The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


New York, Mia


When I arrived home, Bella was sitting in the living room watching tv.

“I need to tell

Bella had been my confidante since we were babies. We grew up together, sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. We even attended the same university and later decided to share a spacious apartment in the heart of New York City. She had been my rock through thick and thin, and it was to her that I turned when I faced the tumultuous storm of my divorce from Gavin, my ex-husband.

As we sat in our cozy living room, sipping on cups of steaming tea, I knew it was time to share my most closely guarded secret with Bella. The weight of it had been pressing on me for hours, and I needed her unwavering support more than ever.

“Bella,” I began hesitantly, my voice quivering slightly, “there’s something I need to tell you.” I looked into her familiar, caring eyes, eyes that had seen me through every high and low of my life.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Bella set her cup of tea aside and turned her full attention to me. “You can tell me anything, you know that,” she said, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “I’m pregnant,” I finally blurted out, the words hanging heavy in the air.

Bella’s eyes widened in surprise, and then a radiant smile crossed her face. “Oh my goodness, that’s incredible news!” she exclaimed, rushing over to embrace me. Her genuine happiness was infectious, and for a moment, I allowed myself to share in her joy.

But as the initial excitement subsided, I couldn’t help but dwell on the past. The memories of my divorce from Gavin flooded back into my mind, like a painful undercurrent beneath the surface.

The memories of my painful divorce with Gavin flooded my mind. The wounds from that period in my life were still fresh, even though time had passed. Gavin and I had been deeply in love for years, and our marriage had been the culmination of that love. It had been a bond I had cherished and believed would last a lifetime.

On a stormy Monday morning I received a pregnancy report in the mail from an anonymous woman who claimed she was carrying Gavin’s child. The letter urged me to end our marriage, casting a shadow of doubt and betrayal over everything we had shared.

My hands trembled as I read the words in the letter. How could this be true? Gavin and I had been through so much together, and the idea that he could betray our love in such a way was almost inconceivable.

I couldn’t bear the weight of this secret alone. I needed answers, and I needed them from Gavin. With a sense of determination, I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

When he answered, his voice was tense, as if he knew that this call was inevitable. “Gavin, we need to talk,” I said, my voice steady but filled with an urgency that couldn’t be ignored.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line before Gavin finally spoke, his voice strained. “I know,” he replied, his words heavy with guilt.

I couldn’t hold back the tears that welled up in my eyes. “Gavin, please, just tell me the truth. Is it real? Is there another woman carrying your child?” I asked, my voice quivering with a mixture of fear and desperation.

Gavin stammered, struggling to find the words. “Yes,” he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. “It’s true.”

The revelation hit me like a tidal wave, and I sank onto the nearest chair, my heart aching with pain. Gavin had been the love of my life, the person I had trusted above all else. The depth of his betrayal was beyond comprehension.

“Why, Gavin?” I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks. “Why would you do this to us? To me?”

Gavin’s voice cracked as he tried to explain. “I… I needed an heir to inherit my father’s wealth. It’s… it’s complicated. And I knew about your potential infertility. I had a moment of weakness, and I made a terrible mistake.”

The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and suddenly, I understood the reason behind Gavin’s recent coldness and distance. He had been driven by his family’s legacy, willing to sacrifice our love and trust for the sake of inheritance.

But in that moment, I couldn’t stomach the depth of his betrayal. Our love, which had once been the cornerstone of our lives, now lay in ruins, shattered by deceit and betrayal.

With a heavy heart, I made a decision. “I can’t do this, Gavin,” I said, my voice filled with determination. “I can’t be with someone who chose betrayal over our love, no matter the reasons. We’re done.”

Gavin’s voice trembled as he tried to speak, but I couldn’t bear to hear his excuses or pleas for forgiveness any longer. I hung up the phone, tears streaming down my face.

In the days that followed, I took the necessary steps to end our marriage and all ties with Gavin. It was a painful and heart-wrenching process, but I knew it was the only way to move on.

As I walked away from our shared life, I couldn’t help but mourn the love we had once shared. It had been a love that I had believed would stand the test of time, a love that had brought me joy and happiness beyond measure.

The pain of Gavin’s betrayal would always be a part of my past, a reminder of the fragility of trust and the consequences of choosing deceit over love. But I was determined not to let it define my future.

“Hey, hey,” Bella said, snapping her fingers in front of my face. “Don’t think about that man whore. Let’s talk about the baby daddy. Who is it?”

I took a deep breath, focusing on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past. “Sebastian,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Bella’s eyes widened in surprise and excitement. “Sebastian Thornton!” She squealed, unable to contain her enthusiasm. “Holy shit, you really got good taste in men!”

I chuckled, acknowledging the truth in her words. Sebastian was undeniably attractive and charismatic, a man who had captivated my heart, if only for a brief moment. But despite the magic of that night, I couldn’t envision a future with him.

“He’s charming, Bella, there’s no doubt about that,” I admitted, “but there’s something about him. He seems too stern and short-tempered, and our lives are in completely different cities.”

Bella nodded, her expression thoughtful. “I get what you mean. Long-distance relationships are tough, and it sounds like you both have very different lifestyles.”

I sighed, grateful for Bella’s understanding. “Exactly. My life is here in New York, with my family and friends. I can’t imagine uprooting everything to be with him in Los Angeles.”

Bella smiled, a reassuring and supportive presence. “Well, at least you had a memorable night with him,” she said, trying to lighten the mood. “And you’ve got an amazing friend like me to help you navigate this new chapter.”

I couldn’t help but smile back at Bella. Her unwavering support and friendship meant the world to me. “You’re right,” I agreed, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence. “I have you, and I have this little one on the way.”

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