The billionaire’s true love


Part 39

Trent was a master at shocking me until I forgot my own existence. He knew thousands of ways to leave me shell shocked. I swear one day he was going to give me a heart attack, I just hoped it was after my sixties.

“What?” It was a miracle that my voice even came out.

“Like I said, we don’t have time. The priest is waiting for us. So hurry up, bumblebee,” Trent replied.

“We’re getting married?! But why?!” I questioned, loud enough for it to penetrate his thick skull.

“Because it is the perfect solution…to everything,” he answered.

“That’s insane! No it’s not,” I argued.

Trent shrugged. “Well, if you don’t want to marry me and you want me to marry Tamara, then fine.”

He was an asshole. One hundred percent.

“No!” Trent gave me a triumphant smirk after that word. “I mean, Tamara is causing problems in our lives. Don’t you have a better solution?” I questioned, not wanting to seem too desperate to marry him. If he realized my true feelings for him, he would use them against me.

“Do you have a better solution?” He threw at me.

“No.” If I didn’t love Trent, I would’ve definitely tried to come up with a better alternative; but as it was, my heart was a prey to his, and so I saw no other solution but to marry him and throw the news in that conniving bitch’s face.

“Then get up and go wash up. We don’t want to make the priest wait,” he stated.

“How long will he wait for?” I queried, getting up from the bed, slipping my feet in my slippers.

“He will wait for as long as we want him to, Theodore will make sure of that. But we must hurry, it’s going to take us fifteen minutes to get there,” he informed me.

“Wait? Theodore knows?” Just how many people knew of this plan?

“Shady, my whole family is there, waiting for us. Now hurry up, or else I’ll drag you out of here with that hair and face,” he threatened.

I threw my hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m going. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” I shuffled in the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Oh my God, I was about to get married to Trent Benson; the man who played my heart like an instrument. I never thought this day would come for me, that I would be marrying the man I loved. Even though he told me he loves me, I was still finding it hard to believe it, after everything he had done. But maybe now, he would show his love in a more…tolerable way.

In the bathroom, I made quick work of washing my face and making sure I did not look like a crying mess. I was about to get married and I wanted to look pretty. Even though it was not a conventional wedding which took months and months for everything to get ready, I still wanted to look my best.

“Okay, I’m out. Let me just put on my dress,” I said as soon as I got out of the bathroom.

“No, wear this.” Trent pointed at the plastic bag sitting on my bed.

“When did this come in?” I asked, as it was not here when I went to the bathroom.

“Just a minute ago. Your wedding dress is in it. Hurry up and put it on.”

“But, what about you? You are not wearing a suit.” I pointed out.

“I don’t care about a suit. I just want to make you mine,” he answered.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“But then why do I have to wear a dress?” I enquired as I unzipped the bag and removed the silk wedding gown with lace covering the bosom and pearls scattered all over.

“Because my bride deserves to look like a princess on her wedding day,” he stated.

“Oh.” I was at a loss for words. He called me his bride, and a princess. Those words made me want to slap my cheeks in order to get rid of the heat pooling in them.

Without saying anything else, I grabbed the dress and hurried into my small changing room to put it on. I wasn’t surprised to see that the dress fit me perfectly. Hailey bought it, so it was bound to fit.

“Okay, I’m ready. Let me just brush my hair and put on some shoes.” I told Trent as I headed for my vanity table. “By the way, isn’t it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” I put some lotion on my face before picking up my lipstick.

“I do not care about such things. My only concern is to make you mine,” Trent answered, watching me fix my face and hair.

“I see. But what if something bad happens?” Grabbing my hairbrush, I quickly ran it through my hair, wincing everytime the bristles tangled in my hair, causing it to pull.

“Like what, Tamara coming in and crashing our wedding? I don’t think so.” He chuckled.

“Right. Does she even know that we are getting married?” Right now, I refused to listen to anything that my mind wanted to say. I was about to marry the man I loved, common sense could come later.

“No. But she will know when I’ll see her the day after tomorrow,” he said.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Spotting a pair of white heels sticking out of my closet, I jogged over to them and got them out. Once I had my shoes on, I turned to see Trent already standing at the door.

“Let’s go, bumblebee; it’s time to make you mine.” Trent held out his hand. His fingers closed over mine as soon as I placed my hand in his. His words along with the intense way in which he was looking at me made it impossible for my cheeks to cool down. With a soft smile, Trent led me out of my apartment and into the waiting car.

“Wait,” I said as soon as Trent slid inside the passenger seat besides me.

“What is it?” Trent asked.

“Jose, I have to call him. I have to tell him we are getting married,” I answered.

“You are not talking to that man ever again,” Trent snapped before shutting the door. “Drive,” he barked at the driver, who wasted no time in doing his bidding.

“Excuse me?! Jose is my friend, and I have to inform him,” I argued.

“Forget him. He is no longer your friend. And if I ever see you alone with him ever again, trust me, shady, I’ll kill him on the spot,” he hissed, his eyes hard.

“Why do you hate him so much?! And why are you being an asshole again?” I questioned.

“Keep your mouth shut until after the wedding and then I’ll tell you,” he stated. I knew if I argued with him any further he was going to blow up. Trent was a strange groom; I mean, who threatened his wife-to-be just a few minutes before the wedding?

And you still want to marry him?

Well yes, yes I did. Because I knew that Trent was an amazing person. An asshole, but still an amazing person. No one was without faults, and Trent was trying to get better. He made a promise to me, and I was sure he was going to fulfill it.

“You look beautiful, did I tell you that?” Trent said all of a sudden, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

“Uh no, but thank you, I guess,” I replied. Trent calling me beautiful brought such foreign sensations in me. Maybe because I still couldn’t get over the fact that he once told me that I wasn’t perfect enough for him. I knew I had to get over it, but it would take time.

“You always look beautiful, but today, right now, you look like some heavenly creature who’s come to down to Earth, just for me,” he continued.

“Are you trying to make up for that time when you said I wasn’t perfect enough?” I enquired, ignoring the butterflies fluttering in my tummy and flying up, up to my heart and mind, making my head spin with bliss.

“No.” He took my hand in his. “I’m just telling it like it is. And I will keep telling you just how beautiful you really are for the rest of our lives.” He told me, kissing the top of my hand.

“Stop it, Trent,” I muttered. I was not used to getting compliments from him. And all of a sudden he was drowning me in them.

“I know, all those horrible things I’ve said to you have scarred your heart. But, bumbebee, I will make it better. I will heal your heart, and fix all your problems. I just want you trust me; give me that and I will give you everything in return,” he stated.

“Trusting someone does not come easy to me,” I said.

“I know, sleeping beauty; but you can trust me, your husband,” he responded.

Maybe I could do it. Maybe I could trust Trent once again. His eyes were glimmering with sincerity and love, how could I not believe him? Yes, he hurt me, but he just told me he was going to make it better. Maybe, I could trust him. Maybe, Trent and I could actually have our happy ending.

“O-Okay,” I uttered, the lone word felt like a lock on my fate.

“Okay? You will give me your trust?” Trent questioned, looking in my eyes.

I nodded. “Yes. I’ll trust you. But you know what will happen if you will break it.”

“Yes, I know.” Trent gave my hand a soft squeeze before kissing my lips. “Thank you.” As soon as he said those words, the car stopped. We had arrived at our destination.

The wedding was being held at Trent’s parents’ backyard. And it felt like I was walking in a fairyland because of the hundreds of twinkling fairylights decorating the whole yard. It shouldn’t have surprised me to see Trent’s entire family there, along with Hailey, Ingrid and April. Harry had his arm around April, while their daughter played with the twins. It was nice to know that Harry and April had gotten married; they deserved to be happy.

Trent and I stopped right in front of the priest. With a nod from Trent the priest started speaking. Throughout his talk of love and heavenly bonds, I eyed my groom and couldn’t help but smile. This man, this crazy, complicated man was now going to be my husband. He had women pining after him and he chose me. Me, the crazy, short tempered woman who always lashed out at him. He was my crazy knight in a not-so-shining armor; and I wouldn’t change him for anything.

“Yes, I do.” My train of thoughts came to a screeching halt when I heard Trent say the words.

“And do you, Amanda, take Trent as your lawful wedded husband-” I cut him off.

“Can you not go on with the sickness and in health crap, please. Yes, I do,” I said to the priest.

The priest gave me a peculiar look, while Trent chuckled along with the audience. “Alright, I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride, because I have a feeling she is a bit too eager,” the priest stated, looking at Trent.

With a grin, Trent grabbed my face and kiss me sweetly. I did not care about the hoots and hollers that were threatening to burst my eardrums, all I cared about were Trent’s lips as they glided over mine.

Making us one.


“Finally, I can fix my second problem now,” Trent said, firmly closing the door of the bedroom and locking it.

“What other problem? Are we talking to Tamara already?” I enquired, removing my shoes.

“No, bumblebee; I am talking about owning your body.” That was my only warning before Trent grabbed me and quickly unzipped my dress. Without giving my brain a chance to catch up, he slipped the dress off my body, then removed my underwear with deft fingers, before pushing me on the bed.

“Trent-” I forgot to speak when I saw my husband removing his clothes. When he was completely naked, he crawled over my body.

“Now, you belong to me. Forever. No more Jose, no more anyone else,” he stated before crushing his lips to mine.

The sex right after the wedding is supposed to be slow and sweet-love making, that’s what people called it. But Trent was an animal as he ravaged my mouth while his hands were all over my body, touching everywhere, short circuiting my brain, making me lose my mind.

When his fingers entered me, I moaned as my inner walls clenched his digits. Erotic pleasure sparked in my soul, catching fire, as Trent pumped his fingers in and out of me, his lips finally leaving mine, travelling south until they reached my breasts.

“Tre-Trent, I ca-can’t take it,” I moaned as I got closer and closer to orgasm.

“You can and you will.” Abruptly removing his fingers, Trent lined his thick, hot length at my entrance before pushing in. His movements were so fast and so sudden, and the way his mouth was sucking and nipping at my breats, made it difficult for my brain to figure out exactly what it was that he was doing.

“Trent, slow down…I-I ca-can’t han-handle it.” I told him.

“Get used to it. I’ve waited a long time, no more, shady, no more.” With a swift thrust, Trent slid inside me, causing my back to arch off the bed; he placed his hand on my chest, keeping me in place as he begun pumping in and out of me.

His fast pace only served to push me towards my orgasm even faster. My body and mind were not one as Trent pumped harder and faster inside me, pushing me over the edge. I screamed as I came hard, my body trembling as my orgasm caused stars to appear before my eyes.

“You are mine now, and don’t you ever forget it.” With a loud grunt, Trent stilled on top of me, and a second later, I felt his seed splashing inside me, bathing me, marking me.

For a while, I was lost in a sea of sensations; my mind, trying to understand what just happened with me. I never thought Trent would be aggressive in bed, but he proved me wrong yet again. Had I made a mistake? Was marrying him a mistake? Because it felt like an entirely different person was fucking me.

“Wh-What was that?” I asked after I got my voice back.

“That was me telling you who owns you now. You dared to give yourself to Jose, that is something I was making you pay for, and will continue to do so in the future as well,” he replied.

“Why? That was my past,” I argued.

“Jose took what was meant to be mine, and you gave it to him. I don’t care if it was your past. You fucked him and then you live with him in the same apartment, I will not accept that,” he stated.

“You are being irrational. That was one night, one. And I didn’t even know you then. You can’t hold it against me, Trent,” I seethed. If this was how he was going to be than I really had made a mistake in marrying him.

“No, I can’t, but I had to let you know who you belonged to now, and I had to make sure that you will forget every other man before me.” With a soft smile, Trent leaned down and kissed my cheek and then my lips before lying down besides me. Throwing a possessive arm over me, Trent pulled me close. “I love you so much, my dear wife.”

His words fucked with my mind. Exactly what was he trying to say? Did he really love me, or was this marriage a way to extract revenge?

Oh God, I hope marrying him was not a mistake.

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