The Bride

Chapter 38

You deserve another chance in your heart or in your life, but I want to be a father again.”

After he finished speaking, he smiled softly at me. “Thank you for loving the twins.”

He stroked my hair and listened to my heartbeat.

‘I’m sorry, I was scared. I think I made the right choice.” It crashed again.

‘Shhh…” he whispered. “It was my fault too.”

he whispered after a while.

“I have a picture of him on my phone.

I miss you.”

He was silent for a few seconds. “I hope we can get him back, Cassie.”

“Know”. I said softly.

“Is she blonde?”

I said yes and left. – Okay, I want to see you.

I smiled softly as I picked up the phone.

“Damn, I’m nervous just looking at the pictures.”

he said sitting on the bed. And I sat next to him with a smile on my face. I showed her a picture of Mrs. Rodriguez taking me to the hospital after I gave birth. He looked at the picture for a long time with a sad smile mixed with guilt.

– I’ll make you a coffee. I got up and gave him some alone time. A few minutes later I returned.

“How was that?” – he asked when I entered the room. “Are you pregnant and single?” Before I asked what it meant, he added.

“It’s terrible.” I gave him coffee and sat by the bed. IT

I told him about being in Cuba. As I was about to end the conversation, his ringtone lit up the room. He answered the phone and went out on the balcony. Later he returned with a smile. ‘We’re bringing back Kayla. We are working hard to get our daughter back!

“How?” I stood up and asked, dripping coffee onto the table. ‘I just talked to a lawyer and the opportunity came up because you gave up on the adoption without my consent. You have a chance, Cassie.

“God, really?”

I jumped and he picked me up off the ground and turned me around with a smile of pure happiness. I laughed too. As the laughter died down, he sat me down and put his hands on my waist and hands on my chest. He pulled me closer to him and leaned against my face. He kissed my lips softly and I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. It took a few seconds to break the kiss.

– I’m sorry for what I did to you.

“I don’t want to talk about the past, so let’s put it all back for the sake of the kids.”

He smiled at me and nodded. “I have to check on Kaiden.” I leaned back and moaned.

When I woke up, it was very sunny outside. Tristan wasn’t in bed and I looked around to see him sitting on the balcony drinking coffee. I followed him to the balcony in a hotel jacket, with the skin up to the waist and the body left with the shirt off. “Hey,” I nudged him and he returned with a soft smile.

– I woke you up?

he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. – No, it’s almost 11 o’clock.

He leaned down and kissed me briefly.

“My lawyer is coming here and we’re going back to work.”

– Okay, I’ll take a quick shower.

I had breakfast and waited downstairs for his lawyer. A few minutes later, a white car entered the ramp and a thin man got out. His dark hair is pulled back and his black sweater with a red collar matches his gray suit. He smiled at us as he approached us with a small woman trying to catch up with his big steps. He pressed his white lips against Mk.

handbag. „Andre”.

Tristan smiled at her.

– Don’t you want me to keep you waiting? “OK, let’s go.”

Dr. Aracelli was not pleased to see us, but after Andrew showed her the court letter, she couldn’t follow us. The meeting didn’t last as long as expected.

“Now what?” Tristan asked after we left the building. “We will meet again after waiting for the couple to respond to their agency’s email,” he explained.


– Maybe a few days.

It took the couple a week to respond to the letter. The adoption agency called us when they arrived. flight

In the two years of nervousness on the road, Tristan saw her for the first time. I looked at him as he tapped his ass with my fingers and pursed his lower lip anxiously.

“Are you ready?” I whispered. “Yeah, I’m a little nervous, but I can’t wait.”

I smiled at him and leaned back in my chair, wondering how he looked now.

I entered the building with his lawyer, followed by his curious secretary. I held Tristan’s hand as I was escorted to the office. Dr. Arachelli smiled at us when we entered the office, and I looked for the little girl with my eyes, but I couldn’t find her. I looked around again but stopped when the snow fell on a pair.


What was your sister doing here? “Sir?”

What was your sister doing here?

Ciara turned and looked at me with the same horror on her face. “Chloe?”

“It’s a joke.” said the angry girl.

– Do you know each other? asked the doctor. Araceli looks between us. – No, – he answered in front of me.

You can say yes.

Is Ciara adopted? Should I be happy or should I be sad?

“Know? I will take this case

Take it to court and let the jury decide whose decision it is.

Are you more worthy to be a parent? – he said

and stood up

“Let’s go, Darren.” He frowned and looked at Tristan behind me.

Before she ran off with a black man, I thought he was her husband. I didn’t even know he was married.

I wasn’t surprised by his reaction. We haven’t spoken in three years. Ciara, I called him and followed him outside. Tristan and his lawyer followed me. – Can you stop and listen to me? I screamed.

God, I left the building. ‘What do you want? Haven’t you heard from me yet?

he said I couldn’t understand it anymore. She knew everything that happened to Tristan was a lie, but she never apologized or regretted what she did.

‘Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you?’

he asked as he approached.

“Maybe you should ask your mom and dad and know you’ll never get her back.”

“Where is he?” Tristan asked, stepping forward. “I have him, Tristan.” I told him

“What are you doing?” I asked my husband to look too lost. “I’ll explain everything to you in the car, I promise.”

she told him with a smile.

“Please, whatever you do to me, don’t touch my daughter.”

This was not the aunt I grew up with. The older sister I grew up with was so nice that I got annoyed at times.

“My mother never said I would give birth to twins, but what about my daughter?”

“I gave birth to twins in Cuba. I got one and gave the other up for adoption.

“You are such a wonderful mother.” he snapped Tristan said defensively.

“The story about you and your family using her in some sort of experiment, I know the story.”

“We want to take it back,” I said. Beneath the cold-blooded man, I hoped a good man would look at me. “He rejoices with us and we love him like blood. You just can’t show up.

Take it one day at a time, it won’t happen

That’s how it works!”

‘Do you want to hear what I have?


‘I don’t want to know your reason.

Can the jury tell you why?

Leave your daughter behind when we meet in court.”

– You don’t have to, Ciara.

‘We both know the truth. Sister, Maddie would be better off without you. He deserves a safe home. You’ll never be a good mother, Chloe. Once the judge finds out who you are and what kind of psychopath you’re dating, you’ll never see him again.”

he threatened I clenched my hands into fists to keep from hitting him.

‘I would feel sorry for the other twins if I changed my mind….

Give up adoption, you know?

Where can you find me?”

– he said smiling. “Come on honey.” He took Darren’s hand and left.

– And! I called but he ignored me. I heard “Okay, that’s not true”

Andrew says:

“What the?” I asked to return my body for an explanation. “If your sister takes this to court, you will never see your daughter again. You cannot be a responsible parent…

he explained “They get here first so talk to your sister before it’s too late.”

he told me

“I’ll do my best if I can. Have a nice day.”

“Thank you, Andrew.” He shook his secretary’s hand before leaving. Tristan murmured.

“I call my parents, and they are my last hope now.”

He said and picked up his phone. I have everything. Explanation

parents go home We all agreed to meet in Seattle, where Ciara lives, and we were able to convince her to drop the case. When I entered the hotel room, my legs were shaking. I heard Tristan moaning in pain behind me and turned to see him hanging from where he was shot. ‘Is the needle open? I was scared.

“No, I didn’t take any medicine. I’ll be fine.”

He tried to pass me but I stopped him.

“Let me see,” he said first. He took off his shirt and sat down on the leather couch. I checked her sewing as I sat next to her. – Why do you think he hates you? he asked me quietly.

“I really don’t know. She was mad at me for ruining Sophia’s relationship with her cousin.”

“I don’t think I’m over my feelings for her yet.”

“I’m married, Tristan.”

I said not to laugh. “I never thought I’d cut your hair.” He whispered as if trying to understand why I was doing this.

“It’s less stressful.” I shrugged. He looked at my face and smiled as if he had a lot to say.

I have to drink the medicine, he stood up and said. – Okay, I’ll be in the bathroom.


We decided to meet the parents at Seattle Tacoma International Airport.

We drove separately to Ciara’s house. When the car in front of us pulled into the driveway, I felt a strange feeling.

The car stopped in front of a white duplex. Kayla was here and ten feet away. Tristan and I shared strained smiles. “everything will be fine.” My mother reassured me with a gentle smile.

When we reached the beautiful porch, my father called. Footsteps were heard before the door opened.

“Mother? “Father?” Ciara cried out in surprise and Tristan got mad at us. “Okay, I’m here for you. Why am I not surprised?”

– Ciaara, please. Mom stepped forward and said. “Why are you doing this?” – I asked my mother. ‘It’s always about Chloe, isn’t it? My luck doesn’t matter. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter who wants to take everything from me and you always support her, golden boy”.

Before my mother could say anything, I approached her. – Golden boy? I was shocked and laughed.

‘You were always the golden boy Ciara, the perfect girl. Mom and Dad didn’t always want me.

‘Well, not for mom and dad. You were always their precious daughter. After they kicked you out, I didn’t see you. My mom didn’t even know when I was leaving for Seattle. The idea is that you can come back for the child you gave up for adoption, rather than being their favorite. I just want to be happy, and Maddie is part of that. “You can’t just take it, it’s not fair.”

she said tearfully.

“I’m sorry. I wish things were different.” I said with tears. ‘Hey, I know how you feel. Your sister decided not to tell the baby’s father, and now she wants it back, so she wants it. Please don’t take him away from his parents and twin sisters.

Dad said softly.

“All my fault, I made you like this.” cried the mother “Mom, don’t cry.” Ciara said and walked out of the house. She grabbed my hand and hugged me and my dad joined in the hug. They all turned their backs on me when I didn’t move.

“Come on.” he told me I smiled and joined the hug.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. I said I’m sorry too, wiping away my tears.

“I’m not going to sue.” He told me when he left. – But I can’t give you back your daughter. I love him very much. You can’t take it from us.

He sniffed his nose. Darren appeared in the doorway holding a little girl. Her little hair was nestled in her blonde hair, tears wet her chubby cheeks and her blue eyes looked at us. Tristan walked past Ciara in front of me at Darren’s.

“Wait, she’s still my friend.” Ciara intervened. Tristan’s patience was on a thin thread and he could only look at Kayla but he couldn’t reach her.

“Can I be patient?” – he begged. “It’s all yours.” Darren left the house and gave it to Tristan.

– Hey, princess.

Tristan smiled softly at her and kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly. We all laughed and moved closer.

“Hey, Kai.” I whispered. “Don’t worry, I got it.”

She rested her head on his chest.

“She’s my daughter, you can’t take her away from me.”

Ciara cried.

It broke my heart to see her like this. I wish things were different. I was responsible for all the confusion. ‘Hey, we have to let him go. You gave it away because your sister didn’t want it.

I couldn’t take care of her and her twins. “She’ll be sick and I’ll have triplets again.” Darren said as he hugged her and cried.

“He’s your nephew. You can see him whenever you want.” I said. “I will return all the money I paid for the adoption,” Tristan said.

‘Okay, we don’t need money. She will remain our grandchild and daughter.”

Darren said as he cried, stroking Ciara’s head.

“Thank you. I know how hard you are right now.” Tristan said. “So you have papers to confirm the adoption?”

Darren asked.

Ciara refused to see us and I know how hard it is to let her go. I knew he didn’t know 100%

Let’s go. But he left Darren alone.

– I’ll ask the lawyer.

“I still hate you, Tristan.”

Shiara said. “I know, I deserve it.” He answered.

“Can I at least say goodbye?” Ciara asked as she broke away from Darren. “Sure.” Tristan and I answered.

The two went to where Tristan was. – Hey, Mardi.

He smiled and whispered. “I miss you.”

Darren said, caressing her cheek. “Your brother will be very happy to see you,” Ciara said.

“Look” everyone kissed him

and stepped back. – I’m in the car. Tristan spoke to them and headed for the car.

I turned and looked at my sister, Darren was strangely cute but seemed like a good person. Her caramel skin matched her dark curls and brown eyes.

– One day you will have children too, Ciara.

– No, I can’t have children.

She talked to me and cried more and I didn’t know what to say to her. Hearing these words, my heart ached and I came closer and hugged him.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

I whispered not knowing if I should ask him what happened. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way. I’m so glad you figured it out and I’m glad you like it. Please take care of him.

I said.

Tristan smiled as he looked at the car holding Kayla as we drove. “He looks a lot like him.” – he said with a slight smile. “Yes.” I nodded. “I can’t wait to see the other twins. They’re waiting here.” He went home and I turned to Darren. “Then when did you get married?” “last year.”

Ciara turned around before I could ask her another question.

“Here’s what you need.”

I packed my Hello Kitty bag with diapers, baby wipes, blankets and warm milk. – Wow, thanks.

“I’m going to Beverly Hills next month.”

“I will be waiting.”

We hugged one last time before I left. My parents decided to stay and leave the next day. I waved to Darren before getting into the car.

– I think we are both fine now.

“Yes.” As I drove, I smiled back at my sister. It was nice to blow off some steam between us.

I smiled at her and Kayla was already asleep. – That was fast.

I said, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

“The last time I saw him, he was very small.”

I said with tears. “I promise to be the best mother in the future.”

I whispered and kissed his head.

Kayla slept the entire flight and woke up on the way home. – Hi, Kay.

I said with a soft smile but he looked away and moved closer to Tristan’s chest.

“He hates me.” I frowned. “Calm down, he’s still trying to get used to the new faces around him.”

Tristan said gently caressing my hand.

I took a deep breath as I climbed the stairs to Sanchester Castle. I don’t understand how everyone feels about this. I rang the doorbell and the maid opened it immediately. He had a big smile on his face when he greeted us.

“amazed!!!” I heard immediately.

he entered the living room. “Welcome home Kyla!!!” of Tristan

The family shouted with great joy.

Adrian and Bina holding balloons

with various Disney images

Princess. I looked around

Other room decor.


“Your parents called us and told us everything and we were very happy to see him,” he said. Sanchester said he was on his way to where we are.

“It is so cute.” Nana said. Kayle clings to Tristan.

“Are there new faces?” Tristan whispered to her. As soon as Nora saw us, she let go of Kaden and went inside.


He screamed and ran towards us.

When I saw Tristan holding Kyla. “Hi sweety.”

I picked her up off the floor and kissed her on the cheek and she smiled and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

“It will take time to get used to the new face and it’s a long flight.”

He explained to everyone. I turned to see Kaiden looking at his sister and smiled noticing her looking back.

“Greetings to your sister.”

“Hello.” She said smiling and it was the first time I’d seen her smile since I became Kayla. It’s been a week since we got back and Kayla knows everyone except Kayden and Tristan.

He is very boisterous around them, especially Kayden.

They came together quickly and we had a lot of time when we had a chance and it’s been so good so far. It was Wednesday night and I finished making milk for my twins who woke up crying in the middle of the night.

I yawned as I climbed the stairs. I heard the twins in Tristan’s room and thought they were sleeping.

I opened the door to see them jumping on the bed and screaming and Tristan sleeping next to them. I thought I was going to sleep, so I went inside and closed the door.

– Okay, it’s time for bed.

I tried to grab Kaiden’s hand but he laughed and ran and Kayla laughed harder and followed. They ran to Tristan when they saw me coming and they really liked it. Tristan woke up when Cayden fell on top of him. – Come on, bread. Tristan caught them both.

– Go to bed, mom, I’m tired.

He took them closer and they stayed

Sit quietly next to him. I sighed in relief and turned to leave. “cash.” Tristan caught me and called me. “Yes?”

“Come here.”

He tapped on the empty chair next to the twins.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

I went to bed and lay next to the twins. They were still awake, but silent.

Tristan kissed their heads and quickly kissed my lips. “Sleep well. I love you.” She said turning off the lights.

I went to Morris the next day and he liked it better. I miss him so much and can’t wait for him to make a full recovery.

I went to the police station to find out about the woman. When someone came to pick up Potter’s body, I was surprised no one came.

I knew it wasn’t there. I immediately went to talk to Tristan about Mrs. Potter’s funeral arrangements. On Saturday morning I invited my neighbors and some family members to join the lady.

Potter’s funeral. I said it in my heart, and when I finished I couldn’t hold back the tears.

The next week was going well, I felt like my life was over and I felt like I was on the right track. Spending time with the children helped Tristan heal.

All the scars of the past and honestly it felt like a new beginning to me.

Now Kayla is comfortable with everyone, but she always wanted to be with Kaiden. I cried the first time I called, mom.

Tristan said he travels a lot and is looking for a new home. Tuesday night he took me to see my new house. He wanted to know what I was thinking before buying a house.

It was only minutes from Sanchester Castle. “I was here.”

I stopped in front of a three-story mansion with a large fountain. The garden was as wide as a field. “Wow… that’s big”

I looked at the size and said.

“You love the interior, let’s go.”

I approached the door and looked around, then opened the door and entered. “Oh my goodness!”

I was choked up when I saw my friends and family and they all smiled at me.

I read the letters they had. Yes. The roses, balloons and decorations were beautiful.

I looked at Tristan with a diamond ring on one knee. “Will you marry me, Cassandra?”

“Will you marry me, Cassandra?”

I was speechless for a moment as I tried to process what had happened.

Did Tristan propose? He wanted me to marry him and he wanted me to be his wife. I’m ready? The room was quiet and I felt everyone’s eyes turn to my back. Tristan’s Adam’s apple twitched nervously as he waited for my answer. There was no denying the fact, but even though I hated him, I still had feelings for him.

“Yes.” I said smiling. Everyone cheered from behind and Tristan was delighted and relieved at the same time.


he whispered a little surprised. “Yes.” I nodded and said.

Tears run down the corners of your eyes.

He put the ring on lightly and kissed her finger. He got up and came and took both of my hands.

“I promise you the best father and the most loving and loving husband Cassie.”

he said softly. – Kiss me already! cried Bina.

“I love you.”

Before I could speak, he kissed me. It was a gentle kiss with many meanings and various emotions.

It put a smile on my face as we stopped to kiss and everyone clapped behind us. “I love.”

I whispered with a soft smile.

he kissed my head and put his hand on it

around me. I hugged her again and enjoyed the warmth of her body. I could hear his heart beating.

Was he that nervous?

We’ve moved, but not completely. Tristan put his arms around me and we went to the other people.

Before I said yes, Daniel and Jane joked about my long silence. I chatted with a few people before cutting the cake my mother had baked.

Everyone had a bite and I had a big champagne toast. We all sat in a circle on the shiny floor.

The house was still new and had no furniture. I laughed when my mom told everyone about the prank I used to drop out of school when I was little. I couldn’t stand it when I saw my first year classmates blaming themselves for not being able to solve maths.

board problem. It was embarrassing, but it was nice to see everyone smiling. I sat between my legs and watched Kayla eat the cake I gave her.

His mouth and hands got dirty from the cake. I turned and looked at Cayden sitting between Tristan’s legs. He tried to remove Tristan’s watch from his wrist. I frowned at Vina, who decided to tell everyone that I tried to drown my neighbor’s dog for homework.

“I was nine years old and it took me hell to solve that math problem.” I shouted and everyone looked at me. Jane shared a funny story from her childhood. I looked at Adrian. He sat down next to Veena, looking at her as if smiling at something.

Jane said.

He smiled and took a sip from the flute. I knew Veena liked it too.

But he hid it well.

I turned to see Kayla rubbing her shirt with dirty hands. – Don’t do that, honey.

I took her hand and whispered as I got up and went to the kitchen to clean her up.

The restaurant was spacious and beautiful. I took Kayla to the sink, placed her on the counter, and turned on the faucet.

Tristan came in while I was wiping his mouth. – Shall I show you the house?

– Yes, I don’t feel like my bottom is on the floor.

We went home with the twins.

It was bigger than I thought and there were 8 rooms.

After we finished our tour we sat on the spacious balcony. “Then we take it?”

he asked, looking at the amazing view from where we were standing. It was really great.

He suggested it here and I always wanted to remember him. Anyway, I liked the house.


The twins ran to the fence. Cayden tried to push his head into a small space above the railing while Kayla jumped excitedly at the bird. “thanks.” Tristan said softly.

“For what?”

“Yes, accept my wife,…

In exchange for being the mother of my children, spend the rest of your life with me…”

– Tristan. I said to shut him up. “I know what it’s like to say yes.”

– I said he smiled softly.

We joined the kids at the fence and enjoyed the scenery together. The party was tonight and it had been three weeks since Tristan proposed.

I didn’t want a big wedding, I invited friends and family. Ciara arrived yesterday and wants to see her tonight.

– Yes, when is the wedding?

He quickly asked to change the subject. ‘We decided to get married because we wanted to get married before winter came.

Early in the season, Tristan’s birthday. – That’s great. Why?

‘He hates birthdays and bad memories. I want him to do a good, memorable and respectable job.”

We discussed the wedding arrangements and set a date for the bachelor party.

We got dressed 20 minutes before the party and Vina was wearing a red satin dress.

A person who embraces their own body. it was short

V-shaped neck, hair

Beautiful ponytail.

I wore a spaghetti strap sequin evening dress and an A-line floor length. Veena braided a part of my hair and wrapped it nicely.

‘You are more beautiful than I thought. I must be a stylist.

– he said looking at my face.

“I should be credited.”

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