The Alpha and the Mistake

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Mike continued to pull me deeper into the woods. His iron grip and impatient tugs made my shoulder

more than a little sore. Just when I contemplated stop walking and let him drag me in true caveman

style, Mike slowed and better yet let go of my wrist.

Not sure what to do, I followed him to a clearing. I breathed softly, surprised by the view. It was the

shore to a large pond. It was so scenic and peaceful I almost forgot how I got here and with whom.

"Nice isn't it." Mike sat against a huge rock.

"Uh yeah, it is." I brushed my hair away from my face. It could also be romantic too, a voice in my head

chirped. Oh God, anything but that!

Mike, oblivious to my inner turmoil pulled out a large bottle from his jacket. I stood there, feeling

awkward. He had done nothing like this before. Terrifying. Mike sniffed as he screwed off the cap with a

sour expression and tosses the cap to the side once he got it off. "Wanna drink Missy? He waved the

bottle at me.

I nearly said something stupid like we're not old enough to be drinking. Instead, I scrunched my nose

and shook my head.

He laughed, the sound echoing through the woods. "Man, you're so straight and narrow. Don't you ever

have any fun?" Mike took a large swig from the bottle. "Damn it, Missy, sit the hell down!"

I jumped, giving him a quick glare and sat.

"No, not over there stupid. Over here." He gave me a dark glare, and I knew I had no choice, not if I

didn't want a punch to the gut or something. I balled my hands into fists, I walked over and sat next to

him. He ruffled my hair like a small child or a pet. "Good girl."

I swallowed and tried not to let his words or the way he treated me, affect me. Why wouldn't Mom let Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

me stay home today? Mike slung his arm over my shoulders and took another drink. The bottle was

three-fourths empty, and I suspected he had downed the whole thing himself.

"Tell me, Missy, what do you think of Dean?"

I stiffened, my whole body on alert. Why was he asking me this? Oh God, had Dean said something to

him? Or did Mike know he went to my house? Fear prickled through me, and I made a silent prayer. "D-


Mike scowled at me, and I cringed, waiting for him to hit me. "Yeah Dean, don't God damn pretend like

you don't know who I'm talking about."

"Uhm Dean, I know of him. That's it."

Mike snorted, finding my answer funny. "Tell me, Missy. Do you think he's hot? Does he make you go

weak in the knees? Does he make you think dirty things?" He snickered as he brushed nose against

my cheek. I pushed him away from me with disgust. Mike cackled with delight. "Oh, I bet he does,

doesn't he? I bet you're quivering right now."

I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to fight off the embarrassed blush which threatened to take

over my cheeks.

"Every damn girl says he's some hot shit. Have you seen them, Missy? How they line up to drool over

him?" He pulled me close with an iron grip causing me to wince. "Mrs. Mathers had to move him

because some girl wouldn't keep her hands off him." Mike laughed but his expression dark.

I gave him another disgusted glare, and he smirked at me, pleased by my reaction.

"It's true. I heard she..." Mike said then leaned over and whispered it into my ear, using the crudest,

most vulgar vocabulary I had ever heard before. Again I shoved him away, my face burning. Mike threw

his head back and laughed again as he saw my embarrassment. "Aww, sweet ole Missy. Did I offend

your virgin ears?"

I refused to say anything and kept my arms crossed over my chest.

Mike grabbed my face and forced my eyes to meet his. "Or did you blush because it's what you want to

do to him?" A promise of violence in his eyes.

"No! I don't like him." My voice sounded braver than I was - scared out of my mind.

Still holding my face in a bruising grip, Mike stared at me for a while as if he was trying to rip the truth

from my very soul. "Good girl," he said after a long moment and released me.

I rubbed my cheeks, hoping he didn't leave bruises there too.

"I'm so sick of that jerk." Mike hit the ground with his fist.

Funny. Him calling someone a jerk.

"All they say: Dean is so amazing! He's so hot and such a nice guy and, oh those abs!" Mike's lip

curled in disgust. "I've got better, see!" He lifted his shirt to show me.

My attention was on anything but his stomach. God, awkward much? I really wanted to run right now.

"I canceled my plans Monday so I could show him around like my dad wanted and guess what he did,

Missy? He blew me off the first chance he got. I have barely seen the guy this whole time. Can you

believe it?"

I gave him a little shrug, my stomach knotting with nerves.

Mike tossed the bottle against a tree, shattering it. "You're so damn lucky!"

I gave him the have you lost your freaking mind look.

"Your life may be shitty at school, but you go home to the perfect little family. I bet Harry doesn't get

pissed when you go home bruised. No. I bet he coos over you like some precious little thing and gives

you chocolate to feel better because you're such a good little girl. You're not even his damn kid. When I

didn't keep track of good ole nice Deano, Dad gave me this?" Mike turned his face, so I saw the black

eye. "Dad doesn't accept failure and kiss away his kids' booboos."

I wasn't sure what to say. This was Mike,. The guy who's been my nightmare for three years. I didn't

want to be sorry for him. "I'm sorry."

Mike laughed, running his hand through his hair. "Man, Missy's sorry for me. God, you're so stupid. You

should be sorry for yourself." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

I gasped and gawked at him. He didn't just do that. Please, tell me he didn't just do that? Where is the

disinfectant, anyone? "W-What do you mean?"

"Stupid, stupid Missy. You'd never survive in our world. Why else would Dad make me keep you

separated from everyone?"

I only stared at him. The alpha? "He has you keep everyone away from me?"

Mike gave me a dark glare. "Of course, he does, Stupid. "Dad doesn't want you being someone's mate

and ruining things as your mom did."

"My mom? She did nothing to anyone."

"Didn't she? Harry was Dad's best friend and his most loyal wolf. Your mom stole his loyalty from Dad.

Harry won't do anything against her or will make her unhappy. So yeah, he doesn't want you doing the

same. So I keep you away from everyone and everyone away from you until Dad takes care of you in a

way it won't come back on him."

If I had any doubts about what he meant the crude gesture of his thumb across his throat, tongue

hanging out of his mouth while his head fell to the side explained it pretty well.

Mike laughed at my horrified expression. "You didn't think he'd let you walk away did you? You're a

threat Missy, a human who knows about us and isn't mated to one of our own. Don't worry, though, it's

not only you. He will kill Harry and your mom too. Here's the best part - Deano will take the fall."

I stared at him as he laughed, clearly pleased. "Why? We did nothing, Harry has done nothing against

your father."

Mike gave me a strange look, one I didn't understand. "Dad can't be second to anyone, for any reason,


This wasn't right or fair. Harry and I had done all we can to make sure he could stay with the pack. I let

Mike beat me every day so Harry wouldn't have to choose and this is how the alpha is repaying him?

Mom was happy again and for what? For it to cost her life, and mine and Harry's too. "No! He can't do

this. It's murder!"

Mike's laugh made me sick. I stood and ran. I refused to accept it. No one could be so cruel. I kept

running, even as tears blinded me and branches tore at my face and arms. I had to get away - away

from Mike, werewolves, and the whole insanity of this.

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