The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 80

Grayson POV

I was back on speaking terms with Flair, but I could still hear her crying in the back of my mind, still see the look of condemnation in her eyes as she believed the worst in me. It killed me. If Charlotte was responsible for this then I was at fault for not having the foresight to protect my wife against my own sister's manipulation as she continued to forge ahead ruthlessly for the company that both of us desired to get our hands on.

"Timothy where is the key to the filing cabinet?" I asked, opening my desk drawers and rifling through the various mess in a futile attempt to find it.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed it from the top of the cabinet, handing it to me "I told you I had used it to grab some files earlier" he reminded me "Your head seems to be far away today."

I scowled "I had an argument with Flair last night and I can't seem to get my focus back."

"Oh don't tell me you two are fighting," Timothy said genuinely dismayed "I'll have Rachel on my case for sure if you are."

I shot him a glance "I doubt it's any of Rachel's business" I growled "And I'll thank you for remembering that you work for me Timothy" I added pointedly.

"That's not what I meant" Timothy began to protest "It's just that you and Flair genuinely get on so well together. What happened?"

"Somebody thought they would try and get between us," I said icily, not bothering to elaborate "and set me up. I've taken care of it" I said dismissively.

Timothy looked unconvinced as he turned his head and then glanced back at me. "Is that why Mr Grant is heading directly towards us?" he asked with a raised brow "Looking extremely angry?"

I shot to my feet. "s**t. Knox must have let something slip" I muttered, smoothing down my jacket and trying to look presentable, while Timothy did the same, Mr Grant entering the room with several bodyguards, a look of annoyance on his face. "Mr Grant, what a surprise to see you here," I said politely "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He grunted "I came to get the contracts that establish Knox and lan as the rightful CEOs of the company. Are they taken care of?" he enquired, peering closely at me.

I relaxed slightly and bent down to grab my briefcase. "Certainly. As a matter of fact, I finished these just yesterday" I said drily "and planned on taking another look through them before advising you they were completed."

He cracked a smile, looking as imperious as ever, his bodyguards stiff and ever-present.

"I know your work, Grayson, I doubt it needs a second look," he said, as I handed the papers over "and I want to have these papers signed as early as possible."

There was a certain look in his eyes that made me question "Is everything alright with you Sir?"

"Of course," he said dismissively "why wouldn't it be?"

"No reason" I coughed and cleared my throat "It's just that for a moment you looked..." I trailed off unable to find the words.

He eyed me suspiciously "I'm as healthy as a horse," he said nonchalantly "Now about my daughter Grayson," he said and I tensed, seeing Timothy do the same "I gather that you are still treating her well? Things are going smoothly?" he asked pointedly. s**t. Did he know about the photos? Had Knox shown them to him? I could feel sweat beading on my brow as I struggled to find the right answers.

"Things are going about as well as can be expected," I said weakly and wanted to shoot myself then and there.

Lame, Grayson, lame. Could you have offered anything more pathetic to Flair's powerful father?

"Is she happy?" he asked, peering at me.

I blinked "With all due respect sir, why don't you just call her and ask?" I said delicately.

He frowned. "As much as I love my daughter, we don't have the best relationship, especially since she chose to marry that cad Johnathon. You might not believe this Grayson" he shot me a sharp look "but I do have her best interests at heart. If I didn't want her to marry you, I could have put all manner of obstacles in your path."

I didn't doubt it. It was almost touching the way he was enquiring about his daughter. He must have no knowledge of the photos then and today's visit was just a coincidence.

"As far as I'm aware Flair is happy. I'm doing my best to keep her that way" I said firmly.

"Your marriage is not what I would have wished for my daughter, but after practically disowning her the first time, I knew better than to try and voice my opinion this time. I know you Grayson Oakes and despite the family name you are saddled with, you're an honest and decent man, not to mention one hell of a lawyer."

I couldn't help myself, my mouth opened before I could think it through "What didn't you like about Johnathon? He was a lawyer like myself, so it couldn't have been his occupation?"

Timothy looked like he was about to pass out. He slowly sat down on his chair, his pallor pale. He looked at me disbelieving as Mr Grant let out a small huff of laughter.

"You are blunt aren't you," he said appreciatively "Very well. I met Johnathon once, out of curiosity, disguised as an average working man much older than my current age. I pretended to be a client in need of some advice in the way of legality," he said thoughtfully "it seemed the best way to get a good grasp of his character."

He did not look so amused now. "It only took me minutes to see past the mask on his face. He was fake, he was shallow and he was greedy. He would have taken me for every dollar he could and he attempted to manipulate me into giving him more power of attorney to make legal decisions he had no business trying to convince me to give him. His morals were disgusting and I shudder to think how many clients have been taken advantage of as a result of seeking out his so-called guidance" he said with a sneer. "He saw an easy mark and tried to take you for a ride" I murmured.

"He thought I was an easy mark" Mr Grant corrected "and I doubt to this day he knows the true identity of the man he tried to con."

"Flair knows none of this?" I asked incredulously "You didn't try to tell her what Johnathon was capable of?"noveldrama

"When a woman is in love, she refuses to see what's right in front of her. My interference only propelled her further into Johnathon's net. The only thing that shocked me was his willingness to marry her when he believed she came from nothing, and I only surmise it was because she was so helpful to his business and to his reputation, if he was married." "But he could have married a rich woman" I pointed out.

"Perhaps, but Flair was young, she was beautiful and she was willing to do everything for him," Mr Grant said blithely "She was the perfect catch and he snared her as easily as if she was a target he had been chasing."

"How could you have just left her with him?" I demanded "do you have any idea what she's been through the last few years with that snake? The humiliation she's been forced to endure because of his adultery and the divorce?"

Mr Grant sighed and rubbed his chin. "If I could have persuaded her to leave, I would have. But Flair is proud and wilful. She hates to admit when she's wrong and she was blinded by her love for Johnathon. It was hard to stay back in the shadows and I hope I never have to stay back ever again. Do you think that I don't know about the photos Knox looked over for you?" he said shrewdly, causing my jaw to gape wide open "Do you think that you would still be alive right now if I wasn't wise enough to know they were fake?" I gulped. The look in Mr Grant's eyes was menacing and cold. His expression was devoid of warmth. "I made a mistake letting Flair turn her back on us once, I won't make the same mistake again. This time her family will have her back. I understand you're taking care of the problem in relation to the photos" he continued as Timothy began to rub his forehead in exhaustion and fear "But take this as a warning Grayson" he advised me "Ensure something like this doesn't happen again, because if it does, I will ensure that your pain is ten times the pain that Flair must be feeling in her heart and I don't care how many bones I have to break in your body to achieve that."

He meant every word as I stared at him dumbly. This father was out for revenge on behalf of his daughter. "Keep my daughter happy or you'll have me to deal with" he added in a low tone, before reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a small invitation, which he passed to me, "you're invited to the party of the year. Knox and lan's official declaration of CEO's and Flair's introduction to everybody as my daughter," he said coldly "I expect nothing less than both of you to make it and present a united front. If you are not reading this novel on J ob, some sentences are incomplete. Visit J o b to read the complete sentences for free. She's spent too long hiding in the shadows, hiding her identity, now I want her to walk in the light and expose herself to those who have looked down upon her. I want her husband to stand by her side and show her off to the world. Do not let me down" he growled, turning around and beginning to walk off, while I stood there, feeling paralyzed "As for Knox, you're in for a shock when he requests his favor from you. Everyone knows that his help comes at a steep price, you foolish man" he shook his head and left the room, his bodyguards following in his wake, the air from my lungs leaving in a whoosh as I collapsed onto my chair, my body shaking slightly, the invitation held firmly in my hand.

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