The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94


I hated that for the first evening Chastity was home I couldn’t spend it with her. By the time the guys, and I were allowed back in Jax’s apartment, Chastity was almost completely passed out. There were empty dishes, and drink containers every where. Gina was passed out with her pillow on the couch. Melissa was almost asleep as well. Only Lexi, and Molly were still awake. The looks they were giving Jax, and Colby made me thankful the bedrooms were sound proof. Chastity passed out as soon as I put her in bed.

I was thankful I had a full week with her though. I hadn’t seen her in two weeks, and I missed her badly. At least I got to fall asleep with her in my arms. I always missed this when she wasn’t by my side. I was looking forward to a whole week of holding my sweet girl. I had the best night of sleep I’d had in two weeks being wrapped around her.

By the time I woke up the next morning she was already awake, and in the shower. Lilac was happily curled up on my chest, like always. I had to admit the cat had grown on me. Not so much Duke, but he knew he had to deal with it. The cat wasn’t going any where, and would remain a part of our lives. He grumbled about it, but secretly I think he was as amused by her as everyone else was. I was just thinking about watching her play fetch with Chastity a few weeks ago when Chastity came out of the bathroom in jeans, and one of my sweatshirts. Seeing her in that made me a bit smug.

“Good morning sweet girl. Did you sleep well?” I asked with a smile.

“Good morning. I did. What about you?” Chastity answered smiling back at me.

“Very well. I had you in my arms. How could I not?”

“You always say such sweet things to me.”

“They’re all true.”

I slowly got out of bed, after moving Lilac off of me. I had waited to try to let my morning wood calm down, but it just wasn’t working this morning. I moved to give Chastity a quick kiss, grabbed some clothes, and headed to the bathroom. I need a shower, and to rub one out. I knew it was worse than usual because Duke was pushing really hard for me to take Chastity again. He always did this crap. I would get him to back off for awhile, but then we would spend time with her, and he’d start again. The damn wolf was going to make me crazy.

“Then just do what I keep telling you to do. She’s our mate. She won’t turn you away.” Duke growled.

“You just don’t get it. She’ll tell me when she’s ready. Pushing her will hurt her more than anything.” | snapped.

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes I do. It’s you who doesn’t believe that.”

“Our mate can’t say no to us.”

“She can.”

“So don’t give her a chance to.”

“So basically rape her?”

“Hell no. Just keep her so wound up she can’t possible say no.”

“I can’t do that to her. I have to move slowly.”



“Ask Leila. She’ll explain it.”

“Leila is ready.”

“Does Leila say Chastity is?”

“No. Leila says Chastity is not. She told me that I need to leave it alone, and we have to let you humans fuck when you’re ready.”

“So listen!”

“But I don’t want to! I want my mate!”

“Too bad mutt! If you keep this up, when the time finally comes that Chastity is ready for sex, I block you


“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Watch me!”

“Why would you do that to me?”

“Why can’t you let things happen at their own pace, in a way that Chastity is comfortable with?”

“Because we’re an Alpha. We wait for no one.”

“Well now we do. We wait for our mate, and that’s final! Now knock it off!”

I heard Duke whimper, and groan, but he shut up after that. I quickly rubbed one out with a groan, imagining Chastity screaming my name as she came around my cock. Always my favorite possible outcome. I really hoped she was a screamer. I certainly didn’t want her to be quiet when I was getting her off. I guess time would tell. I had to stop thinking about this before I got hard again. Once I was showered, and dressed, I went looking for Chastity.

I eventually found her in the pack house kitchen, talking to Lucy. I walked up behind her, and put my arms around her. I lowered my nose to her neck, and inhaled deeply. Her scent was amazing. If I could bottle it, and keep it with me always, I would. She giggled then went right back to talking to Lucy.

“What are you two talking about?” I finally asked.

“Lucy is going to the store today, and asking me what I need to make Thanksgiving dinner.” Chastity answered.

“You know you don’t have to cook right?”

“I do, but I want to. I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner.”

“If you insist.”

“I do, and no one is going to talk me out of it.”

“Fine, but we’re all here to help you in any way you need.”

“Oh no. You males are NOT allowed in the kitchen! One of you will end up burning it down.”

“Hey now. You don’t know that.”

“Rowen, when was the last time you cooked?”

“Um….I made burgers on the grille last week.”

“Ok. When was the last time you cooked a meal in a kitchen?”

“Uh, never.”

“Exactly. None of you are fit to be in here with me.”


“Alright Chastity, I have everything you need on the list. I did make sure to stock up on the ingredients for your croissants as well. Is there anything else you can think of?” Lucy asked.

“Nope. I think that’s everything. Thank you Lucy.” Chastity responded.

“You’re welcome. As soon as I’m finished with breakfast I’ll head out to the store.”


After they finished chatting I led Chastity into the dining room, and pulled her chair out for her. We were just sitting down when everyone else came down for breakfast. Seeing Aunt Naomi following behind Uncle Peter reminded me that I never told Chastity she had started joining us for breakfast. I got a little worried about how Chastity would react, and what Naomi would do. I was shocked when Naomi walked right over to Chastity, got down on her knees, and bowed.

“Ch….Chastity, I am so sorry for what I did to you. I know my words can never change what I did, or change the past, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry. Nothing can ever make it right, and I can’t explain away my actions. I…I just….” Naomi said with a whimper.

“Naomi, please stand up, and sit next to me. You don’t need to do this. Apologizing is a step in the right direction, and I do accept your apology.” Chastity said gently.


Chastity stood up, and helped Naomi up off the floor. I watched as Naomi stared at Chastity with tears in her eyes. Chastity just smiled at her.

“The past is the past. Is therapy helping you?” Chastity asked as she got Naomi to sit in the chair next to her.

“It is. Also helping around here has taught me a lot. How….how did you manage to do everything? Sorry. That was rude.” Naomi stated.

“It’s fine. I learned how to plan things out, and what could be done at the same time.”

“Like what?”

“For example, I knew how long a cycle took on the washer and dryer. I would start loads, then go work on one of my other chores until I knew the load was done. I would then switch it, start more, and go back to what I was originally doing. I had a system for folding that was pretty quick as well.”

“Can….can you show me your system please? Can you also tell me how you knew who’s clothes were who’s please?”

“Naomi.” Uncle Peter growled.

“I don’t want her to do it. I just want her to show me so I can do it right. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and I don’t want to any more. She did it for so long that she knows best.” Naomi whimpered.

“I don’t mind at all. Since I know it’s laundry day I can teach you. As soon as we finish breakfast I will. I would recommend taking some notes though. It will help.” Chastity said brightly.

“Are you sure Chastity?” Uncle Peter questioned.

“Yes I am.”

“Thank you Chastity. I….I want to continue to help around here, even after Pete decides I don’t need to do so many chores. I need something to do with my time.” Naomi said quietly.

“I can respect that.” Chastity nodded.

I was worried about Naomi, and Chastity being alone together so I decided to go with them when they went to the laundry room. Naomi had gotten very quiet, and kept to herself a lot lately so I wasn’t sure how she was really doing. I didn’t trust her though.

“What are you plans for the time you’re home Chas?” Braxton asked.

“I’m not sure yet, besides Thanksgiving dinner.” Chastity answered between bites of food.

“Chassy girl, I told you….” Dad started, but Chastity waved him off.

“I really want to do it. I loved making Thanksgiving dinner, and I want to continue to do so.” Chastity smiled at him.

“Alright, but have at least one person help you, please.”

“I’m sure I’ll have plenty of people with me. If I need help, I’ll ask.”

“I want to do another date night while you’re here.” Molly requested.

“Definitely.” Melissa agreed.

“I was hoping we could.” Chastity said with a nod.

“I guess we males need to plan something.” I stated looking at Ross, Jax, and Colby to which they all agreed.

“Wanna work out with me one day?” Braxton asked.

“Sure.” Chastity said.

I continued listening quietly as people asked Chastity about doing different things with her. I noticed, and was thankful no one asked her about doing things together today. I had a day planned for us, and other than her showing Naomi how to deal with the laundry I wanted nothing to get in the way. I smiled about the fact that everyone respected that.

After breakfast I followed Chastity, and Naomi to the laundry room. I honestly had never been in here before. It looked like a huge laundromat to me. I stood quietly to the side as Chastity moved laundry baskets in front of machines, and explaining to Naomi what she used to do. I had never realized how organized Chastity really was.

“One thing you should make good use of is these rolling carts in the corner. If you look I labeled each one for a specific person so it’s easier to keep them from getting mixed up. With each person’s basket in front of a machine, you know who’s is who’s. Once you’ve put the clothes in the dryer, move their rolling cart in front of the dryer. Unload one dryer, fold, on top of the dryer, and put in the cart, or hang it on the hangers on top of the cart.” Chastity explained.

“What do you do if a dryer stops while you’re folding? How do you keep everything from wrinkling while it sits?” Naomi asked.

“Each dryer has a wrinkle release setting. Once the dryer stops, I hit that. It is it’s own setting the runs for about twenty minutes.”

“Oh. Ok. That helps.”

“It really does.”

“How do you get stuff folded so neatly?”

“The fold board hanging on the wall. All button down shirts get hung up, along with slacks.”

“I do remember that. How did you always keep Pete’s shirts so wrinkle free?”

“I always finished his drying last, used the wrinkle release cycle twice then ironed.”

“I do iron them, but they take forever to do.”

“That’s what the wrinkle release setting is for. It doesn’t get rid of all of the wrinkles, but it helps a lot.”

“How did you remember all of this?”

“Years of practice, and I kept a handwritten list on the wall by the door.”

“Oh. I….I never saw that.”

“It helped, a lot.”

“Thank you Chastity.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Um….Chastity, can….can I talk to you for a minute?”


“Rowen, you can stay. I know you don’t trust me around Chastity, and I understand.”

“I hadn’t planned on leaving.” I growled.

“I know.” Naomi said with a nod.

“What did you want to talk about Naomi?” Chastity asked.

“Pete, he…he said you were the one who recommended I go to therapy. I’m glad you did, but what….what made you think I needed it?” Naomi questioned.

“Do you remember that morning in the kitchen with Lucy, and she said something about how your parents were?” Chastity responded.

“Yes. A little. I was so terrible to you.”


“After hearing what Lucy said, I get it. I am also in therapy for my experiences. It has helped me a lot. I thought maybe there was more to what was going on with you, and maybe you needed someone to help you get past whatever it was.”

“Yeah. My parents….well they never wanted girls. They only wanted boys. They blamed me, and my older sister for being girls. They treated my little brother like gold, but my sister, and me, we were nothing to them. They treated us like slaves to them, and my little brother. Nothing we ever did was good enough for them. Not even when my sister mated a head warrior from another pack, and I mated the Gamma here. It wasn’t enough. Even after mating, if my sister, and I went back for a visit we were treated badly. I was in a position of respect at that point, but to them I was just a slave in their house. They didn’t care about my position as the Gamma female, unless they needed something. They only cared that I served them, and my brother.

“I have always been so angry at them for how they treated us. It’s not an excuse for what I did to you. Not at all. I was so wrong, and I know that. I knew it then too. That’s also the reason I only ever had one pup. I started to see my parents in the way I treated Ross when he was very small. I didn’t want to repeat that cycle so I took a step back from raising him, and told Pete I didn’t want any more pups. I felt awful for denying him more pups, but I didn’t trust myself. I asked Luna Jane to take care of Ross a lot of the time because I wanted Ross raised right, and I knew I couldn’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, I love

Ross very much, so much that I had to keep myself away as much as I could. It broke my heart, but it was for his


“Did my mom know this?” I asked.

“She did. We had talked about it. She was the only one who knew actually. I begged her not to tell Pete. She didn’t like keeping that a secret, but she agreed. I think she may have told Joe as well, but I think, for Ross’s sake it was for the best. He’s a good man, and he was a good boy. I didn’t want to risk destroying him the way my parents did.” Naomi answered with tears in her eyes.

“Can I ask what happened? How did Aurora get you into doing those things to me?” Chastity questioned.

“One of the biggest regrets of my life, having anything to do with that female.. I need to give you some back ground. First, everyone is right when they say that I’m not quite smart enough to handle the Gamma Female responsibilities. I never was. Don’t get me wrong I tried, but I just made more of a mess, and I always felt guilty for Jane having to pick up after me, and fixing my mistakes. After awhile Jane, and I came to an agreement that I handled small things, like scheduling meetings for her, and her appointments in the clinic. I was good at secretarial work because it was repetitive. I could also write a good letter, notes, and memos so that’s what I did for Jane. I am also really good at picking clothes, and putting outfits together so I did that for Jane when she needed to dress up. She was wonderful about it. Aurora saw this. For a long time she would take shots at Jane about holding me back, and not living up to my potential. It was a relief to me when your mom came, Chastity.

“She helped me in a lot of ways because even though I was good with secretarial work, I’m really unorganized. Brinna came up with a system for me to get me organized. I still use it in most things. It was also a relief to see her take over some of Jane’s load as Luna, and as a mom. Brinna, and Jane

had a schedule worked out for the pups. When one was at the hospital, the other was off to raise the pups. They were a hell of a team, and they drug me along with them. Brinna never really knew why Ross was always with Jane or her, but she never questioned it. It broke my heart, and made me happy at the same time when Ross would call Brinna mama Brinna. It told me he was loved, and cared for as he should be.

“Brinna’s passing hit me just as hard as it did Jane. More because it took something from my son that he loved, and took the female I admired most from me. They were truly best friends, and sisters. I can say that I always considered Brinna my best friend too because she was. Aurora coming back here was like a dark cloud in a lot of ways. I kept myself away from her as much as I could, for awhile. Then one day I got a call from my mother saying my father was sick. I went, and little did I know that Aurora followed me. When I got to my parent’s house I found out that my father wasn’t sick. My brother got himself in trouble. My parents wanted me to use my position with the Gamma to get him out of trouble. When I refused they tore me apart verbally, but no matter what they said I refused. So they beat me not bad enough to leave marks because they knew Pete would punish them. Little did I know that Aurora was listening, and watching from the door. She did NOTHING to try to stop them or help me.

“When I finally left after saying I would try to help my brother, I found Aurora waiting for me. She had this look in her eyes that I didn’t understand, nor did I ask. We just walked home in silence. From that point on, every time I got a call from my parents Aurora would follow me. At first she would say nothing, but eventually she started making little comments about being angry, and needing to take it out some where. It wasn’t long after Jane died that she finally got to me. I got another call from my parents. Todd had finally gotten himself in serious trouble. He got caught trying to rob the bank. When I refused to help him, it was bad. My mom even accused me of trying to kill my dad from the stress of not helping my brother. When I left their house that day, Aurora was full tilt about releasing my anger, and all of this stuff. I just snapped, and that’s when I….I…I’m so sorry Chastity. None of it excuses what I did, but that’s how it happened.”

“One thing I’ve learned about Aurora is that she is a master manipulator. She knows how to get people to do what she wants. She sees an in, and she takes it. She did it to Gina, Braxton, Colby, and you.” Chastity said gently as she wrapped Naomi in a hug.

“She did.”

“What happened with your brother?” I asked.

“He was sent to jail. He gets out next year. My parents want me to get Joe to let him back here, but I refuse.” Naomi answered.

“Does Uncle Peter know about any of this?”

“He didn’t, but now he does. When he was around my parents they were on their best behavior. They were also only allowed around Ross when he was there. I didn’t trust them.”

“Why did you keep that a secret from your mate?”

“I was embarrassed. He had heard rumors, but I always played it off as rumors.”

“He could have protected you, if you told him Naomi.” Chastity said gently.

“I know that now, but I was embarrassed. I didn’t want him to know.” Naomi responded.

“I can understand that.”

“Anyway, that’s my story. I don’t expect forgiveness Chastity, and I don’t deserve it, but I just wanted you to know that I am very sorry for what I did to you. Thank you for listening.”

“I appreciate you telling me this Naomi. I really do. Just so you know, I forgave you a long time ago.”


“One thing I have always known is that holding onto the hurt, and anger only hurts me. It also holds me back. I have dreams, and being held back won’t help me reach those dreams.”

“To be a nurse, and midwife, right?”


“Your mom, and Jane would be very proud of you.”

“I hope so.”

“Believe me, they would. You were the apple of your mother’s eye. She would have adored you. She did adore you.”

“Maybe you can tell me some stories about her some day.”

“I will. Well I have a lot of work to do. Thank you for your help today.”

“You’re welcome, and if you ever need to talk, I’ll listen.”

“Um…Ok. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Oh, and Rowen. I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for Aunt Naomi?” I questioned, a bit confused.

“For letting you down, and hurting you by hurting your mate. For not being the aunt you deserve.” Naomi answered.

“Thank you. I think you need to talk to Ross though.”

“I know. I will.”

“Good. Ready Chastity? I want to show you something.”

“Yes. I’m all set.” Chastity smiled, and took my hand.

I lead Chastity out of the house, and toward the Community Center. The updates had been going well, and I wanted to show her. I also wanted her ideas on where to put the mural she had suggested. I had to admit that I was excited about this. I also had a major change made in the building that I hoped she liked. “Where are we going?” Chastity asked.

“The Community Center. The updates are going well, and I wanted to show you. The contractor thinks he’ll have the whole thing complete right after New Years. If all goes well the first Craft Show should happen around spring.” I responded.

“Really? That’s so exciting.”

“I made some changes as well, that I hope you like.”

“What are they?”

“I’ll show you.”


We walked in silence for a bit. Every once in a while a pack member would stop us to say hi, and to ask Chastity how she was. She was reminded again just how well known she was. Not for what happened to her, but for what she had done for pack members. All of those who stopped us were parents who’s pups she watched, children of elders she kept company, sick or injured she sat with, and even a few fathers she calmed while their mate was in labor. Seeing how loved she was by our pack made me

happy, and seeing the smile on Chastity’s face warmed my heart even more. I knew Chastity had seen the first change I made to the Community Center when she gasped.

“You….you took out a large section of the front wall?” Chastity questioned.

“I did. The inside was so dark. It needed more natural light. It was a suggestion made by one of the artists

in town. He said natural light is the best way to showcase art. Lance is creating a stained glass mural to put atop the doors. We’re waiting until he’s finished to knock out that part of the wall, and frame it properly.” I explained.

“I bet it will be beautiful when it’s done.”

“I hope so. They’ve also added more windows along the sides of the building, and a few skylights.”

“Wow! That’s impressive.”

“That’s not all. Come on.”

I opened the door, and lead Chastity inside. There was all new flooring, and the light fixtures had been installed already. I watched quietly as Chastity looked around.

“The floor is lighter.” Chastity commented.

“We had all of the dark word taken out, and replaced with this lighter color. It brightens everything up, a lot. The light fixtures are also brighter.” I explained.

“It looks fantastic.”

“Thank you. I wanted your opinion on where to put the painted mural.” I said as I lead her further into the building.

“What are they building there?” Chastity asked as she pointed to the back of the large room.

“We’re rebuilding the stage. The one that was there, the wood was starting to rot. We want to start using this space for more community events again. Molly wants to continue doing movie nights, and plan some other community get togethers. We want to use this space for the colder months, and other things. It’s

been so long since it was properly used. The play house that the community is using is also starting to have problems so we want to start letting them use this space instead. We’re not installing seating, but we want to let them have a place to do their shows, and such. Plus concerts, and what not.” I answered. “Is it really going to be possible to use this space for all of those things?”

“We think so. We’re going to test it out with a movie night once it’s complete. It’s also large enough for the whole pack.”

“Wow. Where did you want to put the mural?”

“We had three places to work with. One is around the serving windows for the kitchen. One is the wall next to the kitchen where the hallway for the bathroom is, and the third is the wall next to the stage.”

Chastity nodded, let go of my hand, and started walking around. She stood back from the three places I suggest. I didn’t know what she was thinking, but I enjoyed watching her. I was confused when she started just wandering a bit though.

“What are you thinking sweet girl?” I finally asked.

“Why just have the artists do one wall?” Chastity responded with her own question.

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“Why not paint all of the walls a basic white then let the artists have free reign to decorate as they choose? There is so much space in here. Let them showcase their talent any way they want.”

“You don’t think it will get too busy?”

“Well they can do one full mural on the wall by the stage as it’s the biggest, and most blank space, but maybe have them paint and design the signs.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well for the hall for the bathrooms, have an artist paint the sign for the bathrooms on the wall instead of hanging a sign. Same for the kitchen. Maybe around the stage have someone paint simple vines, trees, flowers, and such. Something simple, but artistic.”

“Huh? That’s not a bad idea.”

“I think they would enjoy it.”

“That may take more time though because the people doing the painting are also full time employees.”

“I’m sure that won’t be a problem. Everyone will appreciate it more when they see it.”

“I’m sure you’re right.”

“What about the outside? What are you going to do with that?”

“What do you mean?”

“There is a lot of property surrounding the building. Are you just going to leave it the way it is?”

“I wasn’t sure what to do with it honestly.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“One thing I know we’re missing is a community playground. Yes there is a playground at the elementary school, but there is enough space outside to put a large one on one side of the building.”

“Which side would you use as one side has a slope.”

“I would use the flatter side, level it out, put down some kind of safety covering, and build the playground there.”

“I have to ask, since there is one at the elementary school, why would you want a second one?”

“The only pups allowed on the playground at the elementary school are the students there. The pups that are too young or too old to be in elementary school can’t go there. Yes there is a small one in the park. next to town, but it’s small. The daycares have small ones of their own as well, but this would be different. It would be a place where pups of all ages could play. It also gives moms a chance to socialize as their pups play, and make friends. Another way to bring the pack together more.”

“That’s a great idea. I’ll talk to the contractor about it. What would you do for the other two sides?”

“The back side is big enough to do outside movie nights instead of trying to do them in the town center. The other side I would clear out the brambles, and stuff to create a large flower garden type thing.”

“I’ll see what we can do.”

“This is a big project Rowen. Are you really going to have time to do it?”

“Me personally, probably not, but I can assign tasks to Molly, Melissa, Ross, and Jax. Melissa I’m sure would love to handle the garden piece. Molly will have fun with the playground. Ross, and Jax can be in charge of the construction, and such. I’ll just oversee everything to make sure it’s all as it should be.”

“Great. I look forward to seeing the final product.”

“Time for our next thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I planned a picnic for us.”

“You did? Where?”

“Near the gazebo behind the house.”



I put my arm around Chastity’s waist, and pulled her close to me. Having her in my arms was such a wonderful feeling. I wanted her there for the rest of our lives. I hated that I had to wait, and sometimes it was really hard to keep waiting, but I had not choice. This was for the best, for her. By the time we reached the gazebo our picnic was all set up. There was a red checkered blanket spread out on the ground, with a basket, and even a small bouquet of flowers. I chuckled at Molly’s preparations.

“It’s perfect Rowen. Thank you.” Chastity looked at me with a big smile.

I wanted to kiss that smile so I pulled her against me, and gently pressed my lips to hers. I heard her sigh as she began kissing me back. I gently coaxed her to open her mouth then I slid my tongue in to explore her mouth. Feeling her fall completely into the kiss excited me so much I had to fight myself to keep my hands from grabbing her ass, and pulling her even tighter against my growing erection. I swallowed her moans, and sighs as I deepened the kiss. She was driving me crazy, but I kept control of myself, and eventually pulled back, and rested my forehead against hers, just staring into her beautiful green eyes.

“I always miss you so much when you’re not with me.” I whispered.

“I miss you too. Some days it’s hard being away from you, but I know that I’m doing the right thing. Being away, I’m healing so when I come home, I will be coming to you complete, and healed. We both deserve that.” Chastity whispered to me.

“I know. I hope you know that I will take you no matter what. At your worst, and your best, I want you.”

“I know that, and you prove that every time I go nutty, and get stuck in my head. You are always right there

to bring me back. You never let me push you away. That means the world to me.”

“I know. Come on, lets eat. Afterwards, I thought we could let Duke, and Leila go for a run together.”

“I love that idea.”

Chastity, and I sat down. We spent time eating, chatting, laughing, and just enjoying each other’s company. It was nice to have this time just us. I did chuckle when Chastity found her camera at the bottom of the picnic basket. I guess Molly found it, and wanted her to make use of it. I followed behind Chastity as she began wandering around, snapping pictures of different plants, and birds. She even snapped a few pictures of me.

At one point we were inside the gazebo, the camera sitting beside her. She was leaning her arms on a railing, just looking out at the woods, the breeze lightly blowing her hair, with a small smile on her face. She looked so beautiful, and at peace. I grabbed her camera, and snapped a few pictures of her just like that. I wanted a copy of her that at peace. Eventually we packed up the picnic, but Chastity kept her camera out. I looked at her confused.

“I…I want a picture of Duke.” She whispered with a blush, and a small smile.

“Ok, but only if I can get a picture of Leila.” I agreed.

“How are we going to do that when we’re both going to be shifted?” Chastity asked with a giggle.

“When we get back, I’ll shift, and take Leila’s pictures.”

“Oh ok. Go shift.”


I nodded, and went behind a tree to shift. The only reason I hid to shift is that I didn’t want to make Chastity uncomfortable. I looked forward to the day when I no longer had to do that. I could wait though.

“Duke, Chastity wants to take your pictures.” I said to Duke as I shifted.

“I know dummy. I heard her. Of course she wants pictures of all of this awesomeness.” Duke chuckled.

I chuckled, and let Duke take over the shift. Once it was done, he trotted back over to Chastity. I forgot how big he was compared to her, but he was huge. He walked right up to her, and buried his nose in her neck, making her giggle.

“Hi Duke.” She giggled as she scratched behind his ear, making him purr.

“She smells so good.” Duke said to me.

“That she does.” I agreed.

“Duke, can you go sit on the gazebo stairs please? I want to take your picture there.” Chastity asked.

He yipped, and trotted to the stairs. She laughed as he sat up straight, and put his nose up in the air a bit.

“Such a regal boy.” Chastity joked as she took his picture.

She had him move a round a bit before she was finally done. I did laugh when he walked over to her, and nudged her a bit. At first she was confused then realized he wanted a picture with her. She giggled, and told him to lay down, which he did. She laid against his side, he put his head on her shoulder, and she snapped a few pictures. After she put her camera away she went off to shift.

“I did good ” Duke puffed up.

“Yeah. Yeah. Hush you mutt.” I joked.

“Thanks for letting me spend time with Leila. I’ve missed her.”

“I know. This is hard, but we have to do it for Chastity.”

“Yeah I know. Leila reminded me. Even scolded me for trying to push things along so they wouldn’t leave again.”


We stopped talking as soon as Leila appeared. She trotted right up to Duke, and rubbed against him. They spent several minutes scenting each other, and being affectionate. Eventually Leila yipped at Duke, and took off into the woods. For awhile they just played tag, and other little games. They had a great time together. Eventually they reached the lake, took a drink, and cuddled together.

“They’re so sweet together.” Chastity mind linked me.

“Yeah. Duke really loves Leila.” I responded.

“Leila loves Duke too.”

“She has filled out nicely, and has gotten very strong.”

“It’s taken some work, but she’s exactly where she is supposed to be.”

“She’s beautiful.”

“Thank you. Duke is very handsome.”

“Thanks. We should probably head back. It’s going to start getting dark soon.”


“Don’t forget I want pictures of Leila before you shift.”


We went back to the gazebo, and I shifted. I grabbed Chastity’s camera, and waited. Leila quickly came up behind me, and nudged my ass making me chuckle.

“Ok. Go sit on the gazebo steps.” I requested.

Once Leila was sitting I snapped a few pictures. My favorite was when she laid down, and put her head on her paws. She looked sweet, and innocent. Eventually I got pictures of us together. When I was satisfied, Leila went to shift back. I had collected up the basket, and blanket by the time Chastity came back. We walked to the house in silence. It really had been a nice day.

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