The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 19 The Bad Boy Reveals

Drew’s POV:

“Dude, look at all the new inventory, I feel like a kid in a candy store,” Lucas claps his hands as he eyes all of his new targets. The sparkle in his eyes indeed makes him look like a child in a candy store. Both Adrian and I roll our eyes at his antics.

“Lucas, stop thinking with your dick and remember we’re here for serious purposes,” Adrian scolds, always being the mediator in the trio. I don’t have to turn around to know he’s shaking his head at a practically bouncing Lucas. I knew we shouldn’t have bought him that large frappe.

“Since when has my dick gotten in the way of my job?” Lucas smirks at us. It’s true, Lucas happens to be multi-talented, once he managed to shoplift three days’ worth of food while keeping a very flirtatious conversation rolling. I continue to face forward as we walk. I have to flare my nostrils and hold my breath a bit as the scent of girls’ perfume drifts through the hallway as they spray liberally. I can feel the eyes on us, I hate having the spotlight on me. I feel as if every stare is a new judgment and I’ve had enough of that to last me a lifetime.

“Wow, these bitches are horny,” Adrian mutters as he comes to stand by my side. He glares at practically everything in sight but that’s my best friend for you. Adrian’s painfully blunt and uncaring of who he hurts with his words but I find that’s better than someone who will lie to myself. He would prefer to withhold the truth if he didn’t feel like I was ready to hear it, but he’d never lie to cover up the truth. Don’t let that trick you, he will lie in order to tease someone or make someone squirm and he has one hell of a poker face.

“I know isn’t it great?” Lucas replies with a wide smile lining his features.

“Don’t get sidetracked by a pretty face, you all know why we’re here,” I stop to give them a pointed look. They both roll their eyes knowing that they’ve never failed at a job before, but they do say there’s always a first time for everything. That foreboding feeling ripples through my body once again, as if life as I know it will be no more, yeah, just how shittier can my life get. Three wishes, my mom gave me her last three wishes and I’m failing her greatly. First, I give away my sister to some stranger in order to save her and I’m beginning to question if I even did the right thing. Sammy, I am taking care of my younger sister but it’s not like that’s hard, Adrian practically her bodyguard and boyfriend. Now I just hope I can find whichever girl my mom referred to and make sure she’s fine, I can’t keep screwing up.

“Whoa, I didn’t know bookworms looked like they just stepped out of the cover of Vogue,” Lucas stops as his gaze locks on a poor girl.

“You really need to stop reading all those magazines with Sammy, they’re decreasing your testosterone levels,” Adrian snorts and I feel the corner of my lips lift up at the joke. Adrian just loves to bring everyone down from their high, it’s pretty funny actually.

“Maybe if you’d listen to her she wouldn’t make me have slumber parties with her and make me listen to all her girl talk,” Lucas nags Adrian.

“Speaking of, when will Sammy arrive?” Adrian asks nonchalantly. He looks away trying to make it seem casual but we all know he’s dying to see his girl. I really did think that beating him up a couple of times would kill his infatuation with my sister that was until Sammy pleaded their case with fists and a knife, but that’s a story for another time.

“Depends, I have yet to figure out if we’ll be here a while,” I shrug before turning to look at whatever it was Lucas was drooling at. I cock my head to the side at the petite frame that stands a couple of feet from us cramming notebooks into her backpack, oblivious to her surroundings. Brown hair cascades down to her shoulders, not too long but not short, either. She has a cute frame but she’s not the type of girl Lucas usually goes for.

“Wipe your chin Drew, I think you’re drooling,” I turn to a smirking Adrian.

“Hey, don’t tell me you want to tap that, I saw her first,” Lucas pouts making me raise an eyebrow.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Leave that little nerd alone, it’s not like she’s anything special,” I grumble before turning around and resuming my steps. Just in time too because she turned just as I walked by, I don’t know why but I feel a genuine smile cur my lips. Ugh, I shake my head as if to literally shake those thoughts out of my head. I don’t need any distractions anymore.

“Find out any information that seems to stick out and Lucas, you study the school’s security system. Something tells me that we’ll need this place,” I order before going in different directions. I decide to skip my first class and roam the place. I need to get acquainted with the school’s layout. That’s one of the things I was always taught as a kid, always know your surroundings thoroughly, even the smallest of places can save your life.

“Do you have a pass young man?” I snap my head up at that voice.

“Uncle Kris,” I smile as he pats my shoulder with one of his own.

“So, you’re looking for the girl?” my uncle asks as I continue to roam the hallways, my eyes darting everywhere.

“How come you don’t know anything about her?” I turn to him praying that he can remember anything about my mom. I need all the help I can get right now.

“I’m sorry, your mom was the one that said she owed it to ‘them’ to save her but I don’t know who ‘them’ was,” I can tell by the tone in his voice that he’s just as frustrated as I am.

“I just don’t want to fail her anymore,” I murmur lowly, praying that he didn’t hear. It’s hard for me to admit my own wrong doings, but really, who likes to admit they’ve been wrong?

“Don’t beat yourself up, my sister trusted Lucy with you for a reason. I know things will fall into place the way they’re supposed to, trust me. Now I need to get to my first period class, I wouldn’t go but I can’t let my favorite student down,” he rambles as he rushes away. I wonder what student’s so good that it caught the attention of that hard ass. I continue on my little search around the school with a new frame of mind, amazing what a talk with my uncle can do. He’s always been like that though, believing everything happens for a reason.

“I need more time, yeah I know you need them out of the picture but she has nothing to do with this. It’s her brother that owns the company you need, I don’t know why you also want her out of the picture,” I listen carefully as the angry voice speaks. I come to a turn in the hallway and slowly incline my head towards the voice. I see a buff figure talking on a phone a few lockers down, definitely male.

“Her brother’s not even here and last I know nobody knows to where he was shipped off to,” he continues to seethe down the phone. I should definitely file this for later. Anything that sticks out right now could help me find the girl. Looks like the school will be the place to lead me straight to her, just like I first thought. I watch as he proceeds to punch a nearby locker before the chiming of the bell has him hanging up on whoever he was speaking to. This might be quicker than I originally thought. I can’t help but think as I head to my next class.

“You find anything out?” I ask without turning as I feel Adrian’s presence next to me in the now crowding hallways.

“Not much more than your normal bitchy gossip and the random rumor here and there that I’m a hunk,” he states in a pitchy voice.

“Seriously?” I remark.

“I am being serious, oh and some girls really have it against some girl named Khloe. I think it’s that nerd we saw in the morning, according to them she’s a snobby bitch but that’s their side of the story,” he finishes explaining. We stop just in time as Lucas walks out of his class with his arm draped over the girl mentioned.

“Lucas, what do you think you’re doing?” I ask his back as I recall clearly telling him to leave her alone. It really does suck that Lucas thinks of himself as a rebel at heart, breaking all the rules he can. I watch him turn around to face us but the girl seems to be frozen in place under his arm.

“Who’s your friend?” Adrian questions from beside me. His voice snaps her out of whatever momentary trance she fell under and turns around to face us. The innocence in her brown eyes is what keeps me in place and beneath it all, loss. In a momentary fragment of time I feel connected to this soul for whatever reason, I let my eyes roam over her, trying to figure this person out. She does something the three of us weren’t expecting, she runs away from us.

“Did you guys really have to scare her off? I almost had her,” Lucas glares at us.

“Yeah, you almost had her requesting a restraining order against you,” Adrian laughs at one of the few failures Lucas has had in getting a girl. It always amuses me the ones that are able to resist ‘the charm’ as he calls it.

“I’m going to class,” l call out as I walk away and leave them to their bickering. I head for one of the seat in the back and away from these people. I’m not a fan of making new friends. People tend to irritate me at time for lack of a better term. My phone vibrates in my pocket as the last bell rings and the teacher begins his lecture.

I’m always one step ahead. I got your mom already, what makes you think you’ll save that girl when you don’t even know who she is? –Unknown

That fucker seriously thinks he can mess with me right now. I know it has to be that bastard Mason, that’s causing all of this chaos. I swear I’ll beat him no matter what it takes, I’ll get my revenge he shouldn’t even be tempting me. He as well as anybody else should know that I always keep my promises, even if it takes for me to search the ends of the earth. He’s lucky he’s blocked his phone so I won’t reply.

“Ms. Mason, is there any excuse as to why you are fifteen minutes late to class?” the stern voice of the teacher manages to boom around the classroom causing me to look up. As if luck would have it, there stands that girl Khloe, fidgeting nervously at the front of the room with all the attention on her. Her eyes are shielded by her hair as she looks down at her feet before she shakes her head not uttering one word. I manage to keep my eyes on her figure as he gives her a mild punishment before motioning for her to take her seat. To my surprise she walks until she comes to the back of the room, taking the window seat next to mine. For some reason I expected her to seat at the front or something of the sort.

I don’t know what it is about her that I can’t quite put my finger on but just draws me in. I watch as her slender fingers reach for her book and place it on her desk before looking up. She seems relieved at the loss of attention until she snaps her head in my direction and I shamelessly continue to stare. I even let my eyes roam all over her body just to see her reaction. She turns back to her book but I can tell my presence is not allowing her to make out the words and for some unknown reason this brings satisfaction to my being. I hide a grin as she begins to tap her pencil repeatedly before her leg joins the rhythm. I can see the fleeting instincts in her movements as she begins to reach for her bag before I place my hand above hers.

“Hey, are you okay…?” I question after she moved away from me like I had the plague. The bell rings and she takes this as her opportunity to run away, funny thing is I have no clue as to why she’s so intimidated by me. Could it have something to do with my dashing good looks or my enigmatic charisma? I wouldn’t know, but I do know that I’ve found a liking to making her squirm.

“That was it, that’s why I paid attention to you. Not because I have a knack for making you squirm or that I enjoy watching your face when you get frustrated. It was your eyes, I remember pretending to ignore my mom while she went on and on about my dad’s eyes drawing her in and that’s how she knew she had to be with him. I found it intriguing, how could a pair of eyes speak to you in such a matter that you chose who to marry right? I thought she was crazy for the majority of my childhood but I loved her like no other, I was always close to her. Mommy’s boy as Adrian likes to refer to me. Your eyes just spoke to me in a way I can’t understand and I’m still trying to figure out,” I whisper as the music in the background continues to play while I stroke her hair. I shift her until she’s next to Lucy and climb and place a kiss on both of their foreheads. I’ll protect them both no matter what. A knock on the door as I was about to climb next to Khloe has me cursing lowly.

“What?” I snap at Adrian as he stands in the doorway with an expression that tells me I’m not going to like what I’m about to hear.

“Your dad has Ruby,” he states and just like that my good night’s sleep was deprived from me. In terms of Khloe, whom because of I’ve started to read Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort has taken Harry.

“Fuck,” is all I mutter.

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