The CEO Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter Eighteen; Hickeys


The next day, I woke up feeling lightheaded. Soft rays of sunlight filter through the blinds of the open window, caressing my face and stirring me awake.

I drowsily rose from the bed, a small yawn escaping my lips as I stretched my limbs.

I slumped back on the bed, my bones aching with fatigue as I combed my hair with my fingers.

I freeze in place as I notice the bandages around my wrists, my eyes widening in realization as the events of last night dawn upon me.

Memories of the previous night clouded my mind.

“You are a lot prettier with my cock deep in you…”

My cheeks flared up, and my mouth fell open in shock.

Yesterday…I had sex for the first time…

With the CEO…..

I lost my virginity…. to my boss….

“Oh my gosh.” I gasped, burying my face in my hands. “Oh my fucking gosh.”

I remembered it all, the ravenous look in his eyes, his tantalizing touch, his velvet voice praising me. It was all etched in my mind, reminding me that it was indeed real and not a dream.

Straightening up, I looked down at myself, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth as my eyes traced every single hickey and mark he’d inflicted on me.

Yup. It wasn’t a dream.

I raised my gaze, looking around the room, looking for him. The room was empty, devoid of his presence, but his scent lingered in the sheets and I wondered if he’d spent the night by my side.

After my sensational release, I passed out right there, and whatever happened after that would forever remain a mystery to me.

Shifting my gaze to my wrists, I silently examine the bandages, my fingers skimming through the fabric. I don’t know what came over me last night, neither did I ever fathom having such a wild attitude. It was a side of myself I had just recently discovered, one that left me questioning my own identity.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Still, the thought of him carrying me to the bed, tending to my wounds, and making sure I was comfortable made my heart go crazy in my chest. I looked towards the vacant space on the bed beside me, reaching out to feel any warmth.

But there was none, maybe he’d left right after I had gone to bed. I couldn’t imagine him sleeping beside me, that was asking for way too much. Even so, I let myself think he’d cradled me in his arms, whispering sweet nothings to lure me to sleep.

I was being delusional again, and I knew it, but who wouldn’t be? Who wouldn’t want more from such a man?

The image of his genuine smile flashes in my mind, and butterflies tickle my stomach, wrestling with logical reasoning.

Luke Graham was indeed a dangerous man, drawing me in like a moth drawn to open flame. But I knew better than to swoon, if not, I would get burnt, carrying scars that would last a lifetime.

He had offered to help me complete my bucket list, and I had agreed to be his new plaything. Our relationship was transactional, a communal relationship based on the benefits of one another.

I would be a fool to attach any sentiments to it.

A fool to fall for a man like him.

Later that morning, I was ushered out of the hotel by one of the staff, they had gotten direct orders from the CEO to see me home safely. It was a basic formality, but it made me wonder, how many women had graced his bed. And was he always so kind to give them such treatment?

Back in the hotel room, I had also found a bag containing new clothes and a pair of comfortable shoes, all of which were exactly my size.

And so fucking expensive too.

It was strange, but I took it as part of the deal of being his lover.

Or mistress? I didn’t know what category I fell into. Maybe a sexual partner? That made more sense to me.

As I walked into my apartment, Chelsea tackled me as she leaped into the air in excitement. I chuckled as I caught her in my arms, my giggles transiting into full laughter as her fur tickled my cheeks.

“Have you missed me, baby?” I ask her, nuzzling my nose with hers and she meowed in agreement.

Chelsea settles in my arms as I move to the kitchen, juggling the bags that held my dress, shoes, purse, and award.

I vividly remember leaving my purse back at the table with my colleagues, but when I left the hotel, the staff politely handed it to me.

Chelsea jumps to the kitchen counter as I pour myself a glass of water, letting my mind replay the events of the fateful night over and over again.

The CEO had the body of those famous sculpted Greek gods, rippling with defined muscles in all the right places.

Everything about him made him a walking sex magnet, pulsating with daunting sexual appeal.

It was surreal, but damn I was glad he was my first because I wasn’t sure if there was anyone else who could match his fiery intensity.

Goosebumps littered my skin as the heavenly sensations remained as clear as day, and I quickly poured another glass of water, finishing it in one gulp as I tried to douse the fire of arousal that tried to claw its way into my body.

it was not enough, so I resorted to splashing my face with water instead, but my cheeks were still flaming hot.

All these while, Chelsea watched me with her head tilted to the side in confusion, probably questioning my mental state.

Work would resume in the next few days, rounding up the events following the Gala.

The CEO had left without any clear indication of what I should expect. How am I supposed to act around him while at work? What are the terms of our entangled relationship? And where do we draw the line?

Would he contact me soon or would I have to wait till whenever he wants me?

These questions continued to roam in my mind, and I anxiously waited for the day our paths would cross again.

But I couldn’t help but feel like I was forgetting something.

I wonder what it could be.


“Aurelia!” As soon as I step into the studio, I’m engulfed by the sturdy yet slim hands of Olivia. Kendall laughs in the background, stepping forward to peel her away from me.

“Gosh! Where were you? you suddenly disappeared at the Gala.” She exclaims, moving to stand beside Kendall who nods his head in agreement.

“Seriously though, we could have had a blast together.” He added, and I let out an awkward chuckle, trying to come up with a viable excuse for my absence.

I told them about the VIP lounge, leaving out the part where I lost my virginity to our boss.

“Damn, that’s some fancy shit.” Kendall says, shaking his head as he moves back to his workspace.

“A bit of a heads-up would’ve been nice though, some of us waited all night to see the star designer.” He adds, his lips curving into a knowing smile.

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously, and Olivia did the honor of answering me.

“Caspian waited all night for you Auri.” She explains solemnly and my breath catches in my throat as realization dawns upon me.

Shit! That was what I forgot about!

“Aurelia.” I stood frozen in my spot as a familiar voice reached my ears, instantly felt anxious as he appeared behind me.

I turned to him, plastering a small smile on my face to hide my uneasiness.

Caspian’s hand clasped mine, his eyes imploring. “Can we talk for a minute? Privately?”

Nodding, I glance toward Kendall and Olivia. Kendall offers me a playful wink while Olivia gives a subtle thumbs up, and I instantly feel guilty for receiving their support.

“Sure Caspian,” I replied softly, my heart clenching at the relief that washes over his features. I followed him into a small meeting room, the walls lined with sketches and fabric samples.

What exactly was I going to say to him?

That I’ve found a better partner?

How can I say such a thing without injuring our friendship?

Despite my mental struggle, I braced myself for a confrontation as soon as the door clicked shut, but instead, Caspian’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. The warmth of his body was familiar, yet suddenly felt foreign.

I felt absolutely nothing, no butterflies, no spark. Nothing.

“I was so worried about you,” he murmured, his breath tickling my ear.

I stood stiffly, my hands hovering awkwardly over his back. I wanted to return the hug, to offer some comfort, but my body wouldn’t comply. The memory of the Gala, of the CEO’s touch, clouded my senses.

“Did you see my calls and messages?” Caspian pulled back slightly, searching my face for an answer.

Confusion furrowed my brow. “I… no, I didn’t see anything.” I genuinely hadn’t. The only messages I got were congratulatory texts from Olivia and the rest of my team, but I didn’t see any from him.

“I wanted us to celebrate your win together.” He added, his eyes hooded with heavy emotion as he reached out to caress my cheeks, but I didn’t lean into his touch. “To show just how proud I was of my woman.”

His woman?

If he said that to me a week ago, I would have been jumping in happiness, but now, all I could register was a heavy feeling of guilt.

Because I no longer felt the same way. Were my sentiments for him so fickle? So much that one night with another man was enough to erase years of yearning.

Or was it that they were never valid in the first place, and I merely deluded myself into thinking I was head over heels for him?

But either way, he deserved to know the truth.

“Caspian….” I start, tearing my gaze away from his. “I have something to tell you.”

“Then tell me.” He urges, but before I can address his concern further, Caspian leaned in, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of my neck. The unexpected gesture sent a shiver down my spine. But he stopped abruptly, pulling back with his mouth slightly parted in awe.

I had worn a long-sleeved turtleneck sweater despite the warm weather, using it to hide my bandages and the numerous marks on my body. But as his hand moved to pull the collar of my sweater down, I panicked.

Caspian’s eyes narrowed, then widened, a mixture of hurt and confusion passing over his features as he examined the hickeys tattooed across my skin.

Hickeys the CEO had imprinted on me.

“Aurelia, what…?”

The room filled with an uncomfortable silence, his question hanging between us, unanswered.

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