The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 124

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 124

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 124: Priority Lane

Following their honeymoon vacation, Shantelle and Evan brought Lucas to the hospital for his regular laboratory tests. So far, Lucas has not shown any drop in blood count. There was little increase, but not enough to allow him to be in public. Lucas still had the same arrangements; staying indoors; homeschooling; and a weekly blood test.

Evan and Shantelle returned to their busy lives in the coming days and followed the same routine. Shantelle’s belly was starting to grow, and along with it, her cravings began to grow as well.

One morning, while Shantelle accepted consults for surgery, one patient walked in with a sandwich. The patient said, “Doc, I’m sorry, I am so hungry. I hope you don’t mind if I eat while we talk.”

Shantelle did not see any problem with her request. She nodded and allowed the consultation to proceed. The patient had lung cancer. She was a habitual smoker that developed a tumor in her early forties.

“Removing your affected lung will still work,” Shantelle spoke, describing the procedure. “It will stop the cancer from spreading through the other parts of your lungs and, of course, to your body.”

As she discussed the surgery, she saw how the avocado spread was seeping out of the sandwich. It just made Shantelle utterly jealous. She just had to ask, “Excuse me, but what sandwich is that, and where did you get that?”

“Oh, Doc, you haven’t tried these? This is the famous steak sandwich at the Blue Cafe, down the street. They made a spread out of mashed avocados.” The woman practically parted the bread for Shantelle to see. “They mix it with tomatoes and onions and have a bit of lemon and then the steak, which is the ultimate heaven. You should really try it.”

“I will definitely try it!” Shantelle claimed.

Through Andy, Evan had sent her some chicken meal for lunch, but after seeing the sandwich, she just could not let it go. Heck, she could not get it out of her head! Her mouth drooled just at the thought of it. So instead of eating her lunch, she asked Andy to drive her to the Blue Cafe, wanting to get a piece of that avocado sandwich.

Shantelle was already fifteen weeks pregnant, and her baby bump was already somewhat evident because she had twins. Plus, she wore a dress that allowed her belly to show.

When Shantelle walked in, she was horrified, seeing the cue to the counters. There were two lines, one for each cashier. In each line, about twenty people were standing! Were they all after the sandwich? It looked like it, seeing how each assisted customer had the famous sandwich in their hand.

She looked around and discovered there was no priority lane. The seniors were standing in the same lane as the other regular customers. How was it possible?

She asked the last person in line, “Excuse me, don’t they have a priority lane?”

The guy simply shrugged and offered, “You can go ahead of me, but I can’t say the same for the others.”

Shantelle shook her head and tried to ask louder, hoping her voice would reach the cashiers or anyone in charge, “Excuse me, don’t you have a priority lane?”

It was as if the cafe staff were deaf. They could not hear Shantelle, or they were too busy to care. She asked the same thing twice, but still, no one attended to her. Most customers also turned a blind eye because they had been lining up for almost an hour.

While Shantelle understood how it must have been so tiring to wait, the truth remained that each establishment should have priority lanes. She considered asking Andy to come out of the car and let him wait to buy the sandwich, but it annoyed her. Doesn’t every store follow the same government- imposed guideline?

She said, “Pregnant woman here, priority must be given.”

Crickets. All Shantelle heard were crickets. What else could she do now? She saw no other option but to use her superpowers. She sucked a breath and loudly announced, “Excuse me! I am Doctor Shantelle Thompson, wife of Evan Thompson!”

Her voice echoed loudly across the cafe. Suddenly everything stilled around her. Heads were turning her way.

‘Huh, finally got your attention now, eh,’ Shantelle said silently before explaining, “I am pregnant. There should be a priority lane for pregnant women, seniors, and persons with disability. How is it that no one is listening to me?”

“She’s Doctor Shant from the news!”

“That’s Mister Thompson’s wife!”

“Misses Thompson? She is so pretty in person!”

Murmurs could be heard throughout the cafe, and instantly, the crowd gave way to her, their hands guiding her to the counters.

“Please go ahead, Misses Thompson,” many customers said, smiling at her like she was a god.

Shantelle walked to the front and said to the counter, “You should have a priority lane.”

“Yes, Misses Thompson. We apologize. We usually let the seniors and pregnant woman take their orders first, but because we were so busy, we did not notice any come in,” the cashier said, bowing at Shantelle.

The cafe manager also stepped out, apologizing to Shantelle about the incident.

Before taking her order, Shantelle urged the seniors to go first. There were only two seniors ahead of her. Only then did she order the famous sandwich.

Shantelle happily got her takeaway, but before leaving, she reminded the cafe manager, “Don’t forget, you should have someone looking out for the priority lane. You try to be pregnant and see if you can wait an hour standing here.”

“Yes, Misses Thompson. It won’t happen again. I promise,” the manager swore.

When Shantelle returned to her office, she had the most orgasmic lunch of her entire life. She absolutely loved the avocado and steak sandwich! What a treat! While disappointed with Cafe Blue, she knew she was bound to walk back into the cafe and order another sandwich in the middle of the week.


Two days passed, and Shantelle’s fears came true. She craved the sandwich. The image of the steak and avocado spread oozing out of the toasted wheat bread simply lingered in her head.

Shantelle asked Andy to drive her to the Blue Caffe once again. When she entered, it was the same scenario. People were waiting in line. To her surprise, the cafe had already established a priority lane. There was a third counter with a huge priority lane label.

She happily lined up at the said counter. The cashier, who was in the same line, recognized her immediately. “Oh, it’s Misses Thompson! Misses Thompson is here!”

It was as if everyone was in a panic at her presence, including the customers. They were all smiling at her, some waving their hands.

“Misses Thompson, right this way, please!” The manager called out of nowhere, urging her to another side of the cafe.

Shantelle reluctantly followed the manager to the farthest end of the cafe counter. To her shock, she saw a label on the countertop, which read: Misses Thompson Priority Lane. 3

Her mouth nearly fell on the floor as she questioned in her head, ‘Since when did I have my own priority lane?’

She had to admit being Evan’s wife has its benefits. ‘Damn.*

Shantelle laughed her heart out. She said, “This is unnecessary.” She snorted and kept laughing, but soon, she took back her words, “But you can keep that there until I give birth.”


A month came, and Shantelle and Evan were driving to the hospital. It was the day of their twin’s gender reveal.

Evan was nervous. He asked, “What do you think they will be? A girl? Or a girl?”

What? You want a girl?” Shantelle asked.

I want Princess Shantys,” Evan happily replied.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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