The Alpha’s Triple Lunas

Chapter Thirty – They’re spelled.

Cold Prince sat down besides the only available chair besides his mother. Her eyes turned back to normal and she smiled widely.

“You shouldn’t be using your abilities. You just recovered” he smiled back.

It had been a long time he had a casual conversation with his mother, he missed them.

He did know this one won’t be casual. But a sequel to her earlier suggestion of him being coronated King.

He’d like to. The ministers had talked to him about it while the last three years but he wanted his mother awake by then.

“I can’t help myself. And about you being King, you know you need a Queen. By tradition” she went straight to the point.

He smiled wider, “Damned tradition. The same tradition stopped us from inhibiting the dark magic. Are we still following that?”.

She sauntered towards him, moving her head like she was in deep thoughts. They were indeed some traditions that they had ignored.

For their protection. Inhibiting the dark magic was dangerous and that was the only reason it was traditionally forbidden in the first place.

But her husband’s gone and she, the new ruler, she was powerful enough to inhibit it. Her son was as well. That became the new tradition.

“Well, whether we follow traditions or not. Don’t you want a Queen by your side?”.

“I have one. You” He responded quickly.

The Queen giggled, sitting on her bed, opposite him, “But I am married so I can’t be your Queen” he frowned so she added, “I’m joking but you still you need a wife. You’re nineteen already”.

Cold Prince thought hard to remember where nineteen year olds are considered to old when not married, none! His mother was tripping.

The only place where marriage were forced down on young people where the villages bordering Galdrish. He hated those places. No young girl were ever unmarried.

He hated the men of that place. He still remembered vividly how they disrespected his mother.

Asking her to marry a man from their village after his father died. They didn’t value women. Woman were mere properties.

“I haven’t found anyone to my fancy” he didn’t meet her gaze.

“The dark magic didn’t help you?” came his mother. Was it supposed to? He asked with his eyes.

She waved off the question before he answered, “Let’s overlook that tradition. What about the tradition of avenging our enemies? What’s your plan with the wolfman?”

Perhaps he hadn’t reached her level of magic. And since his powers left him temporarily, it hadn’t bounced back fully.

“There’s a boy stopping me from burning the forest to the ground. Not that I can, literally. There’s a magic tied to the forest but…” Cold Prince sighed, finally letting himself think of Han.


“Han, Chan’s sworn brother. He helped us escape. Somehow he’s three sisters who’re Lunas to the wolfman and share strong bonds”.

He flipped his hair backwards in annoyance and continued, “They kidnapped Anya and helped the wolfman cage me. But Han plead their sake. I’m confused”.

Cold Prince let out a humorless chortle and dragged his hair forwards again. The hair was growing longer, he’d have to cut it.

The Queen wanted to help him pack his hair as she saw him having troubles with it but she restrained herself.

“The girls shouldn’t be a problem. If we take them away from the wolfman, they’d only need to heal and forget him. I didn’t know Chan had a brother so let’s not hurt the boy”.

Scott nodded to his mother, getting up. It was time for training his men. He’d think on a plan to separate the girls. Han would help, I’d work out.

Leaving his mother’s room, he saw Chan admiring the new painting his mother placed on the wall.

Only he had a rather disdainful look.

“A woman back hugging her son while they admired the sea. Isn’t it a beautiful sight?” he broke his concentration.

Chan nodded, looking away from it, still having a disdainful look, “If it’s her son. Then it’s beautiful. If she’s a pedophile, disgusting”.

He made it sound so casual though they were lots of emotions in those words.

Cold Prince never knew of his past except he was given to the monks when he was three and had stayed there ever since before he took him. If he had such experience, then it was piteous.

“Well, let’s go train. Also, I have something to discuss with you. About your friend, Han, who saved us for wild animals once”.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He brought that up to improve Chan’s mood.

“Do you know where he is?” Chan questioned.

Cold Prince nodded, “He is in serious trouble. His sisters and him but…” he turned to Chan, “Do you see Han as your brother or… lover?”.

Chan scrunched his face, “Lover? No, we’ve been brothers since we’re kids. Why?”.

He waved it off and instructed him to place Scott on a new bounty. Worth hundreds of gold bars. Mercenaries would do anything to earn it.

“Han never had any sisters” Chan revolted and swung his sword at Cold Prince. They were training. There were only less than hundred soldiers. Reinforcement would come the next day.

Chan was pushing his brown hair out of his eyes from time to time. His black eyes twirling but he’s forcing them keep it in focus or they’d get another cut in the arm.

“Yea, I don’t know the full story. But I need his sisters’ head. I know it will be hard for Han but dark dragon dynasty avenges their crimes”

Cold Prince sent the last blow to Chan sending him falling on his back, “Enhance your stamina, Chan or aren’t you concentrating?” he dropped his sword and flung his hair back.

“Will you kill his sisters?” Chan sniffed, dusting himself, getting back on his feet.

“Didn’t I say I need their heads?”.

“Yes, but will you take it? You owe Han after the incident three years ago. Will you kill his sisters? They could be spelled” Chan defended.

“I know you see them as your family as well or want to protect Han. But, I’d try to keep the girls away from the wolfman. If it fails, then I’d have to kill them. I am not answerable to anyone”.

Chan’s breathing hitched before evening out. The Prince’s eyes turned dark before he chuckled lightly.

Chan looked away. So far he knew the Prince, when he did that, some blood had to spill.

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