The Billionaire’s Lust Love

Chapter 20


“Mom, I’m excited,” Hivo whispered to my ear and Steven heard that. He chuckled while driving. I know his heart was full being with his son.

“Are you happy son?”

“Yes dad,” Hivo answered and looked out the window to watch the houses we passed on the road.

It’s been a week since Hivo got out of the hospital.

We were heading to Steven’s condo now. We’ll live there temporarily cause Amanda still living in his house.

I looked at Steven when he suddenly hold my hand.

“What are you thinking babe?” he asked.


“What about her?” He frowned when he asked back.

I’ve been thinking this lately that once she found out about Hivo, she might attack us.

“She might get angry once she learns about our son.”

“Why would she be angry? She’s out of my life and besides, I will protect you and our son.” I looked at him. Somehow, because of what he said, I calmed a little bit.

“Dad, are we going to stay at your house?” Hivo asked him. He’s really excited because he has repeated several times to ask his father about that matter.

“Baby, we’re going to live in daddy’s condo.” I said and glanced at Steven.

“Why not in his house mommy?”

How to explain to my son that we can’t because there’s another woman that currently living in his father’s house? I’m sure he will be confused and surprised because he’s still young.

“Because we can’t yet, Hivo.” That’s all I said.

“I don’t understand, mommy. Are we not allowed to live in daddy’s house?”

“Because son, at daddy’s house-”

“Our house was still in renovation, buddy,” Steven said, interrupted earlier.

“Oh. I see.” Hivo answered like an old man. Once Hivo started to ask something, he didn’t stop until he got an answer.

Hivo’s energy has gradually returned as well as his weight. He lost weight when he was in the hospital. During our son’s recovery, Steven was there to take care of him.

And Hivo was very happy because of that.

“Ahm, Hivo and I will just sleep in the guest room.”

“What? Why?” He frowned. It’s a sign that he didn’t like what I said.

Why? Is he planning that the three of us will share the same room?

“Why? Are you suggesting that we should sleep in the same room?”

“Yes. Why? Is there something wrong with that?”

Is he serious? Of course it’s wrong. I mean, yes we had sex but-

“So you want us–together?” unsure of my question. Geez. This is so hard.

“Isn’t it obvious? Tsk.”

My cheeks reddened. For the record, we didn’t have a thing. I mean yes, we have a son but we’re not girlfriend and boyfriend.

We just had sex twice.

“Tss. Don’t worry. Maybe later, I’ll take you again.”

My eyes widened as I turned to him. What the!

“Steven, your mouth!” I said, blushing.

“You’re annoying, babe. You keep on calling me by my first name. When will you start calling me-”

“STEVEN!” I’m pretty sure that I looked like a red tomato right now. I’m sure our son was watching us.

“What’s wrong?” he chuckled.

“Stop fooling me,”

“I said you’re beautiful. That’s why you should always call me babe to make you even more beautiful.” He said and I smiled. God! He knew how to make me blush.

“Hmm… What a flattering words coming from Mr. Alvante,” I said.

“Mom, dad are you fighting?”

Steven and I turned at the same time to our son who was innocently sitting in the back seat of the car while looking at us.

“No son.” I said, smiling.

“No son. Daddy just making mommy blush,” Steven said and winked at Hivo.

“Where do you want to eat today?” I asked him to change the topic.

“Jobee mama. I want to eat fried chicken.”

“Oh babe. It’s Jobee,” I said and I arched my brow when I saw him gulped. I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw him holding back a smile. Is he blushing?

“Sh*t babe, you making me-”

“Blush?” I added

“Horny,” he whispered. I immediately hit him in the arm. God! His mouth!!!!

He just laughed when he saw me glaring at him.

“Let’s drive Tru?” he asked. I looked at my son who was playing with his father’s phone.

“Let’s just go to the mall. I’m going to buy something,” I want to buy grocery foods.

“Mommy, dad,” I looked at my son when he called us.

“Can we watch this?”

He showed us a cartoon movie. And it’s showing now in cinema.

“What is it?” Steven asked.

“A cartoon movie,”

He looked at our son.

“Oh. Of course son. Y’know what, let’s do that. Let’s have a family date today.” When Hivo heard his father, he started shouting with joy. It’s his first time to go out with his father.

“Thank you dad, thank you mom,” he said.

“You’re welcome son/son,” Steven and I said at the same time.

We were already inside Jobee and I was the one who went to the counter to order. I’m carrying Steven’s wallet that he gave earlier. He seemed serious when he said that he will take care of all the expenses for us.

My jaw dropped when I opened his wallet. I tried to find the people I was familiar with but I couldn’t find them. (People imprinted in money)

He didn’t have 1k? 500? 200, 100 and fifty? OMG.

I just put his wallet in the bag afraid that someone would steal it from me.

I took my own wallet and paid after I said my order.

I went back to our table where I left them. My son has been with his father for just over a week and he is already close to him.

Vice versa, Steven takes good care of his son too. Though sometimes, he’s overreacting when it comes to Hivo. When Hivo stripped, Steven almost rushed him in the hospital. That how exaggerated he was.

But I understand because it was his first time being a parent to his son.

“Mommy, help!” our son said while laughing, trying to get away from his father.

“Your sweaty son,” I immediately took my towel and wiped his sweats.

“Finished?” Steven asked while taking Hivo from me.

“Yes,” I took his wallet and gave it to him “your wallet,” I said.

“Is that all the money you have?”

He scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly.

“Yes babe. All my money is in the bank. Why? Is that not enough? I’ll leave first to withdraw or I’ll call my assistant to withdraw so he can bring it here.”

Huh? I blinked a few times. And looked at him, confused. OMG. He have a lot of money in the wallet but he doesn’t have cash… only cards.

Cards are fine, but you won’t always use cards to pay.

“No. That’s too much. Hehe. Here, take it.” I said.

“Keep that babe,”

“Okay- What? No. I won’t,” I said.

“It’s alright. Just keep it. After all, you’re the one who will budget everything.”

“It’s too much, babe. One card is enough,”

“Okay, just throw the others away if you don’t accept them.”

Instead of taking an ATM card from his wallet, I suddenly looked at him. I couldn’t believe what he said. Throw away? Is he real?

He looked at me seriously too so I have no choice but to follow him, afraid that he’ll throw the other cards away like what he said.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why are you like this? Why are you trusting me so much? What if I’m not a good person? What if I’m just using you because you’re rich?” I asked him.

“It’s enough for me babe, to see our son that is kind, intelligent, and respectful in order for me to say that you’re a good mother; that you’re a good person,” he said seriously, penetrating not only my heart but my entire being.

“Your personality reflected on how you raise our son.” I hugged him tightly after he said that. That’s the best compliment I’ve ever heard. I am happy to hear that.

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