The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance)

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

I relax so fast it’s unearthly and that sense of ‘you did it this time, you idiot’ comes over me as my face curls into a wicked grin aimed the slimy arseholes way.

‘Tyler … Long-time no see.’ That smooth fake charm in Alexi’s voice that I know is concealing an evil reaction to seeing this smug arse harassing me. Everything Alexi is, he won’t ever tolerate someone threatening me or insulting me; especially not in his club.

He slides a hand around my waist gently, welcomingly for once, and moves me aside, so he can get past to the object of his focus. Sliding bodily as he brushes by me, and it instils in me a complete sense of calm—Alexi in control and standing between me and the prick who was trying to ruin my night.

I can’t fault him when he sweeps in as my hero once again.

‘Mr Carrero … just catching up with an old friend.’ Tyler looks instantly nervous, knowing his place in the hierarchy, and I can see the wheels and cogs turning in desperation. He’s not sure if Alexi heard his foul behaviour or exactly what I am to the man, so he’s worried he just pissed off one of the big boys and is about to get bitch slapped. Alexi just walks right to him, unfazed by the show of submission as Tyler recoils a little, losing height and face as he turns into a scared little bunny.

‘So I see … Your tie is uneven, can’t have that, allow me.’ Alexi slides his hands around Tyler’s tie, his body blocking most of what he’s doing from view of the rest of the club. He slowly takes hold of the fabric in a firm grasp with two hands and makes a show of fixing it and tightening a little upward. I watch with complete confusion at this strange manoeuvre, even for him, it’s odd; Right until he tightens his hold and slides the knot right up to Tyler’s throat, very severely, so he goes instantly bug-eyed and mouth gags at the shocked reaction. Tyler chokes and makes a weird gasping movement, but knows better than to raise his hands and try to cause a scene or fight back.

Alexi makes it impossible to swallow or breathe and keeps a firm grip on the knot around his neck cruelly, the devil in him getting a kick for inflicting suffering. He is semi strangling him and moves in so

he’s nose to nose in the most intimidating of ways. My heart flutters as it dawns on me this was a planned nasty move, and he is very much my pissed off Rottweiler at the moment.

‘That’s better … Can’t have you looking untidy. I mean, you do represent a dear friend of mine and you are his guest in my establishment.’ Alexi’s voice is laced with over-friendly sarcasm and I can pick up the hints of crazy in that tone. Towering closely over Tyler, barely a hair’s breadth from touching him and I move in too, flanking him so he’s concealed even more. Even I know you don’t mess with another kingpin’s sidekick; even if he does insult your hostess right here under your nose, and Alexi is making a bold move by pulling up his friend’s minion like this. I shield him so he’s hidden from view and glance around to make sure no one’s looking. Jones is watching us, and he too moves to stand further back down the hall and hides us from the rest of the room by blocking the entrance, motioning one of his men to come stand beside him.

I knew I liked him as head of security for a reason.

‘Umm Mr … Um Carr … err … o’ Tyler tries to get it out, obviously choking as his face turns puce and is helpless to fight back, gasping and trembling all over. Not that I would suggest it, because Alexi stands over him by a foot and outsizes him in every way. He would kick his butt right back to the hood without breaking a sweat.

I can’t help feeling a little smug as I watch this. Alexi’s shoulder rounds slightly as he lowers himself down to the other man’s height, and I move in as close as I dare to hide him from prying eyes. My hands come to rest on his strong spine and muscular back so he knows I am flanking him; Nervous that someone might spot this and alert Tyler’s boss. I don’t know what would happen to Alexi if they did, and even if I sometimes hate him, I don’t want him hurt—especially not for protecting me.

‘I don’t ever want to see you near her again. Not a look, a breath or a fucking step in her direction. EVER! AGAIN! She is someone you should always respect, no matter where you see her. She’s with me and always will be, and I am not someone you ever want to piss off. Not when it comes to her. I

lose all sense of reason. Do you understand me, Tyler?’ Alexi’s tone is low, the psycho intimidating way he has of talking that just turns blood to ice and kills any doubt that he might not be serious. His words have an impact on my thundering heart and I don’t know what to make of them really.

Tyler visibly pales, still gasping for breath as Alexi takes one long slow look at him and prolongs his feeling of death by asphyxiation. Everything around me tenses and I’m not sure he won’t actually let him suffocate if I’m being honest. I begin to panic that maybe he will stand here choking him until that happens. I know it’s within him to be that ruthless and cold.

Tyler’s hands start twitching as self-preservation fights to the top, body in panic mode because he has no air flow anymore, but Alexi just pats his cheek like he’s a puppy and smiles before he finally lets him go. Adding another layer to threat and insult and making a point that Tyler is well beneath him.

I think I let out a breath of relief as much as Tyler does.

Tyler gasps and he immediately rushes to loosen his own tie frantically, taking a huge breath dramatically; Coughing, gasping, eyes popping out of his skull. It’s pathetic, and tears fill his eyes as colour starts returning to normal on his skin. He’s visibly shaken and struggling to regain some composure without making a further fool of himself.

Alexi pats his shoulder coolly, in an over-friendly way, harshly enough that he knocks him over slightly and smooths down the little imp’s jacket with a calm demeanour. No hints of the veiled psycho he just spat out at this man now. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Nice suit … My driver has one just like it.’ He smiles at him evilly, overkill of nice tone, another slap on the shoulder that sends Tyler reeling sideways to scarper out of the way properly. Alexi towers over him by more than a head and makes him look like the weaselly little shithead he is.

‘Yeah, thanks, Mr Carrero.’ Tyler starts trying to get away by pressing himself to the wall and sliding past me, in a bid to keep distance and get away from Satan. There’s real fear on that rancid face and I

swell with a sense of good mood and smug satisfaction; warming a little to my dickhead hero for sometimes being a complete psycho. First time I guess I have seen the benefit of it. Well, maybe not the first.

I can’t help but smile genuinely at Alexi when he turns back to me, hands sliding away from him now the drama is over and letting all my tension follow Tyler back to where he came from. Alexi, however, seems momentarily uneasy and smiles back with a hint of strangeness in his expression—Unreadable again.

‘Don’t take any shit from minions … You’re a part of my empire. If he bothers you, tell Jackson to shoot him in the face.’ I know it’s a joke, maybe, but it’s the way he says it which makes me giggle stupidly. Completely out of place, and for a moment I forget that he’s an evil succubus that drains me of happiness at every turn and shake my head at him.

‘I shall … With pleasure.’ It’s a genuine warm tone and a warmer smile from me. We do a weird silent look at one another, and then away type of thing, awkwardness stiflingly heavy between us suddenly. A strange tension in the air that crackles, and my insides loop de loop in response. It’s hard to decipher the emotion in how he looks at me, before his face falls completely serious and all ounces of softness disappear in the blink of an eye.

‘Get back to work; I don’t pay you to stand about.’ He snaps it, almost angrily.

Just like that, the bubble bursts and I remember that Alexi IS and always will be a complete wanker. I glare at him in response to the complete U-turn in his mood.

‘Charming … Go choke on your brunettes,’ I snap back and turn on my heel to walk away from him. Refusing to stand here and have another insult tossing battle when I am trying to remain composed as queen of the club. I don’t need this right now.

Scolded by the change and bruised that he just went from hero to idiot in under zero point five seconds.

‘I will thanks.’ Alexi throws back and walks off towards his little party once more. Oozing hostility and I just don’t get why he had to turn back into a prick after a moment of genuine something between us.

I know I am the one who threw the insult, but it bites when I watch him slide down into a seat and two girls immediately flank him to try their luck at pawing and clawing him. I look away and shake my head, swallowing down the lump that hits my throat; Eyes instantly stinging with immediate tears, cutting my soul to pieces, and just try to not let him see that it still gets to me. The longer I am around him in this place the more it bothers me, even though I shouldn’t care. He can still hurt me so easily.

I tell myself to turn around and look. One, to show him it doesn’t get to me, and two, to show myself what a slut he is and remind myself why I should never fall for him again. Mentally strengthen my resolve to get over him once and for all.

I turn slowly, cautiously, heart pounding through my chest and steel myself ready for the eye assault of him and his half-naked escorts. Knowing it is going to hurt.

Except Alexi is women free, and two smack faced looking wenches are sulking and walking away from him moodily as though they just got their marching orders and I blanch; Surprised, considering he is the one who asked for these hoes all night.

I catch his eyes for a second, glancing at me, and we meet across the room. It’s a long pause of intensity that makes me tingle all the way down to my toes and I swear, for a second, I see a flicker of mirrored pain in his expression. Alexi is the first to look away. He picks up his drink and then moves back to turn towards the man beside him and blanks my presence.

I pull myself back together, mentally shaking the stupid out of me that’s trying to dissect what it meant.

I need to stop torturing myself over this man, go back to walking the floor, and do my best to ignore him for the rest of the night. Otherwise, I will lose the hold I have over my sanity once more.

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