The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 70

Grayson POV

What a morning. I was pissed that a photographer had gotten onto my property, but my main concern had been for Flair. Roscoe had surpassed all my expectations and I no longer had any doubts about keeping the dog. He'd earned his place in his home as far as I was concerned. But I was an i***t for mentioning the conditions of our marriage to Flair. Why did I have to open my big mouth? The second I did I saw the light dim in her eyes, saw her shoulders slump and her smile fade. I wanted to take back the words, to tell her that I wanted to change the contract, but before I could the phone rang and I was left racing upstairs.

"Hello," I said tersely, not in the mood for pleasantries.

"Grayson" Grandfather's voice was on the other end "Excellent. I've managed to catch you before you left for work. You need to take today off" he instructed me.

I frowned at the phone. Typical of the old man to think he could order me about as though I was his puppet. "Old man, I am not your's to order about on a whim. You forget, I am not my father" I said angrily. "Perhaps but you're going to anyway. Today is an auspicious day for your sister Charlotte" he said calmly.

Great. Just f*****g great. What did I care about what Charlotte did? We weren't full-blooded brothers and sisters. We didn't even like each other. What was the old man playing at now?

"Spit out what you want," I said tiredly "I've had a hell of a morning and I'm not in the mood for your damn riddled and nonsense."

"Mind how you speak to me" Grandfather growled.noveldrama

I rolled my eyes. "I'm waiting" I bit out.

He sighed "Your sister is getting married today. I require both you and Flair to be present at the wedding ceremony in the courthouse."

Was he mad? I had no desire to witness Charlotte getting married to Flair's ex-husband Johnathon Rourke. Nor would I require Flair to be forced to watch him marry Charlotte. That was beyond cruel. "You're insane. The answer is no" I spat.

"Here me out. I cannot have the media speculating as to why both you and Charlotte had such hastily arranged marriages. If you and Flair are present, it shows that neither of you is upset over Charlotte's decision to marry Johnathon and that you have no hard feelings over it. Charlotte's already been portrayed as a bit of a spoilt brat in the media, you and Flair being present would go a long way to establishing a more positive image" he said tightly "I'm asking this because I must, not because I want to hurt you or Flair. That is the last thing I intend."

"Grandfather, why would I care about Charlotte's image so much? She has done nothing but degrade me over the years or speak ill of my mother."

"I'm asking for the sake of the company that you both desire so much. The stock prices will continue to plummet unless you both form a united front. You know that scandals cause a loss in profit and damage the reputation of the company" my Grandfather said as I hesitated "and the Deluca family name means something to me, even if it means very little to you."

Damnit, now he was going for sentimentality. I gripped the cell phone tighter. "What about Flair? She might not be so magnanimous when it comes to forgiving her ex-husband and his affair with Charlotte?" I said irritably "and I wouldn't blame her for it." "Then I would be asking why she's still so hung up on it when she's married to a far better man now," my Grandfather said with a hint of smugness "Flair will do anything you ask of her. Do you or do you not have a contract marriage" he pointed out, causing me to scowl "and she promised to help you get your hands on this company" he added "so it stands to reason she will do what she needs to, including attending this wedding ceremony."

"I doubt Charlotte or Johnathon want us there," I said annoyed.

"They don't have a choice either," My Grandfather said imperiously "I have already notified the media and they are going to be there to take pictures and publish the story. Charlotte's wedding will be front page news, unlike your own which you took such care to hide. I don't want speculation she's pregnant already or any other such nonsense" he exhaled.

"Speaking of which is Flair..." he began.

"Not pregnant, not that it's any of your business" I growled.

"Shame" my Grandfather's voice was a matter of fact "If she was we could have avoided all of this altogether. Anyway, make sure you're at the ceremony. I will text you the details. Dress appropriately, formal but not over the top. You can't top the bride you know" he advised as I glowered at the phone "And do give Flair my best regards. I'm looking forward to seeing you both again. That photo of you two in the newspaper was just lovely" he added wickedly.

Son of a b***h "Were you the one who..." but I was speaking in to a beeping tone.

The old man had hung up on me. I growled and slammed the phone onto the bed in a fine temper.

"f**k" I cursed. I grabbed it again and dialed Timothy at the office.

"Good morning Sir," he said jovially.

"Timothy" my voice was bad tempered "Cancel everything today and rearrange it all. I know that it's going to be difficult but I've no choice. If you can, dole out some of the cases to some of the other lawyers who don't have as much on their plate, with my apologies."

"Certainly Grayson, but is everything alright? You don't normally like to hand your work over to other people unless it's dire?"

"Unfortunately I've been informed that I'm to attend a wedding ceremony today and can't get out of it," I said smoothly "You may leave early today Timothy if you wish, seeing as I won't make it in."

"Well, thank you. I hope you enjoy the wedding" he said confused "but I don't recall seeing it in your planner."

"It's last minute," I said "It appears Charlotte's getting married today."

I did not elaborate and Timothy did not ask me to. "I'll get right on rearranging everything. Give my" he hesitated "Give my best to your wife sir. I'm sure today will not be easy for her and if either of you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me." "Thank you, Timothy."

I hung up.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I glanced moodily towards the door and then heard the soft sounds of my wife approaching. Great. I heard the dog and within moments Roscoe was bounding into the room. What were we going to do with the dog? I pondered. It was the first day and we could hardly leave the poor thing at home, not with Roscoe being a rescue. But Charlotte would lose it if we took the dog to the wedding, not to mention Grandfather. "Is everything alright Grayson?" Flair timidly stuck her head in.

The words stuck in my mouth. Her hair was windblown and casually sweeping past her shoulders, her pale lips were smiling and she wore no makeup and was clad in pajamas and she looked beautiful to me. I hated that I was about to ruin what had already been a rough morning for her.

"Flair there's been a change of plans for today," I told her, as I began to dig into the closet, rifling for a suitable suit that wouldn't be over the top for the courthouse.

"Oh? Are we going somewhere?" she asked innocently, perching on the bed, while Roscoe jumped up beside her.

I turned with the suit in my hands. "Unfortunately yes we are. My Grandfather has requested that we attend Charlotte's wedding ceremony at the courthouse today. Refusal is not an option" I said gravely, hating myself at that moment, as the light died from her eyes and her complexion went pale.

"Somebody needs to stay with Roscoe" she attempted.

"Ask Rachel if she'll watch otherwise we'll drop him back at the haven for the day and pick him back up."

I was a bastard. Flair was near tears as she reached for her phone. "Grayson" she whispered, her lip trembling "I don't want to go. Don't make me do this. Please don't make me do this."

My chest hurt. At that moment I wanted to say damn the company but all those people would lose their jobs if Charlotte got given it. "Flair" my voice was cold "you agreed to help me get my hands on the company, whatever it required. This is one of those moments where you are required to assist me, whatever feelings you might have about it."

Her eyes were suspiciously shiny. I might as well have put a hand in her chest and ripped her heart out. I had never felt so low before. I had never felt so damn callous and coldhearted. My wife was hurting and I wasn't doing anything to comfort her. She took a deep shuddering breath.

"I'll ask Rachel to come sit with Roscoe," she said weakly "Hopefully he likes her."

She turned her back on me and began to press the dial button.

"Flair, I" I began feeling like a heel.

She put a hand up, halting me in my tracks "It's okay Grayson, I understand. We did have conditions in regards to this marriage, it's only fair I hold up to my share of the bargain" she said coldly.

I bowed my head, feeling ashamed. Gone was the happy bubbly Flair. I listened as she quietly asked Rachel to come over and watch Roscoe, her friend quickly agreeing, hearing the tone of Flair's voice. She hung up. Woodenly she began to get clothes ready while Roscoe whined, looking between us. "Flair" I began and she shook her head.

"I need to get ready," she said quietly, and took herself and her clothes into the bathroom, shutting the door. I heard the lock and knew that she was locking me out, from not just the room, but from her feelings as well. I began to get dressed, wishing I could take today back to the beginning and start over.

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