The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée


Sofie’s POV

The sound of something vibrating close to me seeped into my ears, forcing me up from the fluffy comfort of the bed.

I groaned, exasperated as I blindly reached for whatever it was.

When I couldn’t reach it, I winked an eye open only to discover that it was my phone and it was vibrating with an incoming call from an unknown international number.

Scrubbing the remnants of sleep off my face, I retrieved the device from the nightstand and answered the call before placing it against my ear, “Who is this, and why are you calling so early in the morning?” I yawned as I roamed my eyes around the walls of the room in search of a wall clock.

“Hey, babe. How have you been? It’s Amy and I’m sorry for calling so early. It’s late afternoon over here.” The familiar voice of my best friend wafted into my ears, and I gasped as relief coursed through me.

“Amy? Finally, you called! I was starting to think something bad had happened to you. I’m so relieved to hear your voice.” I rambled out, gently massaging my forehead.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, I lost my phone and stuff happened with the agency, so I was out of work and cash for some time. I’ll give you full details of it when I come home. So, back to my question, how have you been?” She asked, to which I shrugged.

“I’m okay, how are you?”

“I’m doing good too. I hope Daphne and your boss aren’t causing too much trouble for you.” Amy questioned, and I swallowed harshly with guilt brimming within me.

Amy didn’t know about my pretentious facade of being engaged to a billionaire with whom I had amazingly surreal sex, and bouts of orgasms with the previous night, and she definitely didn’t need to know about it.

Not yet at least.

“Uhm, Amy, about that, we will talk about it when you come home. I don’t work there anymore, I found a better job some weeks ago and I called to inform you but your line was unreachable.” I said.

“Wait, a new job? Did something happen at the restaurant? Did you get fired? Was it Daphne who made it happen? I swear if she got you fired, I will make her scrub the walls of that darn restaurant with her stupid tongue el-”

“Calm down, Amy. Let me speak, okay?” I interrupted her rage-filled babble.

“Very well then, I’m all ears.”

I inhaled deeply before I began, “I resigned from the restaurant because I found a better job, I wasn’t fired, so you can put your mind at rest.”

“So, this new job of yours, what does it entail? Are you working at another restaurant?”

I shook my head in negation even though Amy couldn’t see me, “No, it’s not a restaurant. It’s a uhm-” I paused, to rack my brain for a reasonable lie.

“You’re thinking about what your new job is? Sofie, you are okay, right? Don’t lie to me please, if you need my help, tell me and I will help you in the best way I can.” She said gently, to which I sighed heavily as self-loathe coursed through me.

I had a best friend who would yank the moon down to earth for me if I wanted and here I was, lying to her.

Amy was a travel nurse, so she lived quite comfortably and she had also offered to help me pay for my college tuition fees on numerous occasions but I always rejected because I didn’t want to be a parasite, and also because I didn’t feel comfortable with receiving so much from her when I gave her so little or even nothing at all.

“I work as a waitress at the strip club downtown. I was hesitant to tell you because I didn’t want you to flip out.” I lied through my teeth.

“A strip club? I hope you aren’t being harassed by anyone there.”

“No, of course not. I’m fine, the pay is huge and I don’t have to work long hours.” I lied again.

“That’s great then. I’m relieved to hear that. I’m sorry, babe but I have to get back to work now. My boss is being a bitch again. I will call you when my shift is over and always remember that I love you, bye.” She said before ending the call.

I heaved a sigh of despair as I placed the phone on the nightstand and got out of bed to pick a cloth to wear.

Momentarily, I forgot about the guilt festering in my mind as I averted my gaze to the reflecting image of the pool on the glass doors.

My cheeks heated as the tawdry images of what had ensued between Roman and I last night made it’s way into my mind.

Sex with Roman was so good that it always made my logical reasoning fly out of the window.

I wondered where he was.

I threw on a large white long sleeve shirt that I found on the bed.

The shirt felt warm on my skin and it reeked of Roman’s masculine musk and I flustered as I made my way down the spiraling flight of stairs.

The delicious aroma of homemade pancakes seeped through my nostrils and made my stomach rumble with famish.

As I walked into the kitchen, my jaw slacked in astonishment when I saw who the cook was and without thinking, I spurted out the first thing that came to my mind, “I didn’t know you could cook, Roman.”

I ran my tongue over my lower lip as I took in the sexy sight of the man mixing batter and scooping it into a frying pan. He was clad in just a pair of grey sweatpants and nothing else, so his sweaty yet arousing muscles were left on display which was very dangerous for my heart.

Hell, the man was doing the bare minimum and here I was, almost melting into a puddle at his feet.

Roman turned his concentration from the pancakes which were sizzling in grease, and stared at me.

His stare made my heart lurch, and threw me off guard with how cold it was. It felt like the day I signed the contract all over again.

Was he mad about last night?

“L-last night was-” I started, but stopped when his gaze hardened into a glare.

“Last night was nothing but a stupid drunken mistake that I made and we both know it should have never happened, so there’s no use dwelling on it.” He said, before steering his concentration back to the pancakes.

It felt like my heart was bludgeoned with a jagged shrapnel when I heard his statement.

Of course, he only saw me as nothing but a cheap slut that he could always dump his cum into, whenever he wanted.

I attempted to look unhurt by feigning a smile, “Yeah, sure. It was just sex.” Surprisingly, my voice came out steady.

He neither acknowledged me further nor did he utter another word, so I turned around to head back to the bedroom to empty out my tear glands.

“Wait.” Roman’s voice reverberated across the kitchen, and I blinked my tears away before I spun around to face him with a smile.

Did he want to further ridicule me by calling me a slut to my face? I wondered within myself as he walked toward me.

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