, wild thing, and I

backed up off the stool, shocked and scared. "Sorry, like I said it was a knee-jerk thing."

Harry ran a hand over his face, taking several deep breaths. "Don't Brook. Don't apologize for

defending yourself."

Oh, okay. He was mad for me, not at me. Sweet. "It's cool." I shoveled in another spoonful of ice cream

then groaned. "No, not cool Brain freeze." I rubbed my forehead, waiting for it to pass.

Harry looked up at me. His eyes still were a warm gold, but his face didn't have the Better to eat you

with my dear expression. Finally, he broke and laughed. "You are something else Brook." His

expression turned serious once more. "Did Mike do anything else to you today?"

"Nah." Though, I debated whether to mention how the new kid kept staring at me and stuff. Nope, not

now. I didn't want Harry to go all big bad wolf on me again.

"Good, stay on your toes and keep your head down." Harry gave me a light pat on my shoulder. "I have

to head back. The alpha is having a big dinner, your mom and I won't get back till late."

"No problem. Have fun." I continued eating my sundae, and when finished, I soaked into a steamy, salt-

filled bath. The hot water easing my aches and pains. Afterward, I laid out on my bed with music.

Someone had knocked on the window a second before it slid up. Anna climbed inside with a grace and

elegance I thought should be illegal. Though, that was how werewolves rolled. Anna tried to smooth

down her frizzy, blonde hair as she sat down on the bed next to me.

I took out my earbuds and sat up. "No invite?" I had expected her to be at that pack thing Harry


"Nope, I told my parents I didn't want to go. I'd prefer to study and not get another F in Social Studies


I grinned. "And yet here you are with me."

"Yep, aren't you a lucky girl?"

Anna was my only friend in the pack, and then we had to keep it secret. If Mike found out she and I

spent time together it wouldn't be pretty.

"Did you see him?"


"The visiting alpha's son, Dean."

"Yeah, I saw him. So?"

"Isn't he just..." Anne made a grotesque drooling noise.

"Ew. Okay, that's disgusting." I gave her a little shove.

"It's the truth. If he was any hotter, we'd have a serious problem with girls combusting in a mass of


I couldn't help but laugh with her. Eh, Why not? "Okay. I'll admit his eyes are the most beautiful eyes

I've ever seen." What harm was there in appreciating one fine specimen of the male species?

Anna sighed and laid back on my bed with a dreamy expression on her face. "Oh God yes! I almost

died when he looked at me in English." She sighed again, but this time it was a more depressed sound.

"I tried to talk to him but didn't have much luck. He seemed kind of distracted."

"Really?" I started to tell Anna what happened in class but stopped. The humiliation of today was too

raw. If I told Anna about what Dean did, it would make it harder to forget and ignore. "Could be he didn't

know how to talk to you?"

Anna snorted, rolling her eyes. "Right. Whatever. I'm not Beth or Tracy."

"That's true. You're better than they are," I replied and meant it. Beth was Mike's sister and Tracy, her

wing girl. They both pretty and high up the pack rank which made them spoiled little-entitled brats. Beth

ruined her good looks by that permanent superior expression she had on her face all the time. Tracy

looked and acted like a teen version of Cruella de Vil.

The next morning I tugged at my turtleneck as I walked into school. It was too hot for it, but I had

nothing else. Makeup wasn't enough. Worse yet, scrambling to find something made me leave later

than I had intended. The plan had been to get to school early and avoid Mike and gang.

With a glance down the hallway, I hurried to my locker. Spinning in the combination I stuffed the first

half of the day's books into my bag. I didn't have much time before class started. It's not that I'm

obsessed with being on time. If Mike ditched and caught me in the halls, he would spend the whole

period bullying me. It had happened a few times and it took weeks for the bruises to fade.

I slammed my locker closed and turned, almost running into Dean. How long had he stood behind me?

Creepy much? With a cocky smirk, he started to say something. Next thing I knew stared at me, eyes

wide, a red handprint on his cheek. My own stung from the slap. In my defense, I claim temporary

insanity... and hormones. Yeah. That's it. It wasn't my fault at all. Now, if only I could convince him or

Mike that. Yeah, as soon as I'm made prom queen. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

My sense of survival kicked in, I squeezed past him and ran to class. Fear sent my heart racing. At

least, I managed not to be late. Though I practically crash landed on my desk. It earned me a few odd

looks from people, but I didn't care. I had bigger problems. I was so dead. This time for real. If he told

Mike I hit him, Mike would hurt me. I'm talking hospitalization hurt.

My eyes blurred with tears as I kept my head lowered. This wasn't fair! I tried to play by the rules. My

stomach clenched. The teacher droned on, but all I didn't listen to a word. I don't know how I turned in

my assignment.

The whole day this sickly dread kept growing. By the time Science came around, I was ready to vomit. I

had one idea that might save my hide. My fingers gripped the edges of my desk until they were white.

As odd as it sounds, I could feel it when Dean took his seat next to me. I sent a silent prayer to the Big

Guy. Please let this work.

"I'm sorry for hitting you. I'm stupid I swear. No doubt Mike's told you all about how stupid and pathetic I

am. I promise I won't ever do anything like that again. In fact, if you keep this between us I'll do your

homework for a month." Whatever his reply was, Mrs. Ferguson cut him off.

As the class went on, I was sure he'd refuse. So as soon as the bell rang, I jumped from my chair and

rushed out of the classroom. Images of a lion hunting a poor innocent gazelle flashed through my mind

as I ran. I dodged and swerved through the masses to get to my locker. Shock slammed into me when I

saw Dean by my locker. How did he get there before me?

When I tried to change direction, I slipped and fell, right on my butt. If that's not bad enough, I slid, and

I mean slid, right to Dean, stopping right at his feet.

"Wow, that was... impressive." Dean's voice smooth and dark and for some stupid reason reminded me

chocolate. "Are you okay?" He smiled, leaving me breathless, or I was out of breath from running.

Dean held out a hand to help me up.

If I hadn't taken the five-yard slide to his feet, I'd be angry he'd think I was that stupid. No way would I

let him grab me. I stood and dusted myself off. "What do you want?" I turned to open my locker,

keeping him in my sight. A surprise attack always hurt worse than when I was expecting one. Also,

something about Dean kept drawing my attention to him.

"You didn't let me answer your question."

I looked over at him, frowning. "What?"

"Well it wasn't as much a question but a statement I guess." Dean shrugged, grinning like he knew

something I didn't. "You asked what you could do to keep me from telling Mike about this morning."

Oh right. How did I forget about that? "Yeah, I'll do your homework or whatever you want. I'm good at

homework." I put away most of my books except my math. The witch gave us like twenty pages of work

to do. So not fair, being a minor doesn't mean we don't have lives, thank you!

"I don't want you to do my homework."

"Okay, so what do you want?"

Dean leaned against the locker next to mine and grabbed a piece of my hair. He ran it through his

finger and thumb. "How about a late lunch? I heard there are some pretty good places around town."

My stomach felt like it dropped to my feet while my heart tried to climb out of my chest through my

throat. "Excuse me?"

"You didn't eat lunch today, and I can't stand the stuff they serve here. So let's go get something to eat,"

Dean explained as he brushed my hair behind my left ear. His skin was hot against mine and another

shiver ran down my back.

My heart continued its escape attempt. Was Dean flirting with me? A silly giddy feeling flooded through

me at the thought he might like me.. A millisecond later my brain functioned again. I'm Missy Mistake,

and he's Mike's friend. I shoved his hand away from me. "How stupid do you think I am? Is this Mike's

idea or are you that much of a pig you believe you can use me? You know what? Go on, tell Mike. I

don't care if he beats me so bad he puts me in a coma. Better that than deal with you, Douche."

Snatching my backpack, I ran home, not stopping until home. At the door, I realized I was crying. I

hated that it mattered Dean thought so little of me. My head fell back against the door and I closed my

eyes, taking a few moments to calm myself down. Mom couldn't see me like this.

Once I was something close to normal, I walked into the house. "Hey Mom, Harry. Not hungry. I'll be in

my room."

I sighed and fell on my bed. "F.M.L." Just one more year. One more. Earbuds in and music pouring into

my ears, I broke into my secret chocolate stash. This was a comfort food day. I closed my eyes and let

the music help me forget everything.

Relaxed, my mood rise when my mother had let herself into my room. She jerked an earbud out of my

ear, giving me the evil eye only moms knew how to do. "Did you hear me?" she demanded, and I shook

my head. She gave me a chastising glare and huffed. "I said you need to eat something, other than

chocolate. Your friend is here."

The chocolate soured on my stomach. No one except Anna came to see me. Mom would've said Anna

if it was her. "A friend?" I tried hard to keep my voice cool and calm.

My mother nodded with an mhm. "He's handsome too." She gave me a sly grin.

Again my stomach dropped. This time it went through my feet and through the floor to land in the

kitchen below in a nasty splash.

"Come on, don't keep him waiting. I don't understand why you're hiding your friends from me."

This had to be a nightmare. How did Dean know where I live? When I came down, he was talking to

Harry, all too comfortable with himself. At least, my stepdad had the decency to appear worried. How is

it possible I've met someone worse than Mike?

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